
Daily Ooos: Monday, December 30


The Loopy-O
Ahhh! :D It's the first Monday in a long time that I didn't feel the need to jump out of bed as if it were on fire.

I haven't read any news about 2 women rampaging through Las Vegas (yet) so I am guessing @pachimac and @Cherylndesigns are behaving themselves. Or they are very good at disguises :neener:

How was everyone's "weekend?" I put that in quotes b/c was it even a weekend?
Me-- I worked almost the entire day. I put some additional details and options in the Field Trip plans for this Friday. We have had snow on the ground for weeks so the idea was to look for animal tracks and a STEM snowman-building challenge. And guess what? The snow is allll gone. It's above freezing (in the 50s today) and rainy. I also got all six weeks of HS plans sketched out but will need to be fine-tuned once I know the ages of who sign up.

The big plan for today is to start taking down the tree which always takes forever. We have too many ornaments. But I love them all. :D
I'll be taking the rats out to play for a while. Caitlyn and Tom got new sheets for Christmas and they crazily put them on the bed before they left. Meanwhile, I am trying to make sure the girls don't chew holes in the brand-new sheets. That's like asking a toddler to not knock grape juice on the brand new sofa :rotfl:

I'm also going to restart yoga ah-gain. The last couple of weeks, there wasn't much time and/or mental energy. I shoot for three sessions/week and pfft. I was lucky if I squeezed in one.
I'm writing that ^^ to make myself accountable. Please ask me tomorrow if I did yoga and :spanking: if I didn't.


@mimes1 I am so proud of myslef. I had a million questions about birds and making fat balls that I wanted to ask you but I was a big girl and found the answers on my own :D
Although I *do* have a question now that I think of it... Cheerios for birds? Yay or Nay? I saw an equal amount on both sides. I know the plain ones are safe for rats as treats but I can't seem to get a definitive answer -- or at least one I am comfortable with-- for wild birds.
I'm so happy that you have Belle home. And yay about the bathroom! Don't share it with anybody :D
A Color Play LO for December-- Oh no, I don't think I did that one...... eep.
Enjoy the back-to-work part. Is today Belle's first day? Good luck to her if it is!

@vickyday that stinks about the ATC's not beign print worthy. Any chance they are on FB? I can download other people's (like my SIL's) photos from FB and when I open them on a LO they aren't usually pixelated. I'm wracking my brain to think of something that might work.

@BrightEyes What a fun night you and DD3# had! That's so awesome that she stayed over and had a girls' night with you ♥

@AK_Tracy I told Gary I was spending every day in my PJs while the kids were gone. Although, how can he tell the difference? My PJs are basically baggy pants and a sweatshirt. LOL
Wow, the surgeries sound intense. All of my love and easy healing thoughts are with you :hug1:

@bcgal00 I can't imagine not having coffee in the mornings but it's not good that your stomach gets upset. I hope that ends soon.
Your IP soup sounds delicious!!!! I have chicken in the freezer. I might need to make that soon. Maybe tomorrow since Cait and Tom won't be here.
The Manitoba trip sounds phenomenal and the wildlife is going to be awesome!!! I am soooo excited for you!

Vicky- Gary swears by Solid State HDs. Please don't ask for any more details b/c I don't; understand but he always says they won't crash/get corrupted like a "regular" HD will.
TY for the prayers for Gary-- on top of the Lyme and Covid he also is on Tindmax this week. Wish us all luck! LOL

I'm with you all. I have three pairs of jeans and like 5 dressy sweaters/tops that I rotate through. On Christmas Eve, I looked at the pics from last year to see what combo I wore so I didn't end up with the same :giggle4:
I love that work clothes are leggings and Weis logo t-shirts!
Ahhh! :D It's the first Monday in a long time that I didn't feel the need to jump out of bed as if it were on fire.

I haven't read any news about 2 women rampaging through Las Vegas (yet) so I am guessing @pachimac and @Cherylndesigns are behaving themselves. Or they are very good at disguises :neener:

How was everyone's "weekend?" I put that in quotes b/c was it even a weekend?
Me-- I worked almost the entire day. I put some additional details and options in the Field Trip plans for this Friday. We have had snow on the ground for weeks so the idea was to look for animal tracks and a STEM snowman-building challenge. And guess what? The snow is allll gone. It's above freezing (in the 50s today) and rainy. I also got all six weeks of HS plans sketched out but will need to be fine-tuned once I know the ages of who sign up.

The big plan for today is to start taking down the tree which always takes forever. We have too many ornaments. But I love them all. :D
I'll be taking the rats out to play for a while. Caitlyn and Tom got new sheets for Christmas and they crazily put them on the bed before they left. Meanwhile, I am trying to make sure the girls don't chew holes in the brand-new sheets. That's like asking a toddler to not knock grape juice on the brand new sofa :rotfl:

I'm also going to restart yoga ah-gain. The last couple of weeks, there wasn't much time and/or mental energy. I shoot for three sessions/week and pfft. I was lucky if I squeezed in one.
I'm writing that ^^ to make myself accountable. Please ask me tomorrow if I did yoga and :spanking: if I didn't.


So glad you can be a bit calmer today! I can hear it in your voice! ;)
@mimes1 I am so proud of myslef. I had a million questions about birds and making fat balls that I wanted to ask you but I was a big girl and found the answers on my own :D
Although I *do* have a question now that I think of it... Cheerios for birds? Yay or Nay? I saw an equal amount on both sides. I know the plain ones are safe for rats as treats but I can't seem to get a definitive answer -- or at least one I am comfortable with-- for wild birds.
I'm so happy that you have Belle home. And yay about the bathroom! Don't share it with anybody :D
A Color Play LO for December-- Oh no, I don't think I did that one...... eep.
Enjoy the back-to-work part. Is today Belle's first day? Good luck to her if it is!

@vickyday that stinks about the ATC's not beign print worthy. Any chance they are on FB? I can download other people's (like my SIL's) photos from FB and when I open them on a LO they aren't usually pixelated. I'm wracking my brain to think of something that might work.

@BrightEyes What a fun night you and DD3# had! That's so awesome that she stayed over and had a girls' night with you ♥

@AK_Tracy I told Gary I was spending every day in my PJs while the kids were gone. Although, how can he tell the difference? My PJs are basically baggy pants and a sweatshirt. LOL
Wow, the surgeries sound intense. All of my love and easy healing thoughts are with you :hug1:

@bcgal00 I can't imagine not having coffee in the mornings but it's not good that your stomach gets upset. I hope that ends soon.
Your IP soup sounds delicious!!!! I have chicken in the freezer. I might need to make that soon. Maybe tomorrow since Cait and Tom won't be here.
The Manitoba trip sounds phenomenal and the wildlife is going to be awesome!!! I am soooo excited for you!

Vicky- Gary swears by Solid State HDs. Please don't ask for any more details b/c I don't; understand but he always says they won't crash/get corrupted like a "regular" HD will.
TY for the prayers for Gary-- on top of the Lyme and Covid he also is on Tindmax this week. Wish us all luck! LOL

I'm with you all. I have three pairs of jeans and like 5 dressy sweaters/tops that I rotate through. On Christmas Eve, I looked at the pics from last year to see what combo I wore so I didn't end up with the same :giggle4:
I love that work clothes are leggings and Weis logo t-shirts!
No to ATCs being on Facebook. Since my FB account was hacked, I don't bombard Mark's page with my scrapping stuff! It is what it is! That will give me an excuse to redo them this year, I guess! Probably not, however! I hate redoing things!
I ended up ordering a SS HD and a nubby flash drive that holds 500+GB. I plan to "work" from the 500+GB one and back everything up to the 4TB SS HD. We shall see how that goes! I'm going to backup all of my photos to the SS, too.
I pray you and Gary much improvement with the Tindmax this week.....you are on it, also, right?
Good Monday Morning!
I was able to go to church yesterday! YAY! Mark did not, however! He was feeling pretty rough! But he feels much better today and had a good night's sleep! He started coughing some yesterday, so I'm sure that helped to break some of the crud up!
The sun is shining here today! Yesterday morning brought a monsoon of rain through as I was heading to church! But it passed pretty quickly, but rained off and on through the day again. I hope the wind blows today to dry up some of the soggy ground because I need to do some laundry!
Still working on re-downloading from my store. The "good" not-so-good news (I guess) is that those designers that have retired....I don't have to worry about those kits. However, some of the CT only links have been disabled, so those will have to be "purchased" again when I decide to use them again.
My new 4TB Solid State HD is supposed to be here today. I bought the 3-year recovery plan, too! Maybe that will keep the gremlins away, LOL.......at least until the 1st day after the 3-year period, LOL! I also got a 500+GB flash drive that I plan to "work" from and do the backups on the SS HD. That also had a recovery plan that I bought.....for keeping the gremlins away! ;)
OK time to fix something to eat!
Good Morning My dear O Fam.
I'm a little shocked Chris didn't mention that its the last Monday of 2024!!! @faerywings
I'm feeling the funk today. Just dont wanna social but I have a coffee date to attend. I dont want to do anything and I dont know why. Life is good. I'm happy but today is funky. All 18 minutes of it so far. Need to get diet on track again. I'm, sure that's part of it. Need to finish scrapping December so I can print my book.

I hope you all have a great day!!
Good morning ladies. I'm off to my hair appt. I spent the morning ordering jewelry supplies. I'll do a bit of designing later and then will spend a few hours doing another mahjong session with Darrell. Then tomorrow night we'll play mahjong with friends and he should then be ready to join in on the weekly game, starting in January.

@faerywings I hate taking down the tree, it always takes too long. Good for you for wanting to get back on track with your yoga. I've been thinking about getting in to see physio soon for do's and don'ts for weightlifting, need to protect my lower back.

@AK_Tracy I know what you mean about the funk. I feel kind of the same way and keep pushing it aside, I know it's b/c I have not been eating like normal and my gut health is terrible right now. After tonight I'll get right back on track. I have enjoyed the splurging but my energy and gut are not happy about it.

Finished Hollidazed mini series and it was a fun holiday themed show. Caught up on Law and Order last night and they were good but also kind of depressing, too realistic about the injustice of our legal system.

Gotta go get my hair chopped. HAGD everyone.

@faerywings That's all you get!! :floorlaugh:

More to come after today - we're going to the strip, the Bellagio and then to the Boneyard/Neon Museum tonight after dark. Then tomorrow we drive through Red Rock and celebrate New Years Eve safe in my living room! LOL
@AK_Tracy I know what you mean about the funk. I feel kind of the same way and keep pushing it aside, I know it's b/c I have not been eating like normal and my gut health is terrible right now. After tonight I'll get right back on track. I have enjoyed the splurging but my energy and gut are not happy about it.
Yes, this is it. You hit the nail on the head. I've started today right, back on track. Fasting coffee, half mile treadmill, 5 sit ups, gotta start small, and 30 minutes in the sauna. Then eggs n bacon. No carbs. Tomorrow should be better.
More to come after today -
You two are adorable!!!!! Love the photo!!!!!
Can't say "good morning" as it is mid-afternoon!! I was out running errands. Mailed some bills, paid my 2025 AAA membership in person, and stopped at a couple of other stores (they didn't have what I was looking for), saw the completely full parking lot at Sam's Club and by-passed stopping there, but did a quick stop at the grocery store (it was almost as busy) and checked the mail (had not arrived yet). I am worn out!!! Think I need a nap!!! :sleeping:

DD#3 ended up staying until supper time yesterday. Wow... 2 days together with her. We laughed, reminisced, chatted, and just had a wonderful time. We also have some family health issues going on so it was good to be able to talk about them and future plans.

I am trying to get caught up on CT stuff and commenting on my challenge. Have a couple of LOs I need to finish.

Will be back tomorrow as my mind and body is telling me I need to rest.