
Daily Ooo's: Friday, November 14


The Loopy-O
Ack!!! I seriously cannot believe that we are halfway through Nov. Really and truly? (Well, I guess technically that tomorrow will be the official halfway point, but still!!!!!!!!!!)
And I also cannot believe that I started Christmas Shopping yesterday. It wasn't really "big" shopping, but I did get a few stocking stuffers and started on the gift I am making for Scott's GF's mom. I am pretty much clueless on what to get for anyone. It seems to get harder and harder as everyone gets older.
My kids told me that they don't want me to get them anything which is thoroughly depressing. But I told them back, maybe *I* won't get them anything, but *Santa* has to!

I also freaked my mom out again. It seems like everytime I have a bad period-day, I am out with my mom. After not-even 2 hours of shopping, I was feeling dead on my feet, and my poor mom was so worried about me she didn't know what to do. When I gopt home, I put my pj's and and slept for well over an hour. Cait made dinner and then I laid on the sofa, watching NCIS's with Gary, and was back in bed at 7.30. Every time I wonder if the hyster is the right decision, a day like I had yesterday comes back and reminds me of that answer.

We got a little dusting of snow here, but "Up the Mountain" in my town, I saw pics of a good inch or so being posted on FB. eek.

Off to work today, then depending on how I am feeling, I might nap, scrap, or bake for the party tomorrow. Who knows, maybe all three:)

QOTD Shopping Preference: Online, Brick and Mortar, or Never Shopping Again in my Life?
I prefer online, but there are some things that I guess I need to wander around to see and get ideas which can be hard and time consuming online. I would prefer to Never Shop Again, but use that magic wand from the other day to do it for me.

Finish It Friday:
Aside from finishing lots of coffee... my brain is screaming to not even go there.:rofl:

::grouphug and Happy Friday!!!!!!!


The Loopy-O
Phyllis- Nt'l Pickle Day? OMG, that have a day for everything LOL I am not a pickle fan, not at all. So glad that I am not the only one who can't figure out you can make a pie one day and not figure out why it turns out better than another. (I am reading that sentence and my brain is not making sense of it in"English" but I hope that you know what I mean). That is so cool that the girl in Macy's remembered you!
How did your embroidery come out all framed?

Nancy- that is an awesome gift! My IL's got scott and gary an R2D2 droid kit a few years ago. Boys will be boys and stay boys forever.
I like your more than three words!

Trudy- how are you feeling today? I hope that you got lots of rest.
Gary was able to get the old Keurig working again. Not surprised, its the way things roll in this house. We are now back up to 4 coffee pots again hahaha!!!

Jean- how much snow did you end up getting? Hope not too much!
Bwuahahaha about you having to change the snow scene background to one from July! I would do the same.

love and hugs to all!


Well-Known Member
Chris, those bad period days are God's way of reaffirming the hysterectomy! sorry you have to go through this but believe me--i GET it!! we had a dusting of snow yesterday, and this morning, according to the radio news, people are slipping and sliding and crashing into things all over the place around here. these are the days when i feel SO lucky to be able to decide whether to go outside or NOT!

Nancy, the Star Wars lego story just killed me! i love hearing about sons who still have that little bit of "kid" in them. how the heck do you still have trees with green leaves on them. are you in the Tropical Zone of Jersey? :pound:

Trudy, hope you are feeling better and are allowing yourself some quality PJ Time. sometimes jammies are the kindest thing we can do for ourselves. take it from someone who has had to wear cotton nightshirts for most of the day for almost two months....

Jean, snow and REEELEEEE cold temps here. looks like winter has arrived. now for at least 4 more months of this mess. ARIZONA!!!i want ARIZONA!! or at least South Carolina. the China pix must have been fascinating.

i've been making Christmas cards since about 6 a.m. i think i'm almost finished. i designed the cards right after Christmas last year, and it was so NICE just to have to print everything out now, instead of trying to dream up a design, too. i think i'm going to do that again this year. i already have the words picked out for the inside. i decided to use some lyrics from a Michael McDonald song which made my Christmas playlist CD this year. now i have to look thru my Anna Stash and see what will work for the outside of the card. i picked up the hand outline needlework piece yesterday, and the framing made the rather odd needlework look pretty good. i'll post a picture later, if i remember.

QOTD: online mostly, and some local shopping.

bundle up! enjoy Friday---preferably indoors! :becky:
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Well-Known Member
good morning - it is cold but we did not get any snow just lots of rain. Went over to my son's home for cake for his birthday. My DH made the cake and of course we brought the Lego set and his brother got his a PS4 so he seemed really happy! Their dog has really grown and he is so cute. It was a fun evening. Got in a good walk which is good considering I was eating Boston Cream Pie. Saw several deer which I still find amazing. Today is remembering how to dress to stay warm on a walk. I am really not ready for this.

Chris so sorry your shopping got cut short. What a pain! Just confirms you have made the correct decision! It is so much harder as kids get older to find that right gift.

Phylis I have some ornamental Japanese maple that just waits until the last moment before it drops its leaves. So annoying. Congrats on your cards being designed and almost completed! I like doing it over Thanksgiving weekend.

Trudy hope as each day dawns you are feeling better! Boston Bruins are going through a really tough time right now!

Jean hope you did not get too much snow.

QOTD - On line when ever I can. But I do have a favorite mall that I like to wander through during the holidays so I do do that.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It is very frosty here today and I am happy that I have no where to go and can stay in my pjs all day if I want to. Feeling a bit better today, however I am still very congested and the headaches are still there. :pout: I hate being sick!! I have too much to do to catch up here and calendars to get done too. But I only seem to be able to sit at my computer for short periods at a time. I was supposed to get my flu shot yesterday, but now I guess I will have to go to my doctor to have it when I am feeling better.

Chris - Oh poor you!! I can't imagine the pain and frustration you must go through with your period!! You will be so much happier when your hysterectomy is finally done and over with! Good for you for at least getting started on your Christmas shopping, I haven't even thought about it yet, no idea either what to get anyone. but like I said it will be mostly buying for the grandkids this year, so that makes it a bit easier!

Phylis - Wow how great that you have your Christmas Cards almost done! I would love to see what you came up with for a design! And yes jammies are the best aren't they!! I have been living in them for the past three days, but it is time to get dressed and get outside for some fresh air, perhaps that will clear my congestion and get me going!

Nancy - Another sad loss for the Bruins last night, we really do not like watching them play the Canadians, there is something about them that seems to get the Bruins all fired up and they always play lousy against them. Hope you do not feel too cold on your walk today!

Jean - Sounds like a lovely lunch with your friend! So lucky that she got to see China and shared with you! I think I will change my desktop scene to a warm tropical beach somewhere and imagine all of us meeting there for a Mai Tai

OOTD - Hoping to do all my shopping online this year and avoid the high cost of postage, but I do love to browse the little shops downtown for ideas!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know how much snow we have, but it is a lot and still coming down. We get what is called lake effect snow. My meeting tomorrow is where they get less (maybe 4 inches) but our morning speaker is coming from an area that got a foot yesterday and expect another today. Not sure she can make it. (Took her 4 hours to go 7 miles going home yesterday.) Not ready for winter!!!!

QOTD: Love online shopping, but for some things just have to see them in person.

Chris, sorry for your condition, but at least it makes you more certain of your surgery decision. Glad Cait could cook and you got in some TV to relax.

Phylis, you sound like a Christmas powerhouse with the presents and cards. How nice to be inside with this weather, eh?

Nancy keep warm on your walk. How nice not to have snow yet.

Trudy, my sympathy on your illness. Still hoping for rapid improvement. Wishing for that beach and Mai Tai!