
Daily Ooo's: Monday, February 3


The Loopy-O
gosh bleeping dagnabbit!!!!!


Snow! More snow!!!!! And no school. Not sure about work. ughughugh!!!!!!
I think as soon as I am done here, I am going to get a shower and then Cait and are are going to go to Shop Rite and then maybe I can get to work tomorrow before the freaking *next* storm comes though.


(I am really really really freaking out that if it snows and ices like they are saying on Wed and if my appt gets cancelled I am not going to be able to deal with it!!!!!!!!!!)

Did all of you have a nice weekend? Watch the Super Bowl? I watched until half time, I wanted to see my Chili Peppers!

I am off.... no one will want to hear me complain any more about the weather ;)

Love and hugs!
I am off.... no one will want to hear me complain any more about the weather ;)

Love and hugs!

Unlike Chris...I AM going to complain about the weather. It is COLD! And we are supposed to get a snowstorm again tomorrow. And I'm sick to death of winter!!!! Brrr... :flame:I'm kinda liking this little guy this morning. He makes me feel warm.

Hope that everyone is good here. I need to go get caught up. Just want you all to know that I think of you often. Wish I could just spend the day scrapping and hanging out with you guys but work calls! ((hugs))
Chris, i'm feeling responsible for your weather.... that blob that's causing you this grief came from my direction. but it was SO weird here. we got a dusting of snow overnight, 10 miles north of the city. the city got 1/2". just south of town, they got 4-5 inches. ha! better them than me!! looks like the next week is going to be a real mess. so. in advance: SORRY!! :hurt: i hope you're able to get to your appointment. let's get this over with and behind you!! i was supposed to have a GI apointment on Thurs., but my GI lady broke her hip, so it's been pushed into March. hopefully the weather will be better by then. maybe.

today i have a few errands to run, then i have to get home and wait for a dishwasher repairman to show up SOMETIME between noon and 5. sigh.

i'll stop by later to see what's going on. may you avoid falling moisture today! :becky:
OK, Linda. you're west of ME, so maybe i can blame this weather on YOU!! :pound: hope all's well with you and your family. it's so good seeing you here!
quick drive by- starting to get life in order- (and weight off) back to a quick work out this am and taking the amish whoopie pies my husband left me to work- lest you think I am being good- I have 2 lava personal lava cakes and whip cream- I am the queen of run on sentences!! Linda- great to see you here, but you can keep the weather!!
good morning It is snowing hard in my town and one road is already closed due to a car accident and this is just the first of 3 storms expected for the next week to 10 days. Today I am expect 6-10 inches, then Wed another round 4-5 and then they are saying a monster nor'easter with feet of snow this weekend. So yes Phylis this is that ground hog from your state that saw his shadow causing winter to hang on. I have a NJ Devils game tonight so I guess I will be trekking through the snow to the train station. I did watch the Super Bowl but it was pretty much over after the safety. I was hoping for a much closer game.

Chris drive carefully!

Phylis glad the storm mostly missed you.

Linda and Laurie glad to see you and glad you lives are settling back down.
Morning ladies, very late getting in here today, but I slept in!!!! Hooray, had a horrible sleep the night before! It could have been because we all drank too much wine and stayed up too late?? So no need to feel sorry for me as it was all self induced pain!!

Had a great time at hubby's birthday party and much to my surprise the SIL's actually helped out a lot!! Now to get the rest of the house cleaned up. Waiting for Heather and Mason to FaceTime with me and then hopefully get a walk in. It is very chilly here today, but the sun is out and fresh snow on the mountains, so as long as it stays there I am ok with that!!

Chris - Winter has to end soon!! Try not to freak out too much, it doesn't help anything!! I know that you are so sick of winter!! Wish I could change things for you, and I will send you positive vibes that you appt. does not get cancelled!! You really need to get this over and done with!!! :hug:

LindaS - We think of you often too!! Miss you here at the "O"! Hope your winter weather takes a hike soon!!

Phylis - Hope you don't end up waiting for the dishwasher repair guy for too long! Keep the faith that winter has to end sometime soon!! Although not soon enough for you I am sure!!

Laurie - Back to the workouts and so glad that you are getting back into the swing of things after your horrible January!!

Nancy - OMG will the snow ever end?? Yes the Superbowl was a bit of a disappointment wasn't it!! Dress warm for that trek through the snow to see your Devil's play! You are one devoted fan!!!

Ok need to talk with DD soon, so better get some breakfast in me first. She is very down these days as she wished she could have been here for her Dad's big birthday!! Hopefully I can help to get her out of her funk!! I wish she lived so much closer to us, I would just drive over and give her a break!!
hope you all have as good a day as you can, think SPRING!!! :wave:
Hey ladies! Today has been a super lazy kind of day but that's okay, I deserve it after all the work I did yesterday! We had a HUGE party here for the big game (always do) and then I came in and crashed at the end of it :p All I did yesterday was cook and clean and my knee paid the price for it too! My therapist fussed at me for not taking it easier :rant: No snow here at the moment, not really expecting any till this weekend I think if I looked at the forecast right. All it has done here all night and all day is rain, rain, rain. Yuck!

Chris - I feel you on the snow! If there had been another snow day at school I probably would have pulled my hair out. Don't get me wrong, I love my child but I love my time to myself too!

Linda - Hope your weather goes on vacation with Chris' snow! Hopefully you'll get to come around more so I can get to know you better :)

Phylis - Hope your dishwasher repair was speedy! I haven't had one in years....I am my dishwasher :p

Laurie - I soooooo need to get myself back to the gym and get back into a routine but this knee has kind of halted that at the moment. Therapy is my workout, LOL. Thankfully my therapist is a drill sergeant.

Nancy - I totally agree about not having a close game and making me lose interest. I only watched because I was involved with the gambling on it we do here every year. Had to see if I won any money, sadly I didn't. I honestly felt like the commercials were a let down too!

Trudy - LOL @ self induced pain! Glad you were able to make up for the lost sleep last night! Sometimes we need that!

Me Me Monday - Right now all I'm going to do for me is continue to chill, relax and maybe even scrap a little! Glad to have my child home after a weekend at his dads, always feel better when he's here!