
Daily Ooo's: Monday, December 15


The Loopy-O
Oh my goodness, what a crazy weekend. I really cannot wait to have all of this done and to be able to do *nothing* on Dec 26. I am really glad that it worked out that we switched cleaning days, so I don't have to work that day. The question is will I make it to the 26th????:behindsofa:

Yesterday was fun-ish. It was so nice being with my mom, SIL and especially my nephew. The show was actually at Madison Square Garden. We got into the city, walked a bit and found a little Irish pub for lunch, then back to MSG. The play itself was kind of corny, and Christopher fell asleep halfway through it. My kids were like-- really??He was the only reason they were there. LOL

But by the time it was over, (2 pm!!) I was really exhausted again, shaking and dizzy. I really need to talk to my lyme dr and see what could possibly be going on. Scott drove home (My goodness I loooooove that he can drive!) and we had some pizza money leftover and ordered a pie from Cait's pizza place.

I have a long week ahead, and I have only today to pretty much finish my Christmas shopping.

It is what it is...

That seems to be a favorite mantra of mine. Do you have words that you live by?

Hope that you all have a wonderful day!::grouphug


The Loopy-O
Please forgive me, I just finished reading the weekend thread and I truly want to comment to all of you!
But I just got so overwhelmed (It really doesn't take much any more sheesh!!!), so let me simply tell you all that I read your posts, and commented to them in my head.

And off to the next thing that I forgot to do on my to-do list from yesterday...


Well-Known Member
Chris, talk about overwhelmed! i just spent the last few hours wading through all these websites, trying to get my family's search results OFF of them. probably a waste of time, but i will do anything to minimize my info online. this time-waster was all because of this article:

the thing that REALLY got me was seeing on one of these sites my UNLiSTED phone number!! :rant: really, the Internet makes me feel like i need to be disinfected.

my words to live by? to paraphrase: the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. oh, and the "carry a big stick" part of the famous quote. speaking softly isn't my thing.... :rofl:

Keep Calm and Carry on, y'all! especially the "Carry On" part!! and i don't mean the "continue" definition!! :champagne :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - well I got back from my Dallas Holiday this morning at 12:30 am. My hubby and I went with the Devils fan club to Dallas to see my Devils play the Stars. We left early Friday morning. We had plenty of time to see Dallas downtown. We did not rent a car so but there was so much to see that was all within walking distance. We found an amazing Mexican restaurant and of course an awesome Texas steakhouse. On Friday we saw Dealey Plaza and the 6th floor Kennedy Museum. It was really well done and very informative. I don't know if you all have seen this site in person but to see where it took place gives a completely different feel to the event. We also went to the Aquarium and Perot Science Museum. We just enjoyed walking through Dallas. We had a tour of the American Airlines Center before the game and got to a group photo with Ken Daneyko. It was a fun tour. Then my team lost 4-3 and lost our top goal scorer to injury in the 2nd period. It was a great little trip. Now back to reality. We have no Christmas decorations up except for wreaths on our door.

Chris it sounds like you had a good weekend even if it was tiring. Sorry the Grinch was only ok!

Phylis one of my favorite dishes is spanakopita. My sons when they were little would just fight for who got the most. I got them from a little Greek diner near where I worked.

Trudy that calendar page is awesome! Fantastic work! I imagine Disney won't care as long as you do not sell them.

I want to be part of the party to the West. We have visited the Hoh Rain Forest and it is amazing. I would love to sail on a Yatch!

Have a great day all.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Hi ladies... quick here for me too!! I have to get in my laps and mail one last thing out to DD (it never fails I always end up mailing something more) :becky: then I really have to find something to give to my hairdresser and the woman that does my eyebrows as I see both of them this week. Ugh what am I going to give them? Then a few changes to a some calendar pages for my son and family. Now I think I should be having my side of the family over to the house for drinks and appitizers so I have to get food for that! Ohhh the madness of the Christmas Season LOL It will all work out I know. Ok I gotta run, so hopefully back for some personals later on!! :wave:
QOTD - Same as my mother used to say all the time...Don't judge another man until you've walked a mile in his shoes. (this is getting harder to not do as I get older!!)