
Daily Ooos: Friday, November 17


The Loopy-O
GooooOd mOrning, lOvely O-Fam!
This week felt like it took a long to get to the end. I wish I could see a PJ day in my future but it doesn't look like that is going to happen for a while.
It was gorgeous outside yesterday and I wish I could have spent time out there instead of in the kitchen. I made three vegan dishes: acorn squash, stuffing, and pie crust for the apple pie. That took most of the morning and after lunch, I had to clean it all up :sweeping2:

I had stripped my bed so I figured it made sense to clean the BR before I remade the bed. No one wants dust from the ceiling fan falling on the fresh bedding. Blech. The BR curtains are way out of style -- they are the kind that you wrap/drape over a curtain rod. YKWIM? I took them down when I plastic-ed the window and washed them. Two windows and I can *never, ever, ever* get them to look the same when I put them back up. Since I had the step ladder out for those, I ended up dusting the dressers and bookshelves in the BR too.

I got my first invite for a work activity. It is a skill-share so it's optional and unpaid but I am excited to go. (Talk to me the day of and see if I am still excited. It's on January 6. Most likely freezing cold LOL) Skill-share was apparently a brainchild of my son. The interns and staff all have different areas of expertise and he and Lauren thought it would be a good way for everyone to pool intellectual resources. This one is a hike on all three of the Weis trails so it's a great opportunity for me to learn about them and landmarks, plus I'll get to meet some of the staff.

This morning, I am finally getting my hair cut/colored. I had it done last April and it's a mess. I hope that she can help me find a new color since I want to get rid of the bleached look. But I still want to get rid of the grey.
This afternoon, sheesh, it is going to be pretty nice (60*) for this time of year. Maybe I'll go for a short hike. Or maybe I'll make MIL's recipe for sausage stuffing. I'd much rather hike. If I call it "job training" that gives it an air of necessity, right? Hahahaha!

Ugh, I feel like my brain is all over the place. Sorry if you can't make sense of what I wrote.



The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes How did you sleep last night? Any better? I did! I put my weighted blanket on the bed and it makes me feel so cozy and cocooned.
Good for you for getting yourself a fantastic b-day present!!! You deserve it and I hope that PSE 24 is everything you need.
When is the actual birthday? I don't want to miss it. :birthaydog:
I turned my compression fingerless gloves inside out to see if there was a brand and there wasn't one. I think Scott got mine at Bed Bath & Beyond but I guess Target or Walmart should have similar.

@taxed4ever What a mess of a day! :gloomy: At least your feet stayed dry with the new boots. Did you get them in the green? They look nice and light.
Oh my. Lunch sounds like it was uncomfortable with your ILs. I love the way you were "invited" to Sharon's too. /s I don't know if I would have stopped at one glass of wine after that.

@bcgal00 I am impressed, you are so calm with your moving countdown. And so organized too. Putting the smaller items into baggies is a smart idea. Also a smart idea to get to a clinic while you are waiting for the final move-- don't wait too long!

@Cherylndesigns :dancing6: I am soooo happy that Chuck is coming home!!!! dance4
The sound bath sounds incredible and relaxing.

@pachimac So much good news to share, congrats to Meli!!!! It stinks that she will have to work on a family day but hopefully, with a little bit of rearranging, you'll be able to be together. Take care of yourself, you don't; want to be sick for the holidays! This is only the second time I have *ever* hosted Thanksgiving and I am not sure I like it LOL!

@Su_Sanne :rotfl: I am laughing at your sleeping dog stories too!
Good luck with the new door and blinds to keep out the chill.

@vickyday *fingers crossed that your cast comes off on Wed*
:giggle4: at the eggs. How sweet that Ilene came to visit and made egg salad

Uh- oh, I am running late again.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is another chilly morning and lots of fog out there today. I hope to get out on a walk later this afternoon in the sunshine. I felt like I wasn't at home for very long yesterday, between shopping and then getting my hair done, I was out of the house most of the day. Today however I don't have to go anywhere. I enjoyed my shopping in the morning and scored 6 new tops all at 50% off Hooray!! I was looking for some new leggings too, but the saleslady said the order had not yet arrived darn it!! They have the nicest leggings! Oh well I will have to try again later and see if I can score a sale on those too. I have some online shopping to do today for Christmas gifts, here in Canada Black Friday is this weekend. It usually lasts for more than a week though LOL. I don't know why the stores just don't lower there prices for the entire year, wouldn't it be easier?? Other than that I have some Christmas Cards and Gift Tags to make and I really would love to do the AJ challenge here! So many great pages in the gallery that I need to check out too! Oh and I got good news yesterday... my new blinds will be installed on the 23rd of this month a bit earlier than I thought, so that makes me happy!! :dancing6:

@faerywings - I totally know what you mean with the curtains, I still have those in my dining room and yes they are impossible to get them to look the same after you re-hang them LOL. I do get lots of compliments on them though, one day I will have to change it up in there, but not right now. How exciting for you to get invited to the skill share!! A great way to meet everyone and to enjoy the outdoors too!! Remember to bring some hand warmers, but I hope you have great weather and won't need them. I got my boots in a light blue color they didn't have the teal ones on sale. Yes it took two glasses of wine to get over our lunch with the In-Laws, not sure wth is going on there but we are concerned and frustrated. I am trying not to let it bother me too much, but it is sad to see what is happening with them. Even DH said that they used to be fun to hang out with, but not anymore :sad2:.

@pachimac - What great news for you and your daughter!! I hope you will be able to work out the game day and church attendance!

@bcgal00 - You are so smart to pack all the little things in ziplock bags!! It is so easy to lose some of those things in a move!! Sounds like you are on top of everything and hopefully all goes smoothly! I hope you are feeling better today and that whatever you have leaves your body soon!!

@Cherylndesigns - You must be so happy to have your Chuck back home with you!! Nice that they are sending oxygen home with him for awhile! Hope they didn't get lost trying to find your place!

@vickyday - Too funny about you not being able to peel the boiled eggs!!:joke: I bet it was frustrating!! But how nice that you got to enjoy egg salad sandwiches with your friend! Sure hope the cast comes off soon!

@BrightEyes - I hope you had a better sleep last night too! Did you get your new PSE loaded to the computer?

@Su_Sanne - Love your story about your dogs! Yes the In-Laws can be a concern, but I am sure we will all enjoy a nice Christmas despite Mother-In-Laws bad mood LOL. How fun to get the new front door and blinds! I am looking forward to my new kitchen blind install too!

Well I need to get some coffee and then get the morning chores done, the house is cold and its taking the heat pump a long time to warm the house up, so I better go turn on the fireplace too. DH had to scrap the truck windows this morning, so it really must be cold out there. Have a lovely :friday:


Love my O Family!
GooooOd mOrning, lOvely O-Fam!
This week felt like it took a long to get to the end. I wish I could see a PJ day in my future but it doesn't look like that is going to happen for a while.
It was gorgeous outside yesterday and I wish I could have spent time out there instead of in the kitchen. I made three vegan dishes: acorn squash, stuffing, and pie crust for the apple pie. That took most of the morning and after lunch, I had to clean it all up :sweeping2:

I had stripped my bed so I figured it made sense to clean the BR before I remade the bed. No one wants dust from the ceiling fan falling on the fresh bedding. Blech. The BR curtains are way out of style -- they are the kind that you wrap/drape over a curtain rod. YKWIM? I took them down when I plastic-ed the window and washed them. Two windows and I can *never, ever, ever* get them to look the same when I put them back up. Since I had the step ladder out for those, I ended up dusting the dressers and bookshelves in the BR too.

I got my first invite for a work activity. It is a skill-share so it's optional and unpaid but I am excited to go. (Talk to me the day of and see if I am still excited. It's on January 6. Most likely freezing cold LOL) Skill-share was apparently a brainchild of my son. The interns and staff all have different areas of expertise and he and Lauren thought it would be a good way for everyone to pool intellectual resources. This one is a hike on all three of the Weis trails so it's a great opportunity for me to learn about them and landmarks, plus I'll get to meet some of the staff.

This morning, I am finally getting my hair cut/colored. I had it done last April and it's a mess. I hope that she can help me find a new color since I want to get rid of the bleached look. But I still want to get rid of the grey.
This afternoon, sheesh, it is going to be pretty nice (60*) for this time of year. Maybe I'll go for a short hike. Or maybe I'll make MIL's recipe for sausage stuffing. I'd much rather hike. If I call it "job training" that gives it an air of necessity, right? Hahahaha!

Ugh, I feel like my brain is all over the place. Sorry if you can't make sense of what I wrote.

I like the idea of job training! ;)


Asleep before 10 PM - woke up at midnight. Back to sleep until 6:45 AM... and that was a good deep sleep so feeling much better this morning. Off and running this morning to get a few CT LOs uploaded to the galleries. I love Karen Schulz My Story Mega collection... but hate to see this is the final in that series. Got the LOs from it in the gallery. Oh... I love the Art Journaling challenge this month and love the choices for Week 3. Having a ball with it. So interesting to see what everyone is doing there. I am also doing a progressive at JA which took a turn I wasn't expecting. :surprised2: Have you ever worked on a progressive and at some step along the way get so inspired that you just have to scrap ahead to finish it??? Have to LOL as I love where the progressive is really going so I will end up with 2 similar but very different LOs. Yes, the creative mood is alive and active this month.

Sister called yesterday afternoon. A slight change in plans - looks like she won't come until Sunday afternoon or Monday morning. She has a Thanksgiving Pot Luck to attend on Saturday. Think it is a good thing that we are not having a turkey dinner for Thanksgiving!! :floorlaugh:

@BrightEyes How did you sleep last night? Any better? I did! I put my weighted blanket on the bed and it makes me feel so cozy and cocooned.
Good for you for getting yourself a fantastic b-day present!!! You deserve it and I hope that PSE 24 is everything you need.
When is the actual birthday? I don't want to miss it. :birthaydog:
I turned my compression fingerless gloves inside out to see if there was a brand and there wasn't one. I think Scott got mine at Bed Bath & Beyond but I guess Target or Walmart should have similar.
My birthday is Nov 22. And I am thrilled with a lot of the new actions that PSE24 has that I have been doing manually with PSE19.
I have decided that I will look for a pair of compression gloves locally. It is hard to tell how they are made/size/etc on-line. Hope they will help when I am typing. The problems with the hands has gone on long enough that I am resigned that it may continue into the future.

Need some more coffee and should get dressed. HAGD


Well-Known Member
@ faerywings
I can follow your train of thought very well. They are similar to mine. Sometimes things are a little more chaotic for me. I put fresh meat and vegetables on the stove for the dachshunds, go to the basement to bring down the empties and start cleaning up. :cuffed:
Of course the food has boiled over and I have to clean up the mess before I can continue in the basement. That's what happens in my head sometimes too. :angelwhistle:
You seem to know a lot of recipes for vegetarians. Are you both vegetarians too or is it mainly the children? I also urgently need to go to the hairdresser! The last time I was there was in August. I also need color, I can no longer see the washed out, dull hair. I would love a cheeky bob hairstyle. And the whole thing in silver gray with anthracite colored strands! That must look cool. But am I brave enough?

@ All Have a nice and stress-free day! We'll have dinner soon, but first the dachshunds have to pee/poop. :walkingdog:

By the way, I've learned a new phrase which I saw recently in a comment from Susan. She described a LO as “drop dead gorgeous.” That sounds really nice. :)
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Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I slept well last night and feel a bit better this morning. Today I'll work on the basement storage area, most of that stuff I haven't touched since we moved here 1.5 yrs ago so maybe I can purge the storage items a bit more. We were lucky to have such a huge storage area here and I don't think we will have that in the new house. We sold a cabinet and coffee table on FB marketplace. We put the 3 chairs on FB bidding wars and if no one bids this wkend then we'll post them for free and see if anyone will take them.

I enjoyed the morning sky today, full of orange. It'll be interesting to find out what kind of view we get from our new home.

Darrell has slept in, the house has been quiet. It's a nice way to start the day. I'm going to go read a few pages of my book before getting dressed and getting at the storage area.

@faerywings I think you need to be outdoors hiking and exploring as much as you can since it will now be job related :)

@taxed4ever Good score on the shopping!

I'm getting coffee and delving into my book "Don't Believe It" by Charlie Donlea. HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon, already??

Got my grocery order picked up.

Mark is out working on the shed.

Got the rest of the green tomatoes picked and a few ripened ones. Then shoved the rest of the green vines off the carport for the weather to kill them off. After the cast comes off I will try to pull up the dead plants out of the 3-tier boxes so that area doesn't look so dreadfully ugly! I also need to clean out the flower bed by my she shed after the cast comes off. But I will have to see how workable and sore the wrist still is before I tackle those jobs! Who knows....I may be able to talk Mark into doing the job! ;)

I didn't get any scrapping done yesterday with Ilene being here, so today I want to finish the week one AJ page I started.

Nothing else on the agenda for today.



Well-Known Member
Good afternoon, already??

Got my grocery order picked up.

Mark is out working on the shed.

Got the rest of the green tomatoes picked and a few ripened ones. Then shoved the rest of the green vines off the carport for the weather to kill them off. After the cast comes off I will try to pull up the dead plants out of the 3-tier boxes so that area doesn't look so dreadfully ugly! I also need to clean out the flower bed by my she shed after the cast comes off. But I will have to see how workable and sore the wrist still is before I tackle those jobs! Who knows....I may be able to talk Mark into doing the job! ;)

I didn't get any scrapping done yesterday with Ilene being here, so today I want to finish the week one AJ page I started.

Nothing else on the agenda for today.

Vicky, do you know the film “Green Tomatoes” with Mary Stuart Masterson, Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy in the main roles? I love this movie very much!!!


Love my O Family!
Vicky, do you know the film “Green Tomatoes” with Mary Stuart Masterson, Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy in the main roles? I love this movie very much!!!
No. I've not heard of it. I don't watch much TV or go to the movies very often.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Afternoon, All,

Chuck is home! Finally - it took us almost two hours to get him out of that place. You go in easy, but it's a you-know-what getting out. They said to be there at ten o'clock and it was nearly noon before we were on our way home. Now the transition has begun. A Home Health Care representative just called me and they're sending someone out tomorrow! I didn't know he was going to have that, but I'm thrilled. Maybe whoever comes out can show me how to work these small portable oxygen tanks. Steph will be here next Thuesday and she asked me to wait until she got here to mess with them, but if an RN is coming out I might have them show me.

I was so ticked off - the rehab center made him an appt with our family doctor for Monday at 10 AM! First of all, that's way early to get him up and all the way over there - afternoon would have been doable. Anyhoo, Adrienne came over and called them and asked if the doctor could do a "telemed" visit and they said sure. They said as long as he could do like a FaceTime call, which he can that would work. I'm SO relieved that he doesn't have to leave the house until possibly Thanksgiving Day I was just going to call and see if I could move the appt out a few days and make it in the afternoon, but this is way easier.

Chris @faerywings this work activity will be awesome for you and you'll really get the feel for your new job.

Trudy @taxed4ever Chuck seemed a little overwhelmed on our drive home and I know he'd forgotten how beautiful the property is. He kept talking about the trees turning. I've been hospitalized for about three weeks and it's a real mind thing when you get out of that environment. I remember I kept thinking we were going to get in a wreck all the way home.

Kay, @BrightEyes you might look at Walgreens in the "As Seen on TV Section". That's where I got my compression gloves a few years ago. I also just got some really padded fingerless gloves for when I lift weights. I got them at TJ Maxx, or one of those places. They were very inexpensive and really help me hold onto the weights.

Susanne @Su_Sanne "drop dead gorgeous" is one of my favorite expressions. Glad you're liking all of our silly American sayings.

I'm going to run now. I don't want to sit too long in case Chuck needs anything. He's trying to get up and move around and he seems to be a little bit more stable now that he's at home.

Hugs to all,


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Vicky, do you know the film “Green Tomatoes” with Mary Stuart Masterson, Kathy Bates and Jessica Tandy in the main roles? I love this movie very much!!!
Ohh one of my fav movies and my daughter Heathers also we just love it!!