
Daily Ooo's: Friday, July 20


The Loopy-O
yay for Friday! :dance:
And a gorgeous weather day as well. Then comes the t-storms and high humidity tomorrow but I am happy for what we have today. Too bad that much of my day will be in an MRI tube LOL
I had a good day outdoors yesterday. I was chilly when I got to the park for the walk but the theme was "Vitality" and we had some good revitalizing and energizing poses. Cait and I got in 3 hours of yard work at the ILs and I think they will be happy when they see it. It went really fast with her. I love talking to her even if it is just about silly stuff.

Scott got home around 7 pm, and they seemed to have a great time with some "adventures." Mostly hiking and shopping at the antique stores. Scott found a shot glass set of different emojis- which were silly and cute. But the reason he had to but them was the sayings written on them in Polish. He used Google Translate to figure out what they said and some of them were laugh-out-loud-worthy. There was one word that google Translate didn't recognize so Leah posted it on a Polish language Reddit thread and there were no ideas of what it said there either.
The four of them took a picture together and then went to the local library to print it out. They bought a frame and left it for my parents as part of a thank you gift. What do you think, will my mom prize it forever?

I have my MRI this morning and then I am going with Caitlyn and Brendan to take W and J for a hike or swim.

Enjoy your day!
Nancy- I think I would get nauseous watching the bikers go down the mountains at those speeds. I am with you, I would be braking the whole way in a car!
That must have been nice seeing your son out with Luther. You would have thought Cait and I were gone for days the way my dogs were thrilled to see us come home in the afternoon. I love dogs!

With the weather being disgusting this weekend, I hope to get more scrapping done. Good for you for being able to do so many pages.

Trudy- I am really happy to hear that your body is recalibrating itself with the time changes- 9 hours sounds brutal. Glad that the weight is coming off so quickly. You must have breathed a big sigh of relief to get some "alone time" in yesterday. I am so excited that you are going to be getting Heather and boys back home with you for a few weeks. Between your trip and the time with your kids, you are going to have scrap material for the rest of the year :D

Rae- how was the visit with B- hope that she enjoyed the book and movie.

Your yard is going to look amazing when you build the wall and put sod down. Are you heading to the trailer today? Have a great time away, you deserve it!

I know that I am missing a bunch of things to reply to... thinking of all of you and sending huge hugs!
Morning ladies... a lovely sunny day today, yesterday was cloudy and meh all day. I am expecting my brother and sister-in-law sometime today. They are dropping off a car seat for us to use while Heather and the boys are here. DH got his hands on another one yesterday from a friend at work so we are all set for car seats. It will be nice not to have to worry about dragging those along on the flight! I managed to get my first page done from my trip to Paris, wish I had more time to spend on doing more, but hey I will have all fall and winter to do that right? Today I will go get some groceries for DH to make lunches for himself for next week. It is nice to know that I don't have to leave him a bunch of pre-made meals etc. He is really good at taking care of all that kind of stuff himself! I remember my MIL spending days making meals to put in the freezer if she was ever away from FIL for a few days and then he would never eat them. :gaah: I would have had a fit!!

Chris - Your yoga walk sounds like it was amazing! I am so glad that you are able to get outdoors and do these! A nice time spent with your sweet daughter also, you two work well together! I know your In-Laws will love all the work that you have done for them! The gift sounds great too, of course your Mother will love it forever!! I wonder what that word is??? If you ever find out you will have to let all of us know! LOL you are right with the 300 pictures I took while in Paris and the many more that will come from Heather's visit, I will have plenty of photos for scrapping for the year and more! Hope that some will be calendar worthy of course too. Yikes I will have to start that project before I know it LOL.

Rae - Hope your visit with B went well yesterday! I bet she loved the puzzle book and the time spent with you watching a movie! It sounds like your DH will have plenty to keep himself busy with the projects around the house and yard! It is always great when our hubbies can keep busy and a bonus when they are handymen and can do the work themselves! I leave to get Heather this Sunday and will stay a week with her and then bring everyone here for three weeks. Then I will have to take her and the boys back, stay a few days there and then return home. Not looking forward to all the flight time, but it is what it is and I know the time spent will be worth it! I will need a vacation again when this summer is over LOL. Keeping my fingers crossed that the letter to the MLA will bring you some positive results! :hug:

Ok I need to get some banking done this morning and look for more flights for the return trip to Ontario after the three weeks. Ugh!! my poor Visa card!! :wave:
Good morning, ladies. Looking forward to getting away for 2 nights to the trailer, leaving this afternoon. I relax out there a lot more than I do at home. Went to see B yesterday and she was stony faced, curt and not talkative. She kept asking questions about her age, the year, where did she live, etc and it all was making her angrier and more repressed. We understand that it makes her scared, angry and confused and it breaks our hearts. I ignored the behavior, put the movie on, got her snacks out, poured her some lemon ginger tea I had brought and after about 20 minutes she came out of it and we had a wonderful time. She didn't respond to the puzzle book but I think when we go back on Sunday we might be able to get her to do some with us. We hope to hear from the MLA office next week but J is going to drop in on Mon or Tues to thank them for agreeing to review her case and how much we appreciate any help they can give us.

Today is work, taking Taz in for his flushing, banking and then we'll head out later this afternoon. Tomorrow we'll head into Bellingham in the early morning for shopping and groceries. I need to make a list b/c there are lots of essentials we haven't gotten yet. Poor D, he had to have a burger with no cheese last wkend. I just laughed at him b/c I haven't eaten cheese in months so that's normal for me :)

Weather is supposed to cool off a bit, mid 70's today and tomorrow and then back to a heat wave starting Sun and all next week. I might actually get to wear one of my sundresses and flipflops. I keep seeing them in the closet, wondering if I'll ever get a chance to wear them.

Chris - I would love a yoga walk, never heard of anything like that here. I know what you mean about how much more fun and how things get done so much faster when you work with C. I am like that with J. We never stop talking but we work well together and get things done quickly. Hope your MRI goes smoothly and you can get on with your day. Bet your parents will love the pic!

Trudy - enjoy the family time today. How fun to have all those photos to remember your trip by and think of all the wonderful LOs you'll make with them. Plus you'll get so many more with all the family time. What a fun busy summer you are having.

Felis, Jean, Nancy....hope all is well.

I'm getting to work now. Have a great day everyone.
The days have been so lovely and so was this morning except DH found it quite windy on his bird survey. He not only saw feeding groups of robins, but ones that appeared to be going over headed south. Now the rains have begun. We did go off birding Wednesday and it was great with blue sky and lots of puffy white clouds and a high of only 77. We went to a more rural area with a reservoir but the water was too high for mudflats, so no hope of shorebirds. On the other hand lots of the summering birds were singing or visible and we enjoyed it all. With thunderstorms forecast, I think I'll go to the historical society tomorrow.

Chris, always like the nice stories of you and your family working and playing together so well. The yoga.walk seems to be just right for you too. Hope the time in the MRI went quickly and you got to have fun with the dogs. Of course your mom will keep the photo forever, or until they have to move. One of our friends and his wife have just moved to a condo and were telling of the heartbreaking downsizing involved. DH replied we never could do it as we'd be unable to leave our stuff, etc. At the senior center that is a frequent topic of discussion.

Trudy, loving the stories of your trip. So very sorry about the ankle, but hope it is better now. You're going to be so busy with travel and H and the boys visiting. Wow, and a one year birthday too. Good luck with getting tickets.

Rae, you are so good with helping B reset her feelings while you visit. But I know you need the rest the weekend at the trailer will provide. Poor D with no cheese! You are a wonder feeding both of you and keeping to your meal plan.

Nancy, I know you must have been upset with the TdF fans yesterday. What a shame. But Luther must have been enjoying the nice weather and you too. Looking forward to more LOs from your trip.

Felis, also looking forward to seeing more of the photos from your sister's trip. You asked about the music that DH's Hum & Strum group plays, well first they have to be 60 or more to participate at the senior center, so take that into account. The man who started the group a long time ago is in his 80s. They play oldies, especially folk songs, with a little rock maybe. Usually when they play it is as a sing along. Some of them play in church services, but DH won't do that.

Wishing all a relaxing weekend.