
Daily Ooos: June 29-30: [Bridal Shower] Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
It is finally here, the bridal shower to end all brid... nope. Not end all bridal showers, it's the bridal shower to end this particular mother of the bride. :lol23:
Part of me wants this to be D-O-N-E done. Part of me wants to hold every minute of it in my heart.

I ended up not getting bangs cut yesterday. I was so exhausted that it wasn't the right time to make a decision of that import :D The car is packed with almost everything I need and I am leaving here in half an hour. Grabbing Sam on my way down and then we are meeting Caitlyn up here for her first dress fitting at 11.30.

I'll try to pop in tomorrow morning, but if not, have a wonderful weekend!


The Loopy-O
Super duper quick personals:

@JeanneMN Awesome and correct attitude-- lucky to be here, wrinkles and aches and pains and all. Love your sense of humor!

@bitzee I spend too much time watching YouTube videos for "mature skin and eyes" while doing my nails and I think I should go with Jeanne's advice instead, LOL
Yay! I was right about your name, I had been searching the forums for bitzee and name and wasn't getting anywhere. All I had to do was ask :giggle4:

@vickyday so happy that Mark is doing better after the 2nd dose of Ozempic. Gary told me that he couldn't get his correct insulin because it was out of stock. ugh.
Did you get a chance to ask your Dr about the blood in your urine? Sending good thoughts to you

@mimes1 If I could wear my hiking boots tomorrow, I'd be so much happier. heh!
Glad that Mark's yucky feeling is "only" heat-related. But why would he want to go back outside?? Men! Har-rumph!

@AK_Tracy That's good to know that the CDs didn't hurt the microwave. Yup, a bear horn is a small air horn and they are loud. I wouldn't use them on AK bears though, doubt grizzlies care all that much about sound.

@bcgal00 I am really happy for you that you have found your place and your people ♥

@Cherylndesigns Nope, no bangs but I love the color. Got about 1/2" off the layers so it feels really short. LOL
So sorry that the bench is not getting done after waiting so long for the right weather.



Love my O Family!
It is finally here, the bridal shower to end all brid... nope. Not end all bridal showers, it's the bridal shower to end this particular mother of the bride. :lol23:
Part of me wants this to be D-O-N-E done. Part of me wants to hold every minute of it in my heart.

I ended up not getting bangs cut yesterday. I was so exhausted that it wasn't the right time to make a decision of that import :D The car is packed with almost everything I need and I am leaving here in half an hour. Grabbing Sam on my way down and then we are meeting Caitlyn up here for her first dress fitting at 11.30.

I'll try to pop in tomorrow morning, but if not, have a wonderful weekend!
You CAN do THIS! But, you are so right.....it is bittersweetness! Take TONS of pictures! :hug2: :lovey3:


Love my O Family!
Super duper quick personals:

@JeanneMN Awesome and correct attitude-- lucky to be here, wrinkles and aches and pains and all. Love your sense of humor!

@bitzee I spend too much time watching YouTube videos for "mature skin and eyes" while doing my nails and I think I should go with Jeanne's advice instead, LOL
Yay! I was right about your name, I had been searching the forums for bitzee and name and wasn't getting anywhere. All I had to do was ask :giggle4:

@vickyday so happy that Mark is doing better after the 2nd dose of Ozempic. Gary told me that he couldn't get his correct insulin because it was out of stock. ugh.
Did you get a chance to ask your Dr about the blood in your urine? Sending good thoughts to you

@mimes1 If I could wear my hiking boots tomorrow, I'd be so much happier. heh!
Glad that Mark's yucky feeling is "only" heat-related. But why would he want to go back outside?? Men! Har-rumph!

@AK_Tracy That's good to know that the CDs didn't hurt the microwave. Yup, a bear horn is a small air horn and they are loud. I wouldn't use them on AK bears though, doubt grizzlies care all that much about sound.

@bcgal00 I am really happy for you that you have found your place and your people ♥

@Cherylndesigns Nope, no bangs but I love the color. Got about 1/2" off the layers so it feels really short. LOL
So sorry that the bench is not getting done after waiting so long for the right weather.

Poor Gary! I know exactly what he is going through with the insulin. First Ozempic was out of stock so they switched Mark to Mounjoro. Then it was out of stock. So he was going to have to see a different doctor to get something else prescribed since his regular doctor was out on maternity leave which is not right!!! SHEESH! I thought doctors wanted to HELP not HURT! So he waited a month or more until she was back in the office. She immediately put him back on the Ozempic.....WITHOUT him having to make an office visit and more testing!
The doctor did get back with me yesterday. The preliminary test was what the office came up with. She sent it to LabCorp and came back with another result that everything is fine. But she is sending it for further culture analysis to be sure nothing further should be done! I'm glad she is being thorough about it.


Love my O Family!
Good Saturday Morning to all!
Laundry today.
Trying to organize the craft stuff in the house (that I brought in from the she shed to sell) as it is taking over our living space, LOL!
Another hot and humid day on the horizon with rain not expected until later tonight. We can't catch a break! It rained a TAD bit Thursday while I was at the doctor but not enough to do anything except make it more humid!
I'm happy to announce my tummy is feeling pretty good today! Also, Mark is not as nauseous this week after his Ozempic injection like he was last week! Thank You, Lord!
That's about it for me!
Have a wonderful day!


Open the family room patio door this morning and saw 3 hot air balloons sailing over the house. Always get a bit of a thrill when they are flying by. I am sure there will be a lot of them in the air this week.... especially on July 4th. Need to make sure my camera battery is charged fully before then.

@faerywings How exciting that the bridal shower day is finally here. Take lots of photos and share some with us.

@Cherylndesigns Leave it to Adrienne to get the guys busy on putting the bench and totem together for you. Was LOL... I would spend a fortune if I bought everything I take to the store dressing rooms, too!!! :lol23:

@mimes1 Glad to see you popping back in... was wondering if you were okay.
@vickyday Glad the doctor is being extra careful and having the tests run at a couple of places. :hug4:

I am a bit bummed... I checked out a new Karen Rose book from the Loma Colorado library. Started to read it last evening and realized I had already read it a couple of months ago! So switched over to the new free book "Wolfsong". It is okay but not one I will end up rereading nor will I buy the rest of the series. Even though it is labeled "adult fiction", it really is more of a "teen fiction" book. Well, at least it was a free book.... :rolleyes1:

I meant to pop in here yesterday but between calls to my daughters and a long one with my sister, it slipped by. I did get my Color Play LOs uploaded. Think I am going to grab another to work with today. After I get that done, I will be working on shredding papers from the binders and marking out info on others. Yes, I did make it over to the dollar store and got some permanent markers... but they only had one package of 3! And I got a new spray nozzle for the hose at WM. So win some and lose some on the errands.


Love my O Family!
Open the family room patio door this morning and saw 3 hot air balloons sailing over the house. Always get a bit of a thrill when they are flying by. I am sure there will be a lot of them in the air this week.... especially on July 4th. Need to make sure my camera battery is charged fully before then.

@faerywings How exciting that the bridal shower day is finally here. Take lots of photos and share some with us.

@Cherylndesigns Leave it to Adrienne to get the guys busy on putting the bench and totem together for you. Was LOL... I would spend a fortune if I bought everything I take to the store dressing rooms, too!!! :lol23:

@mimes1 Glad to see you popping back in... was wondering if you were okay.
@vickyday Glad the doctor is being extra careful and having the tests run at a couple of places. :hug4:

I am a bit bummed... I checked out a new Karen Rose book from the Loma Colorado library. Started to read it last evening and realized I had already read it a couple of months ago! So switched over to the new free book "Wolfsong". It is okay but not one I will end up rereading nor will I buy the rest of the series. Even though it is labeled "adult fiction", it really is more of a "teen fiction" book. Well, at least it was a free book.... :rolleyes1:

I meant to pop in here yesterday but between calls to my daughters and a long one with my sister, it slipped by. I did get my Color Play LOs uploaded. Think I am going to grab another to work with today. After I get that done, I will be working on shredding papers from the binders and marking out info on others. Yes, I did make it over to the dollar store and got some permanent markers... but they only had one package of 3! And I got a new spray nozzle for the hose at WM. So win some and lose some on the errands.
Yes, isn't that the way when you go shopping....it seems I never come back anymore with everything I wanted!
Yes, I am very glad the doc is being extra careful!
Yes, you MUST have that camera ready to capture those balloons as they fly over! How wonderful! I love hot air balloons, but I don't think I would ever go up in one myself!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Quick update - well maybe not so quick. Been gone most of the day again. I thought we were going to the nursery, but we ended up going to Muskogee - SURPRISE! - you have to be prepared to be surprised with this bunch.

We stopped and picked Ava up - I had no idea she wasn't in Tulsa with her BF for his big golf tournament. Oh well, I just try to go with the flow. So, before heading to Muskogee, we stopped at the local (and I mean local) resale shop - it's right at the corner. We find the cutest things in there - it's literally a little building and it's called "Atta Girl". While we were in there, Adrienne discovered this T Shirt on a mannequin - it also had a hat on it, plus a belt, and a necklace. She disassembled the mannequin and said "Mom, you have to try this on". She proceeded to put it on over my clothes - - it was a Fleetwood Mac T-shirt - and it was their Rumors Album cover. Um Yeah- I HAD to have that!!!

Typical, huh? I ended up buying it plus a cool bracelet that she also found. Then we headed to Muskogee. Shortly after, Roger called and said he was back from Florida and was in the Tulsa airport. We arranged for him to meet us in Muskogee at a restaurant for lunch, it was halfway. After we ate, Adrienne headed to Ulta and me, Ava and Roger headed to Dunham's Sporting Goods Store. Can you believe at my ripe old age that I'm taking up golf again????? I'm pretty excited again - in my former life, I played a LOT of golf and now, Adrienne and Ava (because of their SO's) are getting excited about it. All the years I played golf and Adrienne went with me just to ride in the golf cart - she said "Mom, why didn't you MAKE me play"? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I tried, darling - what else could I do? You hated it.

SO, they "golf" on Thursday evenings and I guess I'm in for next Thursday. Roger and Drake (Ava's BF) play nine holes and the girls hit balls. I told them that we not only need to hit balls, but we need to work on our short game as well. So there you have it. Roger got me a "bag of balls" to hit out in the yard - I had bought wiffle balls, but these are better - they're like sponge-y balls.

File this under "You're never too old"...........................:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Ok, on to the "fun stuff". Adrienne and I walked in this evening and we both said "What is that awful smell"????

I turned on the overhead light and there it was - dog puke. We had walked right over it. She started gagging. I told her not to breathe through her nose. She said "you pick it up and I'll mop". Which is what we did. Poor Daisy had gotten sick while we were gone all day and had vomited. It is totally MY fault, because we said "no people food for her" and I relented last night and gave her "people food".

Sorry if this is too much TMI.
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Well-Known Member
Quick update - well maybe not so quick. Been gone most of the day again. I thought we were going to the nursery, but we ended up going to Muskogee - SURPRISE! - you have to be prepared to be surprised with this bunch.

We stopped and picked Ava up - I had no idea she wasn't in Tulsa with her BF for his big golf tournament. Oh well, I just try to go with the flow. So, before heading to Muskogee, we stopped at the local (and I mean local) resale shop - it's right at the corner. We find the cutest things in there - it's literally a little building and it's called "Atta Girl". While we were in there, Adrienne discovered this T Shirt on a mannequin - it also had a hat on it, plus a belt, and a necklace. She disassembled the mannequin and said "Mom, you have to try this on". She proceeded to put it on over my clothes - - it was a Fleetwood Mac T-shirt - and it was their Rumors Album cover. Um Yeah- I HAD to have that!!!

Typical, huh? I ended up buying it plus a cool bracelet that she also found. Then we headed to Muskogee. Shortly after, Roger called and said he was back from Florida and was in the Tulsa airport. We arranced for him to meet us in Muskogee at a restaurant for lunch, it was halfway. After we ate, Adrienne headed to Ulta and me, Ava and Roger headed to Dunham's Sporting Goods Store. Can you believe at my ripe old age that I'm taking up golf again????? I'm pretty excited again - in my former life, I played a LOT of golf and now, Adrienne and Ava (because of their SO's) are getting excited about it. All the years I played golf and Adrienne went with me just to ride in the golf cart - she said "Mom, why didn't you MAKE me play"? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I tried, darling - what else could I do? You hated it.

SO, they "golf" on Thursday evenings and I guess I'm in for next Thursday. Roger and Drake (Ava's BF) play nine holes and the girls hit balls. I told them that we not only need to hit balls, but we need to work on our short game as well. So there you have it. Roger got me a "bag of balls" to hit out in the yard - I had bought wiffle balls, but these are better - they're like sponge-y balls.

File this under "You're never too old"...........................:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Ok, on to the "fun stuff". Adrienne and I walked in this evening and we both said "What is that awful smell"????

I turned on the overhead light and there it was - dog puke. We had walked right over it. She started gagging. I told her not to breathe through her nose. She said "you pick it up and I'll mop". Which is what we did. Poor Daisy had gotten sick while we were gone all day and had vomited. It is totally MY fault, because we said "no people food for her" and I relented last night and gave her "people food".

Sorry if this is too much TMI.
OMG, Rumors Fleetwood Mac is one of my all-time faves. I still have my vinyl CD LOL. The ensemble sounds perfectly awesome for you! Darlin' you are never too chronologically advanced for anything . UGH to anyone or anything's puke. I'm so glad Adrienne helped instead of running off.


Well-Known Member
Tree guys came yesterday, and it took most of the day, part of it in the rain. We were outside all day watching them, it was fascinating, like a well-choreographed ballet. The guy was climbing around that tree like a monkey. If anyone ever asks what's the point of taking physics, they should watch a tree trimmer. The way he took - that tree down piece by piece and laid it down with such precision was absolutely amazing! We put the garden back together in the rain after they finished lifting the other tree. We went out this morning and put the whirley gigs back up. It's incredible how much sunshine was in the garden today; all of the plants and shrubs are going to be much happier. I worked on a layout today & hoped to finish it but got bogged down & didn't finish. Chris, no doubt in my mind you are throwing a monumentally fabulous shower.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
OMG, Rumors Fleetwood Mac is one of my all-time faves. I still have my vinyl CD LOL. The ensemble sounds perfectly awesome for you! Darlin' you are never too chronologically advanced for anything . UGH to anyone or anything's puke. I'm so glad Adrienne helped instead of running off.
OMG that was the BEST album ever!!! Yes, my DD is awesome - she held her breath while I cleaned up the puke and was waiting with the mop. BEST FAMILY EVER!!!!


The Loopy-O
Quick wave hello as I finished my coffee. I rolled right out of bed and into the shower. Picture an armadillo rolling across the street. JK! I used my feet to get from point A to point but I was tempted to tuck and roll. :D My goal is to inhale my coffee as quickly as possible while not making my entire body sweat, Not winning that point but I am trying.

We set up yesterday as much as possible but it is supposed to rain on and off last night to tonight so we couldn't get too much done outside. After that Sam and I grabbed Caitlyn and went to the dress fitting and OMG- If I thought the dress looked incredible on her when it was the wrong size and held tight with a million clips, my jaw dropped a million miles when I saw *her* dress on her. It still needs to be taken in and hemmed but she is out of this world stunning in it. (Bear with me for another few months and I'll be done blah blahing nonstop over bridal showers and weddings. I feel like I am *that* annoying MoB.)

Wish me luck today and please send decent weather vibes- it can be cloudy or even drizzly, just no crazy thunderstorms.

Love to all!


What a night... thunder/lightening/rain/hail.... it started at around 6:30PM. Was laying in bed reading when the power flickered the went off at just before 9PM. I got the flashlight on the nightstand and walked into the family room to get the small light with a stand ... all the while the lightening was going crazy... strike after strike and thunder shaking the house with rain pouring down! I was LOL as my bed is adjustable and I had the head raised as I was reading. NO POWER so had to lay with the head up as I finally went to sleep. Power was off for several hours. I did wake up when it came back on... just long enough to lower the head of the bed and turn the light off. Kept getting weather alerts and flash flood warning on the cell phone until after midnight. So glad I live up on the west mesa near the high point so the water didn't flood my neighborhood. Over 20,000 were without power. Had winds at 70+mph for awhile!!! It was a wild night! It is mostly cloudy this morning and no rain in the forecast for today. I may end up taking a nap today to make up for the broken sleep last night. Think I got all the electric clocks reset. Will be calling DD#3 later on this morning to see how they weathered the storm.

I actually got all the binders emptied yesterday afternoon including shredding the papers - which took over 2 hours to do. And ended up with a full big garage bag of shredded paper. Too bad that the recycle place won't take shredded paper.... Will be putting the empty binders out in the garage on an empty shelf in the bookcases. Have several binders out there already... need to check and see what is in them one of these days.... :floorlaugh: :rotfl::lol23:

Need to check on my challenge - looks like a few more members have added their LOs. BBL


Well-Known Member
@BrightEyes We have an adjustable bed too & sleep in the zero-gravity position, and while that raises the head, I know reading position is much higher. Did you pretend it was your recliner?I managed to get 5 of the challenges done, but I did other non-challenge layouts so will not be getting my whip out yet. .

I'm out on the deck having coffee & the hummingbirds have been helicoptering around my head, since I'm almost right under the feeder I'm not able to grab my phone for a pic without scaring them. Their wardrobe is really my jam and up close is a great vantage point. The cardinals are having morning coffee with their friends and the gossip is going back & forth- It's amazing how much more sun everything gets now, which other than the ladyslipper will thrive in. While the pond looks good, it will thrive with more sun, especially the lilies & hopefully the blanket algae will stop growing. When I watched the tree guys putting black dirt & grass seed where they ground out the stump, I knew it would never meet Wendell's level of precision, sure enough he's out there now raking with a garden rake & then is going to get more black dirt & grass seed. The lawn below where the tree shaded has lots of bald spots so I'm sure he will be going around starting toupees. This is the man whose idea of gardening is pour concrete and pain it green & if and if you must have flowers, paint them on. Enough blathering for now I need another cup of coffee.


Well-Known Member
I saw *her* dress on her. It still needs to be taken in and hemmed but she is out of this world stunning in it. (Bear with me for another few months and I'll be done blah blahing nonstop over bridal showers and weddings. I feel like I am *that* annoying MoB.)
PLEASE be that MoB!!! I love hearing all about the wedding plans and cant wait to see photos in the amazing layouts I know youre going to create. I didn't get to experience all this fun with my daughters wedding so I am living through yours. I hope the rain stays away during party time. Have a wonderful time!!!

I was LOL as my bed is adjustable and I had the head raised as I was reading. NO POWER so had to lay with the head up as I finally went to sleep.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: I'm so sorry you had storms and thunder and lightening and no power but the image in my mind is you sitting straight up in bed!!!! If I had an adjustable bed and was reading that is where it would be, up like a couch. I Hope you were able to get some sleep.

@JeanneMN coffee with the hummingbirds sounds amazing!!!!! I've only seen them once and that was in AZ while sitting in the hot tub at my dads. The little bird kept flitting around us for ten minutes. Its as so cool.

Today is cool and rainy which we needed. Will knock the pollen down and water the flowers so I dont have to. Also keeps me inside so maybe I can scrap a bit. Stalking the AJ thread waiting for the July week one to drop :giggle4: I think I am addicted and never thought I would be that girl, the AJ girl. Maybe one day I will make an AJ book and print all the layouts. For now, its just you guys who see them.

Time to finish coffee.
Oh and @faerywings I am drinking it slow so as not to get hot!!!! I totally understood that comment and felt it to my bones LOL


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I just got home (again) that's all I ever say anymore. :rotfl::floorlaugh: Alyssa has a new boyfriend and the family is trying to get to know him. I went out to lunch with Alyssa and Ryle (BF) and I think he's very sweet - he's certainly a gentleman, and insisted on buying our lunches. He treats Alyssa like a queen - that was impressive, and he was very talkative. He lives almost 2 hours away, so that could be a problem - you never know. He has a fairly good job and seems to be very family oriented. Talked about his family (and his grandparents) quite a bit. His mom shows horses and takes groups on trail rides. That's pretty cool, because I love horses.

I was going to go to the driving range with Andrienne and Roger, but instead of going at 5, Roger's ready to go right now. I'm going to wait until Thursday because I don't feel like rushing around.

I'll probably stop back by later. Trying to get the end of the month things done.


Well-Known Member
It's 1000 degrees here - we've been indoors all afternoon. It's clouding up like it wants to rain, I hope it does. In the meantime, a mama deer and her spotty baby just ran across our lawn.
@faerywings Thinking of you - everything is probably in full swing now and is certainly going to be fabulous! Can't wait to hear all about it.