
Daily Ooo's: Monday, December 29


The Loopy-O
Happy Monday! How is my O-Fam today?I am actually feeling slightly more sane and less physically drained than I have in a long time. It was nice not doing too much of anything yesterday. Dishes, laundry, a little more post-Christmas clean up. But I got to scrap 2 pages yesterday to prep for January Challenges. 2? No, just one maybe, but I finished another one on Saturday.

I am off to work today, at 9, but I decided to get up at my regular am time (5 am). Partly because I was too lazy to change my alarm settings, partly because I am craving some morning routine/alone time with my coffee.
Do you ever feel like that?

When I get home from work, I have to make an appt for my eye, and figure out WTH I am doing about Scott's oral surgeon.
Oh!!! Just in case you think that the kooky luck is just this Campbell nuclear family and the Iantoscas, it is also well rooted in Gary's side. My MIL was on the stairs, on her crutches with a broken foot (what was she thinking!?!) and had a coughing fit, lost her balance and fell down the stairs breaking her wrist. I have said it before, but ya just can't make this s*** up!!!!!!
A few months ago, I told my BIL/SIL whose family needed surgeries and injuries that I was getting them bubble wrap. Now I think I need to buy i in bulk for all of us.

That is about in from the Faeryland.
Me Me Monday:
I painted my nails this morning and they look so weird while I am typing! Like, they are not even my hands LOL

Chocolate- what kind do you like best? Dark, Milk, White? None? My godson gave me a variety bag of Godivas, so I'll have to test them all out and get back to you :D


The Loopy-O
Trudy- That is awesome that you had a quieter day. I have been doing some throwing out/getting a box for clothes to donate.
I like your parenting style too, and I think your kids turned out amazing too.

Jean- how is your knee today? Hope that it is better. Did you have weather changes that might have triggered it or is it just one of those things that happens?

Hugs and love to all. And I am off for more coffee!!!!!!!

::grouphug :tea:


Well-Known Member
howdy. just me for a fast fly-by. i've been AWR. (Absent Without Reasons.) i am going through an uncommunicative sort of time. plus i haven't been doing much of anything, making much of anything or thinking much of anything. so BORRRRRR---ing! :yawn: sorry no personals today. i'll get back on my horse soon, i imagine. in the meantime, enjoy your week, and pray that i'm not forced to lock my Hubby in a closet for the remainder of his "staycation." :pound: :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning! We had a fantastic day counting birds. We had drizzle early on but then it stopped and no rain the rest of the day. The territory I help cover in Cheesequake park. Next year will be its 75th anniversary. The best thing is that they have a pair of nesting bald eagles. And last year they raised and fledged on new eagle. They are already back and getting the nest ready. I am going to check them out over the next months. The nest is way in the middle of a swamp that you cannot walk to which is good. My favorite was seeing Eastern Bluebirds. They are so pretty. I am not sure exactly how many species as Doug keeps track of that and then sends the list to everyone. My favorite part of doing this is that after the long morning of birding we all head to the local Pizza Hut. Came home and helped my son get all his clothes ready for this first week of work. It is strange but nice as I am home alone!

Chris I cannot believe your family's strange luck. So sorry about your MILs wrist probably can't use the crutches now. You do need bubble wrap!

Jean bird watching is just the best! Hope your knee is better!

Trudy can't wait to hear about going to a private island. That sounds like fun! Hope the day was quiet.

Hope everyone has a good Monday!


Chris, glad to hear you're feeling some relief today. Love the bubble-wrap idea. Would like to wrap all my children and DGC in it!

Phylis, I hope you're feeling more perky soon. You've made my day with your banter more than once, and I look forward to your posts. I'm still bummed that we didn't connect IRL.

Nancy, we're getting more and more sightings of bald eagles in Western Washington. There's a pair that lives near us. One day as I was pulling away from the house, one swooped right in front of my windshield. I was glad to have just started my forward movement. It was so big, had I hit it, I think my car would have been badly damaged, and I would have grieved over injuring or killing it. Took my breath away.

We had a great Costco experience Yesterday. DH's SoniCare died. Although we couldn't find any of the paper work, we decided to see if Costco would stand by it. THEY DID!!!! ...even though it was 3 years ago we bought it (actually took mine in too since it was one of the 2-pack versions). So they gave us a credit for $130. We never used all the fancy settings that one had, but it was the only one they sold at the time we bought it. Yesterday they had the simpler version, regularly $99, on a rebate special for only $60. So for the first time in OUR history, we walked out of Costco with more money than we had when we walked in! Costco rocks!

QOD: When I was young, I preferred dark chocolate, but as I got older, I switched to milk. Now I don't eat any. (Type 2 diabetes runs in my family, and I don't want it...watched my mother trying to cope with that for several years before she died.)

I got a new Calendar Creator program, so plan to work with that today between loads of laundry.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Happy Monday! It is nice to be back to a normal kind of day! Nice to have hubby back to work too :becky: It has turned a bit chilly here this morning and there is a skiff of snow on the mountain tops. The sun will be out and shining in all its glory today, so I suppose it will be a very chilly night tonight. I can get in some laps today and then again on Wednesday, then the pool will be closed again for a few days. I imagine that it will be busy in the pool after the New Year, everyone wanting to lose that Christmas excess!!

Chris - OMG if it wasn't for bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all in your family!!! Your poor MIL!! How is she going to get around now? Yes girl, buy everyone some bubble wrap and lots of it :becky: Hope you enjoyed your quiet time with just you and your coffee!!
Let us know how it works out with your strange happenings with your eye and I am sending good vibes to you for Scott's oral surgery!!

Phylis - I hope that you will not be silent for too long! We don't like it when you go into hiding!!
Try not to keep your hubby locked away for too long :becky: ITA with you though, sometimes its just time for them to get out of your face! :hug:

Nancy - Sounds like your bird count was a success! Aren't the eagles just the most amazing things to see!! We have many here and they always take my breath away! Not far from my home is a place where you can watch the Raptor birds perform, it is a fabulous place and a great show to watch.... here is a link http://www.pnwraptors.com/?page_id=351

Jean- You might enjoy this also, if you have the time watch the videos they are pretty good! Hope your knee is feeling better today!!

Well I should get some breakfast and get ready to go swimming, no skipping with DD today as they are busy moving things around to accommodate all the things that Mason received for Christmas. I am still waiting for the pictures from SIL from our trip to the private Island then should be able to scrap about our little adventure. Hope everyone is having a happy, but restful day!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Shar - we posted at the same time, must have the same morning routine as this has happened more than once LOL. Yikes on almost hitting the eagle! They fly past my large kitchen window almost daily and sometimes they get very, very close!! They always amaze me with their size and grace of flight!

opps almost forgot the QOTD - Milk chocolate has always been my favourite !! But I try to avoid it as much as possible, it gives me heartburn along with bread and all of the best things in life, thank god wine does not do that to me!!! :becky:
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lOve the O!
Morning - oops Afternoon O fam - still on vacation- still cleaning my craft room- it is something for me- the sun is shining down there- the only thing missing is a bathroom- drinking all the water I can and then having to run upstairs- not so much fun. Having a fountain run and trickle water doesn't help either. I can't wait to finish it up and post photos! I did sign up for a new art course and having a clean surface to work on would be wonderful! Okay- back to my studio!!


Well-Known Member
Afternoon, ladies. Running way behind today, but feeling really rested. Knee was much better last night, today not so much. It just lost some of its ability to function and I'm sooner or later going to have to have a Dr. look into it again.

Chris, OUCH! for your MIL. I'm all for the bubble wrap too. Still nervous about your eye and hoping it is easily cared for.

Phylis, missing you and hoping you feel more the thing soon. Certainly know about not feeling communicative!

Nancy, glad you had a good count and the drizzle stopped. Eagles are amazing. We get them on our count now, one we even had a previous year ourselves. We hadn't had a Carolina Wren in Lake View in several years, but had one on the count that even came out in the open and sang. That too felt good.

Shar, wow, glad Costco did so well for you. Have fun with the calendar program.

Trudy, thanks for the link! Nice having sun and a peaceful day. I think that's (at least partly) what I've got.

Laurie, a clean studio and new art course sound wonderful! Enjoy the day.

Hope everyone has a good Monday.

QOTD: Dark chocolate for me for sure. But any kind will do. :)