
Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 3


The Loopy-O
Holy cannoli, it is darn cold(ioli) out there today. This weather is beyond insane. It was in 60's and 70's, now we are down to 20* with snow showers tonight. This is making my head spin!

I am thankfully feeling better so far this morning than I was yesterday and way better than I was on Wednesday. I hate how horrible I feel some days, but at least it makes me appreciate the good days so much more.

My phones calls to Govt agencies went as expected. All messed up. hahaha!!!!
I started with the Familycare for Scott to see when his actual enrollment date is. And the system was down and you couldn't get a call through. Of course, why not?
Then I called the ACA, and they told me that if I drop Scott from my plan, it goes into effect immediately. That would be fine if the date was 12/1/16. If the date was based on the other letter and was 4/1/17, that would be bad. But I was able to get my income adjusted properly, which is important since he is now going to be getting 2 paychecks. My premium went up, but that is OK, kind of.... :)

I opted to not call the Heating program because when I called last month, they said it would apply to my account in March and the last bill was dated Feb 27. Great.

Crazy as it sounds, even coming from me, it was good to get out of the house to clean for my neighbor. Cait was babysitting so I made fish sandwiches and crash potatoes for the rest of us. Gary loved the potatoes and went back again and again. I didn't have any fresh rosemary for them and I thought they were bland without that, but no one else seemed to mind.

Today my mom is coming up with food! Scott is going to be at Leah's this weekend so I have to figure out what food I should freeze. Meatloaf and meatballs will freeze well.
I am also going to the Devil's Place of Worship aka WalMart. Scott needs windshield wipers, Cait needs sublingual melatonin, so I am going to cave.

Hope that everyone's day are absolutely wonderful!
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Nancy- the wind was crazy up here too.No trees came down so at least that was good.How did the Devils do last night? Hopefully not as bad as you were expecting. stay warm today!

Rae- that is great news about Jen and the job and the payments from the ex. Will it be officially "ex" at some point?
That is funny about if Noel is out then Taz would want to be out. Soo you have a scratching post for Noel? That stinks about your chair, BTDT :(

Whoa Trudy!! That is one heckuva hike. No wonder you are sore. Sorry to hear about the sleepless night and my fingers are crossed that you had a better night last night.
What really bites with the gov't agencies is that will all of the budget cuts on State and Federal levels, they are all so understaffed. And of course, the people that use and need these agencies are often low-income, so who in the govt cares about us?

haha! Maybe it is the ghost again, things have been missing from all of again and reappearing in very odd places.

Sharon, I feel your pain, literally. I hope that you start to feel better soon. Hang in there!
good morning - it is not just cold it is freezing well below freezing actually. Poor Luther is limping again so no walk for us. I still feel that the limp is caused by the constant pulling that Luther does on his walks with my DH. We are going to have to discuss this this weekend so we can stop having this happen to him. Lots of wash to get to today. Some cleaning. My Devils hung tough with the Caps last night and lost 1-0. They scored on a Power Play and my team could not. If my team played like this more often they should be able to win more games. I really like the young players that my team is using now.

Chris so glad you are feeling so much better. Sorry about the phone calls. They are such a pain and then when the government can't keep their agencies up and working what a joke. Congrats on preparing a dinner that was liked by all! Enjoy the food from your mom!

Trudy wow that sounds like one hard walk. Not sure I want to fall through snow to my knees. A nice soak in your hot tub so relaxing! Sometimes being overtired is worse than not being tired enough. Glad your DH is liking the new recipes.

Rae so glad things are working out for Jen. Training should keep her busy for sure! Continue happiness for how well you are feeling! So funny about the pets. Our kitty is great at sleeping in the night as long as she is sleeping with me. If she gets up I don't notice. When she comes to bed she first has to sharpen her claws and that scratching on the scratching tree and that wakes me every time. LOL! It would be so annoying though to have a cat and dog chasing each other all night.

Sharon hope you feel much better soon!

Have a great day all!
Morning O-zies!! A rainy day here again, what else is new?? But that's why everything is green and the trees so large LOL. OMG this upcoming birthday party here at the O is going to be amazing and fun, but it has snuck up on me and I have lots to do to catch up on things here :becky:

Chris - So glad that you are feeling better today! I hope that the rest of your day goes well and that you can do something fun today other than going to Walmart! I hate going there as well! So not fair that you have to keep dealing with these gov't agencies! It is just so wrong that everyone is not covered universally with insurance, no matter what their income everyone deserves good health care coverage! My goodness even Cuba has wonderful health care why can't the states?? Hooray for your Mom coming with food again!! You gotta love her!!

Nancy - Oh no poor Luther limping again! You really need to get your hubby to stop using that harness and hopefully try to teach Luther not to pull so much? Maybe your trainer has some good advice for him? Your Devils must have held their own quite well only losing 1-0 to the Caps! Nice that you are enjoying the new young players perhaps a good boost to the team. Hope Luther is better for his walk tomorrow for you!

Rae and Sharon - I hope you have a great day and I hope to catch up with you both later on today!

Alright off to make an omelette for breakfast and then get this day going! Lots to do, lots of scrapping to do today also! Have a marvellous Friday everyone! :wave:
Good morning, ladies. Had a fun visit to Sephora last night. I decided since I've lost almost 20 lbs I should treat myself. My skin care regime has been a mishmash of products, whatever is on sale, and my good stuff was outdated/expired. I had been slacking off with the attention to my skin. I think I was slacking off about everything b/c I just felt like a slug and didn't really care how I looked. I had researched a bit and found a few products I was interested in. Went in to S and talked to a rep (thankfully not a 20 y/o b/c they don't really understand aging skin concerns. She suggested a facial. I spent 20 minutes getting a cleansing and face massage and then she used all the products I was interested in. The only thing that could have made it even better would have been a little glass of wine LOL. It felt like heaven. So I bought the face cream, came home with samples for the serum and eye cream and put it on this morning after showering. My face feels wonderful. A lot of eye creams bother my eyes, making them burn a bit but this doesn't. It is an anti-aging line by Caudalie. So my face is happy today :)

Jen is loving her job and they seem to be loving her. Tonight we're going to see a small apt 5 minutes away. The location is great. We can easily drive/walk to each other's homes. I think for awhile she is going to want to be over a lot and have company, until she starts to venture out, making new friends. She hasn't had friends during her marriage which I always thought was unhealthy. Everyone needs to hang with buddies and get away from their spouse sometimes. If this apt doesn't work out, no biggie, she can just stay here until she finds the right one. So far her ex is being cooperative, they went to a lawyer, drew up papers and he is going to give her a good amount of alimony. I've told her to not count on that money though b/c you never know. Just be self-sufficient with her own money and anything else is a bonus. She's also got some money put away too which will help with her getting settled into a new place. She bought a new bedroom set last wk (he paid and put it in the agreement that it was a gift, as was the car). So I'm happy that things seem to be going smoothly for her. Bailey is off the rails again, unfortunately no surprise, so Jen is hoping to get her into into the drug program again this afternoon.

Chris - I would be ripping my hair out at what you have to go thru with bills, gov't agenices, medical, etc. You should be getting some kind of reward each year for surviving all that :) Not really a reward, but accept a big hug from me for all you have to do for yourself and your family, and you do it with humor and (not many) grumbles :)

Nancy - poor Luther. Glad you enjoyed the game yesterday. I don't know what the trainer might suggest, but one thing we did in training years ago with my big chow, was to walk her on a short leash so it would hang loosely at my side, so maybe about 2 ft long or shorter. If she pulled we had to stop and not move until she was still and then we would turn around and walk the other way for a few seconds. Then we would turn around and continue on our route. Of course at first we stopped, stood still and turned around many times before she started to understand that pulling meant going in the other direction so she would never get to where she wanted to go forward to. It helped immensely with her and all our dogs. the really short leash is important so that the dog stays right at your side.

Trudy - i didn't hear any particulars about your hike but I gather it was an exertional one but a good one, I hope?

Gotta get to work now. I need to get some CT stuff done too so need to be organized with my time today and over the wkend so I can get all caught up (does that ever happen with me? LOL). Have a great day, everyone.