Not for me, but for DC, Philly, South Jersey areas. Lots of storm surging on the NJ coast too.
To all of you that love in those areas, stay warm and safe. Please send good thoughts to my SIL. She has been in Memphis since Monday on a business trip. She is supposed to be flying back to NJ tonight but I am not sure if she is going to be able to get out of TN. My brother will be ok, but I worry about my godson; at 4 yo, he misses his Mommy a lot and has been counting sleeps.
On a silly note, years ago, my kids had an inflatable snow fort, with flags and swords etc to defend your position. Like that kids' game, King of the Mountain. Is that what it was called? I brought that down out of the attic to send home with my mom for Christopher and all of my kids, led by the oldest "kid" (gary) voted me down, they want to keep it! *eye roll* Wacky!!!
I had a nice time with my mom, got some photo boxes, a waterproof mat for the seat in Cait's car for when we go to the muddy dog park from % Below, and a new squeaky dog toy. Home Goods carries this brand (Invincibles, IIRC) of squeaky toys that really last. So for $5 Jaida got a new toy to run around and squeak. She adores squeaky toys and she cracks me up.
Today I really need to buckle down and clean at least some of my house. The kitchen floor needs a mopping and the toilets need some scrubbing. Woo hoo!!! Ran out of time yesterday to finish my IV, so I will do that today which kills my afternoon/evening.
:cof1: for everyone!
To all of you that love in those areas, stay warm and safe. Please send good thoughts to my SIL. She has been in Memphis since Monday on a business trip. She is supposed to be flying back to NJ tonight but I am not sure if she is going to be able to get out of TN. My brother will be ok, but I worry about my godson; at 4 yo, he misses his Mommy a lot and has been counting sleeps.
On a silly note, years ago, my kids had an inflatable snow fort, with flags and swords etc to defend your position. Like that kids' game, King of the Mountain. Is that what it was called? I brought that down out of the attic to send home with my mom for Christopher and all of my kids, led by the oldest "kid" (gary) voted me down, they want to keep it! *eye roll* Wacky!!!
I had a nice time with my mom, got some photo boxes, a waterproof mat for the seat in Cait's car for when we go to the muddy dog park from % Below, and a new squeaky dog toy. Home Goods carries this brand (Invincibles, IIRC) of squeaky toys that really last. So for $5 Jaida got a new toy to run around and squeak. She adores squeaky toys and she cracks me up.
Today I really need to buckle down and clean at least some of my house. The kitchen floor needs a mopping and the toilets need some scrubbing. Woo hoo!!! Ran out of time yesterday to finish my IV, so I will do that today which kills my afternoon/evening.
:cof1: for everyone!