
Daily Ooos: June 8-9: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Oh, happy day! It feels wonderful to not have much to do today at all. Ahhh, it is heaven :cloud9:
Lemme tell you, if you couldn't tell from yesterday's post, I need this. Not that I slept late, I was still wide awake before 5 am but it *feels* different not having to roll out of bed on a time schedule.

Was it a long day yesterday? Uh-huh. Did I really clock 17,000 steps and 7.6 miles? Uhhhh-huhhh. Did my feet hurt? :nod1: You bet!
The groups of kids I had were amazing. They were 7th graders, had never been to Weis, and weren't quite sure how they felt about nature. They were from an inner-city prep school so they don't get the same "bears in the backyard" experiences that many of the other kids get. We didn't find too many things in the stream but we did see newts and a frog-- good indicators of stream health. I showed them the dragonflies zipping around and explained that they would have lived in the stream maybe even just a week ago. The intern I was with is such a sweet guy. So nice. Soft-spoken and felt a little hesitant until I threw him into the fire. (not literally! LOL). I was bringing one group down the trail and he was picking up our next group from a closer spot. My group *should* have been going to the near end of the field but they were switched to a different fire pit allllll the way on the other side of the property. I had to walkie the intern and told him to go ahead and do the intro b/c I wasn't going to be back in time. Told him I knew he could do it. Weis is notorious for throwing new people in the mix - ready or not. And honestly, everyone there is ready even if we think we aren't. he said that he forgot to tell them the safety rules. Well- they are 7th graders and should know to not jump on the slimy rocks :p I was really proud of him, his first day on the Stream Study. :)
We also had a rat snake hanging out with us at lunchtime. The kids were trying to put away their lunches and the snake was right in front of the bins. They were super respectful, with no screaming or pushing. Just curious as Lauren told them a little about rat snakes. They reacted the same way when we found the frog. Observed quietly and helped each other see where it was- only its eyes and snout were above the waterline. With some groups, I don't even show them the frogs if they are going to try and grab it or scream and run.

I was running really late after work, so I didn't get to talk to Cait's friend about the shower. That is my only firm thing to do today. Talk to her around 9. It looks beautiful outside so *if* I can catch up on some Oscraps work and some housework, I'd love to work in the yard.

have a lovely day!


The Loopy-O
Oh my!! I am LMBO- I just looked at Whisky and she is all rolled up in the bedsheets like a mummy, only her nose is sticking out :D
Dogs are the best. ♥

@A-M Thank you for the good thoughts about my dad. Caitlyn's shower is on June 30. She doesn't have a bridal party so I am doing most of the planning. Her brother is the Man of Honor and it's not that I wouldn't trust him to organize a bridal shower.... nah... I wouldn't. Hahahaha!!!!
Big hugs to you and your friend. What an inspiration that she is living her best life and taking each day as it comes.

@bitzee awww, thank you for the sweet words, for me and my family :lovey3:

@JeanneMN You *have* to anal about backups with ACDSee. I don't get how software that has been around for so long can still be finicky and unstable. I tried so many different software programs that were sort of similar but nothing that fits as closely as ACDSee.
It must be sad to know that the dorm/DR is being torn down.
Do you have photos or LOs of the chapel? I graduated from an all-girls Catholic college (long story about how I ended up there ;)) and wanted to get married in the chapel there b/c it was so pretty. Me, I am not religious at all but the chapel-- all stone and stained glass- it was beautiful. Turned out that I couldn't get married there b/c my wedding was Memorial Day Weekend and all of the sisters go down to their shore compound that weekend. :giggle4:
I love the tradition of the 1001 donuts.

@AK_Tracy My DH tried to hug me once, a very long time ago, before coffee and I snapped at him: "Don't hug me." He still teases me about what a b**** I was :floorlaugh:
My mom is terrified and disgusted by bugs and nature so I grew up not loving bugs. Nature yes, but not so much bugs. I told so many kids who were nervous yesterday about that and how the more time I spent around bugs, the cooler I thought they were. Scott has a millipede as a pet and I will look at it but won't hold it. I told him the other day, the next time I am over, I want to try.
Caf-feine! Caf-feine!Caf-feine! :protest:
Sheesh, I am so sorry that you are dreading next week between work and your mom.

If you need to vent about your mom, this is a safe place. And if you don't want to vent in public, my PMs are always, always open.

@bcgal00 FB knows that I stalk your page for animal photos because I saw the baby robins! Yay, Mama R!
I'll think about any low-fat or healthier dip options to share. Off the top of my head, I have made a roasted garlic and white bean dip as well as a roasted butternut squash dip that might work. If you want, I'll dig up the recipes for you.
Yup yup, my parents' dynamic is not going to change at this point. It's all about how much I can tolerate and still be helpful. (and polite :p)


BRB-- dogs need to go out


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
I'm a bit nervous over here. I'm going to work tomorrow. I haven't work at all in over a year. It's election day - for the EU Parliament - and I'm gonna work with the election. Never done this before. Well, I did work at the pre-election for our last national election, since it was held at the library, but it's the first time I work on the actual election day, in a "proper" election hall. The election is open from 8am-9pm, but me and Urban (thankfully, we're gonna work at the same place tomorrow) won't begin until noon. I think I have a good idea how things are done, but I'm always a bit nervous with new situations. When the election is closed, we are going to count the votes (cuz Sweden is an "underdeveloped" country, and still vote by picking pieces of papers & not have machines). First for the EU parliament & after that for a local poll that the city has about a planned school the politicians want to build. I'm guessing we won't be done until after mid night. It will be a long day. But the pay is quite good & I actually love that I will be able to see how it works from "the other side". Only ever voted before & did some campaigning as a teen.

My father was a politician when I was a kid, for the local what-ever-it's-called. Did a lot of packaging of campaign material as a kid. I hadn't even started school when I helped put pamphlets in envelopes. It's like I'm closing the circle now with working at the election.

And don't get me wrong. I'm nervous, and a bit overwhelmed with the idea of a 12 hr work day, but I'm really excited too. And proud to do my bit for democracy.

Oh, guess what we had for dinner yesterday?
Spaghetti, vegan ground "beef" & ketchup
It was all @faerywings 's fault - forcing me to scrap about it, and I got hungry.


The Loopy-O
Wow, I am talking a lot today. :oops:
The dogs were out and now I can get back to Cheryl.

You are making me twitchy thinking about ticks. We use the chewable for our dogs, they are so bad here.
Vicky's friend Carolyn hasn't passed away but is declining quickly :brokenheart:
What service is Your Honor on? I'll add it to the list if we have access to it.

@mimes1 Fab news about Mark getting back to work. One big thing is getting a man to ask for help so I am glad to gear all of that. Good job vibes going straight to Erinn!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ please keep us posted!
Thank you for the support and understanding about my parents. I hope am not upsetting you since you just lost your mom :hug2:

Jeanne - big hugs of love and support to you too. Lots of feelings going through you, to be sure...

Cheryl- SGP (short girl problems) Harrumph! I ordered a dress and a skirt from Shein for the shower and both of them hit the ground when I was holding up to me. Why can't they find short women to model clothes??? Grrr.
Goodluck in the boutique next time you go there.



Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone! A bit of an early start here as Mark is still snoozing after his first day back! Yay for even more O time!! Today should be pretty chill. We're going to go into town where there's a Farmers Market and lots of people watching. We're going to grab a coffee and sit in the park and hang out. After that maybe some yard work, a little house work and hopefully lots of scrapping. When Mark turns on the TV I beeline to the computer!
Thank you for the support and understanding about my parents. I hope am not upsetting you since you just lost your mom :hug2:
Chris, everyone's journey is their own and hearing about yours does not upset me at all. In fact since Mom's passing I feel the call to serve others who are needing help and encouragement the way I needed help and encouragement. The whole thing looks much different now than when I was in it - and looking back I'd probably do some things differently. I'm here - if you need any support or encouragement from afar please ask away! :flower:


Real quick in and out... had to check on my challenge this morning. Yesterday was a BUSY day at the garage sale. DD and I both sold some of the "really need to sell items" and other 'glad they are gone' items. But it was HOT!!! Thank goodness for the portable fans she had as they kept the air moving and we had shade in most of the garage from about 10AM on. We were going to close up at 2 PM but had a bunch of people come by then so stayed opened until 3PM. It hit 101 F just before we closed up. Got home just before the winds came up and we had a brief rain shower just as I pulled into my garage. I was worn out so used the massager for a while then got some supper and was asleep in bed by 8PM. I was smart and stayed hydrated - drinking a bottle of water every 2 hours. Today will be a bit cooler... only 96F for a high... :cool: :cool: :cool: Her #1Son is there with her this morning so I don't have to be there to do the set-up/Opening. Will get there about 20-30 minutes later this morning.

OH MY WORD!!! Just heard a whoosh sound... ran out to see a HOT AIR BALLOON passing over my house then landing in my across the street neighbor's BACKYARD!!! Brings back memories of when we had a hot air balloon land on the roof of our garage several years ago. I managed to take several photos. Don't have time to load them into the computer... but will try to get that done this evening.

Got to run.


Well-Known Member
:coffeedrinker: :coffee1: My turn, chant caffeine help me out. more coffee
I thought of you @mimes1 Amy and had to laugh. Hubs like the brew beer and he put it in the mini keg with a new gadget for fermenting. Yeah, 4:30 a.m. the dogs are barking. What? Hubs gets out of bed. The new gadget got clogged and the pressure was so bad he had to manually vent the keg. Dont let it explode, dont get hurt. Yeah, beer fumes and beer spilled all over the floor. Four bath towels to just stop the puddle from spreading all over. 30 minutes of hhhhiiiiiissssssssssss sounds as he vents the keg. sticky floor. Someone needs to mop while I am at work today. Finally fall asleep again about 5:30 only to be woke at 6:20 by the dog barfing on the bedroom floor. She apparently was trying to help mop up the mess and it made her sick! Now when that someone is done mopping the floor they need to spot clean the carpet in the bedroom :coffeedrinker::floorlaugh: Yeah not a morning person to begin with and then to be woke at 430 and not really get to sleep after that and I get to leave the house and head to work here in an hour. I'm tired. Body not rested. Are we having fun yet? Oh and yeah, the sheets are gonna need to be washed as we both had sticky feet when we got back in bed :giggle4:

@faerywings Chris I hope you get the day you want today. After working all week and last weekends classes I hope you can relax and do nothing.

@tanteva Eva your day tomorrow sounds so interesting. I cant imagine how exciting and yeah nervous it would be for such a big job. What an honor to be able to do that.

I am torn though, as pasta and :ketchup: sounds :sick:. I like ketchup just cant imagine in on pasta. :giggle4:

@BrightEyes Kay that had to be fun seeing the hot air balloon. and to watch it land in the yard! How crazy is that!!

Off for more coffee! Have a wonderful day!!


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
I am torn though, as pasta and :ketchup: sounds :sick:. I like ketchup just cant imagine in on pasta. :giggle4:

What's the expression? Don't knock it til you tried it .... or something like that.

Fact: Swedes are really high consumers of ketchup. When I was a teen & got home from school hungry, I often cooked just pasta & ate with ketchup, garlic powder & black pepper. Divine!


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. We have the contractor back today, they are going full speed ahead now with the renos. Yay! Looks like we might have it all done by end of June...maybe...LOL. Now D thinks he wants a roof put over the new addition so not sure how long that will take but...stairs and sidewalk will be in place so that is very good. I have some CT stuff to do today and will get over to the dog park soon. I have been craving fruit so will stop in at the store and stock up. Dinner will be a one pan bake with squash, potatoes, green beans, peppers and a parmesan spice blend overtop. D will have chicken and I'll have a salad with feta/vinaigrette to go with it.

Thx Chris @faerywings. Nice of you to offer but I found a dip that works for me, a ranch yogurt dip, I tried it out last night and like it.

Time to get some chores done before heading out. HAGD everyone.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hello all. I finally made it in here (I seem to say that a lot. :lol23:)

Adrienne called and wanted me to go to Nancy's with her and Roger and of course I couldn't turn that down. Then we headed into town to do some shopping. Stopped at UPS to send my Amazon returns back. Actually, I found one more thing that I wanted to return so I had 4 things going back.

Chris @faerywings I'm sorry I grossed you out about the ticks. I'm terribly (beyond grossed out). I think what I did and what Ava did plus the second collar and the topical treatment might have helped. This collor is different - it has a green reflective strip on it and it's supposed to repel them and keep them from layout eggs. I washed the blankets that they sleep on at night and I'm not letting Daisy sleep with me until I make sure they're all gone. GROSS!! I put them both in my office and they seem ok. It's like telling the kids goodnight.

I watched Your Honor again last night - a big deal for me. It's pretty good, but getting weird which they always do, it seems. Last night's episode was pretty intense and I'm not ready to "intense".

I'm going to get off of here, but I'm sending love and hugs to everybody. I'm a little "scattered" as usual, but I'm here - isn't that what matters?????



GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@faerywings I took lots of pictures in the chapel, it was 100 years old this year and really spectacular. Quite a few alums did get married there, it would make for a gorgeous wedding.

Dehydrated tonight, it was a really tough Mass, the entrance song started me up and and I maybe got out every 10th word of the song, the music was crazy good, with a choir of music majors I guess one would expect that. A bunch of us held hands during the Lord's Prayer and then when it came to the sign of peace my friend and I hugged and totally went to pieces as did most everyone around us, they actually had small packages of tissues in the pews, Amazing Grace during communion took another Kleenex and well, another went during the closing him. Banquet was FABulous, and then there was a program and at the end of that we stood and sang the Alma Mater one more time and there went the last of the tissues and needed my napkin too. Have my stuff pretty well packed, tomorrow is the final blessing and farewell at the chapel and then they are going to ring the chimes, and then it will be locked and only used for weddings and certain special things for the Catholic High School that's on campus. Well, I better get to sleep so I can get up early and get breakfast and get out of here so I can get to the church early. Night all.


The Loopy-O
Happy Sunday!! (Monday if @A-M stops by) How was your Saturday? The weather here was chilly but mostly sunny so it looked very pretty.
I spent most of the morning working on shower stuff. My printer was giving me fits. Ugh. I was printing the cards for the "Bride or Groom?" game and what should have been super easy took well over an hour to finish. The data was sent to the printer and then it would get stuck. I ended up having to reboot the computer and then cancel the many print jobs that were still in the queue. I was grumbling at the computer, the printer, the paper... at myself....it should have been so simple LOL
Caitlyn and I spent some time working on the table numbers for the wedding. I think she got a perfect distribution of family and friends. Mine was awful, all of the protocols of not insulting one family member if they weren't at the proper table. :rolleyes: My suggestion to Caitlyn was to not worry about it. It's a buffet so people will be up and down, the kids will be dancing, and the old folks should know better by now. Am I right? (watch, there will be a brawl since I said that)
I made it outside for a little while, my irises needed to be cut back. I also *finally* scrapped a page for one of the challenges here. I've been wanting to scrap pictures of me and my hiking buddy Stephanie. She is too cute. I scrapped one of the pictures of the hike that we met at. That was the one that was supposed to be 5 miles but the trails had gotten flooded and it ended up being over 7 mi. I would not have made it to the end if it weren't for her, we were laughing so much at everything.

So for today-- it begins anew. Another string of busy days. If I can get myself to next Sunday, I'll be home free! Today, my MIL and I going to a local production of Rent. She has never seen it and knows how much I *love* that play. I think I have seen it 4 times, maybe 5? Maybe more? Not counting the movie (ick) or the Recorded Live performance. The first time I saw it was in 1997, my BBF who took me was pg with my niece. Time flies.
(Time dies... *knock knock knock* What you forget? ----sorry, I'm singing there. The lyrics will be stuck in my head forever LOL)
I hope my MIL loves it too. It's just sooooo good.
It's a matinee and then I am staying at my ILs for dinner. Should be a great day.

Hope that your day is wonderful too! xoxo


The Loopy-O
@tanteva Good luck working tomorrow! 12 hours is a loooong day but it should be a fulfilling day no matter how tired you are at the end. I love the idea of "closing the circle."
Sure, sure-- blame me for your ketchup and spaghetti. And I am quoting myself here but: *points to your signature*
"Are you some kinda psychopath??"

@mimes1 Did Mark's shoulder give him any trouble yesterday or is it as good as new? Or as close to good as new as can be?
Amy, I appreciate your support more than you know. There are nights when go to bed thinking about the inevitable day and I know it's going to be bad. It feels like a fine line between 1. mentally preparing myself, 2. shoving my head in the sand, 3. trying to live life and enjoy her and my dad as much as I can. I am struggling with finding that balance and end up with my head in the sand more than is healthy.

@BrightEyes Oh myyyyy!!! I am guessing the balloon was not supposed to land in your neighbor's backyard! :jawdrop3: I hope there were no damage or injuries. That must have been loud!
No sale today? Or do you still have stuff to get rid of? Hope you have lots of time to relax!

@AK_Tracy :coffeedrinker: <~ for you! I made it fresh :D
Iy yi yiiiiiii! Between you and Amy I think I am going to hide tonight. :hiding2: I don't want dogs and poop and beer exploding in my house next! I hope the family realized they were in charge of the cleanup yesterday so you don't have to worry about it after working all day.

Eva- Swedes are huge consumers of ketchup and coffee. Please for the love of God, DO NOT EVER tell me you put ketchup in your coffee. Amy and Tracy are going to be dealing with me puking on the floor if you do. :sick:

@bcgal00 The yard must be looking great! Have you been getting any pictures of the progress?

@JeanneMN :rotfl: That sign is hysterical!!!! and the truth :love:

@Cherylndesigns What yummy food did you get at Nancy's? Glad that you got all of the returns done too.
BTW- I tried the dress on and it had enough ruching at the sides that it didn't look too long. The skirt was a little longer with a mermaid hem but with small heels, I think it will be fine. Now I just need to get shoes. :/ Yuck.
Ticks are the most miserable &*^%&(* creatures ever. I'll relocate 99.9999% of the insects I find in the house but ticks-- smash 'em and flush 'em. :killer:
I have all fingers and toes crossed the collars work their magic on the furbabies and you never have to see ticks again.

@JeanneMN I am feeling emotional simply from your description of the service and choir. There must have not been a dry eye in the house. Sending you hugs and extra tissues for today :waving2:

Big hugs to everyone!


The Loopy-O

Do not give Eva any ideas!!



Morning, all. To show you how my day started yesterday... here is the balloon landing in the neighbor's back yard... and NO... that is not where it should land!!! A street or empty lot is the preferred place. You can see how large/tall the balloon is compared to the house. It has to be folded up and needs lots of space to do that. The chase car had not arrived by the time I had to leave so didn't see it getting packed up.

IMG_3348.JPG and here it is as it started to delate ...IMG_3353.JPG
I am sure Jim had a huge surprise to see it in his backyard!! And yes, lots of balloons were flying yesterday (and this morning). On my drive over to DD#3's for the garage sale, a big orange fairy balloon sailed right over my car - about 15 feel above my car!!! And there were about 10 more in the sky at the time. When I opened the patio door this morning, there was a balloon floating about a block away. I managed to get a couple of photos of that one. I love living in this area as we balloons in the sky several times a week.

Yes, we did the garage sale again yesterday. It was almost as hot as it had been the day before... (was 99F when we shut down). We both sold more stuff. But by 1:30 the customers had faded off and it was so hot, we decided to close it down. She may run it next Friday but I decided to bring my stuff on home.... mainly had just the books left. DD will bring my folding table home once it is over. I had worn a long sleeve shirt over my tee shirt on Friday but forgot it yesterday. I stayed mainly in the shade in the garage but the reflected light on the driveway got to me and my arms got sunburned. Thank goodness they are just light red and not hurting. I had sunscreen on the face so it didn't burn. But... talk about exhausted - the heat and doing things there wore me out! DD's son loaded all my stuff in the car for me... and I left them there when I got home. Unloading it is a project for another day! I feel asleep in the recliner for over an hour... woke up enough to have supper then headed for bed and was asleep by 6:30PM and slept until 7AM this morning. Still tired and achey this morning so will be resting for the next couple of days.

DD#2 called DD#3 on Friday to let us know that her hubby is in the hospital... had a vein replaced in his leg and amputated the small toe on that foot. He is diabetic and has had problems with his legs and feet for some time. This is the 2nd surgery on that leg and it may only last a couple of years... then it is amputate the leg above the knee. Needless to say, the family is very concerned about him.

I will be taking the next couple of days off from doing anything (even scrapping) so I will feel up to being here during the OScraps 18th Birthday celebration later on this week.


Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes Wow, Kay you deserve a couple days off from doing anything. It is great that the garage sale was so successful. Having only books left over is probably the easiest thing to deal with afterward. Reading about all that you do makes me both energized and tired. Hot air balloons frequently in the neighborhood sky is awesome. There is something magical about them.

I am sorry that your son-in-law is having serious issues resulting from his diabetes. My husband and his brothers all have diabetes as did their parents. Even when you do everything possible to manage it well, it sometimes doesn’t work out so well. I hope that amputation won’t be needed. Enjoy your well-deserved rest.


Well-Known Member
The adventure begins. We will be dog sitting my son’s 3 pups for a few days while he and my daughter-in-law attend a wedding in Colorado. It is always crazy with them because they never seem to all go in the same direction at the same time and the youngest of the 3 thinks he can poop wherever he wants.

@mimes1 Hopefully, we won’t have a poop party at 2am or a drunken puke fest either @AK_Tracy . The youngest granddog is a problem child and sometimes barfs after eating something not meant to be edible. It will certainly be an entertaining and exhausting week. We are recovering from COVID and still not 100% yet. Talk about being thrown in the deep end!! :eek2:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I thought there was a cribbage tournament today but it looks like last month was the finish of it for the summer. I will scrap, read, practice mahjong online and do some stuff around the house. We are enjoying rewatching House Of The Dragon, I'd forgotten quite a bit of it. Can't wait for the new season next Sunday.

I have a new recipe for no-bake pumpkin cookie dough balls so since I'm home today, I'll mix up a batch to try tonight.

@faerywings No pics of the guys doing the work outside. I just want them to finish and be done. I don't want to distract them.

@BrightEyes Sorry to hear about your SIL having diabetic amputations. That heat sounds exhausting. Good plan to take it easy for a few days.

Time for more coffee and let the dogs out. HAGD everyone.


Well-Known Member
@faerywings you crack me up!!!! Thanks for the coffee hit. It helped.
And if :ketchup: and :coffeedrinker: Ever get mixed, well I wont be responsible or on clean up :sick::sick::sick::sick:

@bitzee I really hope youre not next on the dog issues. I hope Amy and I have them all covered and over with!

Quick in and out catching up before the family is ready to leave for church. Tomorrow is my day to do nothing. Then it will be work all week and my mom visiting. So I am taking advantage tomorrow and ...... oh yeah, its laundry day so I guess it wont be sit and relax. And its house cleaning. Oh well was fun dreaming. :giggle4:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon,
Well, we went to Nancy's again today. Chris @faerywings I almost always get the same thing - a chicken salad sandwich and a cup of potato soup, except on "Meatloaf Day". Roger, Adrienne, Ali and I went today - Roger and "his women". For the new girls, Nancy's is a Pie Shop right down the road and she also has a restaurant. She's open every day but Monday and Roger (and whoever wants to go) eats lunch there every day. Nancy is like part of the family now and often shows up at parties with a big pan of goodies. She even went to the kids' graduations. Alyssa worked there for quite awhile, too.

Kay @BrightEyes what wonderful pictures of the balloons and you are so lucky to be in the flight path. When we lived in Michigan, we were in the flight path, and they crossed over our back yards almost every evening. Those are great pictures and I remember that sound. I'm happy that the garage sale went so well. They're a lot of work, but worth it if you make money. We were talking about having one today at lunch. We have a barn on the property, and we could advertise it as a "Barn Sale".

Hugs to everybody and sending :heartpumpred::beatingheart::heartpumplove: I'm in a semi food coma right now, but maybe I can catch some of your posts later on. I'm fighting taking a nap vs working on a new layout. Let's see who wins.


Well-Known Member
Did Mark's shoulder give him any trouble yesterday or is it as good as new? Or as close to good as new as can be?
It's as good as can be expected. He's not 100% by any stretch, and we've heard shoulder surgeries are long recoveries. Add age into that, and he's just not bouncing back the way he wants to be. He's learning new limits, still in PT and still doing stretching every day. So time will tell.
I am struggling with finding that balance and end up with my head in the sand more than is healthy.
I hear you girl, I know that feeling. On mom's shower days I would lay in bed and d.r.e.a.d. getting up because I knew what was coming first thing - tears. more tears, anger, refusals to accept help, resistance. But it was shower safety was a real thing and it could not be negotiated. After mom did fall (not in the shower though) and spent six weeks in rehab I hired a shower nurse to come in 1 or 2 times a week. It was the best thing ever. Finding that balance is exactly what that AJ layout was about that I made a few weeks ago. When you're in it, there's this constant fight with yourself as you make decisions for another grown person, who just happened to give you life!! It's the hardest thing ever. But please know - you are not alone. I don't know how much of your parents issue is memory related, but Alzheimers.org was a huge help in my journey, if nothing other than the support groups where I learned I was not alone.
I will be taking the next couple of days off from doing anything (even scrapping) so I will feel up to being here during the OScraps 18th Birthday celebration later on this week.
You deserve it!!! I do hope you get the rest you need so we can all play with you next week. I was thinking that my sister may have happened in on your garage sale. She loves thrifting and garage saleing. I"ll have to ask her if she went out this weekend. Wouldn't that be another small world? Also she had a balloon land in her yard a year ago or so. She and her partner subsequently joined the launch team for the crew! They love it.
I have a new recipe for no-bake pumpkin cookie dough balls so since I'm home today, I'll mix up a batch to try tonight.
That sounds really yummy! If it turns out, please share the recipe!
And if :ketchup: and :coffeedrinker: Ever get mixed, well I wont be responsible or on clean up :sick::sick::sick::sick:

@bitzee I really hope youre not next on the dog issues. I hope Amy and I have them all covered and over with!
@AK_Tracy who knew we were such trend setters!! I totally laughed out loud at your story, and even told Mark about it - not because we're laughing at you but because it's so ridiculously relatable!! And in the wee morning hours the story is even funnier!!!
Nancy is like part of the family now
Small town living is the best!!

Today was another quiet day - went to Sunday school, then church, then a nice afternoon. I'm telling you, with Mark resting up for the work week, I get more time to scrap - a serious win win!!
Hope you all had a good day!!


Well-Known Member
@AK_Tracy who knew we were such trend setters!! I totally laughed out loud at your story, and even told Mark about it - not because we're laughing at you but because it's so ridiculously relatable!! And in the wee morning hours the story is even funnier!!!
Oh you better be laughing at me! It was so funny. Now the beer keg is in the tub in case it decides to play again :giggle4: We lost about half a gallon, maybe more on the floor so now it won't (shouldn't) have issues. Once Hubs googled "failures" with the device first thing that came up was, dont fill with 5 gallons but keep it to 4 1/2 gallons :floorlaugh: We obviously weren't the first. Learning the hard way, by experience.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh you better be laughing at me! It was so funny. Now the beer keg is in the tub in case it decides to play again :giggle4: We lost about half a gallon, maybe more on the floor so now it won't (shouldn't) have issues. Once Hubs googled "failures" with the device first thing that came up was, dont fill with 5 gallons but keep it to 4 1/2 gallons :floorlaugh: We obviously weren't the first. Learning the hard way, by experience.
Yep, trial by fire - in your case; trial by beer on the floor. Glad you figured it out.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
It's as good as can be expected. He's not 100% by any stretch, and we've heard shoulder surgeries are long recoveries. Add age into that, and he's just not bouncing back the way he wants to be. He's learning new limits, still in PT and still doing stretching every day. So time will tell.

I hear you girl, I know that feeling. On mom's shower days I would lay in bed and d.r.e.a.d. getting up because I knew what was coming first thing - tears. more tears, anger, refusals to accept help, resistance. But it was shower safety was a real thing and it could not be negotiated. After mom did fall (not in the shower though) and spent six weeks in rehab I hired a shower nurse to come in 1 or 2 times a week. It was the best thing ever. Finding that balance is exactly what that AJ layout was about that I made a few weeks ago. When you're in it, there's this constant fight with yourself as you make decisions for another grown person, who just happened to give you life!! It's the hardest thing ever. But please know - you are not alone. I don't know how much of your parents issue is memory related, but Alzheimers.org was a huge help in my journey, if nothing other than the support groups where I learned I was not alone.

You deserve it!!! I do hope you get the rest you need so we can all play with you next week. I was thinking that my sister may have happened in on your garage sale. She loves thrifting and garage saleing. I"ll have to ask her if she went out this weekend. Wouldn't that be another small world? Also she had a balloon land in her yard a year ago or so. She and her partner subsequently joined the launch team for the crew! They love it.

That sounds really yummy! If it turns out, please share the recipe!

@AK_Tracy who knew we were such trend setters!! I totally laughed out loud at your story, and even told Mark about it - not because we're laughing at you but because it's so ridiculously relatable!! And in the wee morning hours the story is even funnier!!!

Small town living is the best!!

Today was another quiet day - went to Sunday school, then church, then a nice afternoon. I'm telling you, with Mark resting up for the work week, I get more time to scrap - a serious win win!!
Hope you all had a good day!!
Yes, small town living IS the best. It's just so different from where we came from - people didn't even know their neighbors, let alone fraternize. We lived in our neighborhood for two years before people got friendly with us. Thing is, in Florida (I was told this early on) it's such a transient community that nobody wants to make friends because they figure you'll leave sooner than later.


You deserve it!!! I do hope you get the rest you need so we can all play with you next week. I was thinking that my sister may have happened in on your garage sale. She loves thrifting and garage saleing. I"ll have to ask her if she went out this weekend. Wouldn't that be another small world? Also she had a balloon land in her yard a year ago or so. She and her partner subsequently joined the launch team for the crew! They love it.
I forgot that you sister lives in my area... My DD#2's garage sale was up in the far north edge of Rio Rancho (near 550 and Chayote RD). Yes, it would be a "small world" if she came to our garage sale this weekend. If she was there - ours was the one with baby playpen on the driveway... the neighbor across the street had table and lots of chairs on his. And yes, we do see lots of balloons in our area.