
Daily Ooos: Friday, October 18


The Loopy-O
:sleeping: <~~~~ This will be me for the next few hours. Not only did I not sleep great, but I can't have caffeine again. I made a cup of decaf thinking that maybe my sluggish brain wouldn't know the difference. But alas. That's not how caffeine works now, is it? :giggle4:
I have a calcium CT scan being done so no exercise or anything to stimulate the heart. Gary offered to drive me which I am grateful for. That way, I won't have to debate myself: Caffeine to artificially stimulate the heart but awake enough to drive 40 minutes away VS. no coffee and little brain function with increased risk of a car accident due to falling asleep behind the wheel. Driving off the road will organically increase the heart rate.
End result: Gary driving me is a win-win.

The kids had a blast with pumpkin chunkin'. The kids carved and painted the pumpkins. Then we put them into the trebuchet and flung them across the field. One girl didn't want to chuck hers but then changed her mind at the last minute. I don't; think any of the pumpkins broke-- except hers. It got a crack in one side. The poor girl was not happy with that. The kids *loved* ripping and mashing up the leaves for the chromatography and really, really loved the leaf races with the straws. I added that as a time-killer but they thought it was great.
Scott brought a card game for us to play after dinner- Business Walrus. It's like Shark Tank and and the Business Walrus picks a card that describes something he wants us to "invent." We have cards in our hand that we have to include as part of the product we make up. Then we pitch it and the Walrus asks us how that will work/be produced/anything silly. Talk about a kooky game!

Signing off for now, I'll be back for personals after I get ready to leave the house. Time to brush my hair so I don't scare everyone away with wild woman hair.



The Loopy-O
Well, I do not know how much improvement I made with myself., I sure as heck don't feel any perkier after brushing my hair and throwing on a bit of makeup.

@taxed4ever How was the pedicure and brunch with your girls? Such a nice way to treat yourselves. Hope you stick with this as a monthly get-together. Perfect timing to get out for your walk and back in before the rain storm.

Ahhhh to be warm and comfy with the cool air on your face, the stars and northern lights swaying overhead. Your hair might freeze but your body is so warm and relaxed. The wine in chilled by the cool night air. Aaaahhhhhh yes! I love visiting my friend when her hubs is gone and we hot tub in winter. Only down side is stepping on snow to walk into the house.
That sounds awful! Torture! Why not pull my fingernails off while you're at it too???? :eek:

Morning, Ooo's! Slept good last night and woke up at 7AM... my normal wake-up time.; :yesss: Feeling a bit better this morning. Going to drop-off books at the public library and at the Senior Citizen library. If I am feeling up to it after that, I may stop at the church around the corner and do my early voting. Taking small steps in going out. Took time this morning to scrap a soon to be released LO. Felt good to work on it.
Fantastic to hear this! Yay!!!


Love my O Family!
:sleeping: <~~~~ This will be me for the next few hours. Not only did I not sleep great, but I can't have caffeine again. I made a cup of decaf thinking that maybe my sluggish brain wouldn't know the difference. But alas. That's not how caffeine works now, is it? :giggle4:
I have a calcium CT scan being done so no exercise or anything to stimulate the heart. Gary offered to drive me which I am grateful for. That way, I won't have to debate myself: Caffeine to artificially stimulate the heart but awake enough to drive 40 minutes away VS. no coffee and little brain function with increased risk of a car accident due to falling asleep behind the wheel. Driving off the road will organically increase the heart rate.
End result: Gary driving me is a win-win.

The kids had a blast with pumpkin chunkin'. The kids carved and painted the pumpkins. Then we put them into the trebuchet and flung them across the field. One girl didn't want to chuck hers but then changed her mind at the last minute. I don't; think any of the pumpkins broke-- except hers. It got a crack in one side. The poor girl was not happy with that. The kids *loved* ripping and mashing up the leaves for the chromatography and really, really loved the leaf races with the straws. I added that as a time-killer but they thought it was great.
Scott brought a card game for us to play after dinner- Business Walrus. It's like Shark Tank and and the Business Walrus picks a card that describes something he wants us to "invent." We have cards in our hand that we have to include as part of the product we make up. Then we pitch it and the Walrus asks us how that will work/be produced/anything silly. Talk about a kooky game!

Signing off for now, I'll be back for personals after I get ready to leave the house. Time to brush my hair so I don't scare everyone away with wild woman hair.

Glad the kids had fun yesterday!
Prayers for you and the doctor appointment.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone and Happy :friday: The rain has not started yet, but I am sure it will arrive soon and then according to the weather man we are in for an Atmospheric River and high winds. Why not just call it a Pacific Coast Hurricane for heavens sake??? It is supposed to continue on into Saturday, so I am not sure if I will be able to go with my sister to the Calico Cat for a Tea Reading with her and her daughter for her daughters birthday. It is also voting day here for the Provincial election and most likely we will have to stand out in the wind and rain to wait to vote :gloomy:. Yesterday was lovely as the three of us ladies got our pedicures and then had a great brunch! We did not tell MIL that we were going to brunch until we were half way through our pedi, so when I dropped MIL off back home FIL was worried that we got lost or something :giggle4: guess we should have told him, but then he might have wanted to join us and it was supposed to be a girls day, NO MEN!! Anyway our feet are all pretty and soft and MIL just loved the place where we went for brunch. We sat out on the covered patio (much quieter out there). They have lots of gas heaters on the roof and they give you blankets to sit on or cover your legs with, but it really wasn't cold out there. The sun came out and we had a fab time. Hope that we can do it again next month. Today I will be working on a birthday card for my niece and posting a layout to the gallery for Vicky Robinson's new release. I might try to get a grocery order done online and pick that up later today or tomorrow morning, that's my day today.

:sleeping: <~~~~ This will be me for the next few hours. Not only did I not sleep great, but I can't have caffeine again. I made a cup of decaf thinking that maybe my sluggish brain wouldn't know the difference. But alas. That's not how caffeine works now, is it? :giggle4:
I have a calcium CT scan being done so no exercise or anything to stimulate the heart. Gary offered to drive me which I am grateful for. That way, I won't have to debate myself: Caffeine to artificially stimulate the heart but awake enough to drive 40 minutes away VS. no coffee and little brain function with increased risk of a car accident due to falling asleep behind the wheel. Driving off the road will organically increase the heart rate.
End result: Gary driving me is a win-win.
Ughh I hate when you can't have your morning cup of coffee!! Who made up that stupid rule anyway:rollingpin1:. Hope your CT scan goes well and that you get to have a nap in the car! Nice that your Gary is driving you there and back! Your day at work yesterday must have been so much fun!! Too bad the little girls pumpkin was the only one that broke, wouldn't you know it!! How fun to play a new game with your Scott, you always have such fun together!!
Good morning from Sweet Home Alabama!
The traffic around Atlanta was HORRIBLE!!!
Getting ready to go to breakfast. Thought I would show you a view from my son's house over Lake Guntersville.
What a gorgeous photo and view!! Sorry the traffic was terrible, but now you can just enjoy your time together with your son!! Have a great breakfast!!

@AK_Tracy - I used to love sitting outside in the hot tub at our son's place in Cold Lake Alberta! It was exactly as you described, northern lights and all. He no longer lives there and now has a pool instead of a hot tub, but Ottawa has had some amazing evenings with the northern lights which is rare for there. @faerywings you don't know what you are missing :giggle4:.

Ok I am off to pour my second cup of coffee and then hit the shower before Heather calls. Have a wonderful day everyone! :waving3:


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!

Signing off for now, I'll be back for personals after I get ready to leave the house. Time to brush my hair so I don't scare everyone away with wild woman hair.
Thats how I am with makeup. I apply it so as not to scare anyone. You know youre an awesome friend when you seem without makeup. :giggle4: Raccoon eyes are strong on me.
The kids had a blast with pumpkin chunkin'. The kids carved and painted the pumpkins. Then we put them into the trebuchet and flung them across the field. One girl didn't want to chuck hers but then changed her mind at the last minute. I don't; think any of the pumpkins broke-- except hers. It got a crack in one side
Does that just figure it would be the little girl who didn't want to chunk her pumpkin that would crack. Poor kiddo. Hope she had fun anyway. Sounds like a blast! Its crazy to watch the show they did about the pumpkin chunking competitions. Some of those contraptions are CRAZY!
Good morning from Sweet Home Alabama!
WOW Vicky, what a view. That sunrise is beautiful! Have a wonderful time with your son. Relax and put your feet up.
MIL just loved the place where we went for brunch. We sat out on the covered patio (much quieter out there). They have lots of gas heaters on the roof and they give you blankets to sit on or cover your legs with, but it really wasn't cold out there. The sun came out and we had a fab time.
Oh that sounds so lovely Trudy. Outside, heaters, blankets, and sunshine. Followed up with lunch. Sorry FIL worried but I am glad you had such a wonderful girls day.
@AK_Tracy - I used to love sitting outside in the hot tub at our son's place in Cold Lake Alberta! It was exactly as you described, northern lights and all. He no longer lives there and now has a pool instead of a hot tub, but Ottawa has had some amazing evenings with the northern lights which is rare for there. @faerywings you don't know what you are missing :giggle4:.
See Chris!! I am NOT crazy!! (maybe I am) Its an amazing experience and its not like getting out of a hot shower into a cold room. Its so different and spectacular to sit in a hot tub outside in the winter. You dont mind the cold because youre so hot.

Today is a slower day, coffee date and bible study to work on. Pizza night but my family showed me last week they're amazing at prep so I will let them prep the ingredients while I am at coffee then we will watch Star Trek (their choice not mine) while eating pizza. I think the cool weather is here to stay. 29 again today and we aren't hitting 50 anymore. Snow forecast for next week.

Off for more coffee and walking down the gallery aisle looking at the art. Have a wonderful day!


Hello all... been busy looking at the new releases.. WoW... drooling over them. Going to work on a challenge LO today.

Had a call from DD#1 yesterday morning. We talked for almost an hour. So nice to get caught up on what was going on with her and the family. While we were talking the doorbell rang... it was the Termite Control guy. I was still in a robe and nightgown!!! Told him to go to work (all outside), said goodbye to DD and got dressed quickly.

I made it to both libraries - dropped off books and picked up a few. Then stopped at the bank to order more checks. Drove by the church where the early voting is held but the door was closed and only 2 cars there so didn't stop. It dawned on me once I was home that the door was closed because it was cool (59*F) and the wind was blowing.... :lol23: I was tired by then and glad to get home. DD#3 called last evening to check on me. She just got her Covid and Flu shot and her DH got those plus the RSV and pneumonia shots that afternoon. She said to not worry if she didn't call for the next several days.

Need to get dressed and get a couple of things done while I still have the energy. HAGD


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@JeanneMN MN is having some rollercoaster weather! Is this normal? NJ went through a bunch of years where it would be close to 80* in October. My mom and I would squeeze in a day trip down the shore. We haven't had that in the last couple of years, at least not up in North Jersey.
We pretty much do ride a roller coaster here, this one has been extreme . 80s most of September, warmest September on record. After a couple days not making it out of the 40s it was 70 yesterday. Here, if you don't like the weather today, wait till tomorrow it could be a whole 'nother season.
Does she deliver? :D
Is your hot tub outside? That is one thing I would never understand the thrill of. Soaking in a hot tub when the weather is so cold. :no: I can barely talk myself into getting out of a hot shower even with the heater on.
That's awful for dgd and I hope that she takes your advice and support to heart.
Our hot tub has it's own room. When we use it we open the windows a big patio door and let outdoors in. I've used them outside- too and OMG, you don't know what you 're missing. I love it when it's below 0, sit in 104°. water & so steamy you can hardly see the other person. We have a fan going and have had it sleet inside, the steam on fan blades shoots off as ice crystals.
Ahhhh to be warm and comfy with the cool air on your face, the stars and northern lights swaying overhead. Your hair might freeze but your body is so warm and relaxed. The wine in chilled by the cool night air. Aaaahhhhhh yes! I love visiting my friend when her hubs is gone and we hot tub in winter. Only down side is stepping on snow to walk into the house.
Totally with you Twin, it can't be beat, Northern Lights while in a hot tub, has to be incredible
Taking small steps in going out. Took time this morning to scrap a soon to be released LO. Felt good to work on it.
Wise move Kay, so glad you felt like scrapping.
Good morning from Sweet Home Alabama!
The traffic around Atlanta was HORRIBLE!!!
Getting ready to go to breakfast. Thought I would show you a view from my son's house over Lake Guntersville.
I'm not sure traffic there is ever not horrible. That photo is absolutely incredible.

Up at 4:15 to go to the gym, couldn't figure out why the alarm was going off on Saturday, probably because it's not Saturday. Got my workout in, stopped for groceries & when I came home and Wendell was vacuuming leaves. After that killing frost the leaves were unhooked and started falling like rain. Had a quick visit from the grands yesterday they had an early out, but had to be back for pep band, the bus was loading then and then traveling an hour away for soccer section finals. Wendell took the car to go out and help his brother in law so I got to take the sacred Tahoe. Mint condition 2001 and Christian has been obsessed with it since he was little. He just lit up when I said he drive . He was so excited he said it was better than Christmas. When we got home he curled up downstairs to watch Seal Team and I chit chatted with Lauren about how girls were pigeon holed in my day and there were no sports for girls, she couldn't believe it, nothing but cheerleading & you had to be skinny for that. I babbled more girl power and then we watched I Am Woman. We went downstairs and since Christian was watching TV, we went in my sewing room & just girl talked. Then we dragged the dollhouse out to the family room & puttered with that. I pulled some snacks together for them and then Christian drove us back to school. Gosh I love those two. I need to post a CT layout and then figure out my storytelling challenge for November. Have a great day everyone.


I just got back from Smith's (Kroger) store. They had a large notice that several of their frozen meals and Fresh Salad bowls - all containing Chicken - were being recalled due to listeria found in them. Boston Market and Michalena's and other brands. Go on-line and check for listeria recall. Many stores including WalMart, Trader Joe's, Kroger, and others sold those products. I was lucky... only had 1 box that I need to turn in for a refund. So glad I saw the sign about this.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Thanks, Kay @BrightEyes - I do buy Michalena's occasionally, but Amy's frozen dinners and bowls are my favorites. I'll check them out. There's another brand of "bowls" that I buy too, but can't think of the name and I don't have any here, to go look at. Scary!! Most of what I buy are vegetarian, but I buy some with chicken once in awhile.