
Daily Ooos: Friday, October 11


The Loopy-O
Did you hear that? That was me, looking at the clock and sighing in relief that I don't have to go anywhere today. Not that I don't have a To-Do list a mile long, cuz I do- but at least I don't have to rush out of the house. Whew!!!

I crammed so much into my day yesterday but I walked out of work feeling very satisfied and accomplished. I think I might be getting the hang of this HS program. :giggle4: The lessons went well and I think the kids learned a few cool things. Yesterday's lesson was on pumpkins and gourds and we used them to make music and rhythms, tried balancing them on curved rails, and even bowled with them. I had a bunch of different-shaped gourds, the apples leftover from last week, and a plastic ball they rolled into a pyramid of paper cups The kids observed how they rolled and bounced differently and we talked about force and gravity and friction. We finished the day by making a pumpkin bird feeder.

I already got my Chest X-ray and DEXA results and I need to wait to speak to my Dr but the DEXA number got worse since my last one. All three scores fell and two of them were still in Osteopenia range but one was in Osteoporosis. Crud. At 4'11" I cannot afford to shrink any more than I have already. hahaha!

Plans for today--the first one is to tidy up my house for an hour. The big one of to start planning for HS Session 2. Registration is now live so it's time for me to flesh out the outline I started. That will take much of my day but that's fun to do.

Scrap time?? I hope so! There are so many awesome new kits in the shop to play with.

Hugs, my dear Oooos!


The Loopy-O
We didn't do Pumpkin Chunkin this week-- the plan is for next Thursday which should be lots of fun. I am coordinating with a Microschool that Weis hosts onsite so we'll have a bunch of little kids flinging the pumpkins everywhere. I sure as heck don't want to do it on the actual date of Halloween if possible. Kids/Halloween excitement/carving tools/ and a trebuchet. What could possibly go wrong???:thud:
Next Thursday with a rain date for the following Thursday seems much more logical. :nod1:
Hopefully, since your cholesterol is high.....but lower.....the doctor will see the change as positive and a trend and won't put you on meds!
That is my hope! :praying2:
I am drooling over the breakfast place you went to. Sounds delish!
I am LMBO that you had to go "old school" with the printed directions since your GPS was at the destination. I was joking with some of my young coworkers about what it was like in the olden days when we had to use a paper map and had written directions. LOL!

@BrightEyes so good to hear that you are feeling better, less coughing. I hope that you continue to improve over the next few days. I can imagine how happy you are that you have so many meals prepped and frozen. ♥

@taxed4ever Do you use trekking poles or a walking stick? I love my walking stick, helps my knees so much going downhill. I bet the views were beautiful at the top!

Vicky! Why didn't you tell us that your birthday was last week? We would have spoiled you with birthday wishes! Here are lots of belated ones! :birthday2: :birthaydog::birthdaygreet:

We made a chicken and stuffing casserole. It turned out great and we had minimal leftovers. They couldn't wait for seconds. We serve at 5:30 and they cant get in line for seconds until 5:50 and we had people waiting for seconds. Its always a good feeling.
That is a fantastic feeling and I bet the casserole was awesome!

Little dogs are gonna be mad at me as its groomers day.
I hope you whispered- typed that -- they might join together and revolt if they heard you!

I did a ctrl alt delete and rebooted my week yesterday.
Ahhhh, if life was as easy as that! Or a lot of Ctrl-Zs. Either way, it would be nice to do that for a change. But good for you to get back on track and let your head jumpstart itself.
Plus-- I am really proud of you for not fighting the LO that was stalled out. It's not going anyway, so no point in frustrating yourself completely.
Did you end up napping at all or di you just run straight though until bedtime?
Wild rice & gouda stuffed chicken breast for supper
recipe, :prettyplease:

@Cherylndesigns I hope you can find the sweater you like on Amazon!

my nieces are safe - they're both back home, lost power, and a tree fell on one of their lanais, but they're fine otherwise
So so sooo glad!

Hope you got some rest after your busy week too xo

Time to take the dogs outside



Love my O Family!
Did you hear that? That was me, looking at the clock and sighing in relief that I don't have to go anywhere today. Not that I don't have a To-Do list a mile long, cuz I do- but at least I don't have to rush out of the house. Whew!!!

I crammed so much into my day yesterday but I walked out of work feeling very satisfied and accomplished. I think I might be getting the hang of this HS program. :giggle4: The lessons went well and I think the kids learned a few cool things. Yesterday's lesson was on pumpkins and gourds and we used them to make music and rhythms, tried balancing them on curved rails, and even bowled with them. I had a bunch of different-shaped gourds, the apples leftover from last week, and a plastic ball they rolled into a pyramid of paper cups The kids observed how they rolled and bounced differently and we talked about force and gravity and friction. We finished the day by making a pumpkin bird feeder.

I already got my Chest X-ray and DEXA results and I need to wait to speak to my Dr but the DEXA number got worse since my last one. All three scores fell and two of them were still in Osteopenia range but one was in Osteoporosis. Crud. At 4'11" I cannot afford to shrink any more than I have already. hahaha!

Plans for today--the first one is to tidy up my house for an hour. The big one of to start planning for HS Session 2. Registration is now live so it's time for me to flesh out the outline I started. That will take much of my day but that's fun to do.

Scrap time?? I hope so! There are so many awesome new kits in the shop to play with.

Hugs, my dear Oooos!
Well, I'm sorry to hear that the DEXA numbers are worse. But, I'm sure being active with HS will help you out now!
I'm glad you get to stay home today! So do I! I'm staying in my jammies as long as I can! ;)


Love my O Family!
We didn't do Pumpkin Chunkin this week-- the plan is for next Thursday which should be lots of fun. I am coordinating with a Microschool that Weis hosts onsite so we'll have a bunch of little kids flinging the pumpkins everywhere. I sure as heck don't want to do it on the actual date of Halloween if possible. Kids/Halloween excitement/carving tools/ and a trebuchet. What could possibly go wrong???:thud:
Next Thursday with a rain date for the following Thursday seems much more logical. :nod1:

That is my hope! :praying2:
I am drooling over the breakfast place you went to. Sounds delish!
I am LMBO that you had to go "old school" with the printed directions since your GPS was at the destination. I was joking with some of my young coworkers about what it was like in the olden days when we had to use a paper map and had written directions. LOL!

@BrightEyes so good to hear that you are feeling better, less coughing. I hope that you continue to improve over the next few days. I can imagine how happy you are that you have so many meals prepped and frozen. ♥

@taxed4ever Do you use trekking poles or a walking stick? I love my walking stick, helps my knees so much going downhill. I bet the views were beautiful at the top!

Vicky! Why didn't you tell us that your birthday was last week? We would have spoiled you with birthday wishes! Here are lots of belated ones! :birthday2: :birthaydog::birthdaygreet:

That is a fantastic feeling and I bet the casserole was awesome!

I hope you whispered- typed that -- they might join together and revolt if they heard you!

Ahhhh, if life was as easy as that! Or a lot of Ctrl-Zs. Either way, it would be nice to do that for a change. But good for you to get back on track and let your head jumpstart itself.
Plus-- I am really proud of you for not fighting the LO that was stalled out. It's not going anyway, so no point in frustrating yourself completely.
Did you end up napping at all or di you just run straight though until bedtime?

recipe, :prettyplease:

@Cherylndesigns I hope you can find the sweater you like on Amazon!

So so sooo glad!

Hope you got some rest after your busy week too xo

Time to take the dogs outside

It certainly was different using the written directions than the GPS! Even though the GPS is not always 100% correct, it at least gives you a heads up on the sharp curves and roads hidden in those curves! The last road we were on, their road, was called Rabbit Highway! What does that tell you about the curves, LOL!
My birthday was just another day.....except for the knowledge that it was the beginning of the end of my 60's! I wasn't even home all day on my birthday, LOL! That was the day (this past Tuesday) that I took the widows to their meeting, got home just in time to get ready to leave for my grandson's senior recognition and soccer game an hour away south of us. After the soccer game we went to dinner with my grandson and his family. Finally, I was home around 9. So, yeah, left at 9 and back home at 9! That was a long day! But it was a very good day spent with people I love immensely!


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
Been up for a couple of hours already and working on the devotion I will be doing for the widows in November. I have agreed to do it since the one who has been doing it is in pretty bad health and is stepping down. So your thoughts and prayers would be appreciated as I attempt to be a blessing to those ladies!

Yesterday Ilene and I spent way too much money at Save-a-Buck! But we sure enjoyed our breakfast at The Factory! I asked the owner how she came up with the name. She told us that she actually bought the establishment from another lady who had moved here from Ohio back in the 60's and started the business in a factory for the workers. When she retired, she moved the business to where it is today. The current owner decided that since it was well established she would just keep the name. She did change a few things about the menu and also added a few things. For instance, she told us that she removed a lot of the sugar from the recipes.

When we got back to Ilene's and got the groceries unloaded she got a call from her son in law that he was ready to work on her van. I told her I really needed to get home for a change, anyway. So I got home earlier than anticipated. Mark left work early for his doctor appt. We rode the bike and planned on taking a ride about 45 minutes away to his aunt's house and go to dinner for my birthday. By the time we got done with the doctor stuff (he ordered some blood work that we had to go and take care of) we decided we were ready to eat and get back home as it began cooling off quickly yesterday afternoon. It wasn't that warm to begin with yesterday! Today, my throat is feeling the effect of the cool temps from our bike ride, too! The coffee feels good going down!

Today is a scrapping day! I need to get caught up on my ATCs for the week and I want to do the AJ week 2 challenge and the Big Photo challenge.....AND start on my monthly review spread! I should be getting my printed pages from Persnickety soon, too! They have been shipped! WOOHOO! I'm probably going to have to get more page protectors from Hobby Lobby, too! That's OK! I'm planning to take my photo books with me to my son's house next week. He won't be all that interested, but his wife will be! ;)

OK, my tummy is growling, so I'm going to put something in it before I get started scrapping!
Have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! It is a bit foggy and spooky looking outside today and chilly only 5 C. that's 41F I believe :cold:. So the heat pump has been running all morning trying to warm up the house. Yesterday I spent some time making another Halloween Box to fill with goodies for Isaac and Sadie and hope to get that in the mail on Tuesday when I have free shipping, gotta love October,
when Canada Post offers free shipping every Tuesday! :yesss:. Today I need to get my grocery list done and figure out what we are having for Thanksgiving dinner, I need to plan a more Keto friendly diet for DH and myself and then the In-Laws will want all the regular Thanksgiving food and I will send the left overs home with them. My Gary is looking forward to Saturday, when he will be able to drive his new car again :giggle4:, he is jealous that I have been driving it all week and I have figured out how to work most of the bells and whistles. He still needs to learn all that. I hope to get a page done for an upcoming release and have so many ideas in my head, but never enough time! Today will be a good day to just hunker down and keep warm and cozy and sit at my computer!
I crammed so much into my day yesterday but I walked out of work feeling very satisfied and accomplished. I think I might be getting the hang of this HS program. :giggle4: The lessons went well and I think the kids learned a few cool things. Yesterday's lesson was on pumpkins and gourds and we used them to make music and rhythms, tried balancing them on curved rails, and even bowled with them. I had a bunch of different-shaped gourds, the apples leftover from last week, and a plastic ball they rolled into a pyramid of paper cups The kids observed how they rolled and bounced differently and we talked about force and gravity and friction. We finished the day by making a pumpkin bird feeder.
Wow a very busy day for you yesterday, so glad that you have some time to yourself today! Sure sounds like you are keeping the young ones busy learning all the fun things there is to know about pumpkins and gourds!! You sure are in your happy place when you are at work!! Oh and BTW I use trekking poles, but usually only use one. I find that two just get in the way when I am trying to take my pack off or taking off a layer of clothing. They really do help with the downhill though!!
Yesterday Ilene and I spent way too much money at Save-a-Buck! But we sure enjoyed our breakfast at The Factory! I asked the owner how she came up with the name. She told us that she actually bought the establishment from another lady who had moved here from Ohio back in the 60's and started the business in a factory for the workers. When she retired, she moved the business to where it is today. The current owner decided that since it was well established she would just keep the name. She did change a few things about the menu and also added a few things. For instance, she told us that she removed a lot of the sugar from the recipes.

I need to hit the local dollar store this weekend and hope I don't spend too much, but its always fun to see what goodies they have there. Sounds like that Factory is a great place to grab a bite to eat!! I think that a lot of places are going less sugar, it really is bad for everyone and causes such inflammation! Ok I will shut up now and get off my high horse LOL :soapbox: Sending you lots of good thoughts and of course you will be such a blessing to these ladies!!

@Cherylndesigns - So happy to hear that your family are all safe and that there wasn't too much damage done to their properties! It must have been such a worry for all of you!

Wow the fog has really rolled in and I can't see the lake at the bottom of the hill anymore, sure hope it lifts at some point this morning, it would be nice to get out for a bit of a walk this afternoon. Waving :waving3: to all who pop in here today. I am off to get my morning chores started and get going with the day. :stash:Have a great day everyone!


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! It is a bit foggy and spooky looking outside today and chilly only 5 C. that's 41F I believe :cold:. So the heat pump has been running all morning trying to warm up the house. Yesterday I spent some time making another Halloween Box to fill with goodies for Isaac and Sadie and hope to get that in the mail on Tuesday when I have free shipping, gotta love October,
when Canada Post offers free shipping every Tuesday! :yesss:. Today I need to get my grocery list done and figure out what we are having for Thanksgiving dinner, I need to plan a more Keto friendly diet for DH and myself and then the In-Laws will want all the regular Thanksgiving food and I will send the left overs home with them. My Gary is looking forward to Saturday, when he will be able to drive his new car again :giggle4:, he is jealous that I have been driving it all week and I have figured out how to work most of the bells and whistles. He still needs to learn all that. I hope to get a page done for an upcoming release and have so many ideas in my head, but never enough time! Today will be a good day to just hunker down and keep warm and cozy and sit at my computer!

Wow a very busy day for you yesterday, so glad that you have some time to yourself today! Sure sounds like you are keeping the young ones busy learning all the fun things there is to know about pumpkins and gourds!! You sure are in your happy place when you are at work!! Oh and BTW I use trekking poles, but usually only use one. I find that two just get in the way when I am trying to take my pack off or taking off a layer of clothing. They really do help with the downhill though!!

I need to hit the local dollar store this weekend and hope I don't spend too much, but its always fun to see what goodies they have there. Sounds like that Factory is a great place to grab a bite to eat!! I think that a lot of places are going less sugar, it really is bad for everyone and causes such inflammation! Ok I will shut up now and get off my high horse LOL :soapbox: Sending you lots of good thoughts and of course you will be such a blessing to these ladies!!

@Cherylndesigns - So happy to hear that your family are all safe and that there wasn't too much damage done to their properties! It must have been such a worry for all of you!

Wow the fog has really rolled in and I can't see the lake at the bottom of the hill anymore, sure hope it lifts at some point this morning, it would be nice to get out for a bit of a walk this afternoon. Waving :waving3: to all who pop in here today. I am off to get my morning chores started and get going with the day. :stash:Have a great day everyone!
That is one of the reasons I absolutely MAKE myself stay out of Hobby Lobby when they have a sale.....I cannot NOT buy, LOL!
I agree with you about the sugar content! I have been a bad girl lately and have let sugar creep back into my diet. I can tell a difference, too! I quit cold turkey several months ago. I suffered from the withdrawal headaches for a few days, but not terribly! I just need to make up my mind to do it again! It helps with the extra weight, too, I've been putting on!
It was in the 40's here this morning when we got up 3 1/2 hours ago! It is already up to 61! Perfect weather for Mark working in the woods chopping wood!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning All!
Today is a day. Have a ladies event tonight. I feel........ asleep.......blah......... I dont know. Just want to pull the covers up and not adult. I'm gonna grab a book and coffee and see how it goes. With all the different things and busy life my hips are killing me.
Well, I'm gonna run so I dont just grumble all over for no reason.
Have a wonderful Friday!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. We are home from our cruise and loved it! Eastern Canada is quaint and lovely. I had a fabulous lobster roll and chowder. I wish our tour had stayed at Peggy's Cove (Nova Scotia) longer and if I had a car I could have spent the day driving the back roads in that area, so picturesque. I really enjoyed Boston. We spent 3 days there and I was out walking every day (or riding the hopon hopoff bus). The food, the people, the sites, the whole vibe is wonderful. I did so much walking on the trip that this is the first time I came home with no weight gain :)

Remi did well and no set backs with her recovery so that will continue for another month while slightly increasing walk times and a few stairs. I'll be sleeping on the main floor for another month with her.

We will be busy with holiday plans with friends and the club, the arrangements have already started i.e. a ladies shopping bus trip, xmas dinner at the club, craft fair tickets, an interactive wolf sanctuary outing, crib tournament and more. Always so many things to do here.

I miss you all and will be sure to keep in touch.


Morning all. Slept in this morning until the phone woke me at 8:30AM... Reminder call from Pest Control about an appt on Tuesday. Still coughing some but not as bad as it was, thank goodness. I am being good... resting and hydrating. DD#3 called yesterday to check on me and offered to pick up anything I need from the store. Glad to be able to say I was improving and didn't need anything right now. I remembered while we were talking that I needed to make an appointment at the MVD to renew my driver's license by Oct 28th!! Sent a message to MVD and got a call back in the afternoon... appt scheduled for Oct 28th! Whew... I had forgotten that it no longer expired in my birthday month (November).... but earlier. It's the pits that I have to renew it every year now (75+) but it is free..

Going to see if I can do a bit of scrapping today. I really need to work on a few challenges. But first... need to get a shower and have some breakfast. BBL


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon,

Another busy day for me. Adrienne and I are going out to run errands. We both need to go to pick up prescriptions, go to UPS, then go get some pumpkins. I'm going to get those "hard" ones, the ones like look like gourds. They're so ugly they're cute. They have lots of "warts" on them. They keep longer than the traditional pumpkins, too. That's all I bought last year and they lasted until it got really cold. I got a huge burgundy mum last week and sat it beside my welcome sign on the front porch. Must take pics - haven't done that yet.

Trudy @taxed4ever thanks for asking about the family in FL. My sister (mother to my nieces there) has never been through a hurricane, so we were in constant contact that night when it was barreling in. She was really upset but the girls were not. I told her that was the way it had to be - you do what you can to get to safety and you wait. My sister was losing her mind about how slow it was moving across the state. Like I keep saying, "you prepare for the worse and hope for the best". That's all you can do. This one could have been disastrous, but it hit land and weakened, which they usually do. Helene was really bad, as was Ian and Charlie. When they come up the Gulf side, they can be very wicked. That isn't the usual path. That's why Katrina was such a terrible one, that and they thought they "dodged a bullet", then the levies broke. Mitch was also accompanied by over 300 tornadoes which is really bad.

Chris @faerywings sorry to hear about your DEXA score - I'm sure you take D3 and other D combinations. Yes, short person problem - you don't need to "shrink" anymore. You are right, pumpkin chunks, knives, Halloween excitement = disaster. Kits are way too excited on Halloween. K forgot to answer your wedding question. They're planning an October, 2025 wedding right here on the ranch. Ava is watching the leaves and they're not in full color yet. She wants them in full color for her wedding. She wants a pier build out into the little lake on the property and get married on that.

I'll try to come back and do some more personals later. I need more tea and I need to get my head on straight and do few things before I have to leave.

Hugs to ALL and XOXO.