
Daily Ooos: Friday, July 19


The Loopy-O
:wow: It's honestly *cold* this morning. My phone says it is 61* and my computer weather is at 58* :brrr: Considering that two days ago it was 77* when I woke up, that is a huge drop. (I'm not complaining Mother Nature-- the weather is FINE!)

How was everyone's Thursday? My BFF and I had a lovely time chatting and catching up with family stuff. Lots of talk about books to read- we are both struggling to find one that we can't put down. We were visited by her hummingbirds a few times too. We were laughing at how we both react when we see them, cheering them when they drink but in whispers so we don't startle them. If you asked us in high school if we thought we would be talking weddings and books while going ga-ga over hummingbirds, we would have been :hahano:

I am cleaning for my friend this morning and then I have two LOs to upload.

Oh-- Shoe Freak Out Update:
I started worrying that the shoes I showed you all would not work. I went to the DSW website and poked around. They have a free ship-to-store option so I thought If I found a pair or two, I could have my mom pick them up and I would try them on before the fitting on Saturday. There are two stores within 10 minutes of her house. The shoes weren't in stock so they would take 4-7 business days to ship.
These are the times that I hate living in the NJ Boonies. I think I need to shop in person for the shoes but it takes 45 minutes to drive anywhere. Bah! :(
(I know I shouldn't complain, esp to @AK_Tracy Tracy who can do a 45-minute drive with her eyes closed and one hand tied behind her back. Although I *hope* she doesn't drive that way. You don't drive that way, do you????)

Scott and Sam made great time to their festival and let us know they were there by 11 am. Caitlyn and Tom are going down the shore tonight for the weekend and it will probably take the same amount of time as it did for Scott and Sam to go to Ohio.
To anyone not family with the Garden State Parkway traffic on a summer Friday, I am exaggerating but it doesn't feel like that much. :rotfl:

Enjoy your day and I hope that your weather is like mine!


The Loopy-O
I'm going to try this insert quote thing you are all doing. Well, will ya look at that! I thought that you could only use the quotes on the thread you were quoting. This is cool!

Mark is feeling better and is NON-COVID! Thank You, Lord!
Fab news about Mark! Hope that Asher can eat the mushy food with the broth. Are you still making bone broth for yourself? Can you use that to soften his kibble?

Well, I tried. I ended up messing up all of the quote tags and made a mess of everything so I deleted most of the posts and I'm going back to my old way. I tried but it was too confusing! I'll give it a spin another day. :D

@BrightEyes Poor SIL, he must be feeling awful from the infection and surgeries. I hope that the loss of the second toe doesn't affect his ability to walk much. Lots of healing vibes to him.

@taxed4ever I hope that you get some rain soon. For the last several years you have been dealing with water restrictions which can't be good in the long term. Your brother's house sounds like a vacation home, I can see why you tease that he isn't allowed to move.
Did you get any scrapping done?
My BFF was laughing at me, like I said-- 5" heels were nothing to me in high school, 3" ones were worn on a regular day. She firmly told me that I am not allowed to wear sneakers to the wedding. ;)

@AK_Tracy You do have an awesome smile--
Did I miss your anniversary? Happy anniversary ♥ Any luck with the sun coming out for your photos?

@tanteva Nuts are good! People and food. :lol23:

@Terri M Woooo hoo for the rain!!! I hope that your plants and grass and trees are much happier now.
It's nice to watch a feel-good movie on occasion. A lot of the shows we watch are about awful people (Succession for ex)
We watched a Tom Hanks movie a few months ago (probably more than that) that made you care about the people. A Man Called Hugo, maybe? It was very good.
(Just Googled-- A Man Called Otto.)
Let the Grandkid Countdown Begin!! You must be so excited to see them! dance4

@Nonni F yay for the cooler temps and humidity. I bet the cats were thrilled to be "outside."
You dance like I do! I didn't watch Seinfeld regularly but I did see the Elaine Dance- I have no sense of rhythm or smoothness. Not even a tiny bit.
Hope you had a lovely dinner outside with your friend.

@Cherylndesigns If a bad dancer practices dancing, will they only dance worse? :thinking2:
Happy that the weather is cooler for you too!



Finally cooled off this morning.. woke up to 65*F at 5 AM! Very light breeze blowing so I am enjoying having the house open. I got over half of the laundry done yesterday and am working on the rest of it this morning. I have more ambition when it is cooler in the morning. Just finished uploading a new release. But I feel like I am way behind on challenges this month. Need to get caught up during next week as my sister will be here the last week of July. We already have a full agenda of working on scanning family photos and sharing them. I need to pull out the albums and photo boxes to see which ones still need to be done. And I need to pick up a few flash drives.

Off to fold clothes from the dryer. CYL


Love my O Family!
:wow: It's honestly *cold* this morning. My phone says it is 61* and my computer weather is at 58* :brrr: Considering that two days ago it was 77* when I woke up, that is a huge drop. (I'm not complaining Mother Nature-- the weather is FINE!)

How was everyone's Thursday? My BFF and I had a lovely time chatting and catching up with family stuff. Lots of talk about books to read- we are both struggling to find one that we can't put down. We were visited by her hummingbirds a few times too. We were laughing at how we both react when we see them, cheering them when they drink but in whispers so we don't startle them. If you asked us in high school if we thought we would be talking weddings and books while going ga-ga over hummingbirds, we would have been :hahano:

I am cleaning for my friend this morning and then I have two LOs to upload.

Oh-- Shoe Freak Out Update:
I started worrying that the shoes I showed you all would not work. I went to the DSW website and poked around. They have a free ship-to-store option so I thought If I found a pair or two, I could have my mom pick them up and I would try them on before the fitting on Saturday. There are two stores within 10 minutes of her house. The shoes weren't in stock so they would take 4-7 business days to ship.
These are the times that I hate living in the NJ Boonies. I think I need to shop in person for the shoes but it takes 45 minutes to drive anywhere. Bah! :(
(I know I shouldn't complain, esp to @AK_Tracy Tracy who can do a 45-minute drive with her eyes closed and one hand tied behind her back. Although I *hope* she doesn't drive that way. You don't drive that way, do you????)

Scott and Sam made great time to their festival and let us know they were there by 11 am. Caitlyn and Tom are going down the shore tonight for the weekend and it will probably take the same amount of time as it did for Scott and Sam to go to Ohio.
To anyone not family with the Garden State Parkway traffic on a summer Friday, I am exaggerating but it doesn't feel like that much. :rotfl:

Enjoy your day and I hope that your weather is like mine!
It is a bit cooler today. We did have rain last night which helped, I think!


Love my O Family!
I'm going to try this insert quote thing you are all doing. Well, will ya look at that! I thought that you could only use the quotes on the thread you were quoting. This is cool!

Fab news about Mark! Hope that Asher can eat the mushy food with the broth. Are you still making bone broth for yourself? Can you use that to soften his kibble?

Well, I tried. I ended up messing up all of the quote tags and made a mess of everything so I deleted most of the posts and I'm going back to my old way. I tried but it was too confusing! I'll give it a spin another day. :D

@BrightEyes Poor SIL, he must be feeling awful from the infection and surgeries. I hope that the loss of the second toe doesn't affect his ability to walk much. Lots of healing vibes to him.

@taxed4ever I hope that you get some rain soon. For the last several years you have been dealing with water restrictions which can't be good in the long term. Your brother's house sounds like a vacation home, I can see why you tease that he isn't allowed to move.
Did you get any scrapping done?
My BFF was laughing at me, like I said-- 5" heels were nothing to me in high school, 3" ones were worn on a regular day. She firmly told me that I am not allowed to wear sneakers to the wedding. ;)

@AK_Tracy You do have an awesome smile--
Did I miss your anniversary? Happy anniversary ♥ Any luck with the sun coming out for your photos?

@tanteva Nuts are good! People and food. :lol23:

@Terri M Woooo hoo for the rain!!! I hope that your plants and grass and trees are much happier now.
It's nice to watch a feel-good movie on occasion. A lot of the shows we watch are about awful people (Succession for ex)
We watched a Tom Hanks movie a few months ago (probably more than that) that made you care about the people. A Man Called Hugo, maybe? It was very good.
(Just Googled-- A Man Called Otto.)
Let the Grandkid Countdown Begin!! You must be so excited to see them! dance4

@Nonni F yay for the cooler temps and humidity. I bet the cats were thrilled to be "outside."
You dance like I do! I didn't watch Seinfeld regularly but I did see the Elaine Dance- I have no sense of rhythm or smoothness. Not even a tiny bit.
Hope you had a lovely dinner outside with your friend.

@Cherylndesigns If a bad dancer practices dancing, will they only dance worse? :thinking2:
Happy that the weather is cooler for you too!

I am still doing bone broth, but I don't make my own. I buy Pacific Organic or something like that.
Yes, we did use the bone broth to soften Asher's food when we ran out of the regular broth. He does eat it much better...and faster, LOL! He gobbles it right up!
The "quote" thing.....did you highlight the portion you wanted to quote? And then when you start a new thread click on the "insert quotes" in bottom left and then insert? It should have given you a space in between each quote for your response.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Quick in and out again. Going to Ilene's today since Mark is going to do some bush-hogging at his daughter's house. But before I leave I need to upload a pre-release LO.
It rained last night and cooled it off a tad bit today. No walking as Mark and I slept in until 8:30! OY VEY! My back was killing me! Why I do that to myself I do not know!
OK. Gotta run before I run out of time.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! It is a bit cooler here this morning also, its so nice to have the cool fresh air coming through the house! I spent most of my morning getting the half price deals on my computer and managed to get quite a few, so that made both DH and I happy! I got one for the grocery store we shop at and 5 for the Old Farm Market and a couple for this new place I have been going to called "PlentiFIL". Its a great place where you can buy soaps, lotions, laundry soap and so much more and can re-fill your containers instead of throwing them away. They even have pet products. Anyway I was pleased with my success. The coupons never expire so that is great too. Then I finally got an email from the Silhouette company that I could finally sign into my account again and access my library of cutting files etc. They had switched over to a new sever and man what a nightmare, for months no one was able to access their files, I can't imagine how frustrating it must have been for people who sell things that they make with their Silhoutte machines. :rollingpin1: I bet there were alot of nasty comments left on the website!! :notinfrontofthekids:.

How was everyone's Thursday? My BFF and I had a lovely time chatting and catching up with family stuff. Lots of talk about books to read- we are both struggling to find one that we can't put down. We were visited by her hummingbirds a few times too. We were laughing at how we both react when we see them, cheering them when they drink but in whispers so we don't startle them. If you asked
So nice that you could spend some time with your BFF, I bet you really needed it! How was the pool? Nice and relaxing I bet! Too funny that you were both excited about the hummingbirds :giggle4: DH and I are the same if we are having coffee and chatting on the porch and a hummer comes around we both shut up and watch them drink from the feeder. You are lucky that you can chat about your daughter's wedding, I did not get that with Heather, her and Jonah will never marry, so we will never be able to make plans :sad2:Thanks for sending me rain vibes, I hope that they work as much as I love the sunny warm days, its just too dry here we need a good rainfall for sure! I hope you find a few more pairs of shoes to try out, a good plan to have a couple to see which ones work better for you.

But I feel like I am way behind on challenges this month. Need to get caught up during next week as my sister will be here the last week of July. We already have a full agenda of working on scanning family photos and sharing them. I need to pull out the albums and photo boxes to see which ones still need to be done. And I need to pick up a few flash drives.
You think you are behind in the challenges?? I haven't got a single one done this month, I hope to do that today. How nice that your sister will be visiting with you and sounds like you will both be busy with scanning and going through lots of memories with the photos!

Good Morning,
Quick in and out again. Going to Ilene's today since Mark is going to do some bush-hogging at his daughter's house. But before I leave I need to upload a pre-release LO.
It rained last night and cooled it off a tad bit today. No walking as Mark and I slept in until 8:30! OY VEY! My back was killing me! Why I do that to myself I do not know!
OK. Gotta run before I run out of time.
What on earth is bush-hogging?? Happy to hear that you got some rain last night, send some this way PLEASE!!! Sorry your back is hurting today! Have a nice day with Ilene today! Oh and Grapefruit Bubly is this

grapefruit bubly.png.

Well I suppose I should get in the shower :showering:then make the bed and empty the dishwasher. I have a whole day to play around in photoshop, so nice to be back to semi-normal again! Have a great :friday: everyone!


Well, if it isn't one thing - it is another... My printer works with the new Computer - Windows 11 - but the scanner doesn't work with Win11!!! Grrrr... Tried loading the scanner driver but it won't download... just hangs up. The good news is that my old computer has the scanner software and it does work with it. Just have to move my ExHD over to the old computer as that is where I save my photos. It is a bit of a pain to do... but since they are both here at my desk... it is a matter of getting the right keyboard and mouse when working with each computer.

Forgot to mention what I made for supper last night. I didn't have any zucchini but I did have some yellow squash and green bell peppers so used those in my eggplant/zucchini casserole. Wow... it tasted so good. The 1st photo is the browned squash, bell peppers, onions and eggplant seasoned with black pepper, garlic salt and Italian spices

Added canned diced tomatoes and simmered for 45 minutes
Added cheddar cheese and here is my supper
perfect with a slice of Hawaiian bread!
Made enough that I have 3 more meals - stored in the freezer. :greengrin:

Off to the library to return books and maybe pick-up some. HAGD


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Everyone!
Lovely cool day to you all. Glad you were all able to cool down. We did too, its 49 this morning. But the fish are running and the sun is suppose to come out and yeah we get to go fishing!!!!!!

(I know I shouldn't complain, esp to @AK_Tracy Tracy who can do a 45-minute drive with her eyes closed and one hand tied behind her back. Although I *hope* she doesn't drive that way. You don't drive that way, do you????)
Well I have done a lot of different styles but no, never with my hand behind......... oh wait yeah I have. Toddler phase and handing back snacks and drinks. :giggle4: Haven't done the eyes closed much, just blinking or squinting.
@AK_Tracy You do have an awesome smile--
Did I miss your anniversary? Happy anniversary ♥ Any luck with the sun coming out for your photos?
Thank you. 32 years yesterday. Had a very AK anniversary date. Went to dinner, then to the river to watch the fishing then to the store to buy more fishing supplies that we needed so we cold fish today! We didn't get sun for our photo but we did get the rain to stop so it was enjoyable.
We already have a full agenda of working on scanning family photos and sharing them. I need to pull out the albums and photo boxes to see which ones still need to be done. And I need to pick up a few flash drives.
Scanning can be a full time job. Dont over do it with the repetitive moment. Hope it stays cool so you can finish the laundry.

Today should be a great day. Fishing. Sun is suppose to come out.Its my laundry day so if I miss, oh well. Sunday can be laundry day. Oh, Chris, a good book is Kristin Hanna's newest book "the Women" is amazing as are all her books. I cant put them down. She is such a good author. If you haven't tried her books, you should. They make you feel.

Off and running. Need more coffee. Have a wonderful day! Stay cool :giggle4: