
Daily Ooos: Friday, January 5


The Loopy-O
Good morning! Happy Friday to you all *doffs cap*

I feel pretty good this morning (sure, it's still early and it might only be the caffeine). But the last few nights I have slept well, which makes such a difference. I had a few wild dreams I wanted to remember when I woke up. One about Caitlyn, one about my BFF's husband getting an award. Darned if I can remember any more than that now, but I know they were funny, not frightening.

Scott came over yesterday afternoon for a little while. He got a new card game so the three of us played a couple of rounds. Gary won both times. I wish I could remember the name. It was fast-paced and similar to crazy eights and Uno. Matching colors and stealing cards. He might be coming for dinner tonight if he can get out of work a little early. I hope so. This past week I missed him a lot.

Gary and I took the dogs for a quick loop around the baseball fields. It's maybe a 1/2 mile and it was cold. Everyone is getting ready for the snow this weekend. Looks like we are right on the 4-6" and 6-8" line. My guess is going to be about 6" of heavy, sloppy snow. That's the worst kind.

I would love to get my house tidied up a little more, there are still boxes to go in the attic. I also would loooove to get some good scrap time in.
TTYS!! ♥


Well-Known Member
Good morning. How in the world has it been 4 days since I was in here? But 4 is better than 40 and I'll just keep plowing away until I can do it consistently. Syd goes back on Sunday so things will be back more to a regular cadence I think...

Biggest accomplishment is that I got the Alaskan cruise booked for me and Syd. Got a few clothes ordered while they were on sale. Somewhere along the way I have managed to lose a lot of the clothes that would work for May in Alaska. Still need some hiking shoes but I told Syd that I would come over to Gainesville some afternoon and we could shop at REI.

Syd cooked supper...made hasselback potatoes, mixed vegetables (zucchini, yellow squash, onions, carrots) and chicken with a mushroom cream sauce. I will miss her cooking! Between the cruise ship and Sydney, I probably do need to miss someone's cooking.

Ok...I'm off to work but I will be back for personals.


Well-Known Member
@faerywings I'm so glad that Scott drops in like he does. Playing a game of cards is such a "normal" activity. I know that does your heart good. And, I'm glad that Gary is feeling well enough to do some walking with you.


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes Did you end up with a lot of snow? Hope melts quickly.
How long is DD staying with you? Never long enough, right...

@vickyday You are right, it has to be the teacher in me, because I want to know *everything.* I need discipline, though. That's my downfall. I learn a few things-- move on, learn a few completely different things and I forget. Hahaha!
That's amazing that you only gained 11 lbs with babies 2-4. I stopped counting once I hit 40+ lbs with both of mine. That was terrifying to me because the first time I was *ever* over 100 lbs was when I was pg with Scott. Haven't been back under 100 lbs ever since LOL
Mark is just such a good man. That's awesome that he took Noah under his wing.

@taxed4ever How is your Gary feeling?? Everything went well?
You are very kind in attempting to hide the coffee scent from him, that is the worst part of medical procedures- no coffee.
Good for you for finishing the tough hike. I always wonder-- what happens if you really can't finish? There were a few p[people in our group on Monday who looked like they were beginners (no judgment there, I consider myself very much a beginner)-- in sneakers and jeans. I knew I was pooping out at one point, I wondered about how they were holding up.

Cait popped in to tell me that we are invited to Scott and Sam's for dinner tonight! Yay!

@tanteva I'd love to come over for coffee but I'll wait until summer if you don't mind. What day is summer? You only get one or two right? LOL Stay warm! Drink coffee!

@Cherylndesigns Whew, that's a relief that your stomach is doing better.
who would have ever thought you'd turn into a "winter hiker"?
For REAL! :floorlaugh: Can't say I love it but I am happy that I am trying hard to expand my horizons and all that.
You know what you need for the deliveries/nurse appts?

That will do the trick, especially if you do that dance. LOL

@bcgal00 It must feel awesome that the unpacking is coming along. Is it feeling like home yet?
I'm giggling about D being excited to fool around with the outdoor lights on the app.
Enjoy your pasta salads- and potatoes and rice. :dinner:
I can't wait to try a vegan fried rice recipe in the IP.



The Loopy-O
@LSlycord No one is counting days so don't worry about that at all. It's a treat when we see you :D
Enjoy the time you have with Syd and congrats on booking the Alaska trip!


Talk about busy yesterday... DD#3 and I were off an running by 9AM. And yes... had were having some snow that melted as it hit the ground. It was 38*F, It was also foggy from the snow which went from light to moderately heavy on the way over to the lawyer's. Spent over an hour there, then over to the credit union. Took a lunch break at our favorite Mexican restaurant and brought half of it home so that was my supper too. Then over to the bank and over 3 hours doing paperwork there. Just got home at 4PM to get a call from credit union that they needed another paper filled out - so back over to there. And the snow was getting heavier and starting to stick to the ground. DD and I were both relieved when she could head home just before 5PM. WOW... didn't think that it would take all day but glad it is done. It did snow off and on but most melted so only have about 1" on the ground when I got up this morning. If it had been colder it would have been about 3". We have a break then another snow storm coming in Sunday, Monday and maybe into Tuesday. The grocery store has a sale on some fresh fruit and a few other items I need, so will be heading over there today.

After supper, I ended up crawling under the desk and unplugging the speakers and swapping the speakers on my old computer over to DH's tower. Yep.. that solved the sound problem. Will see if the ones from DH's computer will work on my old computer. I won't worry about getting new ones if they don't work. It is so nice to have the new keyboard so I can read all the letters again!! Getting adjusted the different feel of the new keyboard and mouse.

I got a notice from TMobile that near the end of January I will be getting Hulu subscription as a bonus freebie. I spent a bit of time adding things to "My List" on Netflix - easier to do that on the computer than on the TV screen. Then I settled into the recliner and ended up watching "Elvis" on Netflix.

Need to upload a couple of new release LOs today. BBL for personals.


Love my O Family!
Good morning! Happy Friday to you all *doffs cap*

I feel pretty good this morning (sure, it's still early and it might only be the caffeine). But the last few nights I have slept well, which makes such a difference. I had a few wild dreams I wanted to remember when I woke up. One about Caitlyn, one about my BFF's husband getting an award. Darned if I can remember any more than that now, but I know they were funny, not frightening.

Scott came over yesterday afternoon for a little while. He got a new card game so the three of us played a couple of rounds. Gary won both times. I wish I could remember the name. It was fast-paced and similar to crazy eights and Uno. Matching colors and stealing cards. He might be coming for dinner tonight if he can get out of work a little early. I hope so. This past week I missed him a lot.

Gary and I took the dogs for a quick loop around the baseball fields. It's maybe a 1/2 mile and it was cold. Everyone is getting ready for the snow this weekend. Looks like we are right on the 4-6" and 6-8" line. My guess is going to be about 6" of heavy, sloppy snow. That's the worst kind.

I would love to get my house tidied up a little more, there are still boxes to go in the attic. I also would loooove to get some good scrap time in.
TTYS!! ♥
Yeah, I know what you mean! I love when my boys come and want to spend as much time with them as possible because I see them less frequently than the girls. My oldest daughter usually makes a point of coming to see me more than the scheduled get-togethers. I may even see her more than the daughter that lives 20 minutes away LOL! Make a note of the new card game if your son comes over. Our family likes to play games when we get together, too. I think we would enjoy something new besides the regular UNO, Rummikub, and Qwirkle!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes Did you end up with a lot of snow? Hope melts quickly.
How long is DD staying with you? Never long enough, right...

@vickyday You are right, it has to be the teacher in me, because I want to know *everything.* I need discipline, though. That's my downfall. I learn a few things-- move on, learn a few completely different things and I forget. Hahaha!
That's amazing that you only gained 11 lbs with babies 2-4. I stopped counting once I hit 40+ lbs with both of mine. That was terrifying to me because the first time I was *ever* over 100 lbs was when I was pg with Scott. Haven't been back under 100 lbs ever since LOL
Mark is just such a good man. That's awesome that he took Noah under his wing.

@taxed4ever How is your Gary feeling?? Everything went well?
You are very kind in attempting to hide the coffee scent from him, that is the worst part of medical procedures- no coffee.
Good for you for finishing the tough hike. I always wonder-- what happens if you really can't finish? There were a few p[people in our group on Monday who looked like they were beginners (no judgment there, I consider myself very much a beginner)-- in sneakers and jeans. I knew I was pooping out at one point, I wondered about how they were holding up.

Cait popped in to tell me that we are invited to Scott and Sam's for dinner tonight! Yay!

@tanteva I'd love to come over for coffee but I'll wait until summer if you don't mind. What day is summer? You only get one or two right? LOL Stay warm! Drink coffee!

@Cherylndesigns Whew, that's a relief that your stomach is doing better.

For REAL! :floorlaugh: Can't say I love it but I am happy that I am trying hard to expand my horizons and all that.
You know what you need for the deliveries/nurse appts?

That will do the trick, especially if you do that dance. LOL

@bcgal00 It must feel awesome that the unpacking is coming along. Is it feeling like home yet?
I'm giggling about D being excited to fool around with the outdoor lights on the app.
Enjoy your pasta salads- and potatoes and rice. :dinner:
I can't wait to try a vegan fried rice recipe in the IP.

Yes, I was glad I was all baby with the last 3. It took awhile to get that extra 30 lbs off from the first one!
Mark is a great guy, for sure! I'm blessed to have him!


Love my O Family!
Talk about busy yesterday... DD#3 and I were off an running by 9AM. And yes... had were having some snow that melted as it hit the ground. It was 38*F, It was also foggy from the snow which went from light to moderately heavy on the way over to the lawyer's. Spent over an hour there, then over to the credit union. Took a lunch break at our favorite Mexican restaurant and brought half of it home so that was my supper too. Then over to the bank and over 3 hours doing paperwork there. Just got home at 4PM to get a call from credit union that they needed another paper filled out - so back over to there. And the snow was getting heavier and starting to stick to the ground. DD and I were both relieved when she could head home just before 5PM. WOW... didn't think that it would take all day but glad it is done. It did snow off and on but most melted so only have about 1" on the ground when I got up this morning. If it had been colder it would have been about 3". We have a break then another snow storm coming in Sunday, Monday and maybe into Tuesday. The grocery store has a sale on some fresh fruit and a few other items I need, so will be heading over there today.

After supper, I ended up crawling under the desk and unplugging the speakers and swapping the speakers on my old computer over to DH's tower. Yep.. that solved the sound problem. Will see if the ones from DH's computer will work on my old computer. I won't worry about getting new ones if they don't work. It is so nice to have the new keyboard so I can read all the letters again!! Getting adjusted the different feel of the new keyboard and mouse.

I got a notice from TMobile that near the end of January I will be getting Hulu subscription as a bonus freebie. I spent a bit of time adding things to "My List" on Netflix - easier to do that on the computer than on the TV screen. Then I settled into the recliner and ended up watching "Elvis" on Netflix.

Need to upload a couple of new release LOs today. BBL for personals.
Glad you got all of the necessary paperwork done yesterday with DD! Paperwork.....necessary evil!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning to all who enter!
Not much happening today. 29* at present (10 a.m.). Mark headed to the woods bundled up. But when he starts chopping wood I'm sure some of the layers will come off!

I got my menu for next weekend for the kids basically done yesterday. I still need to tweak it for Saturday breakfast. Everyone usually has eaten by the time they arrive Friday evening. And everyone leaves before church or after church on Sunday, so those who are still here for church will usually go out to eat. However, last year we did go back to DD's house and eat up some of the leftovers. That was a good thing!

Today I need to work on my checkbook!

I'll do a little bit of scrapping, too. And my PT exercises.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! It was a long day of waiting for the phone call to pick DH from his surgery. Finally at 4pm the call came. I did manage to get a page scrapped while I was waiting and will get that posted to the gallery this morning at some point. All went very well for DH and the only thing that is really bothering him is his throat from the tube they put down his throat for oxygen. He says that he has no pain to speak of and is getting around very well!! So different from the first time he had Hernia repair, but that was 35 years ago. They gave him a prescription form of Tylenol to take but he feels like he doesn’t really need it and will just take some regular Tylenol if he experiences any pain at all. So it will be just a matter of keeping him from doing anything that he shouldn’t (that could prove to be difficult lol). So far he is a good patient and is enjoying watching hockey and will get caught up on a few movies he wants to watch. I am thankful that all went well!! I will make sure he gets up and walks around a bit but other than that my job as nurse should be easy!! Listening to the news this morning, sounds like we are in for a bunch of rain and then next week the temps are really going to start to drop and snow will be coming. Then really cold with minus 12C for a low and minus 9C for high :brrr::brrr::brrr: I will be thawing the hummingbird feeder serveral times a day! So today I hope to do some more scrapping and maybe get some cauliflower wraps made. Mostly just a day of puttering around the house today and keeping my DH company.

@faerywings - Oh how nice that Scott popped in to play a new game with you and your Gary!! I would be thrilled if my kids were able to just pop in on us!! You are so blessed!! Glad that you have had a couple of good nights sleep and that your dreams were good ones!! That is nice that Gary was able to get out on a walk with you and dogs! My legs are still sore today from this past hike, but I started doing some Pilates yesterday and hope that will help out my stiffness too. Yes there are some newbies that show up on our hikes not dressed properly and in running shoes. Some don’t make it through the hike, so they usually send one of the more experienced hikers to take them back down, which kind of spoils the hike for that person LOL. Oh well it happens and hopefully they will try again. I hope you get your boxes put away and find some time to do some scrapping!

@LSlycord - rAnother cruise for you and Syd?? Oh how fun! You will have such a good time together! Sounds like your Syd is quite the cook! You will miss her when she goes back to school for sure!

@BrightEyes - You had a very busy day yesterday! I bet you are glad that your DD was there with you to get all those errands done! Good for you for getting the speakers up and running and it does take some getting used to using a new keyboard and mouse for sure! I still struggle with using this keyboard on my iPad Pro. Hope that you stay nice and cozy and warm and enjoy your Netflix !

@vickyday - you are busy with meal prep and hope that you had a nice lunch with your Mark and Noah! Not much happening around here either, hope you enjoy a good day!

Ok gotta go Heather is calling to talk with Dad and I , have a great :friday:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@BrightEyes Did you end up with a lot of snow? Hope melts quickly.
How long is DD staying with you? Never long enough, right...

@vickyday You are right, it has to be the teacher in me, because I want to know *everything.* I need discipline, though. That's my downfall. I learn a few things-- move on, learn a few completely different things and I forget. Hahaha!
That's amazing that you only gained 11 lbs with babies 2-4. I stopped counting once I hit 40+ lbs with both of mine. That was terrifying to me because the first time I was *ever* over 100 lbs was when I was pg with Scott. Haven't been back under 100 lbs ever since LOL
Mark is just such a good man. That's awesome that he took Noah under his wing.

@taxed4ever How is your Gary feeling?? Everything went well?
You are very kind in attempting to hide the coffee scent from him, that is the worst part of medical procedures- no coffee.
Good for you for finishing the tough hike. I always wonder-- what happens if you really can't finish? There were a few p[people in our group on Monday who looked like they were beginners (no judgment there, I consider myself very much a beginner)-- in sneakers and jeans. I knew I was pooping out at one point, I wondered about how they were holding up.

Cait popped in to tell me that we are invited to Scott and Sam's for dinner tonight! Yay!

@tanteva I'd love to come over for coffee but I'll wait until summer if you don't mind. What day is summer? You only get one or two right? LOL Stay warm! Drink coffee!

@Cherylndesigns Whew, that's a relief that your stomach is doing better.

For REAL! :floorlaugh: Can't say I love it but I am happy that I am trying hard to expand my horizons and all that.
You know what you need for the deliveries/nurse appts?

That will do the trick, especially if you do that dance. LOL

@bcgal00 It must feel awesome that the unpacking is coming along. Is it feeling like home yet?
I'm giggling about D being excited to fool around with the outdoor lights on the app.
Enjoy your pasta salads- and potatoes and rice. :dinner:
I can't wait to try a vegan fried rice recipe in the IP.

Oh, I NEED that - but is that dancer wearing a glow in the dark suit? I would also need that. I have also thought about flares - when they drive onto the property, I could go our in the front yard and set one of them off. :floorlaugh::rotfl::lol23:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon.

Sorry I'm so late getting in here - I've been shopping on Amazon for a glow in the dark suit, flares, a flashlight like they use at the airports to guide the planes in. Whew! I'm worn out now. Thanks, Chris @faerywings for the suggestions. Plus, I have to learn to do that dance. :rotfl::floorlaugh::lol23:

Guess what? We have snow - ugh. I hope we don't have one of "those" winters. Please, no Polar Vortex this year. I think I'd lose it. Ava was out early and got some pretty pictures for me.

I'll try to do some personals later - we're waiting the nurse to get her - I hope she can get up the hill. These locals are used to driving in this, I guess. :brrr:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Talk about busy yesterday... DD#3 and I were off an running by 9AM. And yes... had were having some snow that melted as it hit the ground. It was 38*F, It was also foggy from the snow which went from light to moderately heavy on the way over to the lawyer's. Spent over an hour there, then over to the credit union. Took a lunch break at our favorite Mexican restaurant and brought half of it home so that was my supper too. Then over to the bank and over 3 hours doing paperwork there. Just got home at 4PM to get a call from credit union that they needed another paper filled out - so back over to there. And the snow was getting heavier and starting to stick to the ground. DD and I were both relieved when she could head home just before 5PM. WOW... didn't think that it would take all day but glad it is done. It did snow off and on but most melted so only have about 1" on the ground when I got up this morning. If it had been colder it would have been about 3". We have a break then another snow storm coming in Sunday, Monday and maybe into Tuesday. The grocery store has a sale on some fresh fruit and a few other items I need, so will be heading over there today.

After supper, I ended up crawling under the desk and unplugging the speakers and swapping the speakers on my old computer over to DH's tower. Yep.. that solved the sound problem. Will see if the ones from DH's computer will work on my old computer. I won't worry about getting new ones if they don't work. It is so nice to have the new keyboard so I can read all the letters again!! Getting adjusted the different feel of the new keyboard and mouse.

I got a notice from TMobile that near the end of January I will be getting Hulu subscription as a bonus freebie. I spent a bit of time adding things to "My List" on Netflix - easier to do that on the computer than on the TV screen. Then I settled into the recliner and ended up watching "Elvis" on Netflix.

Need to upload a couple of new release LOs today. BBL for personals.
Yay for you, Kay! We can do it - I have no problem getting down - it's the getting up that's a bit tricky, at times. :rotfl:Of course, remember what happened to me the last time I was under the desk. :banghead::banghead: That's so cool that you're getting Hulu! Elvis is a good movie - I know you'll enjoy it.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hey Chris @faerywings we had our first snow on the ground (not a bunch but pretty). Ava went out this am and took pictures for me. I told her to get me a good picture of the cabin - she got this one in the snow. You can kind of see the decking off the back.



Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! It was a long day of waiting for the phone call to pick DH from his surgery. Finally at 4pm the call came. I did manage to get a page scrapped while I was waiting and will get that posted to the gallery this morning at some point. All went very well for DH and the only thing that is really bothering him is his throat from the tube they put down his throat for oxygen. He says that he has no pain to speak of and is getting around very well!! So different from the first time he had Hernia repair, but that was 35 years ago. They gave him a prescription form of Tylenol to take but he feels like he doesn’t really need it and will just take some regular Tylenol if he experiences any pain at all. So it will be just a matter of keeping him from doing anything that he shouldn’t (that could prove to be difficult lol). So far he is a good patient and is enjoying watching hockey and will get caught up on a few movies he wants to watch. I am thankful that all went well!! I will make sure he gets up and walks around a bit but other than that my job as nurse should be easy!! Listening to the news this morning, sounds like we are in for a bunch of rain and then next week the temps are really going to start to drop and snow will be coming. Then really cold with minus 12C for a low and minus 9C for high :brrr::brrr::brrr: I will be thawing the hummingbird feeder serveral times a day! So today I hope to do some more scrapping and maybe get some cauliflower wraps made. Mostly just a day of puttering around the house today and keeping my DH company.

@faerywings - Oh how nice that Scott popped in to play a new game with you and your Gary!! I would be thrilled if my kids were able to just pop in on us!! You are so blessed!! Glad that you have had a couple of good nights sleep and that your dreams were good ones!! That is nice that Gary was able to get out on a walk with you and dogs! My legs are still sore today from this past hike, but I started doing some Pilates yesterday and hope that will help out my stiffness too. Yes there are some newbies that show up on our hikes not dressed properly and in running shoes. Some don’t make it through the hike, so they usually send one of the more experienced hikers to take them back down, which kind of spoils the hike for that person LOL. Oh well it happens and hopefully they will try again. I hope you get your boxes put away and find some time to do some scrapping!

@LSlycord - rAnother cruise for you and Syd?? Oh how fun! You will have such a good time together! Sounds like your Syd is quite the cook! You will miss her when she goes back to school for sure!

@BrightEyes - You had a very busy day yesterday! I bet you are glad that your DD was there with you to get all those errands done! Good for you for getting the speakers up and running and it does take some getting used to using a new keyboard and mouse for sure! I still struggle with using this keyboard on my iPad Pro. Hope that you stay nice and cozy and warm and enjoy your Netflix !

@vickyday - you are busy with meal prep and hope that you had a nice lunch with your Mark and Noah! Not much happening around here either, hope you enjoy a good day!

Ok gotta go Heather is calling to talk with Dad and I , have a great :friday:
So glad to hear your DH is doing well after the surgery! That will definitely make your nursing duties easier!
BRRRR! You have some seriously cold temps coming your way! They are calling for ice storms here beginning tonight through the weekend and expecting power outages! I certainly hope it doesn't get that bad!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good Morning everyone! It was a long day of waiting for the phone call to pick DH from his surgery. Finally at 4pm the call came. I did manage to get a page scrapped while I was waiting and will get that posted to the gallery this morning at some point. All went very well for DH and the only thing that is really bothering him is his throat from the tube they put down his throat for oxygen. He says that he has no pain to speak of and is getting around very well!! So different from the first time he had Hernia repair, but that was 35 years ago. They gave him a prescription form of Tylenol to take but he feels like he doesn’t really need it and will just take some regular Tylenol if he experiences any pain at all. So it will be just a matter of keeping him from doing anything that he shouldn’t (that could prove to be difficult lol). So far he is a good patient and is enjoying watching hockey and will get caught up on a few movies he wants to watch. I am thankful that all went well!! I will make sure he gets up and walks around a bit but other than that my job as nurse should be easy!! Listening to the news this morning, sounds like we are in for a bunch of rain and then next week the temps are really going to start to drop and snow will be coming. Then really cold with minus 12C for a low and minus 9C for high :brrr::brrr::brrr: I will be thawing the hummingbird feeder serveral times a day! So today I hope to do some more scrapping and maybe get some cauliflower wraps made. Mostly just a day of puttering around the house today and keeping my DH company.

@faerywings - Oh how nice that Scott popped in to play a new game with you and your Gary!! I would be thrilled if my kids were able to just pop in on us!! You are so blessed!! Glad that you have had a couple of good nights sleep and that your dreams were good ones!! That is nice that Gary was able to get out on a walk with you and dogs! My legs are still sore today from this past hike, but I started doing some Pilates yesterday and hope that will help out my stiffness too. Yes there are some newbies that show up on our hikes not dressed properly and in running shoes. Some don’t make it through the hike, so they usually send one of the more experienced hikers to take them back down, which kind of spoils the hike for that person LOL. Oh well it happens and hopefully they will try again. I hope you get your boxes put away and find some time to do some scrapping!

@LSlycord - rAnother cruise for you and Syd?? Oh how fun! You will have such a good time together! Sounds like your Syd is quite the cook! You will miss her when she goes back to school for sure!

@BrightEyes - You had a very busy day yesterday! I bet you are glad that your DD was there with you to get all those errands done! Good for you for getting the speakers up and running and it does take some getting used to using a new keyboard and mouse for sure! I still struggle with using this keyboard on my iPad Pro. Hope that you stay nice and cozy and warm and enjoy your Netflix !

@vickyday - you are busy with meal prep and hope that you had a nice lunch with your Mark and Noah! Not much happening around here either, hope you enjoy a good day!

Ok gotta go Heather is calling to talk with Dad and I , have a great :friday:
Great news about your Gary! Yes, they have made a lot of advances in 35 years. I hope he continues to improve and doesn't have any bad pain. Thanks for the update. :hug4: