
Daily Ooos: Friday, November 10


The Loopy-O
We made it!

Guess what? I stated yesterday that I was putting self-care as my top priority and it worked. Now I don't have to continue with that anymore. What, it doesn't work that way, one and done? :giggle4:
Seriously though, I told Gary what my plan is and he fully supported me. He also said that we wouldn't end up like my parents because we didn't start out like them. We've always been able to communicate and support each other. Even as I know it to be true, that was reassuring to hear from him. He had a really awful week, he was so sick, but made an effort to ask several times during the day what he could do to help me.
I had some big successes throughout the day too. II called the Statem didn't get through on the Hotline number. Then I called the Dept of Taxation itself. I figured they might not care about money going *out* but they sure as heck want to be on top of the money coming *in.* It worked. LOL! I spoke to an actual, real-life human who is going to send me paperwork to start an investigation into where that money went.
I logged onto my YouTube Yoga channel and the first video up was "Recovery after a panic attack," which was grounding and focusing on the breath. Felt great! My mom called and announced that they were coming up today for my Dad's birthday. I guess they patched things up enough where they can be civil. Bonus: Caitlyn and Scott are coming with us.

And last bit of good news:
Guess who has a job interview on Tuesday?
Anne from the ecology center called and said she loved my cover letter and resume. I am meeting with her and Lauren (one of Scott's best friends) for an interview and tour of the center next Tuesday. The way Anne was talking, I think I have the job, the interview is a formality. I am so excited!

And my computer is running super slow so I am going to post this and reboot.
Last edited:


The Loopy-O
Whew, this is working better after the reboot.

The job sounds like it is exactly what I need. It's working with young kids teaching them about ecology and nature. I can go in as much as I want because it's a per diem position. And I can do as much as I feel comfortable doing. I'll start out assisting but can take over co-leading and then leading the sessions when I feel ready. She also said that I could even develop my own lessons.
She also said that employees -- even PTers- can take part in some of the events held there for free. That in itself makes it worthwhile!

On to personals!

@BrightEyes I am sure that you got all of the LOs done that you needed to finish. I have two that need to get uploaded this morning. There are always so many amazing kits to work with here.
Thank you soooo much for the hugs and support, it means so much to me ♥
I saw a post of Linda's on FB but I miss her here and hope that she is doing ok.

@vickyday Delegating tasks and chores has always been a struggle for me. Often it is easier to do it myself than to ask/explain/wait for someone else to do it.
Does anyone have tips on how to get better with that?
I really hope that you slept better last night. Tossing and turning can't feel good for your back.

W is whining, got to take here out-- BRB!


Well-Known Member
We made it!

Guess what? I stated yesterday that I was putting self-care as my top priority and it worked. Now I don't have to continue with that anymore. What, it doesn't work that way, one and done? :giggle4:
Seriously though, I told Gary what my plan is and he fully supported me. He also said that we wouldn't end up like my parents because we didn't start out like them. We've always been able to communicate and support each other. Even as I know it to be true, that was reassuring to hear from him. He had a really awful week, he was so sick, but made an effort to ask several times during the day what he could do to help me.
I had some big successes throughout the day too. II called the Statem didn't get through on the Hotline number. Then I called the Dept of Taxation itself. I figured they might not care about money going *out* but they sure as heck want to be on top of the money coming *in.* It worked. LOL! I spoke to an actual, real-life human who is going to send me paperwork to start an investigation into where that money went.
I logged onto my YouTube Yoga channel and the first video up was "Recovery after a panic attack," which was grounding and focusing on the breath. Felt great! My mom called and announced that they were coming up today for my Dad's birthday. I guess they patched things up enough where they can be civil. Bonus: Caitlyn and Scott are coming with us.

And last bit of good news:
Guess who has a job interview on Tuesday?
Anne from the ecology center called and said she loved my cover letter and resume. I am meeting with her and Lauren (one of Scott's best friends) for an interview and tour of the center next Tuesday. The way Anne was talking, I think I have the job, the interview is a formality. I am so excited!

And my computer is running super slow so I am going to post this and reboot.
Fingers crossed that you get this job! I am happy for you!! Will it then be an 8-hour working day? This will be a change for you. Good thing DH is home because of your dogs. This is going to be great!! dance4
Ups what is a per diem position?


The Loopy-O
gah! Gary just got an email from Tractor Supply that the brand of dog food the girls eat has been recalled. The stuff they were literally eating as he read the email to me. (Victor Brands, all varieties for possible salmonella). Yikes.

Vicky-- I hope you and Ilene had a nice visit. How has Carolyn been doing, any improvement?

@taxed4ever That's too bad that you and Linda weren't able to get on the lake but the hike sounds like it was beautiful. So nice to get out in the fresh air.
My FIL (also a Gary) has been putting off his hernia repair for way too long. My dad (a Stubborn Chuck) took forever to get his done but was glad once he did. Hehe, I think it isn't the name that is the issue, it's their sex. :nod1:
I try to drink hot tea in the afternoons when I am cold but it isn't as portable as a water bottle. *G*

@joyfulheartdesigns How long do bearded dragons live? That is one animal we haven't had. Aww, I love the way Thistle became Thissle. :)
When Caitlyn gets new rat babies, the goal is to hold them for 20 minutes at a time. For some reason, the 20-minute mark is important for their brains to get over the stress of being handled. I have no idea if that is a mammal-only thing or if it extends to reptiles LOL
We have had a couple of tiny snakes in the basement over the years we have lived here. And a few newts. A lot of cave crickets, they are a PITB. We have plastic cups around the house labeled "Friend Transport" which is how we relocate lots of the bugs. Gary or Scott would out the snakes/newts.

@Cherylndesigns Don't forget your therapy light today! I already had mine on :)
We can help each other stay on track! I've been so hit or miss with yoga that it was becoming much more miss than anything.
I didn't mind having Scott's snakes in the house, and I don't; mind seeing them outside/ But swimming in a pool? Naaaaaah! Not for me. One of the perks that Anne mentioned is that employees are allowed to swim in the natural pool on-site. Since it is a natural pool, there are critters in there. Snakes and frogs. They normally stay to the side opposite people but that's too close for me. I'd have to be extremely hot to swim in it, knowing that a snake could be right next to me.
And forget about alligators!! *shudders* I;ll take the NJ black bears any day haha!

Better get going, HAGD!


The Loopy-O
Fingers crossed that you get this job! I am happy for you!! Will it then be an 8-hour working day? This will be a change for you. Good thing DH is home because of your dogs. This is going to be great!! dance4
Ups what is a per diem position?
Thank you! The job would be a few hours at a time. And I wouldn't have to take any job that I didn't want. There are group sessions for school field trips, Scout badges, and homeschooling groups. When they have an activity session, they send out an invite to see if you are interested in working that day. You can either accept or decline the invite. It sounds perfect for me. I hope it all works out!
Here's a link:
Weis Center


Love my O Family!
We made it!

Guess what? I stated yesterday that I was putting self-care as my top priority and it worked. Now I don't have to continue with that anymore. What, it doesn't work that way, one and done? :giggle4:
Seriously though, I told Gary what my plan is and he fully supported me. He also said that we wouldn't end up like my parents because we didn't start out like them. We've always been able to communicate and support each other. Even as I know it to be true, that was reassuring to hear from him. He had a really awful week, he was so sick, but made an effort to ask several times during the day what he could do to help me.
I had some big successes throughout the day too. II called the Statem didn't get through on the Hotline number. Then I called the Dept of Taxation itself. I figured they might not care about money going *out* but they sure as heck want to be on top of the money coming *in.* It worked. LOL! I spoke to an actual, real-life human who is going to send me paperwork to start an investigation into where that money went.
I logged onto my YouTube Yoga channel and the first video up was "Recovery after a panic attack," which was grounding and focusing on the breath. Felt great! My mom called and announced that they were coming up today for my Dad's birthday. I guess they patched things up enough where they can be civil. Bonus: Caitlyn and Scott are coming with us.

And last bit of good news:
Guess who has a job interview on Tuesday?
Anne from the ecology center called and said she loved my cover letter and resume. I am meeting with her and Lauren (one of Scott's best friends) for an interview and tour of the center next Tuesday. The way Anne was talking, I think I have the job, the interview is a formality. I am so excited!

And my computer is running super slow so I am going to post this and reboot.
YAY!!! Great news about the job!
So glad you are in a better place today! I can tell by the "tone" of your "voice" in your post! :heartpumpred: :hug4:


Love my O Family!
Whew, this is working better after the reboot.

The job sounds like it is exactly what I need. It's working with young kids teaching them about ecology and nature. I can go in as much as I want because it's a per diem position. And I can do as much as I feel comfortable doing. I'll start out assisting but can take over co-leading and then leading the sessions when I feel ready. She also said that I could even develop my own lessons.
She also said that employees -- even PTers- can take part in some of the events held there for free. That in itself makes it worthwhile!

On to personals!

@BrightEyes I am sure that you got all of the LOs done that you needed to finish. I have two that need to get uploaded this morning. There are always so many amazing kits to work with here.
Thank you soooo much for the hugs and support, it means so much to me ♥
I saw a post of Linda's on FB but I miss her here and hope that she is doing ok.

@vickyday Delegating tasks and chores has always been a struggle for me. Often it is easier to do it myself than to ask/explain/wait for someone else to do it.
Does anyone have tips on how to get better with that?
I really hope that you slept better last night. Tossing and turning can't feel good for your back.

W is whining, got to take here out-- BRB!
I know what you mean about hating to ask someone else when you could do it yourself faster than the explanation takes sometimes! I grew up with a mother who was the same way, so its hard for me, too!
I slept like a log last night!
I'm so excited for you about the "job"! It won't really be a "job" but an enjoyment, especially once you are free to do your own thing!


Love my O Family!
gah! Gary just got an email from Tractor Supply that the brand of dog food the girls eat has been recalled. The stuff they were literally eating as he read the email to me. (Victor Brands, all varieties for possible salmonella). Yikes.

Vicky-- I hope you and Ilene had a nice visit. How has Carolyn been doing, any improvement?

@taxed4ever That's too bad that you and Linda weren't able to get on the lake but the hike sounds like it was beautiful. So nice to get out in the fresh air.
My FIL (also a Gary) has been putting off his hernia repair for way too long. My dad (a Stubborn Chuck) took forever to get his done but was glad once he did. Hehe, I think it isn't the name that is the issue, it's their sex. :nod1:
I try to drink hot tea in the afternoons when I am cold but it isn't as portable as a water bottle. *G*

@joyfulheartdesigns How long do bearded dragons live? That is one animal we haven't had. Aww, I love the way Thistle became Thissle. :)
When Caitlyn gets new rat babies, the goal is to hold them for 20 minutes at a time. For some reason, the 20-minute mark is important for their brains to get over the stress of being handled. I have no idea if that is a mammal-only thing or if it extends to reptiles LOL
We have had a couple of tiny snakes in the basement over the years we have lived here. And a few newts. A lot of cave crickets, they are a PITB. We have plastic cups around the house labeled "Friend Transport" which is how we relocate lots of the bugs. Gary or Scott would out the snakes/newts.

@Cherylndesigns Don't forget your therapy light today! I already had mine on :)
We can help each other stay on track! I've been so hit or miss with yoga that it was becoming much more miss than anything.
I didn't mind having Scott's snakes in the house, and I don't; mind seeing them outside/ But swimming in a pool? Naaaaaah! Not for me. One of the perks that Anne mentioned is that employees are allowed to swim in the natural pool on-site. Since it is a natural pool, there are critters in there. Snakes and frogs. They normally stay to the side opposite people but that's too close for me. I'd have to be extremely hot to swim in it, knowing that a snake could be right next to me.
And forget about alligators!! *shudders* I;ll take the NJ black bears any day haha!

Better get going, HAGD!
Some improvement for Carolyn, but she still requires much assistance.....baby steps!
Ilene and I had a great visit!


Woke up way too early... 4 AM!!! Tossed and turned and finally got up at 4:45. Not sure what caused the restlessness. Decided to get my day started early and hope to be off the computer early as I need to be out of here before 9AM. Realized last evening that the Kohl's sales/coupon starts today.

Yesterday I had a big surprise... I was getting dressed and decided to wear one of the sweatpants I had bought. I pulled them on and discovered that they were 'baggy' and way too big. Looked at the size - it was a med 8-10. Checked them all - the same problem. :banghead: So that meant another trip to WM#1... I found 3 pair in a small 4-6, 2 blue and 1 black... and all on sale. On the way to my car in the parking lot, I saw an ambulance, fire truck and 3 police cars were in the parking lot blocking the exit I usually use. A car had side-swiped a truck on the outbound lanes! Had to use a different exit and it was 4:30 and lanes filled with going-home traffic. I tried on the sweatpants when I got home (the dressing rooms at WM were closed) and they fit like they should... no bagging and not too tight! :cheer:dance4

Yes, Christ @faerywings I did get the 2 CT LOs done for Karen and 1 LO for Laitha. Turns out the 2 for Karen are not due until next week. I got the one for Laitha uploaded this morning. Congrats on the job... sounds right up your alley! And.. glad you got through to a 'real person' and can get an investigation going on where your rebate is. Hope all goes well with the parents when they come up for the birthday celebration.

@vickyday You sound in better spirits today. Hope your pain is less. Happy you got a visit with Ilene.

Time to get dressed and get ready to leave. Hope the crowd isn't too big at the stores.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
I slept like a log last night! I don't even remember finishing my prayer!
Ilene and I had a great time yesterday talking and playing Qwirkle. And she stayed for supper before going home.
Tonight we are going to her house for supper. I had to put my back on ice after she left after sitting on the dining room chair! So I will wear the back brace to her house tonight.
Its rainy out today, very light right now, so Mark is out working on the shed.
I guess I'll do some more scrapping today.
HAGD, one and all! :waving1:hug4:


Love my O Family!
Woke up way too early... 4 AM!!! Tossed and turned and finally got up at 4:45. Not sure what caused the restlessness. Decided to get my day started early and hope to be off the computer early as I need to be out of here before 9AM. Realized last evening that the Kohl's sales/coupon starts today.

Yesterday I had a big surprise... I was getting dressed and decided to wear one of the sweatpants I had bought. I pulled them on and discovered that they were 'baggy' and way too big. Looked at the size - it was a med 8-10. Checked them all - the same problem. :banghead: So that meant another trip to WM#1... I found 3 pair in a small 4-6, 2 blue and 1 black... and all on sale. On the way to my car in the parking lot, I saw an ambulance, fire truck and 3 police cars were in the parking lot blocking the exit I usually use. A car had side-swiped a truck on the outbound lanes! Had to use a different exit and it was 4:30 and lanes filled with going-home traffic. I tried on the sweatpants when I got home (the dressing rooms at WM were closed) and they fit like they should... no bagging and not too tight! :cheer:dance4

Yes, Christ @faerywings I did get the 2 CT LOs done for Karen and 1 LO for Laitha. Turns out the 2 for Karen are not due until next week. I got the one for Laitha uploaded this morning. Congrats on the job... sounds right up your alley! And.. glad you got through to a 'real person' and can get an investigation going on where your rebate is. Hope all goes well with the parents when they come up for the birthday celebration.

@vickyday You sound in better spirits today. Hope your pain is less. Happy you got a visit with Ilene.

Time to get dressed and get ready to leave. Hope the crowd isn't too big at the stores.
Boy, oh boy! What a fiasco those sweat pants have been for you! Glad you finally have some that fit!
Yes, I feel much better today! Its amazing what a good night's sleep can do for a body! Sounds like you may need to take a nap today! ;)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies, it is another drizzly day, but it is November and drizzle is better than Snow!! I had a great day yesterday shopping with SIL Linda and we found her some really cute solar Christmas Trees to put up her walkway and some nice lights for her to hang on her back patio. I did not buy anything Christmas, but did purchase a new set of tongs that I have been needing for quite awhile. Guess I was having too much fun spending Linda's money LOL. We also went to two different chocolate shops, where she got some hot chocolate kits for her grands and I got some sugar free chocolates for DH and myself. We quickly finished those off last night :ilovechocolate:. Today I need to pick up a grocery order I put in last night and then I am going to the little craft store that I love to get some Christmas card making supplies. :shopping: I love shopping there! I got a page made for the Songs that we Love Challenge and was so surprised to see that @Cherylndesigns gave me a Standing O for it! It really made my day! Except now I can't get that beautiful song out of my head :giggle4:.

@faerywings - Well you certainly had a great day yesterday!! Job interview and you finally got through to a real person about your missing money and loving support from your Gary (hope he feels better today!). Lots of great news to share with your parents today! Enjoy the Birthday gathering with them! I am so very happy for you about the job!!! It really does sound like it will be a perfect fit for you!

Ok I have to go and dry my hair and will be right back to finish personals along with a second cup of coffee.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ok I am back, coffee is tasting really good this morning! :coffeedrinker:

@vickyday - So glad to hear that you had a much better sleep last night! It really does make a big difference doesn't it!! Happy to hear that you had such a great visit with Ilene and how nice that she will be having you over for dinner at her place tonight! Yay no cooking!!

@BrightEyes - That is way too early to be up and out of bed!! Sounds like you had a cold front come in on you, sure hope that the snow doesn't amount to too much! You sure have had a time with the sweat pants, but glad that you finally found some that fit you right! You really must have lost a bunch of weight! Hope you get a nap in sometime today!

@Cherylndesigns - Thank you again for the Standing O! I have been in a bit of a funk with my scrapping lately so this really gave me the boost that I needed!! :thankyouspin:.

Well Heather will be calling right away, so I better go get dressed and make the bed before she does. I hope that you all have a great :friday:.


Love my O Family!
Ok I am back, coffee is tasting really good this morning! :coffeedrinker:

@vickyday - So glad to hear that you had a much better sleep last night! It really does make a big difference doesn't it!! Happy to hear that you had such a great visit with Ilene and how nice that she will be having you over for dinner at her place tonight! Yay no cooking!!

@BrightEyes - That is way too early to be up and out of bed!! Sounds like you had a cold front come in on you, sure hope that the snow doesn't amount to too much! You sure have had a time with the sweat pants, but glad that you finally found some that fit you right! You really must have lost a bunch of weight! Hope you get a nap in sometime today!

@Cherylndesigns - Thank you again for the Standing O! I have been in a bit of a funk with my scrapping lately so this really gave me the boost that I needed!! :thankyouspin:.

Well Heather will be calling right away, so I better go get dressed and make the bed before she does. I hope that you all have a great :friday:.
I just listened to the song. It was very nice!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning lovelies.

The sun is shining and it's currently 632degrees, with a high of 65 - not a big jump, but I'll take it over yesterday's gloom and rain. Yesterday was one of "those" days for me. I was so tired and got up and put on a pair of warm fuzzy pants and a hoodie and didn't change until I went to bed last night. It's much too heavy to sleep in - I would be in a full-on sweat if I slept in that heavy outfit.

Chris @faerywings congrats on the interview and you will get that job - you're so perfect for it! No, I wouldn't want to swim wit h the snakes - that's why I won't swim in a lake. I want to see what's in that water. I had to chase a snake out of our pool cage once - they all tease me about my broom - I can do anything with my broom. When Asher was here last summer, a bird got in the house one night and between the two of us, we got it out - of course, I ran and got my broom. I'm afraid of birds, too. LOL Then, the next day, I was watering my ferns and there was a bird down in one of them. He laughed so hard and still teases me about the birds.

I'm so glad that you and Gary had a talk and you'll never be like your parents. You already know that you won't be bickering like that - I don't think that's a worry you need to even entertain. I got my light out right after our chat yesterday and really needed it with how dark and gloomy it was. Today, I won't need it because it's so bright and sunny.

Happy birthday to "your Chuck". These Chuck's - I tell ya. We're going to go visit my Chuck today if the covid is all clear - he hasn't wanted me there - too dangerous, he said. If it's an all-clear and we don't have to "suit up" in the hazmat suits, we'll go.

Kay @BrightEyes I'm SO glad you finally got sweat pants that fit. We're going to WM today and I'm going to look for some for myself. Thanks for the tip about them running large. I don't like big baggy ones, either. The one heavy pair I have now are way too big for me now, but I still wear them just around here.

Vicky @vickyday sounds like you and Ilene had a nice day and sorry to hear that Carolyn is still needing lots of assistance.

Susanne @Su_Sanne great to see you in here again. Please don't be a stranger.

Trudy @taxed4ever your layout and that song - on my - you said it brightened up your day for the Standing O, but it also brightened my day. I was pretty funked out myself and I can't tell you what warm fuzzies that gave me. All the feels.

Hugs to everybody and have a good Friday. I need to start getting myself ready and Casey is coming to clean today so I have to organize a little for her.



Well, I am back home. It was well worth the trip in the rain/sleet/snow. I bought 2 more pair of PJs... and will just say I saved $$$ - 2 ($10 off) + 30% off. WOW I do like the soft feel of the new ones. Too bad that no one seems to have the heavier flannel ones any more. The PJs are my birthday gift to myself... dance4 :banana2:

Oh, I meant to mention that my niece ended up trading their 5th wheeler for a newer one. That was why they did a back-track from Tennessee to Oklahoma to work with a dealer she knows. They are finally back on the road to NC. Will breathe a sigh of relief once they are there and set-up.

@Cherylndesigns I did not buy the sweat shirts that are the same brand as the sweatpants... did not like the side split at the hem... and they didn't seem to feel comfortable. I have lots of (older - decorated) sweatshirts that I can wear with the pants.


Well-Known Member
Good morning lovelies.

The sun is shining and it's currently 632degrees, with a high of 65 - not a big jump, but I'll take it over yesterday's gloom and rain. Yesterday was one of "those" days for me. I was so tired and got up and put on a pair of warm fuzzy pants and a hoodie and didn't change until I went to bed last night. It's much too heavy to sleep in - I would be in a full-on sweat if I slept in that heavy outfit.

Chris @faerywings congrats on the interview and you will get that job - you're so perfect for it! No, I wouldn't want to swim wit h the snakes - that's why I won't swim in a lake. I want to see what's in that water. I had to chase a snake out of our pool cage once - they all tease me about my broom - I can do anything with my broom. When Asher was here last summer, a bird got in the house one night and between the two of us, we got it out - of course, I ran and got my broom. I'm afraid of birds, too. LOL Then, the next day, I was watering my ferns and there was a bird down in one of them. He laughed so hard and still teases me about the birds.

I'm so glad that you and Gary had a talk and you'll never be like your parents. You already know that you won't be bickering like that - I don't think that's a worry you need to even entertain. I got my light out right after our chat yesterday and really needed it with how dark and gloomy it was. Today, I won't need it because it's so bright and sunny.

Happy birthday to "your Chuck". These Chuck's - I tell ya. We're going to go visit my Chuck today if the covid is all clear - he hasn't wanted me there - too dangerous, he said. If it's an all-clear and we don't have to "suit up" in the hazmat suits, we'll go.

Kay @BrightEyes I'm SO glad you finally got sweat pants that fit. We're going to WM today and I'm going to look for some for myself. Thanks for the tip about them running large. I don't like big baggy ones, either. The one heavy pair I have now are way too big for me now, but I still wear them just around here.

Vicky @vickyday sounds like you and Ilene had a nice day and sorry to hear that Carolyn is still needing lots of assistance.

Susanne @Su_Sanne great to see you in here again. Please don't be a stranger.

Trudy @taxed4ever your layout and that song - on my - you said it brightened up your day for the Standing O, but it also brightened my day. I was pretty funked out myself and I can't tell you what warm fuzzies that gave me. All the feels.

Hugs to everybody and have a good Friday. I need to start getting myself ready and Casey is coming to clean today so I have to organize a little for her.

xoxo, I'm no stranger, Cheryl!! No, no! I'm with you all in so many ways. Did I explain that right? I don' use the translator, because I'm not sure if it brings all the empathie back to you. :blowkiss:
All the best to Chuck!!!!
I hope that everyone will soon be vaccinated and that the virus will only progress gently for everyone. I'm wearing a mask more often again because I haven't had my fourth Covid vaccination yet. I just got vaccinated against flu, pneumonia and shingles! There was no more room for a Covid vaccination LOL
My goodness, what does our body have to endure???
I wish you all a cozy and carefree evening! And tomorrow I have a question for you all... xoxo


Well-Known Member
Well, I am back home. It was well worth the trip in the rain/sleet/snow. I bought 2 more pair of PJs... and will just say I saved $$$ - 2 ($10 off) + 30% off. WOW I do like the soft feel of the new ones. Too bad that no one seems to have the heavier flannel ones any more. The PJs are my birthday gift to myself... dance4 :banana2:

Oh, I meant to mention that my niece ended up trading their 5th wheeler for a newer one. That was why they did a back-track from Tennessee to Oklahoma to work with a dealer she knows. They are finally back on the road to NC. Will breathe a sigh of relief once they are there and set-up.

@Cherylndesigns I did not buy the sweat shirts that are the same brand as the sweatpants... did not like the side split at the hem... and they didn't seem to feel comfortable. I have lots of (older - decorated) sweatshirts that I can wear with the pants.
SNOW? Really? Hope you'll create a beautiful LO for us?


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, I am back home. It was well worth the trip in the rain/sleet/snow. I bought 2 more pair of PJs... and will just say I saved $$$ - 2 ($10 off) + 30% off. WOW I do like the soft feel of the new ones. Too bad that no one seems to have the heavier flannel ones any more. The PJs are my birthday gift to myself... dance4 :banana2:

Oh, I meant to mention that my niece ended up trading their 5th wheeler for a newer one. That was why they did a back-track from Tennessee to Oklahoma to work with a dealer she knows. They are finally back on the road to NC. Will breathe a sigh of relief once they are there and set-up.

@Cherylndesigns I did not buy the sweat shirts that are the same brand as the sweatpants... did not like the side split at the hem... and they didn't seem to feel comfortable. I have lots of (older - decorated) sweatshirts that I can wear with the pants.
Thanks for the heads up, Kay. I'm going there today. Chuck also wants some more flannel pj pants. He did NOT want any, but I took him one pair and now he loves them. I knew he would. So, I have to add some of those to my shopping list.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
xoxo, I'm no stranger, Cheryl!! No, no! I'm with you all in so many ways. Did I explain that right? I don' use the translator, because I'm not sure if it brings all the empathie back to you. :blowkiss:
All the best to Chuck!!!!
I hope that everyone will soon be vaccinated and that the virus will only progress gently for everyone. I'm wearing a mask more often again because I haven't had my fourth Covid vaccination yet. I just got vaccinated against flu, pneumonia and shingles! There was no more room for a Covid vaccination LOL
My goodness, what does our body have to endure???
I wish you all a cozy and carefree evening! And tomorrow I have a question for you all... xoxo
Susanne, you are NOT a stranger - that's just another one of our slang phrases. "Don't be a stranger" just means come back often. We have some "funny" sayings, don't we??? :floorlaugh: I remember when you were trying to interpret our "sayings". This is one more. :floorlaugh:

Thanks for the good wishes for Chuck. I'd love to get him out of there before he catches something, but they say not until the first part of next week now. :(