
Daily Ooos: Monday, July 1!!!


The Loopy-O
I feel like a new woman this morning, back to my regularly scheduled anxieties. So much easier to deal with than the overwhelming party planning. But...
*drum roll*
The party itself-- pulled it off and was a complete success!
The party location, OTOH, got a bit of damage thanks to a freak of nature gust of wind. My BFF has a gorgeous house and yard. They just replaced their deck (it was finished last Monday) and everything was beautiful. She has a pergola on one side with an outdoor sectional, a gas fire pit, and a TV. It's stunning like an outdoor living room. On the other side, she has a brand-new table and umbrella. String lights from the pergola to the side of the deck. A lower deck with an above-ground pool. When we were there on Saturday, I was amazed at how gorgeous and perfect it looked-- like an oasis. She was thrilled and said it was like living in a vacation house.
Halfway through the party, it looked like it was going to storm. As everyone was bringing stuff inside, BFF and my niece were covering up the sofa when a huge gust of wind ripped the pergola from the deck, flipped over and took out the umbrella and table, then flipped once more and ripped out the lights. It was insane :/ One of Cait's friends almost got hit by the pergola but other than the stuff outside, no one got hurt.

But the great news was that Caitlyn was thrilled with her party, everyone had a good time, and it was awesome having the family and friends there to support her. What a crazy wedding weekend too. Dress fitting, shower, all of the gifts for the honeymoon and starting a new life together. ♥
I didn't take as many pics as I would have liked and didn't get one of me, Scott, and Caitlyn. Caitlyn's friend took a bunch with my camera and she took a ton and emailed them to me so I should have a bunch to scrap this month D
here's a group photo:


Ahhh!! OMG!! It's getting *real*!!! :dancingbfly:

Today I have to wash all the tablecloths that got soaked in the rain and unpack the rest of the paper goods. And I have to rest my knee. I hurt it somehow. I think after the fire course, my muscles were tight and achy and I started to favor one side when I was walking. That must have put more pressure on my knee. It was finally feeling better Saturday but being on my feet all day, wearing Converse sneakers, messed it up again. Work begins on Wednesday so I better be ready to hike. At least my hiking boots have better support than Chucks.

Wishing everyone a fantastic day!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday That's fantastic that the second run of the urine test was normal and all fingers are crossed that the last culture comes back that way too.

@BrightEyes saw the balloon photo on FB, what a sight that must be!
Argh, that is frustrating that you already read the book you checked out. I am still waiting to find a book that will hook me 100%

@AK_Tracy I am making another cup, would you like one? :coffeedrinker:

@Cherylndesigns You and the girls run nonstop! Love the image of A taking everything off of the mannequin and popping it on you :D The T-shirt is perfect!
How fun to start golfing again. And to think, you have an instructor right on the compound :D
How is Daisy today? Gary and Caitlyn have weak stomachs so any dog puke cleanup is all on me.

@JeanneMN Years ago, we had tree guys take down trees by climbing up and cutting. Climbing a little bit down, cutting. It was terrifying and fascinating to watch so I understand why you were glued to the window too.

I am going to post, J needs to go outside and I have to change out of my PJs before I stand on the front lawn LOL



The Loopy-O
Bah -- I have no clean shorts. Guess I am doing more than one load of laundry today. At least it is cool out this morning-- 61* and low humidity. Yesterday was around 90* and 70% humidity - everyone was melting. Of all days fo the shower, Saturday was decent. today is gorgeous. Yesterday -- brutal.

@JeanneMN I didn't cry when I saw Caitlyn in the dress but I was super close. Sam and I grabbed hands and that steadied me. I didn't cry yesterday either but came close when Caitlyn got a video call from her childhood bestie. She and Dani grew up together -BFFs since they were 18 months old. Her mom is my BFFATS (Across The Street) and our DDs are more like sisters. Dani moved to FL but is coming up to officiate the wedding and hopefully, I will get to meet her boyfriend -- I have to give final approval as her 2nd mom. Seeing Dani on the phone, Debbie (her mom) next to me, and hearing them talk and say I love you to each other. *melty moms' hearts*
OK-- now I am getting choked up.
My niece Juliet is in Vet School in OK and she obviously didn't come out for the shower but her sister took a photo of the "Advice to the Newlywed card," texted it to Jules, and then wrote in the response for her. It was super special that two of Caitlyn's most special people who couldn't be there physically still made it there in their own ways ♥
We found out on Thursday Jules can't make it to the wedding either She got her course schedule for next semester and she has surgeries scheduled all day. My BIL and SIL had all intentions of flying her up just for the day if she had the day open. Caitlyn and Juliet are sad but Cait is so incredibly proud of Jules for doing what she loves and kicking butt doing it. That takes the sting out.

@BrightEyes Oh wow, that must have been a crazy and long-lasting t-storm. Although I am :giggle4: at the bed being stuck in the upright position LOL
Did DD#3 make it through with no damage? These storms are getting so unpredictable and strong.

jeanne, I hope that someday you are lucky enough to get some nice photos of the hummingbirds. I never manage to get the camera up in time. @bcgal00 sent me a few of her photos and she has an amazing eye, skill, and a steady hand. I'll never even come a fraction of close to that. (That sentence is so badly written but I hope YKWIM Ha!)

@AK_Tracy Thank you for letting me be that MoB. I will do my best to only be positive. If I turned into a Mo Bridezilla- call me out and tell me to shut up :p
BTW- that is how I feel about g-kids. I will most likely never have any of my own so I have to live vicariously through everyone else.
Keep those stories coming!

@Cherylndesigns How nice to meet Alyssa's BF. Is the 2 hours away going to be closer or farther once she is at school?
That's too bad that you didn't make it to the driving range but you have been running a lot so it makes sense to wait.

@mimes1 It felt like it was 1000* here yesterday too. I was amazed that I had any makeup left on my face when I got home. The eye shadow primer I used rocks. Hope that you have cooler weather on deck!



Woke up at 4AM this morning... and couldn't go back to sleep. Just as well... I got my Tic Tac Toe Challenge LO in the gallery and linked to the thread. Then caught up on the last minute additions to the June challenge thread with comments and closed that thread.

WOW... the flooding in Albuquerque night before last made the national news!!! It was a wild night - and lots of problems all over the metro area. Even several transit buses got stuck in the flood waters. I didn't get to talk to DD#3 yet... had to leave a voice mail for her. Okay... to set the record straight about the adjustable bed... I had it raised to about a 45 degree angle when the power went off. Not the most comfortable sleeping position but at least it wasn't totally upright!! We had some rain .... and lightening again last evening so I kept the bed at a lower angle... just in case!!! :floorlaugh: Just looked at the forecast and we have a flood warning again today with heavy rains this afternoon and tonight.. It is cloudy already so the rain may start earlier.

@faerywings Love seeing the photos from the bridal shower and Cait in her wedding dress! Wow... so sorry about the storm hitting during the shower... and glad no one was really injured when the pergola blew off the patio!!! Must have been scary when it happened. Too bad your hip is bothering you... glad you swamp boots have good support.. and hope you can do the hike without any pain.



Well-Known Member
Good morning, glad your shower went well Chris. The dress and your daughter look gorgeous.
I went to an outside party Christening yesterday - it started out HOT and humid as can be, everyone was dripping, even me that loves the heat. We had the dinner part then someone said, "It's going to rain hard in 10 min" so we too went scurrying around putting stuff away, bringing things inside, etc. So cake was inside with air conditioning while it poured and then some of the guys carried one of the open tents down to the end of the driveway and the Scream truck. So, it was a good indoor/outdoor party day.


The Loopy-O
Good morning, glad your shower went well Chris. The dress and your daughter look gorgeous.
I went to an outside party Christening yesterday - it started out HOT and humid as can be, everyone was dripping, even me that loves the heat. We had the dinner part then someone said, "It's going to rain hard in 10 min" so we too went scurrying around putting stuff away, bringing things inside, etc. So cake was inside with air conditioning while it poured and then some of the guys carried one of the open tents down to the end of the driveway and the Scream truck. So, it was a good indoor/outdoor party day.
Lemme guess, this storm hit around 3- 3.15 pm? We were in Cedar Grove so I bet it was the same storm system. A tree came down in BFF's next-door neighbor's yard. Cracked right in half.
I am so glad you were able to get everyone and everything inside in time. :)


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
This is a belly button visit, Innie/outie. I know what I want to download next and what I want to do for a challenge LOL. I've missed the pics Chris, but I'll get caught up. What I don't want to do is financial stuff, but I told myself I wasn't going to get weeks behind again, it's slipping off the rails so I need to listen to my practical self who doesn't come out often. I'll be back later.


Love my O Family!
I feel like a new woman this morning, back to my regularly scheduled anxieties. So much easier to deal with than the overwhelming party planning. But...
*drum roll*
The party itself-- pulled it off and was a complete success!
The party location, OTOH, got a bit of damage thanks to a freak of nature gust of wind. My BFF has a gorgeous house and yard. They just replaced their deck (it was finished last Monday) and everything was beautiful. She has a pergola on one side with an outdoor sectional, a gas fire pit, and a TV. It's stunning like an outdoor living room. On the other side, she has a brand-new table and umbrella. String lights from the pergola to the side of the deck. A lower deck with an above-ground pool. When we were there on Saturday, I was amazed at how gorgeous and perfect it looked-- like an oasis. She was thrilled and said it was like living in a vacation house.
Halfway through the party, it looked like it was going to storm. As everyone was bringing stuff inside, BFF and my niece were covering up the sofa when a huge gust of wind ripped the pergola from the deck, flipped over and took out the umbrella and table, then flipped once more and ripped out the lights. It was insane :/ One of Cait's friends almost got hit by the pergola but other than the stuff outside, no one got hurt.

But the great news was that Caitlyn was thrilled with her party, everyone had a good time, and it was awesome having the family and friends there to support her. What a crazy wedding weekend too. Dress fitting, shower, all of the gifts for the honeymoon and starting a new life together. ♥
I didn't take as many pics as I would have liked and didn't get one of me, Scott, and Caitlyn. Caitlyn's friend took a bunch with my camera and she took a ton and emailed them to me so I should have a bunch to scrap this month D
here's a group photo:
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Ahhh!! OMG!! It's getting *real*!!! :dancingbfly:

Today I have to wash all the tablecloths that got soaked in the rain and unpack the rest of the paper goods. And I have to rest my knee. I hurt it somehow. I think after the fire course, my muscles were tight and achy and I started to favor one side when I was walking. That must have put more pressure on my knee. It was finally feeling better Saturday but being on my feet all day, wearing Converse sneakers, messed it up again. Work begins on Wednesday so I better be ready to hike. At least my hiking boots have better support than Chucks.

Wishing everyone a fantastic day!
AWWW! The dress is beautiful! I love the photo of her and Tom by the balloons! Glad you can move on to other things now, too! Looks like it was a great success and attended well!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Happy July! WE NEED RAIN!!
I have been going all morning!
Went to walk at 7. Did 2 miles in 45 minutes. I took a few pictures while I was there, so was enjoying the stroll, LOL! There was a nice breeze! Good thing because the humidity was horrible!
Came back to the house to get the FB marketplace items to carry to the PO. Needed to know how much to charge her for shipping. Went back to the house to contact her. She OKd everything and sent me the money via pay pal. After that came through, I wrapped the box and took it back to the PO.
In the meantime, another guy contacts me about another bundle of alpha/numeric stamps and we set up a meeting for tonight!
While at the post office, the lady in charge (are they called post masters??), knowing I'm mailing out scrapbooking stuff, told me she used to scrapbook and wants to get back into it. She gave me her email addy and wants me to contact her. I'm hoping maybe I can even sell her some of my hoard! ;)
Including tonight's meeting and the stuff I sold at the yard sale a couple of months back, I will have made about $320 off of my scrapping hoard! Thank You, Lord!
Today I will be working on some signs I painted for Mark's gun range down in the woods, applying sealant.
Have not heard from the ultrasound people yet. The doc said if I don't hear something by Wednesday to let her know.
Mark said he is a bit nauseous today, but he had a really great weekend of practically nausea-free!
Have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. Got lots of little things to do today. Will get out to the park later this morning that has a big sidewalk to throw Remi's ball. We'll go to my friend's place tomorrow instead of today for a doggie playdate since it'll be raining off and on and playing on her acreage is better when its dry. I'll make up some vinaigrette later for a big salad for dinner, the rest is easy, just reheating leftovers.

No contractors here today, it's Canada Day, so they have taken the long wkend off. Hopefully they will be back tomorrow and get back at it. I am hoping the deck is finished in 3 wks so we can host a BBQ with friends. I haven't got high hopes for the roof part of it to be done but at least the railings, stairs and trim done, fingers crossed.

We are enjoying Tracker but I think part of the appeal is the actor himself (Justin Hartley). The show is ok, the storylines are nothing special, but he plays his part well and I like the supporting cast.

@faerywings Thx for sharing some pics. Couldn't make out the group pic b/c of the small photo size but I like the photo of C & T together, so cute. That is crazy about the wind but I get it, it gets like that here too. Hope there wasn't any damage.

Time for more coffee...gotta go. HAGD everyone.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Everyone!
Quick hello before I run out for Shoulder CT. Nothing worse then shoulder pain and we can't figure out why Nope, didn't run into a door. And yes that is what the doc asked. Like I would forget running into a door :floorlaugh: Ok, so maybe I would :floorlaugh:
I am making another cup, would you like one? :coffeedrinker:

Time for more coffee
Chris, looks like you'll be pouring sever cups :coffeedrinker:Get us all caffeinated.

It was super special that two of Caitlyn's most special people who couldn't be there physically still made it there in their own ways ♥
I LOVE THIS!!! How special that they "showed up". I love love love the photos and the dress :love: WOW. Thank you so much for sharing!!!
We had some rain .... and lightening again last evening so I kept the bed at a lower angle... just in case!!! :floorlaugh:
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Yeah for only 45 degrees but oh that had to be uncomfortable. You are brave to raise it again while the lightening and rain is coming down.
This is a belly button visit, Innie/outie.
Oh my goodness :floorlaugh: I fhotuhgt you were commenting on Chris and Marilyn's @MariJ parties and how they went outside then inside. Nope you were talking about a drive by posting and off and running. I had to read it twice :floorlaugh:

Alright, need more coffee, need hot flash to end, need to :showering2: then get out the door. Hate early appointments but it was this or another week from now. For sure need that second cup of coffee. Have a wonderful day!


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon, everyone. I've been away from things for a few days, and will be again after the middle of this week. I pretty much wasn't interesting in chatting. We had to make the terrible, awful decision to put our beloved Chief to sleep this past Thursday. He was a 105 lb polar bear of a dog, and as long as he could help us get him up and down the three steps to the outside, we managed these past few months with a lift harness. However, last week he was noticeably weaker and couldn't even walk 15 feet in the harness without stumbling and needing to rest. Even blind and deaf, with a touch of doggy dementia and a body giving up on him, he was still very affectionate. I took him one last day to the raspberry patch along our backyard fence, which was his favorite place in the world, and I let him eat as many berries as he wanted. I keep looking for him in all his favorite spots, and even walked into the kitchen yesterday to let him lick my yogurt bowl. I will scrap some layouts of him here, but probably not for a while. My ScrapGirls friends know he was a frequent star of my layouts. Sigh. Here come the tears again. We will miss our smart, goofy, cutie face.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon, everyone. I've been away from things for a few days, and will be again after the middle of this week. I pretty much wasn't interesting in chatting. We had to make the terrible, awful decision to put our beloved Chief to sleep this past Thursday. He was a 105 lb polar bear of a dog, and as long as he could help us get him up and down the three steps to the outside, we managed these past few months with a lift harness. However, last week he was noticeably weaker and couldn't even walk 15 feet in the harness without stumbling and needing to rest. Even blind and deaf, with a touch of doggy dementia and a body giving up on him, he was still very affectionate. I took him one last day to the raspberry patch along our backyard fence, which was his favorite place in the world, and I let him eat as many berries as he wanted. I keep looking for him in all his favorite spots, and even walked into the kitchen yesterday to let him lick my yogurt bowl. I will scrap some layouts of him here, but probably not for a while. My ScrapGirls friends know he was a frequent star of my layouts. Sigh. Here come the tears again. We will miss our smart, goofy, cutie face.
I'm SO sorry for your loss, Celestine. My Daisy is 9 and mid-size - I can't even think about it. Chief sounds like an awesome dog and you'll definitely miss him. Sending lots of big hugs to you. :hug3::hug4:


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon, everyone. I've been away from things for a few days, and will be again after the middle of this week. I pretty much wasn't interesting in chatting. We had to make the terrible, awful decision to put our beloved Chief to sleep this past Thursday. He was a 105 lb polar bear of a dog, and as long as he could help us get him up and down the three steps to the outside, we managed these past few months with a lift harness. However, last week he was noticeably weaker and couldn't even walk 15 feet in the harness without stumbling and needing to rest. Even blind and deaf, with a touch of doggy dementia and a body giving up on him, he was still very affectionate. I took him one last day to the raspberry patch along our backyard fence, which was his favorite place in the world, and I let him eat as many berries as he wanted. I keep looking for him in all his favorite spots, and even walked into the kitchen yesterday to let him lick my yogurt bowl. I will scrap some layouts of him here, but probably not for a while. My ScrapGirls friends know he was a frequent star of my layouts. Sigh. Here come the tears again. We will miss our smart, goofy, cutie face.
Oh Celestine I am so sorry!!! Im crying with you. :hug2: I'm so sorry.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, I made it in here before the day was over. OMGosh, Chris @faerywings what a great post - from the wonderful tales from the shower - a toppling gazebo, the dress - THE DRESS! Fabulosity is what it is - that lace around the bottom - swoon! That is SO cool that Cait's friends got to "be there" via electronics. SO utterly wonderful - thank you for sharing all of that with us and what a great looking group of people - love that big group shot. You've had such a big weekend - how will you ever settle back into your normal life? But wait - the big day is yet to come. I can feel those tears trying to come out already.

Yes, it's never too late (switching topics to golf). Never say never - :floorlaugh: We DO have a good instructor right here on the ranch. BTW, he (Drake, Ava's BF) came in second in that major tournament Saturday. He was bummed, but second is not too shabby. I guess the course was extremely difficult and he was tied for first all the way, then got beat out on the17th hole. The next two tournaments are really big ones - the second one is a first rung into the PGA. He's really that good, but what a huge commitment! Ava was keeping a running text with me the whole time. She sent me lots of pictures and videos, too.

They just left - I had put in a grocery order at Walmart earlier and talked to Ava and she said to see if I could change it to late (9 to 10) and they'd pick it up for me. They were coming through town then, so they popped into Wally's and got my groceries. What great kids!

Kay @BrightEyes goodness gracious what a storm and I'm so glad you didn't have to sleep upright again. I LOL'd when I pictured you sleeping like that. I don't think I ever responded to your laughing over Adrienne dismantling that mannikin. She's a hoot - she took that T-shirt off the mannikin and plopped it over my head. She does stuff like that all the time. Ava said it used to embarrass her so bad when they were kids and Adrienne just put clothes on over their clothes to see if they fit. Truth be told, I used to do the same thing - no need to go to the dressing room. You can totally tell if it's going to fit. :lol23:

I'll be back tomorrow - I've also been cleaning today - not my favorite thing to do but somebody has to do it. :mopping::sweeping2::laundry:


Well-Known Member
I am here sort of.... trying to catch up as life away from computer has ben SUPER busy. Hopefully all will settle down some soon so I can be more active in these chatting threads.


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon, everyone. I've been away from things for a few days, and will be again after the middle of this week. I pretty much wasn't interesting in chatting. We had to make the terrible, awful decision to put our beloved Chief to sleep this past Thursday. He was a 105 lb polar bear of a dog, and as long as he could help us get him up and down the three steps to the outside, we managed these past few months with a lift harness. However, last week he was noticeably weaker and couldn't even walk 15 feet in the harness without stumbling and needing to rest. Even blind and deaf, with a touch of doggy dementia and a body giving up on him, he was still very affectionate. I took him one last day to the raspberry patch along our backyard fence, which was his favorite place in the world, and I let him eat as many berries as he wanted. I keep looking for him in all his favorite spots, and even walked into the kitchen yesterday to let him lick my yogurt bowl. I will scrap some layouts of him here, but probably not for a while. My ScrapGirls friends know he was a frequent star of my layouts. Sigh. Here come the tears again. We will miss our smart, goofy, cutie face.
Oh, Celestine, I am so very sorry to hear about the sad decision and loss of Chief. He for sure was a SG friend and I loved how he rallied so many times against very hard odds. I know how you will miss him so.... Sending lots of sympathy and warm hugs, I'm so very very sorry... :sad1::beatingheart::heartpumpred:


Well-Known Member
Lemme guess, this storm hit around 3- 3.15 pm? We were in Cedar Grove so I bet it was the same storm system. A tree came down in BFF's next-door neighbor's yard. Cracked right in half.
I am so glad you were able to get everyone and everything inside in time. :)
Yep, you got it! We were in Livingston so close by, same storm.... I heard about a lot of things blown or damaged but we did ok.


Well-Known Member
Tracy, so sorry about your shoulder. Having had a shoulder injury (unknown as to why for 2 years which complicated it more) - you are right. Even my PT said shoulder pain is the worst. Hoping you get some answers and relief soon. :beatingheart: