
Daily Ooo's: Friday, November 7:It's gonna be a Long Day


The Loopy-O
TGIF??? I somehow have to manage to get to 5pm-ish today before I can truly relax. Today we are off to the kids Lyme dr. Y'all know how much fun that is. /110% snark
Thank goodness, I like their dr, because otherwise... :faint2:
Add in the fact that I slept like crap, was up and mind racing before 4am, just... ugh. And also a HUGE thank goodness that my mom drives the second leg of the trip. We go to my mom's, have a quick b-fast and then she drives down to him. Then we stop for lunch, head back to her house, then my 45 minute drive back to mine. This visit has to be better than the last one- that was the 2 1/2 hour marathon session with Scott. It has to be better than that, right? RIGHT???


Yesterday was also a bummer of a day. Just cold and rainy, and so tired. But I made a really delicious dinner. Acorn Squash Bisque and homemade "buttermilk" biscuits. The soup was super easy (must remember to microwave the squash earlier so it has time to cool before I start scraping it out and burn my hands). Micro'd the squash, cooked that in water and chicken broth with some onion and thyme, stick-blendered it smooth, then added a 1/2 of half and half. The biscuits-- I have been on a search for a biscuit recipe for what seems like forever! None of the ones that I have tried every come out good. The recipe called for buttermilk (naturally!!) but I know that kefir can replace it so that is what I used. No idea if that is what made the difference, but everyone liked them.

Scott's car needed a new radiator. :( That CD we just cashed out for him, he is using that to pay for it. I know that is what it is there for, but man, I feel so bad that it had to be so expensive.

Today's QOTD
What is your dream car?
I would love a Hybrid Ford Escape. We looked at that before we bought the VUE, but it was out of our price range. I need a bigger car for all of the times we go to PA or am shuttling around kids. I also need to be up higher than a car. I am so short, I can't see over hoods, so that little bit of height helps out a lot. And of course, the hybrid part for the environmental aspects. If they made an Electric Escape, that would be even better. Or a solar paneled one!

Finish it Friday:
Am I allowed to finish this entire pot of coffee on my own????????


Hugs love and most of all-- caffeine to all!!!!
(sorry to those of you who don't ingest caffeine, but you can send me your share instead LOL)


lOve the O!
Morning Chris- I thought you were posting early and then remembered that I overslept by an hour- good thing I have an extra half hour this am before I have to leave for work!!


The Loopy-O
Oh no, Laurie! That stinks, and that me yesterday! Have a great day!

Jean- I know, it has been quiet in here. I hope that Trudy is having a wonderful visit with her brother. That is late shopping trip. Dinner at pm?? I am getting ready for bed by then. :sleep:
Tell your DH I said Hi!


Well-Known Member
Chris, good luck with the loooooonggggg day. and good luck to the kids, too. did you ever try listening(-ish) to audiobooks on your iPod to get to sleep/ get back to sleep? honestly, i don't know what i would do without them. it's like having MOM to tell you a story. i always am up in the middle of the night, and the mind racing thing would keep me awake TOTALLY if i didn't have the iPod. it doesn't work for some people. it keeps them awake. the trick is not to actually try to LISTEN to the story too hard. i play ones that i already have heard a lot of times.

Laurie, have a good day, regardles of the "late "start!

Jean, you sound like my son and family. he's married to a European, and they always eat at what i call "the middle of the night." i grew up eating dinner at 4:30 and have never gotten over it. we eat around 6, and i hate it!!

goin' back to the dermatologist today to see if i need to take more meds for my famous rash. still itching and having trouble with clothes in general, but it's improving. i am really REELEE tired of this. i've been wrapping gifts to send to rhe Grandmen and Peanut. can i tell you how big a box has to be to fit a light saber inside?? i feel like i'm SOO behind. i still have gifts coming in the mail and the framer says the needlework won't be done until next week. :scared: in the meantime, my house looks like a tornado blew through. ah, well.

happy Friday! :becky:


Well-Known Member
Good day! Had an early hair cut appointment and then off to the bank. My Devils lost to the Blues again but at least this time they scored goals. I hope they can continue to score tonight against Detroit. My new neighbors just cut down all the trees in the backyard. I hope they plan to put in more. It is sad to see old trees come down. They almost hit my tree and I was taking photos. LOL

Chris I hope when I read tomorrow that your doctor visit went well for both kids. Your dinner sounds amazing!

Phylis I too hope your visit went well. Being itchy is the pits. Good luck with all the mailing!

Laurie when my son discovers he has more time to get ready than normal he seems to slow down. He time management skills are totally lacking.

QOTD Thursday - I print out my pages for my own albums, I give one to my sister of the trips we take together and I make a calendar each year for my girlfriends for Christmas.
QOTD Friday - my dream car is a mercedes benz sports car, red and fast. Every time I saw one when I was driving with my sons and they had been fighting I would tell them that is what I would be driving if I did not have them. We would all then laugh!

Have a great Friday!


Well-Known Member
Knowing when we eat dinner, you can understand my being a night owl! We were amazed our first trip to Mexico that when our birding group wanted dinner around 6:00, a restaurant MIGHT be open that early, but no one ate at that early hour.

Chris, that looooong day sounds daunting. Hope, hope it goes better than expected. Agree your dinner sounds yummy.

Laurie, glad you had the extra time this morning. Imagine your weather is as gray as ours.

Phylis, dinner at 4:30? That's lunchtime. :biggrin: Also pulling for a good outcome from your appointment. Having to send the gifts this early must be quite a challenge. Good luck with them all.

Nancy, hope the Devils do better. At least they're playing now. I am so sorry about the trees! You can imagine how I feel about the people who have to cut everything down. Hope it doesn't signal plans for "improving" the lot.

QOTD: I don't have any idea what would be a dream car. One that gets there and is no problem to maintain certainly, but we have that in a Honda Accord. I guess cars just aren't my thing.