
Daily Ooos: Monday, February 24


The Loopy-O
helllOOO and happy Monday!
Did your weekend fly by as quickly as mine?
When we had dinner yesterday, I thought it was Friday. But it's not, it is Monday and I am excited that the weather is going to be decent for the field trip. 40 today and maybe 45* tomorrow. I asked Lauren to email my HS parents to remind them to make sure the kids had good boots and extra pants cuz we are gonna be outside!!

Yesterday was mostly a mishmash of house stuff, work stuff, and a little bit of faery house building at the end of the day.
Tom went over to the new shop he is working at at started to set up his room. I am so excited for him. He doesn't have an official start date since he needs to be cleared by the town's health dept but he is now up to date on vaccines. Hep B and anything bloodborne is important and I am relieved that this shop takes it very seriously.

I saw my first white-throated sparrow yesterday. I love that I can actually see them as they come to the feeder. Which of course the squirrels emptied on me again. Blergh.

I'm going to post this, move my car for Caitlyn, and be back for personals.

Morning, gals. Yesterday was busy all day. Took the whole day to get all the laundry done 8AM till 5PM!!! That's what happens when I let the hampers get over-full! I also managed to clean both bathrooms and dust all the rooms and straighten up and put away things. Must admit that the back wasn't/isn't too happy right now but well worth the effort to get it all done. Will be cooking the enchilada sauce today and chopping the veggies for tomorrow's lunch. Going to be resting in the recliner off and on while the sauce cooks.
Not surprised the back was hurting but at least you have everything done and ready for your niece today! Have a wonderful time ♥
WOW... I had not watched the news yesterday, so did not see the news about the shooting at the base!!! Yes... that is the base I go to - but it was at the Truman gate area - not the main gate entrance I normally use (it is about a mile away). And it was at 2AM so not much traffic in the area. The news is being limited about what happened.
I just caught the one run on the radio when I was driving home, it was 1010 WINS, a NYC-based news station. I've never been on a base so I think in my mind it is a very large shopping mall or something like that. It must be more like a town, a corporate park, and housing developments. Glad it doesn;t sound like anything you need to be concerned about --but still :(

We might get to 70 temp wise this week!
No way!!!
Did you get all caught up on laundry? I am -- for now. You know what today will bring. More :laundry:!

It was a wonderful gift. A bucket list item so it was extra special. The next trip is my daughter and I. Since she has the same thing and I was there for all 7 of her surgeries (she was more advanced stage then me) she wants to be there for me. Plus the Doc loves her (non romantically) and how she fought so hard to get insurance to cover her surgeries. She was one of his first private practice patients and it took a year fighting insurance to get covered. So she's excited to be caretaker this time around. Its the strangest thing to get home, unpack 90% and know that in a couple days I gotta pack the rest of the stuff. But it will be just carry ons this time so not too much to pack. Plus amazon in WA is way faster then in AK so if I need something no big deal.
You have a truly amazing and supportive family-- IRL and the O-Fam! :giggle4:
How are you feeling, I am yelling at the germs to stay the heck away from you! Me ~> :rollingpin1:

Good morning ladies. I'll be heading out soon to the artisan market with a friend but first I need to get dressed and get out for a walk with Remi. Last night was the third and final installment of the oscar short films. Can't wait to see which ones win. Got home a little earlier (just after 11). Headed to bed and slept fairly well (no wonder, I was exhausted LOL).
I am not surprised you were exhausted!
I hope that the weather continues to stay warm. For all of us!

I made two more bracelets last night. I pulled one of the necklaces apart from the jewelry assortment I got last week from the thrift store. I have enough beads left over from that one piece to make at least 1 necklace and a few more bracelets (with a bit from my stash included). I'll make another bracelet for my friend as a thank you for grabbing that container before it was put out for sale (she works at the store and also got to apply her discount). What a great deal for me.
I hope you took some pics to share with us! And that is so sweet to make the thank you gift for your friend.

wishing all of you a wonderful day and I hope some of you who have been quiet, perhaps lurking say hi!
The weekend flew by.Worked on stuff at the club- fertilizing plants and weeding then came home and repotted some plants. Pruned the fig trees and started new cuttings.. We smoked a pork shoulder for the dinner at the club tonight. When we were in Memphis we had lunch at B.B. King restaurant and hubby loved the pulled pork over tater tots so that is what we are making. I am making a mustard coleslaw that we had in Muscle Shoals a few years ago...I guess it's a travel inspired meal.

@bcgal00 using beads from thrift store jewelry is brilliant...got to tell me beading friend about that.

@vickyday I hope it gets to 70 for all of you up there you deserve it.

Out of time. I'm off to my last PT. Then over to get some milkweed for the monarchs.
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Not surprised the back was hurting but at least you have everything done and ready for your niece today! Have a wonderful time ♥

I just caught the one run on the radio when I was driving home, it was 1010 WINS, a NYC-based news station. I've never been on a base so I think in my mind it is a very large shopping mall or something like that. It must be more like a town, a corporate park, and housing developments. Glad it doesn;t sound like anything you need to be concerned about --but still :(
You had me :floorlaugh: .... it is NOT like a large shopping mall!!! The Air Force Base is like a town... with houses, apartment buildings, schools, grocery store and base Exchange (store) plus lots of other buildings and the airplane hangers and the large airport with runways which are shared with the city airport. The city airport buildings/hangers are on the west side and the Air Force base hangers are near the east side. It covers lots of square miles with several security gates/entrances... and requires Military ID to enter. No, a shooting on the base is rare and not something I need to worry about.

Quick in and out this morning. Still have to take a shower and get dressed. Plus I need to make the peach cobbler for lunch dessert. Yes, it is going to be warm here today - 72*F! ! ! ! And 70*F tomorrow!!! Then it will be back in the mid-60's. Feels like spring has arrived!!! Have a Good Day!
Good Morning everyone, it is another rainy, wet day. We had a good visit with my SIL Veronica and her daughter Nicci last night. So strange to go to their house and not have my brother greet us at the door. I sure miss that smiling face and wonderful big hugs!! Lots of tears and lots of catching up, my poor SIL has lost a lot of weight and is looks exhausted!! So thankful that her daughter is their to help her through this!! We are planning on getting together again soon for a hike to Stoney Hill and perhaps out for brunch or lunch as soon as the weather permits. I have lots of cleaning left to do today as Sunday's are usually my cleaning and laundry days. I did manage to get the :laundry:done. Oh and my problem with the ants has returned, so I will head to the hardware store today to get more ant traps, wish I could figure out where they are coming from!! It will be another sad day, as we just found that SIL Sharon's man (Scott) passed away in hospice. A blessing I suppose as he was in a lot of pain. Only 60 years old, far too young, dam cancer!! But he did nothing to take care of his body/health. Still so sad! Anyway I need to get dressed and start on the house cleaning. Hopefully I will have time to pop back in this afternoon. I hope you all have a good Monday!
Good Morning!

Hep B and anything bloodborne is important and I am relieved that this shop takes it very seriously.
What is his job? I remember he wanted to move closer to the house but I dont know if I ever knew what he does for work. Hopefully he gets the clearance he needs to actually start soon.

You have a truly amazing and supportive family-- IRL and the O-Fam! :giggle4:
How are you feeling, I am yelling at the germs to stay the heck away from you! Me ~> :rollingpin1:
I really do. I have the best, supportive family ever!!! And yes, its IRL and my O fam!!!!
I have been so good with the germ. Its super hard not to hug the hubs. But I take vitamins (extra doses) and tell him stay away. He knows and hes been super good about staying away. First day we were home he stayed in the bedroom and didn't come out but for food and water.
The weekend flew by.Worked on stuff at the club- fertilizing plants and weeding then came home and repotted some plants. Pruned the fig trees and started new cuttings.. We smoked a pork shoulder for the dinner at the club tonight. When we were in Memphis we had lunch at B.B. King restaurant and hubby loved the pulled pork over tater tots so that is what we are making. I am making a mustard coleslaw that we had in Muscle Shoals a few years ago...I guess it's a travel inspired meal.
Oh my goodness Debby, I wanna visit. I want to se the amazing garden you must have. I promise not to touch a thing with my black thumbs. And I want to eat your travel inspired meals, they sound amazing. Mostly I just wanna sit on the patio and drink wine and laugh with you. :heartpumppink: The gardens sound amazing. Our grow season is short and I cant grow anything LOL I'm told by hubs and youngest, DONT TOUCH the plants :floorlaugh:
Plus I need to make the peach cobbler for lunch dessert.
Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh this sounds amazing!!! I love a good peach cobbler. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your family.

@taxed4ever Trudy.....:hug2::heartpumppink: I'm so glad you had a good visit with your SIL. I can imagine how hard it was to go to their house and not be greeted by your brother. And then to get news from your other SIL that her man passed. I feel like you keep getting hit with hard losses.

Today is mostly a stay home day. Have to go get meds for surgery and finish cleaning house. Kids did awesome while we were gone so there isn't a ton to do, just Monday cleaning that happens each week. Time to get started and get more coffee. Have a wonderful Monday!
Yesterday we went to a winery, planning to play a game at an inside table, but the deck was open and was on the sunny side of the building, and it was so deliciously warm we were able to sit outside and look at the mountains. It's supposed to be mid 50s today so I'm biking again! Finally! David outside bringing order to the yard. I have every hope we've turned the corner on this awful winter.

I downloaded Carol W's challenge template, found a couple pictures of my granddaughter, so proud of having made lunch for the family on a day she was off from school, used a couple of her kits that I had and made a nice page. Then I went to post it, only to discover the kits were bought on ScrapGirls and she doesn't have them listed for sale here. Oh well, I can't share it, but it will go into this year's photobook.

I don't know why we have stinkbugs in the house this year! We never had more than a couple before. Last night I was sitting on the couch reading from my iPad, and one walked right up the side of it. They're slow, and not particularly gross, so I can just grab them and throw them outside but where the heck are they coming from?!!?

I'm off now to get dressed for biking, it's beautiful outside!
I downloaded Carol W's challenge template, found a couple pictures of my granddaughter, so proud of having made lunch for the family on a day she was off from school, used a couple of her kits that I had and made a nice page. Then I went to post it, only to discover the kits were bought on ScrapGirls and she doesn't have them listed for sale here. Oh well, I can't share it, but it will go into this year's photobook.
Oooohhhhh. would love to see the layout. You can post here in the comments. Just make it a small screenshot and share it. :heartpumppink: I had to make a folder marked OScraps and put a copy of my O purchases in it so I could keep straight what I could use here. I think I have three copies of everything I own :giggle4: One in my personal files for scrapping, one in my O files and one where they're all mixed up by what they are, like hearts, flowers, snowmen, etc. Many times a layout inspiration happens and I find its a SG kit but slowly the O kits are adding up and its easier.
Good morning ladies. I'm heading out with Remi in a few min for a walk and then we'll head over to Costco. I'll work on some scrap stuff and jewelry design later. I'm sure the day will fly by.

I decided to make a chili/hamburger/cheese dip to bring tomorrow for the potluck with friends. I love the little casserole crockpot I ordered from amazon. It is the perfect size for a big batch of dip. It comes with a small oval insert that looks like a casserole dish so just have to remove it from the base and serve.

It's so nice to have warm weather. A friend and I went to a few Calgary markets yesterday and all I need to wear was a heavy sweater, didn't even need to button up. It's about time!

Here's the first crocheted wire bracelet I made and I'm happy with it. Ordered some little bead covers so I will place one on either side of the clasp b/c I don't like the twisted wire showing the way it does (I know, I'm being picky lol).


Talked to the store yesterday and I have to fill out the application and send in pics jewelry and bio to get accepted for selling in one or more of their 3 stores in Okotoks and Calgary. I hope to have enough product made over the next month to get registered and set up for May.

@faerywings I bet Tom is anxious to get started at his new job.
@taxed4ever So much loss lately, hope happier times come soon for all of you. It's a lot to go through. That sucks about the ants and needing more traps.
@AK_Tracy Having a wonderful supportive family is...wonderful! We are a small family but very supportive of each other too.

Remi is staring at me so I'd better get out of my chair and get going on my day. BFN
Good Afternoon!
Been a busy day. I did actual, physical grocery shopping this morning! Made the church bank deposit while out. Came home and put the groceries away. Started some more laundry (towels/wash cloths). Stopped the process to go to lunch with Mark. Stopped at the PO while out. When I got back home I started chopping veggies for a new soup a friend from church told me about. It's a cabbage soup by Oh She Glows blogger. Her recipe (Angela Liddon) is in a recipe book called, Oh She Glows Every Day. It's called, Metabolism-Revving Spicy Cabbage Soup. It uses a special spice mix she created. It's pretty good! I had to sample it before I serve it to Mark, ya know! ;). I need to fix some cornbread to go with it!

Other than that I wrote a letter to a cousin of mine that I haven't seen in years and years! I'll do some more scrapping later, at least my daily ATC.

Tom went over to the new shop he is working at at started to set up his room.
That's great! Hope he actually starts soon!
I saw my first white-throated sparrow yesterday
Aren't they beautiful?! This is the first year I have seen any of them at my feeders, too!
squirrels emptied on me again.
No way!!!
Did you get all caught up on laundry?
YES! Way!! It's 60 right now!
I'm doing just a bit more laundry today....towels, etc.
I hope it gets to 70 for all of you up there you deserve it.
Me, too!!! I'm ready to wear some capris and flip flops!!
Yes, it is going to be warm here today - 72*F! ! ! ! And 70*F tomorrow!!! Then it will be back in the mid-60's. Feels like spring has arrived!!!
And I love it! I just have to keep reminding myself it is still winter for a while!
It will be another sad day, as we just found that SIL Sharon's man (Scott) passed away in hospice. A blessing I suppose as he was in a lot of pain. Only 60 years old, far too young, dam cancer!!
So sad! My Tim was only 62 when the melanoma took him after it got into his brain he only lasted 3 months.
we have stinkbugs
I abhor those things!
They're slow, and not particularly gross, so I can just grab them and throw them outside
I just flick them away! I can't actually grab them!
It's so nice to have warm weather. A friend and I went to a few Calgary markets yesterday and all I need to wear was a heavy sweater, didn't even need to button up. It's about time!
AMEN! I am so ready for warm weather!
crocheted wire bracelet
The bracelet is beautiful! Did you crochet the wire?
Talked to the store yesterday and I have to fill out the application and send in pics jewelry and bio to get accepted for selling in one or more of their 3 stores in Okotoks and Calgary.
I hope you can get into their stores, Rae!

Have a great evening!
@vickyday Yes, I did crochet the wire. That was the first time I attempted that and it was fun but tiring for my hand. I'm going to pick up another set of hooks with a softer grip to help with hand fatigue.