
Daily Ooos: Friday, October 4


The Loopy-O
I want to start this morning by saying how grateful I am to be here every day with you. Truly, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. As I was reading yesterday's thread, I saw women supporting women, laughing and holding each other up in the good times and in grief. Excited for each other's successes and helping each other through difficulty. Cheering each other on-- unconditionally.
I treasure that and I wish that more people could experience it.

Before I came here this morning, I made the mistake of looking at my town's FB page, "Open Discussions," which is more like spew whatever vitriol you like and making people mad at each other. Not a great way to start your day but this place-- is just that. ♥

My workplace is a lot like here. So supportive. I took a few minutes before HS began to talk to a coworker who has been at Weis for many years. We worked together on Tuesday and I needed some feedback. I told her what I said here-- I thought I was trying to do too much and was struggling to find that balance. She took the time to go over my plans and reassured me that I was on the right track but if I felt like I was trying to cram stuff in, let it go for another day. It was an epiphany LOL! I had five different things planned and I immediately knocked one off and chose not to do the other. And it worked out so much better for all of us. :D

The kids *loved* making the applesauce, which was such a huge hit that I have to incorporate it again. Of course, I need to scrub out my instant pot this morning and I tossed one of my wooden spoons into the bag with the painted apples so that got "donated" to the art supply closet.
After I cleaned up, I needed to run some things past one of my bosses-- she was the one who ran the HS program last year. The big topic I needed to talk to her about-- bathroom breaks. :toilet: For real! :rotfl:
The program is run almost entirely outdoors. We have covered areas and an outdoor heater under the pavilion. It's a 5-minute walk from the main area we stay in to the Main building with the bathrooms. And I have 5 and 6 yos. So ya see the problem... We ended up making three different trips to the bathrooms which cuts into a lot of time and messes up the flow of the day. Lauren and I looked over some of the property closer to the building and I think I am going to use the rain garden as an outdoor classroom setting. I am so excited! I'll have someone bring some of the benches down there and we can clear an area for art stuff. Plus that means I can use it for long-term lessons like in the next session when we learn about ecosystems. I left work feeling less stressed than I had in weeks. I love how supportive and flexible everyone is at Weis.

Today we are doing some field trip prep for Pumpkin Chunkin. I saw the trebuchets yesterday. They are huge! Probably not huge but 8-10 feet tall? Huge to me.
I have an idea for Vicky's challenge that I want to play around with too.

Thank you ll again for being amazing people!


Well-Known Member
I want to start this morning by saying how grateful I am to be here every day with you. Truly, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. As I was reading yesterday's thread, I saw women supporting women, laughing and holding each other up in the good times and in grief. Excited for each other's successes and helping each other through difficulty. Cheering each other on-- unconditionally.
I treasure that and I wish that more people could experience it.
I only have a minute right now, but this is so beautifully eloquently stated. I second the (e)motion!! :heartpumpred: :flower: :hug4::blowkiss:


The Loopy-O
@JeanneMN Do penguins have knees? I'll see if I can figure it out tonight when I wake up at 3 am :floorlaugh:
I'll never see a Minion again and not think of you.

I didn't know you could make risotto in the IP! We love it but I refuse to stand there stirring it. I'll have to give that a try when we get back home. I'm trying to reduce our meat consumption, but not vegan so cheese is a tasty addition.
I'm not sure when you'll see it but I'm so happy to make risotto in the IP. I made a butternut squash one a few months ago too. With Tom being vegan, I try as best as I can to alter recipes so he can eat them. I made the risotto with cashews as a cheese replacement (I will never ever understand how cashews can be "cheesy", never :no: ) and added grated parm to mine once it was on my plate. I did the same with the coleslaw-- mixed it up with vegan may and then added a little bit of real mayo to my serving.
Hope you are having a wonderful trip!!

Momma said there'd be days like that.........you're welcome! ;)
I hope today is smooth sailing! :hug4:
Much better, thank you!
I was never crazy about stuffed peppers but I've seen vegan takes on them. I wonder if I made them for the family that way if they would enjoy them. I have a cast iron skillet, is that what you used?
Only 2 more days until the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival starts on Saturday. 10 days of hot air balloons filling the skies in the early mornings!!
It feels like yesterday that last year's Balloon Festival began. Time is flying... I hope they come close to your house so you can get some awesome photos.
I'm sorry that DD#1 needs surgery but at least it doesn't have to be done before the holidays.

Yesterday's hike was lovely, no bee stings and no one fell so that is a plus!! The colors are really starting to get vibrant on the trees and the sunshine was warm on our faces, it is a very pretty hike but lots of roots to watch out for so that you don't trip. So we stopped a few times to just take in our surroundings.
It sounds incredible and I'm glad that no one got stung/hurt. May the hiking gods always bless us that way :D
Good luck car shopping, try not to faint at the sticker prices. What year is your CRV? They tend to run forever. *knocks wood since mine is a 2012 and not a chance for a new car in the future for us*
I hope that you had time to scrap yesterday!

Good Morning. Its much warmer today :floorlaugh: 35*
Warmer. 35* and she says warmer. it's not warmer, it is "less freezing." hahaha!
It took me a long time to get used to living in the NJ boonies and being 40 minutes away from most decent shopping. I can't imagine being cut off from almost everything, especially Amazon.
Happy birthday to your dad. :hug3:
I'm raising a pina colada to him. :drinks2:

Thought I'd pop in and say hello. I have been MIA recently, but I'm around and have just been busy.
So glad to see you and I'm happy that you are taking time for yourself. Rest when you can and bring a pillow tied to your butt the next time you need to sit on bleachers for that long!
ITA with Vicky-- love your photos in your siggie and avatar. ♥♥♥

Tracy- You look gorgeous in your photo and I love the pin for your dad.

Our county is setting up help stations but it is still rough for everyone. We have spent 5 hours a day helping and there is still stuff to move out of friends houses. Salt water damage is so horrible and very dangerous if items are not sanitized. The A/C was not safe to run till it was inspected so we were working in heat for days, A/C it is finally to be on and with fans so its a little better. Moving so much stuff is hard for my arthritic back and knees
It sounds utterly heartbreaking. I can't imagine losing everything like that. Enjoy the trip to Pompano, take those deep breaths, and reset your mind. Self-care in these crazy times is critical. Have a safe drive!


The Loopy-O
I only have a minute right now, but this is so beautifully eloquently stated. I second the (e)motion!! :heartpumpred: :flower: :hug4::blowkiss:
Thank you! I don't understand how people can be so thoughtless and mean and it's a refuge for me here. I want everyone to know I appreciate you. I don't think it is said enough (not here, but generally speaking).


Love my O Family!
I want to start this morning by saying how grateful I am to be here every day with you. Truly, I mean that from the bottom of my heart. As I was reading yesterday's thread, I saw women supporting women, laughing and holding each other up in the good times and in grief. Excited for each other's successes and helping each other through difficulty. Cheering each other on-- unconditionally.
I treasure that and I wish that more people could experience it.

Before I came here this morning, I made the mistake of looking at my town's FB page, "Open Discussions," which is more like spew whatever vitriol you like and making people mad at each other. Not a great way to start your day but this place-- is just that. ♥

My workplace is a lot like here. So supportive. I took a few minutes before HS began to talk to a coworker who has been at Weis for many years. We worked together on Tuesday and I needed some feedback. I told her what I said here-- I thought I was trying to do too much and was struggling to find that balance. She took the time to go over my plans and reassured me that I was on the right track but if I felt like I was trying to cram stuff in, let it go for another day. It was an epiphany LOL! I had five different things planned and I immediately knocked one off and chose not to do the other. And it worked out so much better for all of us. :D

The kids *loved* making the applesauce, which was such a huge hit that I have to incorporate it again. Of course, I need to scrub out my instant pot this morning and I tossed one of my wooden spoons into the bag with the painted apples so that got "donated" to the art supply closet.
After I cleaned up, I needed to run some things past one of my bosses-- she was the one who ran the HS program last year. The big topic I needed to talk to her about-- bathroom breaks. :toilet: For real! :rotfl:
The program is run almost entirely outdoors. We have covered areas and an outdoor heater under the pavilion. It's a 5-minute walk from the main area we stay in to the Main building with the bathrooms. And I have 5 and 6 yos. So ya see the problem... We ended up making three different trips to the bathrooms which cuts into a lot of time and messes up the flow of the day. Lauren and I looked over some of the property closer to the building and I think I am going to use the rain garden as an outdoor classroom setting. I am so excited! I'll have someone bring some of the benches down there and we can clear an area for art stuff. Plus that means I can use it for long-term lessons like in the next session when we learn about ecosystems. I left work feeling less stressed than I had in weeks. I love how supportive and flexible everyone is at Weis.

Today we are doing some field trip prep for Pumpkin Chunkin. I saw the trebuchets yesterday. They are huge! Probably not huge but 8-10 feet tall? Huge to me.
I have an idea for Vicky's challenge that I want to play around with too.

Thank you ll again for being amazing people!
I 3rd that emotion! Very well said! :hug4:


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Brief visit. We will be leaving for the dentist appt in a few minutes. So I'll be back later today to catch up with you all.
Later Gators!


Love my O Family!
@JeanneMN Do penguins have knees? I'll see if I can figure it out tonight when I wake up at 3 am :floorlaugh:
I'll never see a Minion again and not think of you.

I'm not sure when you'll see it but I'm so happy to make risotto in the IP. I made a butternut squash one a few months ago too. With Tom being vegan, I try as best as I can to alter recipes so he can eat them. I made the risotto with cashews as a cheese replacement (I will never ever understand how cashews can be "cheesy", never :no: ) and added grated parm to mine once it was on my plate. I did the same with the coleslaw-- mixed it up with vegan may and then added a little bit of real mayo to my serving.
Hope you are having a wonderful trip!!

Much better, thank you!
I was never crazy about stuffed peppers but I've seen vegan takes on them. I wonder if I made them for the family that way if they would enjoy them. I have a cast iron skillet, is that what you used?

It feels like yesterday that last year's Balloon Festival began. Time is flying... I hope they come close to your house so you can get some awesome photos.
I'm sorry that DD#1 needs surgery but at least it doesn't have to be done before the holidays.

It sounds incredible and I'm glad that no one got stung/hurt. May the hiking gods always bless us that way :D
Good luck car shopping, try not to faint at the sticker prices. What year is your CRV? They tend to run forever. *knocks wood since mine is a 2012 and not a chance for a new car in the future for us*
I hope that you had time to scrap yesterday!

Warmer. 35* and she says warmer. it's not warmer, it is "less freezing." hahaha!
It took me a long time to get used to living in the NJ boonies and being 40 minutes away from most decent shopping. I can't imagine being cut off from almost everything, especially Amazon.
Happy birthday to your dad. :hug3:
I'm raising a pina colada to him. :drinks2:

So glad to see you and I'm happy that you are taking time for yourself. Rest when you can and bring a pillow tied to your butt the next time you need to sit on bleachers for that long!
ITA with Vicky-- love your photos in your siggie and avatar. ♥♥♥

Tracy- You look gorgeous in your photo and I love the pin for your dad.

It sounds utterly heartbreaking. I can't imagine losing everything like that. Enjoy the trip to Pompano, take those deep breaths, and reset your mind. Self-care in these crazy times is critical. Have a safe drive!
Glad yesterday was better for you!
No to the iron skillet but you could totally use it to cook the meat mixture and then stuff the peppers and put them back in the skillet to bake in the oven. Just add about 1/2 inch of water to the skillet to help steam the peppers. I cooked mine at 375 for 45 minutes. My peppers were pretty small and still a bit firm but we like them that way. So depending on the size of your peppers and how soft you like them, you may need to adjust the cook time.