
Daily Ooos: Friday, October 25


The Loopy-O
And *poof* just like that, the warm weather is gone. Back into the 30*s overnight. And still no rain other than that brief shower yesterday.
The kids leave in another half hour for their camping weekend and Cait's not happy that it's going to be very cold at night. I can't say I blame her one bit. I camped once in the winter and swore that I would never, ever, ever do that again. I think I was 20 years old at the time and 36 years later, I have kept my word.

Guess what I did yesterday while teaching?
I mixed up Tag and Hide and Seek. :oops2: :rotfl:
I had the kids pretend to be squirrels and gather acorns in their hands. Then one kid was a predator, turned around, and counted to ten while the kids ran to base, holding their acorns. Well-- after a few tries and my coworker politely asking me if I wanted them to line up and then run past the predator, I realized what I did and told her to take over the game :giggle4:
Marshmallow den building was of course a big hit, esp when I told them they could eat the dens when they were done.

I have a doctor's appt this morning, hopefully my last for a while. Then it's going to be catching up on a lot of this and a little of that. Prep everything I need for that stupidly long hike I am going on tomorrow LOL!
(what was I thinking???)

If you haven't checked out the Color Plays-- they are amazing!

Love and hugs!


The Loopy-O
@BoatLady If I were one of the Pool Ladies, I wouldn't have wanted to leave either. That's so cool that you are going to do this every week too. Happy metamorphosis-ing to your caterpillars!!

@Terri M We are nowhere near the tourist area as you, but I try not to drive on the weekends in October here too. The traffic gets stupid try to get up the mountain.
I'm now in a multi-day argument with myself with decluttering & saving money on one hand and my desire for early morning cappuccino on the other.
Do it, do it, do it!! :cheer:
(I hope you didn't think I was going to be the voice of reason when it comes to coffee LOL)

@BrightEyes I hope that the Dr appt went well so you can finally feel better and get rid of that cough.

@taxed4ever Ooooooh, Trudy...... Seems like my concern over your FIL getting in the way was reasonable. I know, not a surprise. :/
You are the best DIL and I'm so glad that you were able to put your feet up with a glass of wine at the end of the day. How was the visit with Aunt Betty? I hope that she took some of the edge off your ILs and you didn't need to up your end-of-the-day wine game to one bottle instead of one glass.

@AK_Tracy No one wants to deal with Thanksgiving anymore. In 2021, I had it here with Scott's then-GF and her mom who were in our Covid Pod. We liked it being small so in 2022, we did the same but Tom was here, and Sam and her mom. Last year, I had everyone here. The catch is that I don't cook turkey. Ick. I don't like to cook or eat anything with bones, it makes me nauseous. My mom brought up slices of turkey while I made the vegan turk'y roast. :D
If no one else wants to host, I'll do it again. It's easier for me to have it here since I know Gary will be able to "attend." If we go to someone else's house, he usually can't go. Scott usually works that day anyway so if it's here, he can come right from work.
(Darnit!!! Now I am thinking about Thanksgiving! Ahhhh!!!!! :rollingpin1:)

So we found one that makes 14 cups and its been wonderful.
That is our requirement too. Has to be 14 cups. Has. To.

@JeanneMN Are you sure you don't have a minion up your nose?
Hope you are feeling better today!

@bitzee I am the same as you, I can't nap and when I do, my family worries about me.

Kay-- I hope the new meds do the trick!! ((((((HUGS)))))))

@vickyday Oh no... I was hoping that you moved the photos into the wrong folder accidentally. (BTDT)

@MariJ Yeah, that little sprinkle didn't even get the ground wet, it was just the patio that was damp. I'm sure you have the warnings too, but my Town has been sending out daily alerts about absolutely no fires allowed.

Tracy- you keep that snow far away from me! :lol23:

I told her that you have to shop for Halloween on the fourth of July
Isn't that the truth! My neighbor hates Christmas ads and songs and she has already been posting on FB for the last month or so about seeing/hearing them on the radio and TV.
Yay that Tex is home, I hope he isn't missing Lex too much!

Drat, I am running late, time to get in the shower for the dr appt.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, that little sprinkle didn't even get the ground wet, it was just the patio that was damp. I'm sure you have the warnings too, but my Town has been sending out daily alerts about absolutely no fires allowed.
Yes, we have the Essex County Reservation in my town, so worries about fires. I heard on the news last night that there was not one day of rain in October and that has never happened! o_O


Love my O Family!
And *poof* just like that, the warm weather is gone. Back into the 30*s overnight. And still no rain other than that brief shower yesterday.
The kids leave in another half hour for their camping weekend and Cait's not happy that it's going to be very cold at night. I can't say I blame her one bit. I camped once in the winter and swore that I would never, ever, ever do that again. I think I was 20 years old at the time and 36 years later, I have kept my word.

Guess what I did yesterday while teaching?
I mixed up Tag and Hide and Seek. :oops2: :rotfl:
I had the kids pretend to be squirrels and gather acorns in their hands. Then one kid was a predator, turned around, and counted to ten while the kids ran to base, holding their acorns. Well-- after a few tries and my coworker politely asking me if I wanted them to line up and then run past the predator, I realized what I did and told her to take over the game :giggle4:
Marshmallow den building was of course a big hit, esp when I told them they could eat the dens when they were done.

I have a doctor's appt this morning, hopefully my last for a while. Then it's going to be catching up on a lot of this and a little of that. Prep everything I need for that stupidly long hike I am going on tomorrow LOL!
(what was I thinking???)

If you haven't checked out the Color Plays-- they are amazing!

Love and hugs!
Well, I can see how you could mix up tag and hide and seek! We used to play it like that with the kids sometimes growing up. You had to find them and tag them before they got to base. It's harder on the parents than the kids, LOL!

I've kinda been out of the loop of the Color Play this month since I went on vacation last week and got hurt and.......yada yada.....I've been playing catch up with my ATCs the last couple of days until my wrists just can't take it any longer! Yesterday my ribs were really sore and I was having trouble moving around at all! Today they feel better, however!


Love my O Family!
@BoatLady If I were one of the Pool Ladies, I wouldn't have wanted to leave either. That's so cool that you are going to do this every week too. Happy metamorphosis-ing to your caterpillars!!

@Terri M We are nowhere near the tourist area as you, but I try not to drive on the weekends in October here too. The traffic gets stupid try to get up the mountain.

Do it, do it, do it!! :cheer:
(I hope you didn't think I was going to be the voice of reason when it comes to coffee LOL)

@BrightEyes I hope that the Dr appt went well so you can finally feel better and get rid of that cough.

@taxed4ever Ooooooh, Trudy...... Seems like my concern over your FIL getting in the way was reasonable. I know, not a surprise. :/
You are the best DIL and I'm so glad that you were able to put your feet up with a glass of wine at the end of the day. How was the visit with Aunt Betty? I hope that she took some of the edge off your ILs and you didn't need to up your end-of-the-day wine game to one bottle instead of one glass.

@AK_Tracy No one wants to deal with Thanksgiving anymore. In 2021, I had it here with Scott's then-GF and her mom who were in our Covid Pod. We liked it being small so in 2022, we did the same but Tom was here, and Sam and her mom. Last year, I had everyone here. The catch is that I don't cook turkey. Ick. I don't like to cook or eat anything with bones, it makes me nauseous. My mom brought up slices of turkey while I made the vegan turk'y roast. :D
If no one else wants to host, I'll do it again. It's easier for me to have it here since I know Gary will be able to "attend." If we go to someone else's house, he usually can't go. Scott usually works that day anyway so if it's here, he can come right from work.
(Darnit!!! Now I am thinking about Thanksgiving! Ahhhh!!!!! :rollingpin1:)

That is our requirement too. Has to be 14 cups. Has. To.

@JeanneMN Are you sure you don't have a minion up your nose?
Hope you are feeling better today!

@bitzee I am the same as you, I can't nap and when I do, my family worries about me.

Kay-- I hope the new meds do the trick!! ((((((HUGS)))))))

@vickyday Oh no... I was hoping that you moved the photos into the wrong folder accidentally. (BTDT)

@MariJ Yeah, that little sprinkle didn't even get the ground wet, it was just the patio that was damp. I'm sure you have the warnings too, but my Town has been sending out daily alerts about absolutely no fires allowed.

Tracy- you keep that snow far away from me! :lol23:


Isn't that the truth! My neighbor hates Christmas ads and songs and she has already been posting on FB for the last month or so about seeing/hearing them on the radio and TV.
Yay that Tex is home, I hope he isn't missing Lex too much!

Drat, I am running late, time to get in the shower for the dr appt.

I was hoping so, too.....but I check all the folders near the one I moved them to.....nada :sad2:


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Been trying to play catch up this week as long as my wrists allow. Yesterday for some reason my ribs were very sore and I was having trouble moving around. So far they seem to be better today. (we need a "knock on wood" emoji)

Today is more catch up. Plus I want to scrap the few photos I have from our trip to Alabama. I want to work on some of the challenges, too.

I think I heard the furnace kick on! It didn't get into the 30's, like @faerywings , but low 40's. High of 70 today, I think. I want to take a walk in our woods to get a few pictures of the changing leaves. They aren't hanging on for long after they turn this year!

Hope everyone has a great day!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Friday is David's day to work at Habitat so I can hang out and be lazy as long as I get dressed before he comes home three-ish. Although it's so pretty out I'll probably go out for some pictures. I also am working through picking favorite photos from our vacation trip.

I kept my cool and just dealt with it, the glass of wine at the end of the day was very much needed :wine4:!!
There are certainly days when that 5:00 happy hour is very much needed!

We have our first few snow flakes falling!!!!!
I'll stick to living in the south, thank you. Earliest we can expect snow here is another month and a half, and that's unusual. I think that, of the ten winters we've been in Virginia, we've had four with no snow at all, although I can often see it up on the mountains from my front yard. But even when it snows, it almost never lasts long enough to bother shoveling.

Been trying to play catch up this week as long as my wrists allow. Yesterday for some reason my ribs were very sore and I was having trouble moving around. So far they seem to be better today. (we need a "knock on wood" emoji)
I hope you stay comfortable. I'm a big user of heating pads; I carry one around the house with me and plug it in wherever I settle down.


Love my O Family!
Friday is David's day to work at Habitat so I can hang out and be lazy as long as I get dressed before he comes home three-ish. Although it's so pretty out I'll probably go out for some pictures. I also am working through picking favorite photos from our vacation trip.

There are certainly days when that 5:00 happy hour is very much needed!

I'll stick to living in the south, thank you. Earliest we can expect snow here is another month and a half, and that's unusual. I think that, of the ten winters we've been in Virginia, we've had four with no snow at all, although I can often see it up on the mountains from my front yard. But even when it snows, it almost never lasts long enough to bother shoveling.

I hope you stay comfortable. I'm a big user of heating pads; I carry one around the house with me and plug it in wherever I settle down.
I love the heating pad for my back. I should try wrapping it around my arm.....not sure how that would work for computer work, however!


Love my O Family!
Friday is David's day to work at Habitat so I can hang out and be lazy as long as I get dressed before he comes home three-ish. Although it's so pretty out I'll probably go out for some pictures. I also am working through picking favorite photos from our vacation trip.

There are certainly days when that 5:00 happy hour is very much needed!

I'll stick to living in the south, thank you. Earliest we can expect snow here is another month and a half, and that's unusual. I think that, of the ten winters we've been in Virginia, we've had four with no snow at all, although I can often see it up on the mountains from my front yard. But even when it snows, it almost never lasts long enough to bother shoveling.

I hope you stay comfortable. I'm a big user of heating pads; I carry one around the house with me and plug it in wherever I settle down.
I'm with you! I'll stick to living in NC.....we rarely get a "good" snow. And if we do, it is usually gone by the next day.....that's fine with me! Here long enough to get some pictures and then gone! When we moved here in 2008 we were warned about the ice storms. That hasn't even happened, to which I'm thankful!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning lovely ladies! My DH is home today, so it will be a quick post from me as he will soon be wanting some breakfast. Yesterday’s visit with Aunt Betty was very nice, she is such a hoot and has so many great stories!! She is 90 and has a steel trap of a brain, remembers so many things, dates and even what the weather was like, when she tells her stories. We spent the day updating the family history and will be doing the same today. Aunt Betty’s oldest daughter drove her here and will be coming back to pick her up late this afternoon, she is about the same age as me and is a lovely lady, just like her Mom. However her husband has had some very serious health issues and she told us all about it before she left yesterday. He picked up some horrible infection when they were in Mexico and ended up in the hospital with sepsis and then got diagnosed with Prostrate Cancer :sad2:. He will start his radiation treatments once the infection is cleared from his body. He has been very sick for a very long time!! Poor guy! She said he is in good spirits now that he is finally home and feeling better and we are hoping for the best for his recovery! Anyway it will be another busy day of going through all the family history that the sisters have written down over the years. SIL Linda and I laugh as we try to update birthdates and death dates as the sisters go off on a rant about what that person was like and what their whole life was like :giggle4:. Focus ladies, Focus or we will never get this done. It has been fun, interesting and a bit frustrating!! Ok I will end this post here and hopefully catch up with all of you over the next day or two. I really want to play with the new CP, but it doesn’t look like that will happen for a few days. Have a wonderful :friday:


Morning, all. Slept in again this morning... until after 8AM. Got dressed, ate a banana so I could take my antibiotic and used the inhaler. Sure hoping that the new meds will do the trick. It is going to be another stay-at-home and rest day. Before I saw the doctor yesterday, I dropped off the library books and pick up my 'on hold' new book - "The Women" by Kristin Hannah. It is about a nurse who served in Vietnam in 1960's..... Wow.... I over halfway through it and hated to put it down last night.

I got my Color Play LOs uploaded last evening. Saw a couple more Color Play collections that caught my eye. May have to play with a few more of them.

@faerywings sounds like you are having as much fun as the kids at Weis!!! Sounds like having Thanksgiving at your house would be good so Gary can celebrate the holiday with everyone.

I'll stick to living in the south, thank you. Earliest we can expect snow here is another month and a half, and that's unusual. I think that, of the ten winters we've been in Virginia, we've had four with no snow at all, although I can often see it up on the mountains from my front yard. But even when it snows, it almost never lasts long enough to bother shoveling.
When we lived in Virginia Beach (2 years - in the late 1970's), we had plenty of snow several times each winter. But the weather has changed all over now. We get snow here usually in November and can get it as late as April. It usually doesn't last long and I let the sun melt it off the driveway as it faces south.

@Cherylndesigns Wow, girl... so sorry you got hit by the baseball. Glad it didn't break your glasses. Photos of your 'friends' - glad you found the one and I agree it would be wise to keep the other one sitting on your front porch once you get him out of the attic.

@taxed4ever What a hoot Betty must be as she tells stories about family members! So sorry to hear about her hubby's illnesses. You are a wonderful DiL to help MiL and Betty write down family history.

Need more coffee :coffeedrinker:and work on some CP LOs. HAGD


Well-Known Member
Costco run. Lost track of time. Sorry, only got the first two messages read. Will hopefully reply to the rest of my lovely ladies tonight.

(I hope you didn't think I was going to be the voice of reason when it comes to coffee LOL)
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
(Darnit!!! Now I am thinking about Thanksgiving! Ahhhh!!!!! :rollingpin1:)
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: Now shall we talk Christmas plans??? While I have you all off schedule. Its gonna be Chinese food this year for the big family gathering.

Off and running. Sorry to drive by but ya know gotta fly before the flakes do!!!! Hope to be home before the snow comes. Last night nothing added up at our house. Temps are 33. Long as its not rain it will be amazing day!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Yesterday we ordered a new front door, an 8' slider and a 6' slider all hurricane rated....Cha ching $$$$ but now our house will be all safe- we had no damage but now we have more peace of mind. Then at 11 I met some friends at the club pool for aerobics just after noon we were set to leave and were talking about going to lunch today as all the guys are going out. It was so perfectly gorgeous then so I said why don't we come here at noon bring a lunch the go in the pool and just enjoy ourselves here....unanimous Yes so now it is Ladies Lunch and Pool Day. One of the ladies is bringing mimosa's--oh boy.
Sounds like a great investment. You can't put a price tag on peace of mind, but it is more fun to have a shopping bag. Your community sounds like Nirvana to me. Pool aerobics, mimosas, rinse and repeat, have a couple for me too.
Yipppeeeee! I'll pass the info along to my GP when I see him on Friday but it's all good news!
Yay!!! That is fantastic !
county parks & rec is treating the Trails Crew to a pizza lunch to thank us for all our work in rebuilding and replacing flood damage. A few pizzas is a good price for them to pay in return to several hundred hours of work!
What a wonderful way to show your hours of work were appreciated.
I told her that the brace is how I'm getting out of folding laundry, how about for knitting? or for using my computer? She was OK with that, but suggested "folding laundry" again. I don't think she's getting the point.:giggle4:
OMG! I certainly hope she has more OT knowledge than laundry smarts. Has she ever done laundry? Maybe she read it in a textbook? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
It took me a good part of the afternoon but I FINALLY found the right setting (not, for some reason, under any Settings category you would think to look) and I'm ecstatic that I've been able to type this without drama! But, yes, it's crazy how all these things that are supposed to make life easier are just major consumers of time.
Technology is grand when it works, and a major time waster when it doesn't. A lot of time gets wasted when we have to be Inspector Gadgets. Windows explorer has been making me crazy . Well crazier maybe.
Good Morning O friends! It is cloudy and cool and I am staying home from the hike today, as MIL needs my help for most of the day. She never asks for my help, so I figured I better be there for her.
You are a truly amazing dil, I hope they appreciate what a blessing you are.
My left side is feeling better each day, but the right side is still pretty stiff and hurts. Not to type, but it sure hurts if I try to do anything else with it! I have to use both hands to pick up my beverage containers, pull drawers open, pull on anything, actually!
I wish there was something I could do to help you. Time moves so slowly during this kind of recovery, but moves so quickly during the fun times. knitting would sure help it go faster. Sending warm hugs.
I used my other laptop to move our Alabama pictures over from the camera to the EHD and something happened after I shut the laptop down and moved the EHD to use here on my Mac.....most of the pictures disappeared! Went to the recycle bin on the other laptop and it was empty! Curses! I was able to get the phone pictures from Google photos but the camera pictures are history! GRRRRR!!! Anyone have any suggestions? I had taken a picture of an eagle soaring over the lake, too! Gone! All of my beautiful sunrise photos with the fog over the lake...gone!!! I'm so aggravated!
Oh, Vicky, my stomach just dropped when I read this. I don't know anything about a Mac & it sounds like you've already tried what I would do. Only thing I can think of is search the entire drive of both laptop
Didn't need the alarm this morning... woke up at 7AM... Up and dressed then out the door to the have my lab work done. Back to the house to have a quick cup of coffee and muffins for breakfast. Then loaded the frozen meals that were on recall and over to Smith's to turn them in. The clerk gave me a Smith's $$card for the 5 meals. I had preloaded the digital coupons to my Smith's member card last night so it was a fast zip around the store to get everything then back home.
So glad it wasn't a hassle returning them. You are so organized and precise, I see the military in you.
Thankfully I am not as crazy as it appears! :floorlaugh: Its the one time in my life I use boxed powder mashed potatoes. We add sour cream and milk to make them more creamy and less box tasting. But ya still gotta :whip3: it, I mean whisk it, to get the lumps out. Cant have a mouthful of powder cause ya didn't de-lump it.

Hi Ho, Hi Ho off to work I go........ I mean WOOO HOOOO!!!! I'm off to my happy place!! Here I come kitchen!!!!!
:floorlaugh: (might have just confirmed I am as crazy as I appear) :floorlaugh:
Liar, liar, pants on fire! Just thinking you aren't as crazy as you appear shows you are crazier than you appear. I had a countdown in my daily planner my last year. I loved the kids, the tall people not so much.
They're fun though and I enjoy my "Ava and Drake time". Drake plays shortstop and he got hit in the neck tonight. Ava always tells him not to get hit in the face because he's so pretty.. LOL Then, we're sitting there, minding our own business and a baseball comes whizzing up and hits me in the side of the head. Ava totally freaked out - it came from one of the fields behind us. I was fine, thankfully, I had my new glasses on and the shaft kind of protected the side of my head. One of Drake's teammates got hit square in the back of the head. It was a crazy head-hitting night. Kind of scary now that I'm writing this, and it could have been so much worse for all of us.
OMG, this just leaves me speechless & so thankful that you are still alive. Holey moley I'm terrified just reading this.
I just went through and sent a hug to all of you. Hugs to ALL and XOXO and I'll try to do personals tomorrow. I have about 3 CP layouts that I need to get crack-a-lacking on. :grouphugyay:
Thank you, I needed one.
I got a little lost in lesson plans prep for today and then the Weis Director called to chat. She is interested in having me help out some more with either Girl Scout/Cub Scout Badges or field trips for an HS pod. One of the moms from my HS group asked the other day about it and Anne wants me to help with it too. I love that idea!
OK, so I haven't known you real long so don't know what you were like before, but you have just blossomed since you started your job.
Pool day was fabulous yesterday. The pool heaters finally caught up so it was heavenly temp. there were 12 of us...noon to 4:40 and we didn't want to leave. Eat, drink, swim then repeat. Planning to do it every Thursday. Going to vote today then get cracked corn for the birds. 3 of my 4 Monarch caterpillars are in chrysalis and that last one is a a fat cat so will be going to the top soon...so exciting.
Yup, definitely Nirvana. So exciting that your Monarchs are developing.
I have an inexpensive espresso machine but it's more trouble than I want to deal with first thing out of bed. I'm now in a multi-day argument with myself with decluttering & saving money on one hand and my desire for early morning cappuccino on the other.
I totally get it. Someone gave me one and I felt the exact same way that you did. It's been living in the Lazy Susan for about 20 years. I have a milk steamer now and as much as I was not impressed with Keurig coffee, they finally made one that punches 5 holes in the top the coffee is better, good enough for someone who. loves coffee hot & doesn't want to dump out cold coffee, & it never tastes right reheated. I know I've a fuss budget.
That's terrible! Not on a memory card someplace? Having been in tech when most of it was being developed, I've retained my conviction that it will all fail eventually, and don't trust any of it. So I over-backup, which can be expensive. Someday I'll be gone and none of this will matter to anyone else, but I'll let the kids work that out.
I got started in college when they were still punch cards. I'm with you on never trusting it completely. I have two backup ehd drives, backup to Amazon Prime and pay for cloud storage. All my pictures of my grands are digital.
Morning, all. Have a doctor's appt this afternoon. The cough is still hanging on and seems to be getting worse again and the throat is sore. I let my primary care doc know yesterday via My Chart... the nurse called with questions then set me up with the Nurse Practitioner as my PC doc is not in this week.
My Chart is great for that. I hope you kick it soon.
Good Morning everyone! Another busy day as the In-Laws want SIL and myself to come over around 10:30 and spend most of the day with them and Aunt Betty. Apparently she wanting to update the family history and for some reason MIL think that I have all that on one of my computers :hahano:. Anyway I supposed to bring over my iPad and work on some of the history with Aunt Betty. I am pretty sure MIL means that it is all on Ancestry.ca and we should be able to update whatever is on there. I spent the entire day in MIL kitchen and made numerous meals, which was ok, but I didn't know that I was going to be doing it all on my own!!! FIL was fretting the whole time about updating his new tv, so I had to stop what I was doing and take care of that, it was easy but sheesh man what you need isn't more important than what everyone else needs. :crazy:. I kept my cool and just dealt with it, the glass of wine at the end of the day was very much needed :wine4:!! Anyway I now have to get my 7 layer salad prepared before going over this morning and then I have a apple pie to cook at some point this afternoon, good thing I only live across the street so I can run back and forth while I am updating family history :bouncing::thud:. I bet I sleep really good tonight!! It will be really great to see Aunt Betty again, she is a total polar opposite of MIL, always happy, always in for an adventure and has travelled the world, where MIL doesn't understand why anyone would want to travel anywhere. Oh well I guess life would be boring if we were all the same right?!!
Like I said earlier, you are way beyond being amazing as a dil. Your fil reminds me of my Pops in his later years. It was, get me this, bring me that, do this , do that. I finally said, "Dad I don't mind doing things for you (even though you could do them yourself I said in my head)but a please and a thank you would be nice." He responded, I'm 82 years old I don't need to say please anymore. Huh, I didn't know manners & appreciation had an expiration date.
Oh what? You're not there yet? You dont have people invited and the meal planned? What???? Just me? I'm the crazy one? Yep, already invited half the people and have a list made for shopping.
You probably don't want to know the flag comes down for winter in Labor Day & I honor them by starting to decorate for Christmas. I don't think Wendell's family is celebrating Thanksgiving this year. The sister that holds it every other year, is with her in-laws this year and no one else has volunteered. The two sisters that sometimes have it, I don't think Wendell would go to this year.
I am back home... with new meds. Good thing I went back in as there is a lot of congestion/wheezing in the chest and the infection is still going strong. Now I am on an inhaler and a different antibiotic for the next 10 days plus taking a cough suppressant. @JeanneMN sure hope you don't have what I have. Mine has been going on for over 5 weeks. If your continues very long - get into the doctor for some meds. I also found out that I haven't had the latest Pneumonia vaccination. Have to wait for this sick spell to be over then need to get it.
I hope the new meds do the trick. Thanks for the reminder about the p-nomia vaccine.
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: The visual!!! Do you want me to send a new toothbrush???Maybe a baby one thats smaller and softer???
Honestly, that's a great idea, either that or the steel brush we use on the gas grill.
I'm sitting here, reading all of your posts and mostly laughing - we are a crazy crazy bunch.
Totally agree.

Wendell went to pick up the order at the meat market that I placed on Wednesday, I didn't feel like the 20 mile drive or the gym. The freezer was empty so meals were bleak . Juicy Lucy's for supper tonight, the idea of which I know makes some of you gag but like @taxed4ever (my brain misplaced your name) said, the world would truly be boring if we were all the same.(my brain misplaced your name) said, the world would truly be boring if we were all the same. I need more coffee, I have an idea for a scrap page , but I HAVE to get financial stuff caught up . Little bit of rain last night and Wendell is out chasing leaves again.
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Love my O Family!
Sounds like a great investment. You can't put a price tag on peace of mind, but it is more fun to have a shopping bag. Your community sounds like Nirvana to me. Pool aerobics, mimosas, rinse and repeat, have a couple for me too.

Yay!!! That is fantastic !

What a wonderful way to show your hours of work were appreciated.

OMG! I certainly hope she has more OT knowledge than laundry smarts. Has she ever done laundry? Maybe she read it in a textbook? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Technology is grand when it works, and a major time waster when it doesn't. A lot of time gets wasted when we have to be Inspector Gadgets. Windows explorer has been making me crazy . Well crazier maybe.

You are a truly amazing dil, I hope they appreciate what a blessing you are.

I wish there was something I could do to help you. Time moves so slowly during this kind of recovery, but moves so quickly during the fun times. knitting would sure help it go faster. Sending warm hugs.

Oh, Vicky, my stomach just dropped when I read this. I don't know anything about a Mac & it sounds like you've already tried what I would do. Only thing I can think of is search the entire drive of both laptop

So glad it wasn't a hassle returning them. You are so organized and precise, I see the military in you.

Liar, liar, pants on fire! Just thinking you aren't as crazy as you appear shows you are crazier than you appear. I had a countdown in my daily planner my last year. I loved the kids, the tall people not so much.

OMG, this just leaves me speechless & so thankful that you are still alive. Holey moley I'm terrified just reading this.

Thank you, I needed one.

OK, so I haven't known you real long so don't know what you were like before, but you have just blossomed since you started your job.

Yup, definitely Nirvana. So exciting that your Monarchs are developing.

I totally get it. Someone gave me one and I felt the exact same way that you did. It's been living in the Lazy Susan for about 20 years. I have a milk steamer now and as much as I was not impressed with Keurig coffee, they finally made one that punches 5 holes in the top the coffee is better, good enough for someone who. loves coffee hot & doesn't want to dump out cold coffee, & it never tastes right reheated. I know I've a fuss budget.

I got started in college when they were still punch cards. I'm with you on never trusting it completely. I have two backup ehd drives, backup to Amazon Prime and pay for cloud storage. All my pictures of my grands are digital.

My Chart is great for that. I hope you kick it soon.

Like I said earlier, you are way beyond being amazing as a dil. Your fil reminds me of my Pops in his later years. It was, get me this, bring me that, do this , do that. I finally said, "Dad I don't mind doing things for you (even though you could do them yourself I said in my head)but a please and a thank you would be nice." He responded, I'm 82 years old I don't need to say please anymore. Huh, I didn't know manners & appreciation had an expiration date.

You probably don't want to know the flag comes down for winter in Labor Day & I honor them by starting to decorate for Christmas. I don't think Wendell's family is celebrating Thanksgiving this year. The sister that holds it every other year, is with her in-laws this year and no one else has volunteered. The two sisters that sometimes have it, I don't think Wendell would go to this year.

I hope the new meds do the trick. Thanks for the reminder about the p-nomia vaccine.

Honestly, that's a great idea, either that or the steel brush eve use on the gas grill.

Totally agree.

Wendell went to pick up the order at the meat market that I placed on Wednesday, I didn't feel like the 20 mile drive or the gym. The freezer was empty so meals were bleak . Juicy Lucy's for supper tonight, the idea of which I know makes some of you gag but like @taxed4ever (my brain misplaced your name) said, the world would truly be boring if we were all the same.(my brain misplaced your name) said, the world would truly be boring if we were all the same. I need more coffee, I have an idea for a scrap page , but I HAVE to get financial stuff caught up . Little bit of rain last night and Wendell is out chasing leaves again.
This, too, shall pass!


Love my O Family!
What are you doing currently?
I'm just a swingin'!

And eating delicious, cherry - smoked chicken and a couple bites of beef. I'm not much of a beef eater, but I took a few bites and it was pretty good! Now I'm just enjoying the weather and the view! Wish you were here!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
What are you doing currently?
I'm just a swingin'!
View attachment 431344

And eating delicious, cherry - smoked chicken and a couple bites of beef. I'm not much of a beef eater, but I took a few bites and it was pretty good! Now I'm just enjoying the weather and the view! Wish you were here!
View attachment 431345
What a lovely way to spend a lovely afternoon & evening - Your fur baby looks totally contented. Heading upstairs to make Wendell supper.


Well-Known Member
HI Everyone! I'm caught up a little bit of all the fun you've had this week! I miss being here on the daily OOo! This week will be 7 days straight working - it doesn't feel stressful at all, in fact it's been very fulfilling, but I am tired. Just woke up from a 3 hour nap.

I had the kids pretend to be squirrels and gather acorns in their hands. Then one kid was a predator, turned around, and counted to ten while the kids ran to base, holding their acorns.
Can I come to camp? That sounds like so much fun!
I don't like to cook or eat anything with bones,
Me too!! I HATE deboning any kind meat at all!! So gross.
I've kinda been out of the loop of the Color Play this month
How did we get to color play weekend so soon!! I had no idea it was this weekend either until I saw the email Thursday night! Feels like a bit of a time warp this week!
I went on vacation last week and got hurt
I googled the dam you were heading to when you fell, thinking it would be a nice day trip for me and my Mark. The only one on the map was in AL and that's too far for a weekend jaunt. But I thought there must be another one near here - so this pieces it all together! You were indeed in AL! Which makes the ER trip even worse because it's in unfamiliar territory!!
I want to take a walk in our woods to get a few pictures of the changing leaves.
What a blessing to have your very own woods to take pictures in. Must be so beautiful. Can't wait to see some layouts of your fall color.
When we moved here in 2008 we were warned about the ice storms.
People keep promising us spectacular ice storms, but nothing yet since we've moved here in 2021. Hopefully the record will stand and it will be 15 more years before one hits.
it never tastes right reheated.
Coffee snobs unite!! Anything over 2 hours old goes down the sink.
Huh, I didn't know manners & appreciation had an expiration date.
My mom would say the exact same thing!! :rotfl: I used to tell her that age has many privileges', but that rudeness wasn't one of them. Made no difference, she's still the mom and could say what she wanted!

Off to go check out some color play! Hope you all have a good day tomorrow. I'll be at work doing a Trunk or Treat event all day.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening my friends.

I'm trying to catch up but not sure I can. I have been reading your posts - I love you all and you're SO much a part of my daily life even if I don't show it on here. What a fantastic "family" we have here.

What did I do today? Well, I'm still organizing my kitchen cupboards - they look really nice. Not sure if I told you that I was doing that. I'm SO tired of not being organized and I'm getting there. I've been tossing things that are out of date and I found these cool red containers that I have had forever and they're the perfect size for my cupboards. Now, ALL I need is some lights in each shelf so I can see what's in my shelves. I'm about ready to order under shelves lighting from Amazon and the first place I'm mounting them is in my kitchen cupboards. The lights I'm looking at are motion detectors which means that when I open the door, the light comes on.

Chuck had put under the cabinet lights up for me but unfortunately, they're outdated - of course they are. They are just below the hanging cupboards, but I decided I want them IN the cabinets, too. I took all of the previous under counter lights down and tried to re-furbish them, but no way. Anyway, I want "motion detectors" on them and they're the same size as the lights that I had that don't work. The new ones are re-chargeable which works for me. I'm so tired of battery stuff. OK off my soapbox now.

I hope all of you are having a great Friday and the beginning of the weekend. I have the Halloween party tomorrow night and I haven't decided on what I'm wearing yet. I ordered the butterfly costume, but I also got these new boots that are totally Native American looking and I have a fur vest (think Yellowstone) and I can't decide if I want to go as a butterfly or a "Beth Dutton" character - with my cowboy hat + the fur vest and my new fur boots. Fortunately, as I was going over my options with Steph I realized that my fur vest was in one of the under bed zipper compartments. I would have gone ballistic if I'd decided to wear the vest and I couldn't find it. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: As we were talking, I was looking through my two closets and it wasn't in either one of them.

Hugs to ALL and XOXO.


Well-Known Member
Good evening my friends.

I'm trying to catch up but not sure I can. I have been reading your posts - I love you all and you're SO much a part of my daily life even if I don't show it on here. What a fantastic "family" we have here.

What did I do today? Well, I'm still organizing my kitchen cupboards - they look really nice. Not sure if I told you that I was doing that. I'm SO tired of not being organized and I'm getting there. I've been tossing things that are out of date and I found these cool red containers that I have had forever and they're the perfect size for my cupboards. Now, ALL I need is some lights in each shelf so I can see what's in my shelves. I'm about ready to order under shelves lighting from Amazon and the first place I'm mounting them is in my kitchen cupboards. The lights I'm looking at are motion detectors which means that when I open the door, the light comes on.

Chuck had put under the cabinet lights up for me but unfortunately, they're outdated - of course they are. They are just below the hanging cupboards, but I decided I want them IN the cabinets, too. I took all of the previous under counter lights down and tried to re-furbish them, but no way. Anyway, I want "motion detectors" on them and they're the same size as the lights that I had that don't work. The new ones are re-chargeable which works for me. I'm so tired of battery stuff. OK off my soapbox now.

I hope all of you are having a great Friday and the beginning of the weekend. I have the Halloween party tomorrow night and I haven't decided on what I'm wearing yet. I ordered the butterfly costume, but I also got these new boots that are totally Native American looking and I have a fur vest (think Yellowstone) and I can't decide if I want to go as a butterfly or a "Beth Dutton" character - with my cowboy hat + the fur vest and my new fur boots. Fortunately, as I was going over my options with Steph I realized that my fur vest was in one of the under bed zipper compartments. I would have gone ballistic if I'd decided to wear the vest and I couldn't find it. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: As we were talking, I was looking through my two closets and it wasn't in either one of them.

Hugs to ALL and XOXO.
:hug4: :heartpumpred::heartpumplove::hug4:


Love my O Family!
HI Everyone! I'm caught up a little bit of all the fun you've had this week! I miss being here on the daily OOo! This week will be 7 days straight working - it doesn't feel stressful at all, in fact it's been very fulfilling, but I am tired. Just woke up from a 3 hour nap.

Can I come to camp? That sounds like so much fun!

Me too!! I HATE deboning any kind meat at all!! So gross.

How did we get to color play weekend so soon!! I had no idea it was this weekend either until I saw the email Thursday night! Feels like a bit of a time warp this week!

I googled the dam you were heading to when you fell, thinking it would be a nice day trip for me and my Mark. The only one on the map was in AL and that's too far for a weekend jaunt. But I thought there must be another one near here - so this pieces it all together! You were indeed in AL! Which makes the ER trip even worse because it's in unfamiliar territory!!

What a blessing to have your very own woods to take pictures in. Must be so beautiful. Can't wait to see some layouts of your fall color.

People keep promising us spectacular ice storms, but nothing yet since we've moved here in 2021. Hopefully the record will stand and it will be 15 more years before one hits.

Coffee snobs unite!! Anything over 2 hours old goes down the sink.

My mom would say the exact same thing!! :rotfl: I used to tell her that age has many privileges', but that rudeness wasn't one of them. Made no difference, she's still the mom and could say what she wanted!

Off to go check out some color play! Hope you all have a good day tomorrow. I'll be at work doing a Trunk or Treat event all day.
I'm OK without EVER getting one! ;)


Love my O Family!
I met some of my DD and SIL's friends tonight and they introduced me as "Special". I took that as a compliment because they meant that I was "different" or a little bit cray cray. I love that - I'll own that. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: This couple is "different" too and we hit it off immediately.
We love you just the way you are! :heartpumplove: