I refuse to accept that it is November. REFUSE TO!
*stamps feet and gets ready to throw a tantrum*
At least I am not complaining about cold weather this morning. Thank goodness for the little things.
How was your Halloween? Guess how many kids we got?
I was getting ready for bed when I heard the dogs barking. So we now have an almost full bag of Reese's for ourselves. I think that is one of the reasons we don't get super excited about Halloween. No one trick-or-treats on our street anymore. Since my town is so spread out, many kids get dropped off at one of the few developments we have. The little ones go to a trunk or treat. At least I am not spending big bucks on candy like a lot of the houses in the developments need to do. (of course, the houses in those areas are $$$$$$ so they might be able to afford several bags of candy easier than I can).
Yesterday's lesson on spiders was a bust. Not from anything I did but only 2 kids showed up. The 5 yo and the 9 yo so it was going to be difficult to adapt anything to keep them both engaged. We went on a spider web hunt and we found some pretty neat ones. We found a few funnel webs which neither Lauren nor I had seen before. I had yarn in the bags for a weaving activity but we went to a clearing off the trail and the kids wrapped the yarn around the trees to make a spider web. They did that for over a half hour and as long as they were having fun- why not? Lauren and I tossed in some information about webs as they worked so I feel like at least I tried to impart some new info.
Brainstorming for the field trips went great- I have a bunch of notes and ideas to type up/flesh out this morning, then Lauren will write it up as a proposal and we'll see what happens.
That is going to be a big part of my day along with finishing up my curriculum for the new session that starts on Tuesday. It's also the new month here so I have a bunch of CO things to do. I am starting to feel like I have bitten off my than I can chew. I need to be better with time organization that is for sure. Any ideas and advice?
The best part of my day-- taking both dogs to the vet. Hahah! Gary is planning on coming with me to deal with Jaida. She is a beast at the vet on her own but trying to get both of them in at the same time is toooooo much. She only needs her rabies vax so my plan is to get her jabbed and then sit in the car with Gary while I deal with the little brown dog. (yeah, we call W "little brown dog" even though she is 55 lbs. She is the smallest dog we ever had. And brownest. All of our other dogs were 60+ lbs and black)
And that's about it from smoky-smelling North Jersey. Still no rain (maybe a little this morning) and some kids lit fireworks last night on the opposite side of town and started a fire.
Have a fantastic