
Daily Ooos: March 8-9: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good morning and happy weekend! And Happy International Women's Day to this fabulous group of ladies!
It is another freezing cold day but I am grateful that the sun is shining. My weather app keeps flashing "Snow in 2 hours" but I'm gonna disregard that. I think it's wrong, and I am right, and that it is the way it shall be. *slaps palms together in a that's that motion*

I wish I actually had that power to make things go my way, I sure as heck tried my best with the orthopedist yesterday. But nope, my foot is still broken and he wasn't buying any of my s*** that I could work outside safely. :tongueout1:
He even wrote it up in my care notes that I am allowed to work *inside only* and that I will need "guidance" when I return to work outside. Bwuahahah!! :rotfl: He gets it though, he hikes and flyfishes and asked me about Weis. He commented on my hiking shoes (he wears the same brand) that they are good for the support I'll need. He also agreed to give me a short walking boot. He prefers the tall boot but was willing to work with me on the short one if I am only puttering about the house. Gary is taking me to the FP this morning so I'll wear the tall one for that.
Anyway, the bottom line is that I go back in two weeks for more x-rays and hopefully will be back to work in a month. I emailed Lauren begging her for stuff to work on here so I don't lose my mind. Most of my projects and to-do lists require working feet. :p

Do you have good plans for the weekend?
PS: Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight!
Exciting????...well no maybe sad we need to go home today. We had a fabulous time camping with our friends but it's come to an end. 4.5 hour drive home then unpack the trailer and put things away, laundry, etc. Not really complaining because I am lucky to be able to do this, just making a statement.
Hope you had a safe trip home!
BTW, how is your shoulder feeling? Is it all healed?

Patience: :lalalala:
I do not know what that word means. Did I art journal about it? I don't think so. Must have been another faerywings . :giggle4:
Stomach is finally getting better today!
I was a word processor for one of the jobs I worked at many years ago so I am a decent typist. Not as fast as I used to be, however.
That's good to hear about your stomach.
I took Typing in high school but I was terrible at it then too.
That sounds like a fun afternoon/dinner with you and Ilene and Mark playing Quirkle.

@taxed4ever Is this your FIL? :waiting: I can't even think about needles and eyes- or even simply eyes. :sick:
Were you able to squeeze some scrapping in yesterday after you got back home?

@bcgal00 Remi is too funny wanting you to make the snow appear.
How have your eyes been doing, the drops are still working?
Thank you! I have never heard someone say this before and its 100% me!! I wake up angry and annoyed and my body feels like crap. I cant nap. It does no one any good. I cant get people to understand this!!! I knew I loved you but this cements its. You and I are bonded for life!! :giggle4: I'm not sure who should be more afraid (you or me) but its fact. Bonded. :floorlaugh:
If I take a nap, that sets off all the alarm bells with my family. LOL That's when they know I am really sick. Scott is the same way but Cait and Gary can both take naps and feel fine. I'm the same as you, I wake up angry.
I'm happy to be bonded to you for life-- I know I can count on you for that bail money when I need it. :jail1:
I got yelled at for taking 15 minutes to make ham n eggs yesterday. But everyone was busy. Kid was doing school. Hubs was in sauna and I was alone in the living room. I needed food. I didn't do more then I had to. It was the same amount of time I'm allowed for my shower so it was fine. No the warden yelled at me from the sauna. He couldn't see me, just smell the food. Then he dared text the head warden who doesn't even live here and yelled at me what she texted back.
OMG, I am gasping for breath I am LMBO so hard!! That your warden couldn't see you but could smell the food and yelled :lol23:
Well *my* warden did the same when I roasted the veggies for dinner the other night. He walks downstairs: "I smell the Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Why did you do that instead of asking me?"
(My bad, next time I know to cook something that doesn't smell as strong!)
Bonded. Uh-huh! :nod1:

They keep us all humble and on task! And poor Chris. I can laugh cause they're all reminding you. Its not me in trouble for once. :giggle4:
Debby was talking to you, not me.

I hope that the 27th comes quickly for the lighter compression!

@BrightEyes I hope that the weather calms down soon. The winds sound awful! I hope that you enjoyed your pj day and that your back is better too.

I spent yesterday evening and again this morning at a summit meeting to work towards building a new significant trail. Met a lot of people. Was asked to be on two boards. I said send more info; David said "don't even consider it." Hmmmph. This evening I am going to march in support of science.
I am still sending good vibes for the triail work being approved.
That reminds me, I need to ask Scott about the preserve/trail/beaver project he has been working on. It "went up the chain" a while ago and last I heard they were still passing the buck around.
I LMBO at David's comment to you. How was the March? I was looking at a lot of photos online all around the country. That's awesome that you went ♥
I am going to put that show on my watch list! Thank you!

Tracy- this is going to be a fantastic puzzle!!

@bitzee isn't that photo of Tracy's beautiful? It speaks to me too!

@deej I am so excited at your new label under your avatar :D
Enjoy your spring temps!
That must have been terrifying the first time you had that vasovagal response, did you go totally down and out or just woozy? Either way, it's good to have your DH there with you. Did you remember to take pics with your friends last night? I always forget when the family gets together.

Time to get in the shower and start my day.
@deej I am so excited at your new label under your avatar :D
Enjoy your spring temps!
That must have been terrifying the first time you had that vasovagal response, did you go totally down and out or just woozy? Either way, it's good to have your DH there with you. Did you remember to take pics with your friends last night? I always forget when the family gets together.

Time to get in the shower and start my day.
Thank you! I'm pretty excited as well!

Definitely enjoying while I can! I'm hoping it warms up permanently soon as we have an outdoor Easter sunrise service at out church. The last few years have been chilly.

Yes, I completely passed out. Fortunately I was in a wheelchair and the staff noticed right away and took great care of me. Now that the dr knows I have this response I stay on the table for about 20-30 minutes until it passes and THEN I get up.

NO! I completely forgot to take my picture last night but found another one of the same people to scrap instead.

Too bad the dr didn't side with you! having been in a boot multiple times in my life I completely understand the frustration with it. I hope you heal well.
Good morning! Its another beautiful Saturday.

He also agreed to give me a short walking boot. He prefers the tall boot but was willing to work with me on the short one if I am only puttering about the house. Gary is taking me to the FP this morning so I'll wear the tall one for that.
Anyway, the bottom line is that I go back in two weeks for more x-rays and hopefully will be back to work in a month.
This is wonderful! Yeah for the short boot. That will help you getting around the house a bit better. You an me kid...... short boot for you and thigh high compression for me, out of house you get tall boot and I get the relaxed guide of full compression pants :giggle4: Oh we are a pair. I am glad though that the doc recognized that the short boot would be beneficial for you in the house. Sorry you have to wait one more month before returning to work, supervised and assisted.
OMG, I am gasping for breath I am LMBO so hard!! That your warden couldn't see you but could smell the food and yelled :lol23:
Well *my* warden did the same when I roasted the veggies for dinner the other night. He walks downstairs: "I smell the Brussels sprouts and cauliflower. Why did you do that instead of asking me?"
(My bad, next time I know to cook something that doesn't smell as strong!)
Bonded. Uh-huh! :nod1:
Yeah, darn foods!! If they're worth eating they smell amazing but it means we get caught!! And why did we do it instead of asking? Cause that's what we are use to!!!! Yesterday I got all my stuff ready to shower and got in the shower. He opens the door "what are you doing" duh showering. Let me know when you're done and I'll help you. Ten minutes later he comes back and I've dried off and dressed as much as I can. "what are you doing" Being stubborn, I can do some things. He then says to me "yeah I know and I was letting you be stubborn". :wow2: Letting me????? yep. He was. We both know it. :giggle4: I just cant put the compression on myself or I would have tried. Gotta love the warden. They love us so much they want to help.

Today is another sit on the couch and try to be patient. It just might be helping me think of the next AJ for perspective. There's two perspectives to this couch surfing LOL And I know Debby @BoatLady was yelling at you about patients cause I am so patient. Just ask Cheryl @Cherylndesigns I have the patience of a gnat!!! :floorlaugh::pokestick:
Good Morning my O family!! It is pouring rain today and windy too. Oh well a good day to stay inside and get my creative juices working! Oh right I have to go grocery shopping darn!! Oh well that shouldn't take too long. We were supposed to take our cans and bottles to the recycle centre but that will wait for a day when its not raining cats and dogs! I was a long time at the eye doctors with my FIL the place was packed, so I sat out in the car for about an hour and then went back to see if he was done. He hadn't even gotten in to see the dr. yet :rollingpin1: so many people in the waiting room, but I sat down and he went in shortly after that. A very elderly nice lady sat next to me and told me her whole life story LOL oh well it made the time pass quickly. Finally we were ready to go and then I had some lunch and off to the hairdresser for my cut and colour. So that was my day, no scrapping for me. I am going to try again at some point today, but you know darn well that my DH will have other plans for me :giggle4:.

@faerywings - So glad that you got the shorter boot and I hope that Weis sends you some things to keep you busy! Happy International Women's Day to you also, we should be in charge of running the world, we sure couldn't do much worse than the men have done so far!! Just my humble opinion :soapbox: now I will shut up!! Yes FIL was walking across the street as soon as I got the garage door opened LOL.

@deej - Welcome to the team, so nice to see the cheeryO sign under your photo!!

@AK_Tracy - Too funny about the warden catching you cooking and then scolding you about the shower time :showering:!! He must love you very much to want to help you so much!! :lovey3: At least all of this sitting time should give you plenty of scrapping time, or does it bother you too much to sit at the computer??

@bcgal00 - I should have said that the needle is for his macular degeneration, not glaucoma which is what you have, right?? I hope that the drops are working well for you! What fun things are in the works for you today??

@vickyday - So happy to hear that your stomach is feeling better finally!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your Mark!!

@BrightEyes - Sure hope that the weather where you are is better today and you don't have to worry about power outages!

Ok I best get busy and start some brunch and get my grocery list on my phone. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :waving3:
Good Morn.....Afternoon! ;)
Been moving pics from the camera to my EHD this morning.
Got some pics of a Flicker Woodpecker out in the yard! Mark purposely opened the door so I could get him flying off! Success!

It's 62* with lots of sunshine! And, believe it or not.....I hear a lawnmower going!

No plans today. Still in my pjs and plan to stay that way all day! UNLESS Mr. Mark wants to take me out to supper! ;)
I guess I will start the laundry after I finish this.
Have a great day/weekend!

It is another freezing cold day but I am grateful that the sun is shining. My weather app keeps flashing "Snow in 2 hours" but I'm gonna disregard that.
Sorry! I won't tell you it is 62 here right now! ;)
He also agreed to give me a short walking boot.
PS: Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight!
I thought today was Sunday, so I reminded the church group yesterday, LOL! Then had to remind them it was only Friday and to do it today! :crazy:
Patience: :lalalala:
I do not know what that word means. Did I art journal about it? I don't think so. Must have been another faerywings . :giggle4:
You are too funny!
That sounds like a fun afternoon/dinner with you and Ilene and Mark playing Quirkle.
We had a great time! We may be going to her house for lunch after church tomorrow. She still has to let us know.
Thank you! I'm pretty excited as well!
Yes! Great news! Welcome to the team!
Good morning! Its another beautiful Saturday.
Same here!
Yeah, darn foods!! If they're worth eating they smell amazing but it means we get caught!! And why did we do it instead of asking? Cause that's what we are use to!!!! Yesterday I got all my stuff ready to shower and got in the shower. He opens the door "what are you doing" duh showering. Let me know when you're done and I'll help you. Ten minutes later he comes back and I've dried off and dressed as much as I can. "what are you doing" Being stubborn, I can do some things. He then says to me "yeah I know and I was letting you be stubborn". :wow2: Letting me????? yep. He was. We both know it. :giggle4: I just cant put the compression on myself or I would have tried. Gotta love the warden. They love us so much they want to help.
Good Morning my O family!! It is pouring rain today and windy too. Oh well a good day to stay inside and get my creative juices working! Oh right I have to go grocery shopping darn!! Oh well that shouldn't take too long. We were supposed to take our cans and bottles to the recycle centre but that will wait for a day when its not raining cats and dogs! I was a long time at the eye doctors with my FIL the place was packed, so I sat out in the car for about an hour and then went back to see if he was done. He hadn't even gotten in to see the dr. yet :rollingpin1: so many people in the waiting room, but I sat down and he went in shortly after that. A very elderly nice lady sat next to me and told me her whole life story LOL oh well it made the time pass quickly. Finally we were ready to go and then I had some lunch and off to the hairdresser for my cut and colour. So that was my day, no scrapping for me. I am going to try again at some point today, but you know darn well that my DH will have other plans for me :giggle4:.

@faerywings - So glad that you got the shorter boot and I hope that Weis sends you some things to keep you busy! Happy International Women's Day to you also, we should be in charge of running the world, we sure couldn't do much worse than the men have done so far!! Just my humble opinion :soapbox: now I will shut up!! Yes FIL was walking across the street as soon as I got the garage door opened LOL.

@deej - Welcome to the team, so nice to see the cheeryO sign under your photo!!

@AK_Tracy - Too funny about the warden catching you cooking and then scolding you about the shower time :showering:!! He must love you very much to want to help you so much!! :lovey3: At least all of this sitting time should give you plenty of scrapping time, or does it bother you too much to sit at the computer??

@bcgal00 - I should have said that the needle is for his macular degeneration, not glaucoma which is what you have, right?? I hope that the drops are working well for you! What fun things are in the works for you today??

@vickyday - So happy to hear that your stomach is feeling better finally!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your Mark!!

@BrightEyes - Sure hope that the weather where you are is better today and you don't have to worry about power outages!

Ok I best get busy and start some brunch and get my grocery list on my phone. Have a wonderful weekend everyone! :waving3:
Oh right I have to go grocery shopping darn!!
I hate grocery shopping in the rain!!!!
A very elderly nice lady sat next to me and told me her whole life story LOL
AWW! Bless your heart for hanging in there! You and I will be doing that someday! ;)
So happy to hear that your stomach is feeling better finally!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your Mark!!
Thanks! Me, too!
I'm sure your DH has other plans for you, too! ;). I'm hoping mine takes me to supper tonight! ;)
Good afternoon (the morning flew by). I was busy organizing jewelry supplies. Now I'll get dressed (still in my jammies at noon, what a lazy day) and get out with Remi first, then have lunch and will get busy with creating my sample pieces for the store application. I also want to finish my book (digital copy due back today).

@faerywings I know it's hard to be quieter than you are used to but at least you'll have a shorter boot which should feel more comfortable.

@taxed4ever OK, that is not what I have, mine is the glaucoma. Luckily my drops are working so no progression since moving to Alberta.

Have to go. Lots to do and the hours are slipping by...
At least all of this sitting time should give you plenty of scrapping time, or does it bother you too much to sit at the computer??
I'm a laptop girl so I can sit and scrap with my feet up. Yeah! The hard part is that I've been allowed (forced) so much down time that I'm kinda (dont say it) board and uninspired. I scrap a page, read a page, watch a show, repeat and its forced sitting that's driving me nuts. But, I got three pages into my vacation scrapbook so that's good.

Sorry it took so long at FIL eye appointment. Funny though that you got a life story. I always tell my friend dont make eye contact. They'll start talking and youre stuck. We were at social security office and he was looking all around, I had to nudge him and say dont make eye contact!!! the lady across from him was getting ready to switch seats so she could talk at him. It was funny. She was scary, had a rough life.
I always tell my friend dont make eye contact.
Ever been on a plane and put on earphones without playing any music? Just to say "I'm not available for conversation?"

It's 62* with lots of sunshine!
It got up to 75 here today! I'm about ready to put my plants back outside, but it looks like we have a few cold mornings next week.

PS: Don't forget to set your clocks ahead tonight!
I love the longer days and the start of the feel of spring, but the dark mornings? I'm not sure I like that. Definitely on the proverbial fence about daylight savings time.

Today was a quiet day, the one year anniversary of my mom passing. Lots of tears this morning, lots of friends checking in. Mark and I went for a walk, then we went to Habitat. We dropped off our old giant dresser and mirror, and picked up a game table for the dining room. 40$!! We love it, it's the perfect size, has drop leaves on both ends, and fits perfectly. Mark loves doing jigsaw puzzles and now he has somewhere to do them. It was a good day! We've been watching Dark Winds again. We watched season 1 and 2 quite a few months ago. Seeing here that you all are anticipating Season 3 (tomorrow!), we watched it again. (Me binging on season one last night till midnight). Belle hasn't seen it at all, and she's hooked. I don't sit through many series once much less twice, so that's saying something for this show!

I'm going to try to scrap something tonight! Hope you all have a good rest of your evening.
Hello all.

I've been gone almost all day but am in for the evening. Chris @faerywings a short boot??? That's a "step" in the right direction. Got a pedi today and Adrienne got a fill on her gel nails. I got my usual white polish. Vicky, my nail tech always teases me about getting another color so today I told her I wanted green. You should have seen her eyes - then I sais "Just kidding". Prior to that, she looked over at Adrienne and said "Your mom wants green polish". :lol23: :lol23:

Hope all of you who have just had surgery/or injuries are doing well.

To Tracy @AK_Tracy and any other AJ peeps, the challenge will be posted very shortly. Tracy, you will have something to occupy yourself with. I KNOW how patient you are - like me. :floorlaugh::rotfl::lol23:
Ever been on a plane and put on earphones without playing any music? Just to say "I'm not available for conversation?"

It got up to 75 here today! I'm about ready to put my plants back outside, but it looks like we have a few cold mornings next week.

I love the longer days and the start of the feel of spring, but the dark mornings? I'm not sure I like that. Definitely on the proverbial fence about daylight savings time.

Today was a quiet day, the one year anniversary of my mom passing. Lots of tears this morning, lots of friends checking in. Mark and I went for a walk, then we went to Habitat. We dropped off our old giant dresser and mirror, and picked up a game table for the dining room. 40$!! We love it, it's the perfect size, has drop leaves on both ends, and fits perfectly. Mark loves doing jigsaw puzzles and now he has somewhere to do them. It was a good day! We've been watching Dark Winds again. We watched season 1 and 2 quite a few months ago. Seeing here that you all are anticipating Season 3 (tomorrow!), we watched it again. (Me binging on season one last night till midnight). Belle hasn't seen it at all, and she's hooked. I don't sit through many series once much less twice, so that's saying something for this show!

I'm going to try to scrap something tonight! Hope you all have a good rest of your evening.
I think it ended up about the same here! Supposed to be a bit chillier tomorrow.
Amy @mimes1 I had to laugh because I do that a lot - anytime I don't want to talk. I have Air Pods, but nobody can see them in your ears, so I get my OG with the curds on them if I seriously don't want to talk. :giggle4: :giggle4:
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Ever been on a plane and put on earphones without playing any music? Just to say "I'm not available for conversation?"
ALL the time!!!!! Works like a charm.
Definitely on the proverbial fence about daylight savings time.
Nope not on the fence LOL I all caps size 400 font HATE daylight savings. There is no benefit in my world and I wish it would go away.
Chris @faerywings a short boot??? That's a "step" in the right direction.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: You punny!!!!!
To Tracy @AK_Tracy and any other AJ peeps, the challenge will be posted very shortly. Tracy, you will have something to occupy yourself with. I KNOW how patient you are - like me. :floorlaugh::rotfl::lol23:
What/????? I'm patient. I have only looked 6 times today to see if it up posted. I finished all the challenges so now I gotta wait. I remember my patience AJ so I am waiting. Good things come to those who wait.
I have Air Pods, but nobody can see them in your ears,
Gotta wear your hair up when flying!!! Then they can see your air pods. I either tuck hair behind ear or wear it up so everyone can see my electric blue raycons! This girl dont play with stranger danger :floorlaugh:
To Tracy @AK_Tracy and any other AJ peeps, the challenge will be posted very shortly. Tracy, you will have something to occupy yourself with. I KNOW how patient you are - like me. :floorlaugh::rotfl::lol23:
What/????? I'm patient. I have only looked 6 times today to see if it up posted. I finished all the challenges so now I gotta wait. I remember my patience AJ so I am waiting. Good things come to those who wait.
I have Air Pods, but nobody can see them in your ears,
Click to expand...
Gotta wear your hair up when flying!!! Then they can see your air pods. I either tuck hair behind ear or wear it up so everyone can see my electric blue raycons! This girl dont play with stranger danger

:floorlaugh: :rotfl: :lol23:ELECTRIC BLUE????? Now why didn't I think of that? Mine are boring white. People have to see those cords hanging down to take a person seriously, except you in your neon blue air pods.

Yes, ma'am - the new challenge has JUST been posted: I KNEW you'd be "PATIENTLY" looking. :rotfl: :lol23:
What/????? I'm patient. I have only looked 6 times today to see if it up posted. I finished all the challenges so now I gotta wait. I remember my patience AJ so I am waiting. Good things come to those who wait.

Gotta wear your hair up when flying!!! Then they can see your air pods. I either tuck hair behind ear or wear it up so everyone can see my electric blue raycons! This girl dont play with stranger danger

:floorlaugh: :rotfl: :lol23:ELECTRIC BLUE????? Now why didn't I think of that? Mine are boring white. People have to see those cords hanging down to take a person seriously, except you in your neon blue air pods.

Yes, ma'am - the new challenge has JUST been posted: I KNEW you'd be "PATIENTLY" looking. :rotfl: :lol23:
Okay, maybe not ELECTRIC blue, but they are blue and you cant miss them, unless youre my husband who cant see me wearing earbuds and just starts talking. Guess he just assumes my ears are always blue. Who knows. After I bought mine is when they came out with the most beautiful green ones. Couldn't justify buying a second set. But man I love the green pair they have.
Good morning!! One "good" thing about being laid up this time of year is that I didn't even notice the time change—at least not yet. My dogs, OTOH, always remind me when the time change is not to their liking. I am on the side of wanting longer daylight at the end of the day. I get so much more done when it feels like I am not cooking dinner past my bedtime ;) Not to mention, I really can't see well in the dark and driving is painful.

How is your weekend rolling along so far? Gary was so sweet in taking me to the FP and was thrilled about getting a pack of chocolate donuts. LOL He got a big hug from the woman who runs the pantry when I introduced him.
That was the big excitement of my day.
One nice thing was getting a lo for Vicky's challenge done and I am ready to upload my page for Cheryl's AJ one.

I am going to work on my grocery order today and figure out some easy recipes for Gary. I think I'll be able to help him with some prep this week, but being on my feet on Fri and Saturday made me realize that yup, it hurts more when I do that.
Crazy how that works, right?? Who knew?


Wishing everyone a lovey day!
@deej I hope the weather stays warm, especially for your Easter service. I remember more than a few years when Easter Egg hunts were snowy and others when it was warm. Warm is 100% preferable.
Too bad the dr didn't side with you! having been in a boot multiple times in my life I completely understand the frustration with it. I hope you heal well.
I'm sorry that you have had to deal with that as well. I am starting a collection-- I have a post-op boot, a stretching boot, a high boot, and now a short boot. I have more orthopedic boots than I have high heels! :p

@AK_Tracy quite the pair we are...
And why did we do it instead of asking? Cause that's what we are use to!!!! Yesterday I got all my stuff ready to shower and got in the shower. He opens the door "what are you doing" duh showering. Let me know when you're done and I'll help you. Ten minutes later he comes back and I've dried off and dressed as much as I can. "what are you doing" Being stubborn, I can do some things. He then says to me "yeah I know and I was letting you be stubborn". :wow2: Letting me????? yep. He was. We both know it. :giggle4:
Again, you have me ROTFLMBO! The wardens know us all too well and know just how much leeway to give so we don't hurt ourselves. But *are* we truly stubborn? I don't think so :thinking2:
Stubborn and impatient are not words that I would use to describe either of us. Everyone else might use them but not me.
A very elderly nice lady sat next to me and told me her whole life story LOL oh well it made the time pass quickly.
What was my mom doing there???
Every time I suggest to my mom she needs to get out of the house she tells me how she talks to everyone at the grocery store. *gulps*
Any chance you were able to scrap yesterday or were you busy all day?

@vickyday wonderful photo!! Love how the shadow is! I am starting to hear a lot more birdsong in the morning and I can't wait to see some new birds at the feeder.
BTW-- it did snow yesterday. Just for half an hour or so and it made me mad :mad: LOL It was freezing all day, I even had to put the heat up a degree in the house and I stil couldn't get warm.

@bcgal00 So happy that your eyes are doing well. How many pieces do you want to have ready for the application?

The hard part is that I've been allowed (forced) so much down time that I'm kinda (dont say it) board and uninspired. I scrap a page, read a page, watch a show, repeat and its forced sitting that's driving me nuts. But, I got three pages into my vacation scrapbook so that's good.
Yup, I am having the same issues. There is so much "free" time and I can't get a fire lit underneath me.

@mimes1 I am jealous that you are even considering moving plants outside. Our last frost day is May 15. I'm thinking about starting some seeds inside just to feel like I am doing "something" green. I don't; get a lot of good sunlight though so most seeds I start don't do so great.
(((((((((((hugs))))))))))))) for the anniversary for your mom. I'm glad that your friends and family have been there to support you.

Dark Winds new season is tonight? Oh yay! We have the DVR set for it so as long as it tapes we can watch that soon.

Chris @faerywings a short boot??? That's a "step" in the right direction.

Green toes! Sure, why not?? Tell everyone it is for St Patrick's Day :D

Yes, ma'am - the new challenge has JUST been posted: I KNEW you'd be "PATIENTLY" looking. :rotfl: :lol23:
Morning All. Not good as I don't wanna get up in the dark again. Feels like its still night time. Nothing about this time change makes me happy.

Again, you have me ROTFLMBO! The wardens know us all too well and know just how much leeway to give so we don't hurt ourselves. But *are* we truly stubborn? I don't think so :thinking2:
Stubborn and impatient are not words that I would use to describe either of us. Everyone else might use them but not me.
Glad you dont see my hard head as stubborn. :floorlaugh: The rest of the world sure does and reminds me often.

I had to laugh. Yesterday it was so warm. On my protected porch with the sun shining it was 70*F and I was in a tank top. Now mind you once you were out of the protected space it was 40. But it felt so wonderful. Then 5 hours later it was snowing and 34*F. Its not warm this morning but we shall see what happens.

Need to get my determined butt up and get some coffee. Have a wonderful day.
Morning, all. I slept in this morning... until 8AM! Partly due to time change and mainly because I stayed up reading until 10:30 PM (before time change)... :wow2: I didn't change the clocks before I went to bed so that was the chore for this morning. I have one large clock over the pantry door that I didn't change yet. Need to get on a stepstool to reach it. Will wait until DD#3 comes over - want someone here... just in case!!! I hate daylight savings time... takes me a month or longer to adjust to the time change.

Well, we had everything in the way of weather yesterday... woke up to snow (less than 1"), cloudy/foggy, then clearing skies and sunny, then back to rain mid-day, and a repeat of it all in the afternoon and evening. The mountains have a beautiful covering of snow. It is going back up to mid-60s every day until Thursday then the yo-yo weather starts again.

Did some commenting this morning and have a FWP LO to upload in a few minutes. @faerywings I LOVE your AJ LO!!! :wow: great monochromatic page! For some reason, I haven't been able to get into AJ pages lately. With the various serious family's health issues going on right now, the mind just sits and spins when I think about tackling them.

Need more :coffeedrinker:and get dressed. BBL
Put me into the LOVE Daylight saving time column. I guess because it never takes me any time to adjust. I just adore sitting outside after dinner to watch the sunset. Or taking a sandwich and bottle of wine up to Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park (entrance is 10 miles away) and sitting on an overlook for the sunset. While I suppose it's possible to get up and watch a sunrise, I don't really think I'd enjoy a cup of coffee as well as I do a glass of wine.

We went to an alumni event at a local brewery to watch the Duke/Carolina game last night. I was a bit uneasy about it, figuring everyone there would be 25 years old, but, no, we had all ages, even one man who had graduated before I did. It was really fun; it helps when the right team wins.

We did some trail work yesterday morning, cleared off a half mile of trail along a beautiful creek. We will build 3 little bridges over the next couple months and that will complete a very nice loop walk.

David invited people over for dinner tonight, not even thinking it was a "short" day because of the time change. So they'll be coming early and hopefully no one will fall asleep over the creme brulee. The best thing about company is that it goads me into vacuuming, mopping, and polishing, Off I go now to make dinner!
Good evening,
After church we went to KFC for lunch, dropped Dorothy back home and came home to eat. I did a load of towels and dried and folded them. Got the church deposit ready and paid some church bills and balanced the checkbook since I finally got the church bank statement! Correct to the penny!

Got the AJ Week 2 page done and today's ATC.
Had pizza for supper. And getting ready to do our devotions. Then I'll probably play some Rummikub with my sister.

See you tomorrow!

One nice thing was getting a lo for Vicky's challenge done
And it is a beauty! Made me want to take a hike! ;)
Gary was so sweet in taking me to the FP and was thrilled about getting a pack of chocolate donuts. LOL He got a big hug from the woman who runs the pantry when I introduced him.
Hey! Maybe he will start going for you! ;)
wonderful photo!! Love how the shadow is!
I almost missed catching him! He took off pretty quickly when Mark opened the door!
BTW-- it did snow yesterday.
AWW! Too bad! But at least you didn't have to get out in it!
I have one large clock over the pantry door that I didn't change yet. Need to get on a stepstool to reach it.
I have a mantle clock on top of the entertainment center that I left for Mark to change because it also requires a step stool to reach!
Received a text that DD#2's hubby is in ICU in critical condition. He has been in the hospital since Friday. He stopped breathing early this morning - was intubated and moved to ICU. Please keep him and my daughter in your prayers.
So sorry! Praying for him and your daughter and family!