
Daily Ooo's: Friday, October 17


The Loopy-O

Oh yay. I am so happy it is Friday, although I *really* wish I didn't have to work.
I am so mad at myself. No plans yesterday, so what the heck did I do???? Did I relax? Of course not. I spent hours sorting through papers, I cleaned and vacuumed. Made the pie crust and veggies and dinner and so on. Lots of dishes. Went to the drs office to see if they could admin the bicillin shots I am supposed to be getting weekly. (Very long story short-ish- After I had my PICC pulled, my lyme dr wanted me to go on weekly abx shots. Not covered by my insurance cuz as they always say, late stage lyme doesn't exist. Tried discount cards, AAA Rx discounts, Canada drugs, no luck anywhere. Went to dr to see if they could admin it as a medical item not a pharm item. Nope, no luck there either.) By dinner time I could barely stand. *sighs* I am so stupid sometimes. Now I don't feel rested at all, and I am working today and I still have so much more to do.:(

On the good hand-- Cait is cooking dinner tonight, her famous tortilla cheese soup. That is, if she is feeling better herself- she is home from school today, also totally exhausted.

That leads me to my next parental conundrum... Scott, and now Cait, have been looking for jobs. Gary and I are so concerned that after school- esp Scott in college, and their health issues, we don't want them working. But they want and need money. Scott is going to be doing yard work for my dad, so that will help him, but I just don't know what to do. We aren't telling either of them that they *can't* get a job, but just to consider that health and school needs to come first. But damn, I wish I could help them more financially, but we are broke too! :frusty:

Anyway, guess that should be all of my rambling for the day. It's my last day of tindamax and I can totally feel the crankiness hitting top levels here.



The Loopy-O
Phyllis- thanks again for the recipe! How is the itching? Hope that the meds clear that up and without too many side effects. Prednisone? I hope not, that stuff is nasty.

Nancy- oh yes! The sun came out and it looked beautiful from my kitchen window where I spent much of my time washing dishes *grumbles*
Happy clean teeth! :becky:

Phyllis- I read somewhere to use non-iodized salt in making kimchi. Is kosher salt non-iodized or do you have any idea why that would be preferable?

Jean- hope that you were able to keep your focus!

Trudy- hope you had a great afternoon scrapping!


Well-Known Member
good morning - my Devils lost. They did well until the 3rd period - Oh well I know they cannot win all the games. Got in a good walk as the weather cleared and it was a beautiful fall day! Got a couple of scrap pages done. Had a good talk with the sister. I love our weekly chats.

Chris hope after work today you get a chance to rest. How nice that Cait wants to cook! It is always hard to balance work, school and health. Good for you making sure that their heath and education are their primary jobs at this time in their lives.

Phylis hope inching has subsided

Trudy can't believe that Boston cannot defeat those Canadiens!

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Chris, i don't know about the iodized salt thing. i have some Morton Natural Sea Salt that isn't iodized. got it at the supermarket. just looked at my box of kosher, and i don't see that it's iodized. it just says: ingredients-- salt and some sort of anti-caking agent.

yep. still itching. no, no prednisone, though it would be lovely to get some of that dangerous relief!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... T.G.I.F.!! Off to swim some laps this morning and then a bit of house cleaning. I am staying home today other than going to the pool. Seems like its been a week of going here and there and not getting much accomplished at all LOL.

Chris - Hope that you get to relax at some point today, how nice that you do not have to make dinner tonight at least! It is a hard thing to balance Health, School and working, but I guess it will depend on how many hours the kids have to work after school? Hopefully they will find something that is only a weekend thing and not too many hours?? But of course it would be better if they did not have to worry about it at all. Such a conundrum !! My son was lucky to get a weekend only job at a local gas station when we lived in Sask. It taught him a lot and gave him some spending money and he still had time to get all of his homework done. Hope there is a good solution for your great kids!

Nancy - DH was not too impressed with his Bruins last night, he is still mad that they made the decision to trade Johnny Boychuck!! It seems like they feel they just have to show up at the games and there is something about the Montreal Canadians that gets their goat. LOL they get my goat too!!! Perhaps they will start to play better hockey soon! I had a good talk with my sister yesterday too!! Aren't sisters wonderful!

Phylis - I just might have to try out this recipe too, although I am not a big fan of "hot" spicy food, it does sound very good!! Sure hope that your itchy skin feels better for you soon!! Try to have a great day in spite of the scratching!! :becky:

Time for another cup of coffee and some breakfast before I talk with my little man and his mommy, did I tell you that he is running all over the place now? And he can say Gammmaa and Gammmmpa now? It comes out more like Gamamamama so cute!!!! We read stories and as soon as I am done one story he makes the sign with sign language that he wants more. Makes my grandma heart sing!!! Have a great Friday everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Hi all - a sunny Friday here. Nice and cool too!

Chris, hope your energy level gets up a bit. Just like a new Mama, you should rest when you have the chance. Your body deserves it. I know it's a hard call on your children and work. I'm glad I don't have to face those issues myself. But as I said, here's a recipe link for the frozen oatmeal. I made some this am and only added dried 'cherry' raisins and some stevia. I make my oatmeal/7 grain cereal with 2/3 milk and 1/3 water but do it any way you like. For me the ratio is 1 cup cereal, and 3plus cups of liquid. I like to cook it longer so it's really done when I eat it or freeze it.

Nancy, we are not sports fans here but did feel sad that both our Nationals (DC) and Orioles (Baltimore) lost their big games. Next game for us will be the Super Bowl no matter who's in it. It's just a winter fun event.

Phylis, I copied that recipe for Dick who likes kimchi. I have a strong dislike for almost all Korean food but love going to the big Korean grocery chains we have down here.

Trudy, I raise a glass of hot tea and apple cider mix to you and your family. Our grandchildren are well past that stage and include a houseful of teenagers. Quite the difference.

This am we went to the Apple store...no not to get new phones, tho we each decided to get them. I'll take the 'small' and he'll get the larger one. The issue we had was that he keeps getting alerts from a calendar I share with him despite having alerts turned off on my end. I was pretty sure the issue was his, and when Apple couldn't fix it (had to do with gmail) I KNEW it was at his end. We came home and guess what...he found the problem, and yes, on his end. Sigh...

Tonight we're having dinner (crabcakes!) with a man who recently had his knee replaced so he can give me hints or advice. We haven't had dinner with this couple for a while so it will be fun and delicious. Have a great weekend and be well all!