
Daily Ooo's: Friday, March 23


The Loopy-O
TGIF...... and then some.:(

What a horrible day yesterday. I am still in shock over Gary's friend. It feels like it can't be real.This guy was over at my house hanging with Gary at least once a week. They worked together in 2002, played in the same band for a couple of years before Gary got sick. Then, he's kind of been a "fixture" LOL He was 48 yo.
The first friend that died was in a house fire in Oct/Nov? He was more of a buddy that he knew from the band days.
Then a week or so after, one of his best friends from High School died in a car accident. She was 39. Now Jeff. Its too young.... Next week is also the one year anniversary of the death of a boy in Scott's school. And 2 year anniversary of a boy who committed suicide when scott was in 8th grade. The boy was in 7th.

I feel surrounded. I know I should focus on the positive. I should be grateful for every day I have with my family. But ATM, it feels like death is suffocating me. I feel that fragility of life. And it scares me.

Oh, enough of that. *deep breath*

Can I tell you how insane the field trip was??? 181 kids to the Am museum of Natural History. One of my fave's. However, I barely remember seeing anything- it was a crazy sprint through the museum on a photo taking scavenger hunt. We got to the museum at 10:30 and had to meet back at 12 to get back on the buses. Yes, 90 minutes to "see" the museum. The kids had 3 pages of things to find- stuff onthe 1st and 4th floors.
I had 4 girls and 4 boys. The girls were like Go go Go!! The boys were like "take a pic. done. Meh. I was told that as a chaperone, I couldn't have them out of my sight. Oh let me tell you how "easy" that was. Not!

Then I lost Scott. Really. My own son LOL We were back down on the first floor and the very last extra credit was back on the 4th. The girls were going nuts that they didn't want to miss that last one. The boys had dug in, no way were they climbing up four more flights of stairs for *extra credit*.
I had the school nurse in my group (One of the girls has diabetes) so I asked if she wanted to stay w/ the boys, I would run (literally!!) up with the girls. Good to go. The girls and I sprinted upstairs, found what we needed and ran back down. meet up with the boys, and everyone is accounted for except scott! He had thought he was following one of the guys in our group- but turned out to be a stranger. His teacher was freaking out waaaay more than I was. LOL
BTW-- cell service STINKS in the museum- but finally we were able to get texts through- such a crazy day. Then it was back on the buses for another hour and a half, and made it back to school all in one piece.

The museum was bittersweet in a way for Scott and I. A couple of years ago, we went there with Jeff and his 2 daughters and it was hard to not remember and be sad.

Anyway-- I got home before Scott did and I told Gary that if Scott complained that the trip was %$#@*&^ to not get mad at him, it was true :rofl:

I also told Cait that if she goes on this trip- I am NOT chaperoning!

Oh my.... when I let it all out, I *really* let it all out.


I am off to the shower/bus/stop/food shopping/house cleaning/etc. But I promise to be back-- I have missed y'all!!

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so sorry for your loss, chris - monday was the first anniversary of the death of a friend of mine (she was 23, had been married for six weeks three weeks before getting sick and holding on for another three weeks in hospital) so i've been feeling a little morbid lately, and it feels like i've been hearing about a lot of deaths the last few weeks. it's probably just that i'm more sensitive to it at the moment.

our friday is just about done here in the eastern hemisphere - just about to feed my girls dinner, and then finish up one of the challenges - squee!
Morning Chris- hope today is a better day for you. I woke up and went what day is this- oh friday- crap I have to go to work. I did so much yday outside that today even with storms - being inside will be yucky. I did get a new toy for work to try today with the bigger kiddos- one of those bikes with no pedals to learn to get your balance on! Can't wait to try it out!
Anna-- welcome to the Daily oo's! I promise, I am not usually quite such a downer. I am sorry to hear of you friend's anniversary too. 23 is crazy young :(

Laurie- I just looked at my lawn/weed patch this morning and it is going to need mowing soon too. WTH???
I am going to stay way far away in cyberland from that bike. I can barely balance on two feet. On a bike- I'd need training wheels for sure! LOL
Let us know how you do ;)

grrr... Catzilla is on my last nerve......

Phyllis- you are right- Middle schoolers are def. weirder than HS-ers. I was always used to taking 3-4 yo's on field trips and they are always much more easily controlled. And shorter than I am too:D
Wow! No fillings?? I didn't have any cavities until about 5 years ago- then I had to have 5 filled. ick.

Kristy- I'd say that was exhaustion if you feel asleep playing video games hahahah!!

Trudy-- were you able to talk to them about no extra hours? Maybe its just spring prep stuff and in a few weeks it will go back down? Sending you some of NJ's warm and humid air!

Linda S-- that's so funny about the x-rays! No dense metal spots! :becky:

Laurie- ouch on the sunburn!


And thank you everyone for thoughts and prayers :hug:
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Good morning ladies. I had planned to take this day as PTO so that the kids and I could spend the last day of spring break hanging out. But with Sydney sick, don't know how much fun we are going to have. She spiked a fever of 103 last night but the Motrin has been bringing it down. Both she and Shaun are still sleeping so I'm sneaking onto the computer to play for a bit. Dad called last night to see if the kids and I wanted to start

Chris, sorry that the field trip wasn't more fun! And Anna, welcome to the Daily O's. Laurie, a day of work...sure spoils the fun huh?

And Kat...woot woot!!! Sure would be nice if she popped in for the birthday fun!
Chris, i get that feeling occasionally, of death hovering around the corner. just being ill-at-ease and waiting for the other shoe to drop. happily it DOES go away. life it SO odd, isn't it? there's not much that makes sense. i hope you'll be able to lift your head above all this tragedy soon. and hugs.

just made a page with Anna's new stuff, now going to have a shower and leave the house in search of adventure and bedroom furniture.

find a grin today!

LOL Chris...ohh YES!! total exhaustion!! but the exercises are worth it!!!

i am down another 1.8lbs!! WOOT!!!! i have 4lbs to go to my first goal. 7lbs to my final goal!!! YAY!!!! bikini season here i come!!!!

Chris I am so sorry to hear about his friend :( that is so sad *hugs*
TGIF everyone!! Sounds like we are in for a great weekend weather wise!! Horray, we are finally get some of the warmer, sunnier weather that the rest of you have been having!! Off to work then home to play at the "O", what could be better?

Chris - Sorry you are feeling so gloomy today! It is so tragic to lose a friend and one so young!! I hope that you get to spend some time outside and perhaps get some yard work done, I know that always brightens your day! Sounds like my extra hrs should just be temporary, they have to cut a bunch of hrs in the next couple of weeks and I am hoping it will be a few for me. I work more than I ever wanted to. We will see what happens in following days.

Laurie - My grandson has one of those bikes, they are great!! He is just learning to use it, but I can see where they are much better than a bike with training wheels!!

Anna - Hope you stick around for the big party coming up!!

LindaS - Sorry the kids are not feeling well, hope you don't catch anything! Nice that you can get a few min here with us before they all wake up! Hope your day is great!!

Phylis - Shopping for bedroom furniture sounds way better than going to work today!! Wish I could join you! Hope you find a grin today too!!! :becky:

Kristy - WTG on losing yet another 1.8lbs!! You will be looking good in that bikini girl!!!

Well off to the gallery and hopefully I can get a couple of layouts done after work today, have to make homemade pizza for supper tonight...yummm can't wait! Have a great Friday everyone :wave::hug: Chris and :wave: to Nana Linda I miss you!!