
Daily Ooos: Friday, June 28


The Loopy-O
Jeez Louise! What happened to the weather? It's freezing this morning :brrr: 55*! It was "cooler" yesterday and it was 68* - it's way too cold right now. I am loving the sunshine and clear blue skies at least. My front door faces east and the sunlight catches the orb spider webs in the morning. I was just outside with the dogs and they always fascinate me.

Yesterday felt like a blur, just slogging through the day. I cleaned for my friend, painted my toenails, and did some weeding in the backyard. (Hehe, my autocorrect wanted to change "did some weeding" to "did some weed" in the backyard. No, Grammarly, that is not what I meant LOL!)
I also spent some time stalking grey catbirds in my yard, they seem to have appeared overnight. Normally, I see and hear robins most often but catbirds have taken the lead.

I am getting my hair color and colored today and I am not sure what to do about the cut. Obviously, I am keeping the length but I am noticing the thinning at my hairline. Do I get long bangs cut? The wedding is only 2 1/2 months from now so whatever I do is going to affect it. Between that and my saggy face, I feel old and cranky-looking. Looking at a bunch of photos the other day, I realized I now have some major RBF (Resting B**** Face). That is completely opposite of the vibe I want to have.
Any makeup advice or do I have to keep a goofy smile plastered on my face so people don't think I am a nasty old lady?

After my hair appt, I am going to load up the car so I will be ready to leave here first thing tomorrow morning. I have to do my nails this afternoon and then figure out WTH to make for dinner. pfft. That again. :mad: I think I have ravioli in the freezer, that might be a good choice.

On that note, time to get my head out of my you know where and start my day :D



Well-Known Member
@faerywings I have that wrinkly face thing going on too. I used to spend $$$$$ on face creams and other wrinkle magic, of what there is none. I have gotten to the point where I hardly think to moisturize even anymore, too doggone lazy. Can't tell you the last time I put on makeup. Being near sighted in one eye and farsighted in the other, eye makeup is out of the question unless I want to be one of those weird twisty headed dolls without need to twist. I didn't even wear makeup to my son's second wedding last summer. I did slap on moisturizer and with the sparkly glasses I hope the glare off them was so strong people couldn't see the wrinkles and if they did, I didn't care. The way I look at it now, is that I'm lucky enough to have lived long enough to get wrinkles, not everyone gets that chance. I survived my first color play launch, good grief, my hands weren't shaking quite as bad as they were a couple of nights ago when I posted the advance release. Thunder is rumbling right now, but it looks like by 9 am the rain should be past. The tree people were planning to come anyway even if it was raining as long as it wasn't lightning. Mo coffee, mo coffee, mo coffee.

55 degrees....cold......8v6m3x.gif

DQOD (Dumb Question of the Day) where exactly IS the newsletter?
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The Loopy-O
@MariJ Did you get a look at this month's color plays? They are always so stunning.

@vickyday Poor Asher- sees the syringe and runs. W is like that when I have the ear cleaner bottle. Even if I hide it behind my back, she has a 6th sense about it. Forget about the nail clippers but that is Gary's job at least. Jaida bites her nails and I wish she could teach Whisky how to do that LOL
How did it go at the Dr and meeting with the craft lady?
I read your update, good luck with the u/s and yay for the awesome BP!

@BrightEyes Getting rid of the binders/papers will open up so much space for you.
Can you crack the DVDs before you get rid of them? I always toss cut-up credit cards in the bags with the dog poop, no one will want to bother with that. :sick:

@JeanneMN I never iron anything. My mother OTOH, is a compulsive iron-er. She will iron for hours and irons everything and anything. I'm lucky that Gary doesn't have any need for things to be ironed either. Not that I would do it. he'd be on his own for that.
hahahahah!! That is hysterical about you trying to get the GPS to get you back to the gas station and before you ran out of gas! Do you not have a lot of gas stations in your area? We could do a bar crawl-style fill-up and never leave the "center" of town. (My town center is just a bunch of roads that form a 2-mile square.)

@Terri M Hope that the website is back to working and linking everything properly.

@bcgal00 I am exhausted by reading your daily plans! But how fun is retirement for you guys where you are now? Love it! Do you ever miss living in BC? Would you even have time to miss it? :giggle4:

@taxed4ever You're another one that I get exhausted reading everything you are doing, I hope you get a lot of downtime soon! You have been running nonstop for months. I hope you and your Gary have some sitting on he deck to watch the sunset planned for next week as well.

@AK_Tracy Tossing the DVDs in the microwave doesn't affect the microwave at all? Good to know!
Guess what Caitlyn and Tom got for me for my b-day? A bear horn! Woo hoo! Be careful out there with the kiddos. Between the moose and bears, it has to make moms a little nervous to let the younger kids roam.

@Cherylndesigns I am glad that you got some rain and had a chance to do some yard work. I hope that you can wrangle the family to help with the bench soon.
Stupid suggestion.... can you use a white noise machine or an app on your phone and listen to rain sounds at night? Maybe you can recondition your brain to not become anxious when it rains for real?

@mimes1 Exceneelnt news that you have your official start date! Is it a FT or PT spot? Shoe shopping is the pits. Why does that happen, they feel fine in the store, you get home, and *ouch!*
I am really glad that I wear hiking boots for work. So much comfier than "real" shoes.
That's concerning about Mark- lots and lots of good thoughts coming his way. Is he feeling any better now?

Tracy!! :floorlaugh: Seriously, you can't go wrong with the 50% off sales.
(Sorry, not sorry for enabling you :devil2: )

Kay- Ugh on the ortho walking boot for DD#1. BTDT but at least I had to wear mine in the winter, not in this heat. If she can find a shoe with some height to it to match her legs, she might not have as much stress on her hips. I only had sneakers and it killed my hips and back walking unbalanced.
So many hugs and healing thoughts to DD#2 and her DH.

Love and hugs to you all! ♥



Love my O Family!
Jeez Louise! What happened to the weather? It's freezing this morning :brrr: 55*! It was "cooler" yesterday and it was 68* - it's way too cold right now. I am loving the sunshine and clear blue skies at least. My front door faces east and the sunlight catches the orb spider webs in the morning. I was just outside with the dogs and they always fascinate me.

Yesterday felt like a blur, just slogging through the day. I cleaned for my friend, painted my toenails, and did some weeding in the backyard. (Hehe, my autocorrect wanted to change "did some weeding" to "did some weed" in the backyard. No, Grammarly, that is not what I meant LOL!)
I also spent some time stalking grey catbirds in my yard, they seem to have appeared overnight. Normally, I see and hear robins most often but catbirds have taken the lead.

I am getting my hair color and colored today and I am not sure what to do about the cut. Obviously, I am keeping the length but I am noticing the thinning at my hairline. Do I get long bangs cut? The wedding is only 2 1/2 months from now so whatever I do is going to affect it. Between that and my saggy face, I feel old and cranky-looking. Looking at a bunch of photos the other day, I realized I now have some major RBF (Resting B**** Face). That is completely opposite of the vibe I want to have.
Any makeup advice or do I have to keep a goofy smile plastered on my face so people don't think I am a nasty old lady?

After my hair appt, I am going to load up the car so I will be ready to leave here first thing tomorrow morning. I have to do my nails this afternoon and then figure out WTH to make for dinner. pfft. That again. :mad: I think I have ravioli in the freezer, that might be a good choice.

On that note, time to get my head out of my you know where and start my day :D

55???!!! WOW! Send me some of that, please!!! I guess it is because you are in the mountains.....do I remember that fact correctly??
I'm no help with makeup. I wear very little and even less now because I am thinking the "sun poisoning" episode in April may have actually been a reaction to my foundation for whatever reason. Probably because I put it on my whole face where I normally only use it under my eyes and around my nose. But I'm not sure! So I'm just sticking with my Mary Kay blush and some lipstick. I don't even wear mascara any more because it invariably makes my eyes itch!
No advice on the hair either! :hug2:


Love my O Family!
@MariJ Did you get a look at this month's color plays? They are always so stunning.

@vickyday Poor Asher- sees the syringe and runs. W is like that when I have the ear cleaner bottle. Even if I hide it behind my back, she has a 6th sense about it. Forget about the nail clippers but that is Gary's job at least. Jaida bites her nails and I wish she could teach Whisky how to do that LOL
How did it go at the Dr and meeting with the craft lady?
I read your update, good luck with the u/s and yay for the awesome BP!

@BrightEyes Getting rid of the binders/papers will open up so much space for you.
Can you crack the DVDs before you get rid of them? I always toss cut-up credit cards in the bags with the dog poop, no one will want to bother with that. :sick:

@JeanneMN I never iron anything. My mother OTOH, is a compulsive iron-er. She will iron for hours and irons everything and anything. I'm lucky that Gary doesn't have any need for things to be ironed either. Not that I would do it. he'd be on his own for that.
hahahahah!! That is hysterical about you trying to get the GPS to get you back to the gas station and before you ran out of gas! Do you not have a lot of gas stations in your area? We could do a bar crawl-style fill-up and never leave the "center" of town. (My town center is just a bunch of roads that form a 2-mile square.)

@Terri M Hope that the website is back to working and linking everything properly.

@bcgal00 I am exhausted by reading your daily plans! But how fun is retirement for you guys where you are now? Love it! Do you ever miss living in BC? Would you even have time to miss it? :giggle4:

@taxed4ever You're another one that I get exhausted reading everything you are doing, I hope you get a lot of downtime soon! You have been running nonstop for months. I hope you and your Gary have some sitting on he deck to watch the sunset planned for next week as well.

@AK_Tracy Tossing the DVDs in the microwave doesn't affect the microwave at all? Good to know!
Guess what Caitlyn and Tom got for me for my b-day? A bear horn! Woo hoo! Be careful out there with the kiddos. Between the moose and bears, it has to make moms a little nervous to let the younger kids roam.

@Cherylndesigns I am glad that you got some rain and had a chance to do some yard work. I hope that you can wrangle the family to help with the bench soon.
Stupid suggestion.... can you use a white noise machine or an app on your phone and listen to rain sounds at night? Maybe you can recondition your brain to not become anxious when it rains for real?

@mimes1 Exceneelnt news that you have your official start date! Is it a FT or PT spot? Shoe shopping is the pits. Why does that happen, they feel fine in the store, you get home, and *ouch!*
I am really glad that I wear hiking boots for work. So much comfier than "real" shoes.
That's concerning about Mark- lots and lots of good thoughts coming his way. Is he feeling any better now?

Tracy!! :floorlaugh: Seriously, you can't go wrong with the 50% off sales.
(Sorry, not sorry for enabling you :devil2: )

Kay- Ugh on the ortho walking boot for DD#1. BTDT but at least I had to wear mine in the winter, not in this heat. If she can find a shoe with some height to it to match her legs, she might not have as much stress on her hips. I only had sneakers and it killed my hips and back walking unbalanced.
So many hugs and healing thoughts to DD#2 and her DH.

Love and hugs to you all! ♥

Asher is doing great with the bread-wrapped antibiotic and today being the last day he did great with the syringe of pain meds....go figure!


Well-Known Member
Good morning, can't believe it's in the 50's here too, Chris. @faerywings NJ is cool this morning! My kitchen faces east, so nice morning sunlight, except with the mountain/hills in winter when I need the warmth it takes a while for the sun to get high enough to show! It's already up to 62º with the sun and it's delightfully dry.


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out as I'm getting ready to go over to my daughter's.
Mark is feeling better after his second injection of Ozempic last night! WOOHOO! At least for now!
My A1C was within the normal range of 4.8-5.6 measuring 5.3.
Urinalysis has "abnormal reading of trace non-hemolyzed blood in the urine." I had no idea what in the world that meant, so I googled it and got this: "Normally there is no blood in the urine. Blood can indicate an infection, kidney stones, trauma, or bleeding from a bladder or kidney tumor. The technician may indicate whether it is hemolyzed (dissolved blood) or non-hemolyzed (intact red blood cells)."
So, if I don't hear something from her about that, I will contact the doctor to see if we shouldn't be doing further testing on the bladder or kidneys. So, even though my urine looked almost clear as water to me, obviously something microscopic is going on, which I don't like the sound of. If it isn't one thing, its another! :cuffed:
I treated Mark to supper at Ruby Tuesday's last night since it was the first day in a week that he was feeling pretty good! He even went to lunch with one of his co-workers yesterday! We had to wait until after he mowed the lawn to put more hours in between feedings, LOL, but it was nice that both of us felt well enough to enjoy a meal out! I ate my usual handful and Mark ate his and the rest of mine, go figure @faerywings ..... Gary/Mark..... :giggle4: I was afraid he would be sick before the night was over because of the dose of Ozempic he was due for last night! Nope! It just made his tired eating that much!
OK, I need to check and see if I have a note from the doctor. If not, I need to send her a note. I should get a call from the ultrasound people today.....hopefully.....to schedule that appt. OY VEY! I always seem to open a can of worms when I go to the doctor! Thank the Lord! :giggle4:
Have a good day, everyone!


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone -
@faerywings @JeanneMN it is such a joy to come here and read all the goings on every morning. You all crack me up. As for make up, my girls tell me I failed them. Working outdoors for 36 years (Hiking boots being the shoe of choice!) make up, hair and nails were never a thing. Therefore my girls had to teach me!!! Last time I wore make up was at Erinn's wedding in 2020 and I had to pay someone to do it for me so I wouldn't look like a clown. Since covid my hair quality has taken a turn for the worse, and only since mom died have I done anything with it. She had her hair done once a week the entire time she was with me. Same guy did it that whole time - so when mom died I couldn't bear to let her spot go, so I take it once a month. And Mark also gets his beard trimmed and hair cut once a month by the same guy too. Now that I'll be working full time, still no make up or nails, but my hair will get trimmed. Usually it's in a ponytail anyway.

All Mark's tests came back normal, so it appears to be heat related yuckiness. The doc kept him home from work today, so what did he want to do first thing this morning? Go round up the weeds. I had to tell him NO!!! Go inside, drink water, and watch TV. Please!! This heat really is not good on so many levels. So different than what we were used to out west. We have to learn when to stay indoors!

Off to go do some errands. See you all later and HAGD!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning my lovely O's!

Tossing the DVDs in the microwave doesn't affect the microwave at all? Good to know!
Guess what Caitlyn and Tom got for me for my b-day? A bear horn! Woo hoo! Be careful out there with the kiddos. Between the moose and bears, it has to make moms a little nervous to let the younger kids roam.
Haven't had any issues with the microwave yet. Its only 10 seconds though. They did it a lot at his work. Never had problems. I dont know that I've ever heard of a bear horn. Spray yes, bells yes, but never a horn. It is something like an airhorn that you press a button? Or do you have to blow it? My daughter always goes outside with the kids and 99% of the time she is armed. She is more remote than we are and the bears are in her area more and so she's armed when they play outside.
Tracy!! :floorlaugh: Seriously, you can't go wrong with the 50% off sales.
(Sorry, not sorry for enabling you :devil2: )
Not you, your not an enabler :floorlaugh: But yeah, girl math, it was half off and I had to buy it.
I wear very little and even less now because I am thinking the "sun poisoning" episode in April may have actually been a reaction to my foundation for whatever reason.
Oh man, that was me in 2018. I dont know what happened but I broke out and it was horrible. It was after a hot summer too. I did skin allergy testing and now I am super limited on what I can wear. I know its expensive but its more natural and doesn't make me break out in any way. Less toxic. Omiana is an online make up company. Might be worth looking into if you need a good toxic free foundation. And mascara. I love the barely there one and it doesn't make my eyes itch. Growing up, you had to look good so we did do make up and I failed a lot at it where my sister thrived. She was so masterful at make up but then she cared and I didn't. But I have to have it now as I have over pigmenting eyes and look like a raccoon. So I had to find a good product that was more natural. Anyway, its worth every penny since my face feels good. I also use tallow instead of lotion as lotion is full of chemicals too. Yes I went crunchy. :giggle4: And my skin is allergic to most man made products so I had to completely change my wardrobe to natural fibers. That was fun.

At first I giggled at you all saying how cold it was since it was 50* but then I had to remember you were in the 90's and that's a huge temp drop. We are 51* at the moment and might make 60* by mid afternoon. On the cool side but I'll take it as long as it still dries my clothes on the line. Guess its my turn for the spouse with tummy trouble. Mine is down with the :sick: Was a long night of not really sleeping since I was listening to him and the worried he wouldn't be able to get up in time. My coffee has extra work to do today. Suppose to babysit the grands too and not sure how that will go. Waiting for DD to say weather she wants to chance it or change date night.

Off to get more coffee. Have a wonderful day.


Well-Known Member
Quick hello from me this morning. I am heading out soon with Remi to drop stuff off for charity, pick up a fruit board I saw on marketplace and will take her to the park before coming home. We had fun with game night, the charcuterie board and fruit plate with nutella dip was a hit and I have leftovers so will be enjoying that for a few days.

I'll pop in later but I'd better go get ready to head out. HAGD everyone.


Well-Known Member
Okay, in preferences, what do I need to have clicked to see when someone comments on my layouts? I dont need to see all the comments on others layouts just cause I commented but I missed that there were comments on my layout. This is where I am not finding a happy medium. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Okay, in preferences, what do I need to have clicked to see when someone comments on my layouts? I dont need to see all the comments on others layouts just cause I commented but I missed that there were comments on my layout. This is where I am not finding a happy medium. Any ideas?
Try this? I've been playing around too. Not sure if this is it but it might be.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning my lovely O's!

Haven't had any issues with the microwave yet. Its only 10 seconds though. They did it a lot at his work. Never had problems. I dont know that I've ever heard of a bear horn. Spray yes, bells yes, but never a horn. It is something like an airhorn that you press a button? Or do you have to blow it? My daughter always goes outside with the kids and 99% of the time she is armed. She is more remote than we are and the bears are in her area more and so she's armed when they play outside.

Not you, your not an enabler :floorlaugh: But yeah, girl math, it was half off and I had to buy it.

Oh man, that was me in 2018. I dont know what happened but I broke out and it was horrible. It was after a hot summer too. I did skin allergy testing and now I am super limited on what I can wear. I know its expensive but its more natural and doesn't make me break out in any way. Less toxic. Omiana is an online make up company. Might be worth looking into if you need a good toxic free foundation. And mascara. I love the barely there one and it doesn't make my eyes itch. Growing up, you had to look good so we did do make up and I failed a lot at it where my sister thrived. She was so masterful at make up but then she cared and I didn't. But I have to have it now as I have over pigmenting eyes and look like a raccoon. So I had to find a good product that was more natural. Anyway, its worth every penny since my face feels good. I also use tallow instead of lotion as lotion is full of chemicals too. Yes I went crunchy. :giggle4: And my skin is allergic to most man made products so I had to completely change my wardrobe to natural fibers. That was fun.

At first I giggled at you all saying how cold it was since it was 50* but then I had to remember you were in the 90's and that's a huge temp drop. We are 51* at the moment and might make 60* by mid afternoon. On the cool side but I'll take it as long as it still dries my clothes on the line. Guess its my turn for the spouse with tummy trouble. Mine is down with the :sick: Was a long night of not really sleeping since I was listening to him and the worried he wouldn't be able to get up in time. My coffee has extra work to do today. Suppose to babysit the grands too and not sure how that will go. Waiting for DD to say weather she wants to chance it or change date night.

Off to get more coffee. Have a wonderful day.
I will check into the makeup, Tracy! Thanks!
Sorry DH is down for the count! Hope he is at least feeling better this evening!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hi all,

A quick hello - I've been gone most of the day again. Adrienne and I went into town. I returned some Amazon purchases to UPS and we went to a couple of our favorite stores. I tried on so many things and as per usual, only got one shirt and a couple of tank tops. I always laugh that I bought everything I took into the fitting room, I would drop a bundle of money. Hahaha

I did find a cute basket to put all of my ATC's in (all the cards I made with Chuck's picture on them for the 100 Day Project). I wanted a medium sized one that was fairly shallow and finally found one.

Chris @faerywings when is your hair appt? I say go for bangs. I can't remember when I didn't have them. It's been forever - my hair grows super fast and I have to trim them every couple of weeks, but a hairdresser taught me how to trim my bangs years ago. I like them kind of "piece-y". You have to have some really sharp hair cutting scissors to do it, though. I almost always knick one of my fingers - casualty of the game. Good suggestion about listening to rain. I have a sound machine and it has rain on it. I'm pretty hooked on white noise, actually what I like is "brown noise". I also listen to music in my airpod (as you know). Just one air pod - whichever one isn't on the pillow. I have a deep sleep playlist that plays for a couple of hours. I've been listening to one of the playlists on my phone though because it never stops. It plays all night.

I'm so frustrated about my bench right now. All these months we've been waiting for the temps to cooperate. Now, everybody is super busy and I have to keep reminding them. Braden works for Roger all week and either drives to his GF's on the weekend or she comes here. She lives in Texas and I can't believe (well, I guess I can) that they make that round trip every weekend. Yes, Theryl - think back to when your hormones were raging.................:rotfl::floorlaugh::lol23:Ava's busy with her BF every weekend - he's a golfer and has either a big match or now big tournaments every weekend. This weekend is for him to possible rack up enough points to go on one of the "tours". I told Adrienne today that i guess I would have to pay Braden to do it. She said "Oh no you won't, Mom! They've been promising you for months and now I'm going to make sure it happens!!"

Just an FYI - thanks to all of you who have expressed such an interest in Color Play! I am going to start posting when the new CP is released - already have for June - it's under "What's New at the O" - https://oscraps.com/community/forums/whats-new-at-the-o.26/

Here's the link to the June CP which will be posted every month now in the forum above: https://oscraps.com/community/forums/whats-new-at-the-o.26/

Well, I'm going to go and check the board now. Hugs to all,