HelllooooO O-Fam!
Guess what?
It's soooo cold!! It's currently 30* and a real feel of 8*. I thought Spring was coming along soon. Harrumph! I am second-guessing myself about washing my hair today instead of yesterday. I won't be able to stand on my feet to blow it out straight and if I let it air-dry, I am going to be an ice cube by the time it dries.
I think I did OK when Scott and my mom visited. My foot didn't; hurt that much and I even helped prep the Brussels sprouts and cauliflower for dinner. My biggest complaint was the exhaustion, that hit me like a ton of bricks. Hard to tell if it was normal Lyme exhaustion, boredom exhaustion, or something else. If I were capable of taking a nap, I would have. Alas,
I am terrible at napping and always wake up feeling worse than I did before.
Today's the big day- Gary is taking me to the orthopedist this afternoon and he is gonna say I am all healed and good to go. Hiking is planned for tomorrow.
although it would be nice. What would be very nice is if the doctor gave me a short walking boot instead of the knee-high one I have. I hate this thing, it throws all of my joints and muscles out of wack. Not that it takes much for that to happen as it is. 
What about all of you? Who has fun plans for today?
Guess what?
It's soooo cold!! It's currently 30* and a real feel of 8*. I thought Spring was coming along soon. Harrumph! I am second-guessing myself about washing my hair today instead of yesterday. I won't be able to stand on my feet to blow it out straight and if I let it air-dry, I am going to be an ice cube by the time it dries.
I think I did OK when Scott and my mom visited. My foot didn't; hurt that much and I even helped prep the Brussels sprouts and cauliflower for dinner. My biggest complaint was the exhaustion, that hit me like a ton of bricks. Hard to tell if it was normal Lyme exhaustion, boredom exhaustion, or something else. If I were capable of taking a nap, I would have. Alas,

Today's the big day- Gary is taking me to the orthopedist this afternoon and he is gonna say I am all healed and good to go. Hiking is planned for tomorrow.

What about all of you? Who has fun plans for today?