
Daily Ooo's: Friday, January 30 edition


Well-Known Member
hiya. hopefully Chris is still sleeping!
thought i'd just start the thread. i'll be back later to see what's going on.


The Loopy-O
Hey there! I am not sleeping- but trying to "amuse myself" while Cait and Gary try to pack up a cake that she made for a party at school today. I tried to help, but decided to stay out of the way.

I'd say TGIF, but right now, all of the days are blurring. I have lost almost all motivation to do anything. I am happy, I was able to get my tooth fixed yesterday, but dang! Being out of the house for an hour and a half- exhausting! Came home and took a nap.
We have a delayed opening here, and it is still snowing. Ick. More to come (perhaps???) Sunday into Monday. Two more months and then Spring FWIW.

In case you were wondering and can't tell for my irritated typing, I am still cranky. :blah: But wheeee! My last day of Tindamax is today and then no more for a month. I looked at my calendar this morning, and I have drs' appts every week starting Feb 10 to through March 11. *sighs*

I am going to post this, and then see if I can do some personals

Have a wonderful day!


Feeling at hOme!
Hi there,

@Chris: I hope you'll get your mojo back soon. Looks like you need to relax some more.

I am glad I finally found some time to pop in.
Not much this week, I mostly worked all time.
Today is quite cold and it even snowed for 1/2 hour: of course, it melted quikly, but I was happy anyway since we hadn't seen snow in Paris for 2 years. If I had 1 meter of snow like some of you, I ould probably change my mind ;)


The Loopy-O
Rereading my post from yesterday, I see that I needed chocolate-- my mom baked us a chocolate cake, and I have a big slab of that for dessert. Chocolate (And coffee. And wine) make the world go 'round. Since I can't have wine ATM, the coffee and chocolate are gonna have to do their magic.:choclove

Sharon- oh wow, that sounds horrible about your computer. So glad that you have someone who knows what they are doing this time around. My fingers and toes are still crossed for a quick scrub and no more issues. That is wonderful too that you are able to let the stress go and get a good night's sleep.
I had been ready to dump the Mentalist too- since they moved the show to TX, it hasn't been the same. I think that I heard this was the last season? But the cat-- too funny!

Phyllis- thank you for ranting with me LOL
The alternative for tindamax is Flagyl which has even stronger side effects. I don't think *anyone* in my house wants to deal with me on that.:tongue:
Woo hooooo on the window replacement costs!!!! Finally something goes better than expected!!!!
It was sort of sunny here yesterday but the temps were *brutal* and it is only going to get worse next week. You're more than willing to come here, but bring lots of long johns!

Trudy-- no! No rain for vacation!!!!! I will gladly take your rain so you can have a wonderful trip!
Hope that you didn't get into too much trouble on your errands yesterday. I didn't hear about any silly lady getting arrested in Canada, so I guess that is good :p
Oh, did any of you in the East Coat area hear about the plane that landed on the highway yesterday? That was right near me, on the western section of my town. Pilot was flying and had some mechanical difficulty and had to land the plane on the highway in front of cars driving on it too. Everyone was ok, but what a sight that must have been. :plane: :car:

Awww, thanks for thinking of me and babysitting. I should be more clear. The boy I "babysit" for is 11. So it is basically getting him breakfast ready and driving to the bus stop. Gary's argument is that he feels that if I start doing that, then I will start doing too much (he has a point to an extent, I will give him that) , but OMG I am bonkers just sitting here!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
good morning - it is snowing. I had a great time at the Devils game as they actually won the game 2-1 in a come back and in a shoot out. The food was awesome and as it was buffet we could go back as many times as we wanted. My son took full advantage of that. It was truly a fun night! And now tonight I have another game. My Devils vs the Penguins. I have been out walking and I have been dressed very warmly. Yesterday was in the 30s so not that bad. I finally upgraded my iPad and iPhone to the new operating systems and so far (knock on wood) no problems. I finally watched the movie Saving Mr. Banks. It was amazing to me to see the back story of Mary Poppins.

Chris glad you got your tooth fixed. My sister just went through the same thing. She was just chewing bread and her tooth broke. Don't baby sit just yet.

Phylis makes perfect sense to me to cancel that hair cut!

Shar how wonderful that computer is almost back to normal and fast! But I am a mac girl and I would never go back.

Trudy glad your sun came out.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning gals... I am getting excited about my trip and was surprised to have a wonderful nights sleep last night, I slept right through from 10:30 to 6:30 Wow I didn't even wake up to visit the facilities last night!! It is still very dark outside, but the sky is filled with stars and so looking forward to sunshine again today! I wish I could send all this mild weather out to all of you, believe me I know what it is like to suffer through long winters!! I lived in Saskatchewan for 28 years and hated every single winter I went through!!

Chris - That is great that you got into the dentist so quickly!! Sounds like it really tired you out though!! Good for your Gary for keeping you in line and not letting you do too much too soon! Chocolate Cake, wine and coffee... that sounds like a divine combination!! I will join you for all of the above!
Thanks for taking the :rain: for my for my vacation! It must have worked as they have changed the forecast to thunderstorm for Monday and the rest of the week will be hot and sunny Hooray!!! At least until they change the forecast again :becky: Thanks for the link to the plane landing on the highway, it must have been a sight for sure! Glad no one was hurt!

Phylis - Thanks for opening the thread again this morning! I hope that does not mean that you have been up half the night and are now back in bed trying to catch a nap!

Hope you have something exciting going on today! Oh and yippee about the windows costing less than expected!! How often does that ever happen??

Nancy - So glad you had a great time at your game and dinner! We watched the game and were happy for you that the Devils won in the shoot out! Funny about your son going back for more food! Once when we were at an all Inclusive resort our son ordered everything on the menu and he ate all of it!! He figured it was all included so he may as well try it all

Shar - Hope you are getting everything back to normal on your computer and there will be no more fighting with it!
Are you enjoying the sunshine where you are also? Have you decided to start swimming laps soon? Hope you have a creative day and can get going on your guest CT spot soon!!

I plan to swim today and then my last fake and bake session, packing tonight and meeting with the In-Laws to give them the wine we made for them. Stirfry from Ban Dohs restaurant for dinner tonight and then tomorrow we will get the house closed up and off to the ferry to spend the night in Vancouver and catch our flight at 6am. Can't wait!! I will try to get in a post here tomorrow morning, but we will see how the time goes.

Ok I need more coffee and perhaps a banana muffin to go with it? Anyone want to join me?
Enjoy the day ladies!! :wave:


Yes, Trudy. Gorgeous weather here for a few days before the rain returns. Yesterday we used a gift card from one of our children, to enjoy lunch in Bellevue (upscale suburb of Seattle). It was nice to be out.

Computer is in a coma on life support, awaiting transplant. (We are waiting for the disk to arrive from Dell.) I feel like I'm in a full body cast, unable to function in life! I think this is called withdrawals! It has gotten me back to playing with iPhonography. Made a couple of fun pieces yesterday to post on Facebook and Instagram. Every day I have worn my tablet's battery down to zero!

Trudy, I so hope the weather is gorgeous for your trip. I'm still thinking about swimming, but will get serious when I return from Utah. Of course, a month later it will be off to AZ for a week. Seems like there will always be excuses for putting it off!

WOOT on the windows, Phylis. What a truly rare occurrence.

House to myself today...DH playing golf. It seems almost cruel to mention our golf weather, but winter is not over, and I know The Monsoon will return. We've gotta enjoy it when we can!

Hope you all can find something that will bring a smile to your face today.
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