
Daily Ooos: Monday, February 17


The Loopy-O
Happy, happy Monday, O-Fam!

*gets ready to :rantonoff: about the weather, remembers to turn on my therapy light and maybe I won't rant after all*
It sure is cold and windy and all the mushy snow is now solid ice.
(See that wasn't a rant, it was a factual statement.)

I hope that you are all doing great wherever you are and whatever the weather might be.
I spent a lot of time glaring at the rain and ice and fog yesterday. And I felt bad for the birds stuck it in but they are much more waterproof than I am.

I tried to get organized for the week and maybe accomplished 75% of what I needed to do. Big items checked off: Grocery order, state taxes and the AJ challenge for next week (not totally finished but 90% so I am counting it LOL)

As I was getting ready to shut down the computer for the night, I checked the registration doc for HS that started tomorrow. I had been checking it obsessively this weekend with no changes- only 2 kids signed up. However--- *drumroll* There are four kids! :woohoo:
That made me freak out a bit since I hadn't been working on my lessons for weeks so I had no idea what I was going to be doing. Looks like the group is 2 6-yos, and 8 and 9 yo. I am so excited! Of course, the weather is going to be sunny but very cold tomorrow. High of 21*F and windy. I'll be working on plans this afternoon to get a decent mix of indoor and outdoor activities.
This morning Gary and I are seeing the LLMD. The last week of Tindmax for me was not bad at all. I had more fatigue, slight headaches, and irritability but *nothing* like the first round. I know she is going to want to keep me on another 3-month course of abx but *fingers crossed* Maybe she'll say I am fine and can stop. This is highly unlikely but I can dream.

That's about it.
I ended up getting the new DVDs into the DVD inventory on the computer and printed it out for my notebook. Other than that, I kicked back and read and watched some Netflix. I was too tired to start watching ROME (an HBO series)... as it has about 30+ episodes in the 2 seasons.
Sounds like it was a wonderful day!
What did you end up watching on Netflix?

I have a book rec for Jodi Picoult fans: By Any Other Name
It's about a woman who writes a play about her ancestor who *possibly* wrote plays for Shakespeare. It flips between current-day NYC and Elizabethan England. I am halfway through and I am fascinated!

@scrapinmom Enjoy Mardi Gras!! I hope that your back doesn't hurt so much that you can't have a great time. When will you know about the surgery?

What gave you hives?
I am allergic to the rats. It doesn't stop me from playing or snuggling with them but I get terrible itchy welts. Thankfully, Allegra does the trick :D
Are the pictures something that can be transferred to your computer to use in scrapping? What is the resolution of the pics? Do you know?
Yes, you can save the videos and photos from the app to your phone. Then I email the files to myself. The page I did for Feb 52 Inspirations challenge is from a photo I saved. I boosted the brightness/saturation a little but IMHO, came out pretty good!

I looked at a few that I saved and they are 1920 x1080 2 MP-- here's one to show youe3b8449f-396d-41a2-b0cf-96a7958208d3.jpeg
He is sooo cute! ♥
I hope that the weather cooperates for you tomorrow too.
Yes, supposed to warm up to high 40's, but it's still so cold inside. Nasty indeed, it's miserable looking outside and was raining pretty hard for awhile. Not sure why I still see snow, though. Grrrrrrrrr.... Makes me cranky. :cold: o_O:eek::heartpumpred:
I know we were above freezing but it was miserable outside. just YUCK! :crying1:

Lobe to you all! ♥
Big wind gusts yesterday, so I got a report of a tree down on the trails this morning. It wasn’t too big so David and I have already been out to clear it. Big ones that need chain saw we have to leave to county Parks & Rec; they don’t allow us to use chain saws. Wednesday’s snow forecast has diminished from 6” to 1”. I hope they’re right because we are supposed to clear a new trail Saturday and can’t do that with a half foot of snow on the ground.

We got a contract signed to sell mom’s condo!dance4
She’s a nervous wreck that something will fall apart in the 5 weeks between now and closing, but it’s always a nerve-wracking time. I just tell her not to worry, she was smart enough to have 5 kids so we won’t let her live on the streets.

I actually have to go and take a shower so I can do what I planned today. Keep warm!
Happy, happy Monday, O-Fam!

*gets ready to :rantonoff: about the weather, remembers to turn on my therapy light and maybe I won't rant after all*
It sure is cold and windy and all the mushy snow is now solid ice.
(See that wasn't a rant, it was a factual statement.)

I hope that you are all doing great wherever you are and whatever the weather might be.
I spent a lot of time glaring at the rain and ice and fog yesterday. And I felt bad for the birds stuck it in but they are much more waterproof than I am.

I tried to get organized for the week and maybe accomplished 75% of what I needed to do. Big items checked off: Grocery order, state taxes and the AJ challenge for next week (not totally finished but 90% so I am counting it LOL)

As I was getting ready to shut down the computer for the night, I checked the registration doc for HS that started tomorrow. I had been checking it obsessively this weekend with no changes- only 2 kids signed up. However--- *drumroll* There are four kids! :woohoo:
That made me freak out a bit since I hadn't been working on my lessons for weeks so I had no idea what I was going to be doing. Looks like the group is 2 6-yos, and 8 and 9 yo. I am so excited! Of course, the weather is going to be sunny but very cold tomorrow. High of 21*F and windy. I'll be working on plans this afternoon to get a decent mix of indoor and outdoor activities.
This morning Gary and I are seeing the LLMD. The last week of Tindmax for me was not bad at all. I had more fatigue, slight headaches, and irritability but *nothing* like the first round. I know she is going to want to keep me on another 3-month course of abx but *fingers crossed* Maybe she'll say I am fine and can stop. This is highly unlikely but I can dream.

That's about it.
Here's hoping the abx is done for you!
Speaking of birds, my birds have all but vanished this past week. I hope the bird flu has not attacked them! But I'm hoping its the mockingbird that has driven them away! It's time for him to go, if that is the case! I've only seen a wren, a chickadee and saw a cardinal this morning but not at the feeders. The cardinals rarely go to the feeders. They pick up the leftovers on the deck.
Good morning ladies. We had a fun game day yesterday with friends. They made a yummy crockpot pork tenderloin and I brought parmesan garlic mashed potatoes in the crockpot. When we got home we got into our jammies and made the bourbon hot choc kits I had bought for all of us. When I texted to say we were just drinking ours, they texted that they had just finished theirs. We agreed it was the best any of us had ever had. Good thing they are only sold one week out of the year LOL. I would be tempted all the time.

Today I have some jewelry designs to work on. I chatted with the two staff members at the artisan market and they both say the owner is awesome and everyone is happy with selling there. I will meet up again with the owner in the next week or so to show some pieces and figure out my space in the store and discuss displays and marketing materials.

I have a busy day ahead so not much time to chitchat.

@faerywings Love to see the bird camera photos...so fun!

I need to get out with Remi and will bundle up, it's -23C (windchill feels like -33...brrr). This is the coldest and then it starts to warm up, getting up to 10C (50F) by the end of the wkend. I can't wait for the warmer weather. I love the winter beauty out there but I've been seeing it for over 2 mths, I'm ready for warmer temps.

HAGD everyone. Gotta go.
Sounds like it was a wonderful day!
What did you end up watching on Netflix?

I have a book rec for Jodi Picoult fans: By Any Other Name
It's about a woman who writes a play about her ancestor who *possibly* wrote plays for Shakespeare. It flips between current-day NYC and Elizabethan England. I am halfway through and I am fascinated!

@scrapinmom Enjoy Mardi Gras!! I hope that your back doesn't hurt so much that you can't have a great time. When will you know about the surgery?

I am allergic to the rats. It doesn't stop me from playing or snuggling with them but I get terrible itchy welts. Thankfully, Allegra does the trick :D

Yes, you can save the videos and photos from the app to your phone. Then I email the files to myself. The page I did for Feb 52 Inspirations challenge is from a photo I saved. I boosted the brightness/saturation a little but IMHO, came out pretty good!

I looked at a few that I saved and they are 1920 x1080 2 MP-- here's one to show youView attachment 440922
He is sooo cute! ♥
I hope that the weather cooperates for you tomorrow too.

I know we were above freezing but it was miserable outside. just YUCK! :crying1:

Lobe to you all! ♥
Yes, I love our titmice! They are definitely cute! And the Carolina wrens are feisty! Your 52 inspirations page was beautiful!
Looks like our weather is going to hold off until Wednesday at last look! I'm to the point of getting this meeting done so we can move on! I'm tired of holding onto the devotion I have prepared, LOL! I want to work on another one! ;)
Good Afternoon,
Been a busy day that has gotten away from me! DH will be home shortly!
Got up at 8 and did some reading for about an hour and a half until the grocery store informed me my order was ready to pick up. Took the church deposit with me only to discover the bank was closed because of President's Day! I never remember those federal holidays since I am not working.
Picked the groceries up and remembered we forgot to check the church mailbox yesterday! I don't know when that will ever become second nature! Anyway, I decided while I was out and about to run over and check the box. At least the trip was not wasted. There was an electric bill in the box. I also took some pictures of the daffodils that have popped through the pine needle cover both at the church and at the parsonage. I guess the crocus and hyacinth that I planted at the parsonage while we lived there did not survive.
After the church stop I headed to the house to put the groceries away and then left to pick up Mark for lunch. I had fixed myself some coffee before leaving the house to get him because I had to wait to get the groceries before I could make it as I ran out of French vanilla creamer yesterday. We went to the local diner and I had a bacon and egg sandwich to enjoy my coffee with! Mark got a burger. He likes double patties. That's way too much meat for me! To each their own, LOL!
This afternoon I've been doing laundry. Also been chasing the mockingbird away from the feeders. He has been chasing the other birds away. Not happening, big bully! He even ran a thrasher off! That's OK because they are BIG, too!
And that's about it for me today.
Have a great evening!
@AK_Tracy hope you are doing well! I am assuming you are away for your surgery! Praying things are going well!
Good afternoon! Today is my last day of staycation. In preparation of bad weather, the State of Missouri has issued a travel advisory for employees. I work for the state so this affects me. I can either work from home, attempt to travel in or take PTO. Since I didn't bring my laptop home with me, it looks like I will be attempting to travel in. This may change depending on how much snow we get. My son and his fiance may come by for dinner tonight which will be a treat since I don't get to see them very often. Hope everyone has a great day!