
Daily Ooo's: Friday, October 24


The Loopy-O



Who is with me on that??!!

This week actually went by pretty fast for me. I am still feeling overwhelmed by paperwork and clutter, but it is slowly dwindling down. I finally got off my butt and called my GYN to let her know that I have officially decided on the hysterectomy. Little scary, and a lot relieved.

The highlight of my day was when I got home from work and found out that I was picked as a host for a Keurig 2.0 House Party (houseparty.com). I will get the new Keurig coffee maker, plus a lot of coffee/tea/cocoa pods. At first, I was soooooo stoked!!! Our Keurig is a hand me down from my IL's and doesn't always work well. But I found out that this new one, doesn't use the same K-cups and the one we have. We also mainly use the reusable filters so we can fill it with regular coffee, which is much cheaper than the K-cups, esp. with the way we go through coffee. It also doesn't have a programmable timer. Our old one will heat the water before Cait comes down for her first cup so she doesn't have to wait.
I might try to sell it after the party, or I might keep it to have as a back up. Not really sure... But it gives me an excuse to get together with family and friends and drink coffee. That is *always* a good thig in my book.

It also looks like the sun is supposed to come out for a few days, so I am sure that will lift my mood. I do not like cold and rainy days.

I am off to work this morning and I hope to get a few more things taken care of around the house. No plans this weekend so maybe, just maybe I can (force myself to) relax a bit this weekend.

Here is a wonderful day! :tea:


The Loopy-O
Trudy- we had t-storms the other night too. And the wind was whipping so hard that a plastic cauldron that I have a on our Halloween display that is filled with rocks fell over.
Such a sad day for Canada. :(
Cait liked her first day and goes back on Tuesday, again 4-8pm.

Jean- If you are trying to imagine what I look like listening for the annoying wheel sound, this would be it--:blabla::yell::doh::frusty:
I am glad you got to go out and see some new birds, and that owl. Congrats on finishing your article too!

Oh man, Phyllis!!!! What happened with your well?? Not dry??? or more with the well pump? I hope that it is working and was too much $$ although anything with wells/septic tends to be :(
Are you feeling any better at all? Sending good, healing thoughts to you!

Maureen- thanks for the rest of the Bean-Advice. So far, so good on no gas after bean meals. Since we are pretty much vegetarian, I try to get as much nutrition in with what we do eat. When Gary was making fresh tomato sauce, he would puree in carrots and no one knew the difference.:)
Too funny about the vents and the shouting. Sounds like a "Man-Job" for sure.
How long will you have to be in the rehab center? When my dad had his hip done, it was just three days but I hear that knees are harder than hips.

And I am OFF!!! :boom:
(late again....)



Well-Known Member
Chris!! :cheer2: :whoo: on the hysterectomy! get ready for a MUCH better quality of life.

feeling a bit better. the meds are starting to clear up everything. two more weeks to go.

it's not clear what's going on with the well. the Well Guy found a rew cracks in the PVC pipes in the well, so he replaced all that with some new hose stuff that works better and is in one piece. but he said there wasn't much H2O standing in the well, and we can't seem to get enough water flowing into the cistern from the well. so. no idea. the pumps are all good. we just replaced the well pump last year and the cistern pump two years before that. erg!! :hurt: drilling a new well will cost about $4,000, so hoping this is something that will heal itself. are you guys on well and septic, too?

hi to all. hope the sun is shining where you are today! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good morning - sorry I missed yesterday but an exciting Devils event - they invited my DIL to a Devils practice with breakfast before hand. Well she could not go so I got to go. The Devils never allow anyone to watch practice so they gave us a code of conduct - no photos and no cheering - pretend you are at a golf match and only whisper. It was worth it but my initial thoughts were if they play in front of cheering crowds can they really not practice in front of noise. Perhaps though it would be distracting and the coach's voice could not be heard. It was fun and the real practice lasted a little over an hour so I am hoping that they do more off ice work and meetings considering the amount of money they make LOL. I finished the Outlander book. Not going to get the next one until I get my scrapping done, need to finish vacation album, do a calendar and a Christmas card. Today is a Devils hockey game vs Dallas. That will be fun game as it is also a pre game to honor Chico Resch who retired as our Devils TV analyst. Dallas is a fast team so not sure how well we will do. I will also be dog sitting today too. That should be fun. They grow so fast

Chris so glad that Cait first day of work went so well! Good for her and good for you. Also I am sure your decision to go ahead with the surgery is a relief.

Phylis glad the drugs are filling helping. Good luck with the well problems.

Trudy I am so sorry for the horrible events in Ottawa. They showed a photo of the soldier's dog waiting for him to come home. These events are so incredibly sad and no sense can be made of them. Perhaps the rain really is tear drops! We are finally having sun in NJ after 2 days of rain hope your rains are not too bad. Ours was needed but I still don't enjoy it that much.

Jean congrats on article. And I am watching the World Series and hoping that KC comes through as it has been so long since they have won.

Maureen you are so organized about your up coming surgery! Love the idea of new recliners.!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I will be short and sweet this morning as I am expecting DD and Mason to Skype right away. Then off to swimming and home to finish off the Aussie's Calendar and get it out to the printers.

Chris - Glad that Cait is having fun at her new job! Nice short little shift for her, its perfect!
Have fun with your Keurig Party, I would love to have one of those, but I doubt that they do them here in Canada. Yesterday was a sad day, seems like we lost our innocence when those poor soldiers were killed. But now its time to show just how tough we really are!!

Phylis - Glad to hear that your meds are kicking in and hopefully kicking the butt of whatever it is that was wrong. Sure hope that you do not have to dig a new well!! What a PITA!! Keeping my fingers crossed so you will not have to spend those big bucks!!

Nancy - How great that you got invited to watch the practice! I bet you enjoyed yourself immensely!! LOL on the not starting a new Outlander book, they do keep you from doing anything else in your life don't they!! No rain for us today, but sounds like it will come back later this weekend. We really did need it and I am sure that after yesterdays storm, the lake will be back up to regular levels and the rivers will be full for the salmon to spawn.

Ok I better get busy and get something breakfast before DD skypes. It is always the highlight of my day to talk to them!! Have a great day everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
It is gorgeous today!!! it makes me feel great.

Chris, glad you made the decision. In my major declutter I found old records from pre-menopause days and it didn't bring happy memories.

Phylis, hoping for the best with your well! We have city water & sewer but I grew up with septic tank.

Maureen, that sounds like an early morning, but I really like the sound of your recliners. Even a nice perk at the rehab.

Nancy, if you think KC hasn't won in a long time, realize that I am a life-long Cleveland fan. But I'd probably rather they won as they're in our division.

Trudy, your skypes sound delightful. What a way to start the day.

Hope it's a good one for all.