
Daily Ooos: Friday, February 21


The Loopy-O
The sun is out. Focus on the fact that the sun is out. Life is Good. The Sun is out.

Whatever you do, Faery, do not look at the temperature.



I looked at the temperature. And the snow. It's only an inch or so but no more, please.

The cold weather is a perfect match for my mood. I am feeling more than a little "off" this morning. I was in the middle of an unsettling dream when I woke up and I feel all discombobulated. Between that and my utter frustration at the weather, I am stick-a-fork-in-me-done.
I didn't get much accomplished yesterday. I did some Weis planning and I scrapped a page. Laundry and some housework. I was sort of disappointed with the eggplant meatballs I cooked for dinner. I guess I was hoping that would taste close to the ones I had at lunch last week. They were "fine" just not knock my sock off.
Not much going on here today, just going to try to stay warm!

Wishing all of you a happy day!
@vickyday Sorry that you are dealing with the snow too. I am LMBO at Ilene and her "Never mind!"
How was your headache the rest of the day? Hope it went away.
Be sure and let us know how they turned out!
they were ok. I made them vegan so I left out the parm cheese and used 2 Tbsp of nutritional yeast instead. If I make them again, I will add more herbs and garlic. I used 3 cloves instead of the 2 in the recipe, but we always like more. Maybe that will jazz 'em up.

@taxed4ever I hope you slept better last night, tossing and turning is not fun. I hope that you can find soem nice pulls this weekend.

Hugs to all of you!!
@faerywings - sad to year your eggplant meatballs were not good...I bought everything to make them this weekend. Ill report on my version when I make them. I think I will use the recipe that roasts the eggplant first -it will give more flavor.

We had a very successful meeting with the Sheriffs department last night at the club. It was nice find out our neighborhood is relatively crime free and that they are proud of us.

I talked to my DIL last night. They are so upset. I feel so sick for them. The house they are building upstate NY for their retirement had a massive roof leak with the ice storms they had up there... He had a steel roof that is supposed to be state of the art with a special system to be carefree for 50+ years. He thinks the builder did not put ice&water membrane like they were supposed to. It leaked in all three dormers in front and the huge garage dormer in the back of the house. It has ruined the sheet rock that he had put in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is puddled on the new tile floors in the main house but damaged the wood floors that were put in New Years week. I'm so upset for them. I guess he talked to the builder and he won't take responsibility for it so they may have to use their builders insurance. It is his dream house and has worked so hard for it. I know it will work out but so much stress for now.

Off to go visit my friend who had the brain aneurysm she is in rehab now so baby steps but at least they are forward.
Have a great friday and better weekend.
The sun is out. Focus on the fact that the sun is out. Life is Good. The Sun is out.

Whatever you do, Faery, do not look at the temperature.



I looked at the temperature. And the snow. It's only an inch or so but no more, please.

The cold weather is a perfect match for my mood. I am feeling more than a little "off" this morning. I was in the middle of an unsettling dream when I woke up and I feel all discombobulated. Between that and my utter frustration at the weather, I am stick-a-fork-in-me-done.
Oh, I SO hear you Chris and feel the same... I'm just so tired of it and the constant below-freezing temps and snow..
Do either of those work? Doubt it at this point. Your "utter frustration at the weather, I am stick-a-fork-in-me-done." is such a perfect description, I feel I could have written it myself....
Here in this part of Virginia we should be seeing spring in the first week or two of March. I sure hope so, because I, too, am so tired of cold weather, despite spending most of January in Florida. Actually, it was cold (for there) half of our trip. This morning, the heat pump is not getting the house above 65° and I don't know why. It has to be something wrong. Usually I dump that kind of thing on David to handle but Friday is his day at Habitat for Humanity so I guess it's up to me to figure out if I should call someone. At least the radiant heat in the bathroom is working so I can get cozy for my shower.

I need to go to the grocery store to buy milk and I'm trying to think of a reason I should drive all the way into Charlottesville instead of going to the scene of this week's shooting. But, no, I can't stay away from the grocery store; I will have to face up to it today.

If you are looking for a good brand of waterproof boots- I swear by Oboz.
We canceled tomorrow's trail work day because snow & mud will not make for good trail building. So my need for new boots isn't quite as pressing. But I did try on a pair of Oboz yesterday. I have the picture of the style and I may go back and buy them when I am back in town this weekend.

It is his dream house and has worked so hard for it. I know it will work out but so much stress for now.
Houses and cars seem to have an infinite capacity for causing stress. I'm sorry there was such a disaster and hope they are able to recover the costs of replacing the ruined materials. But does the roof have to be totally redone if it wasn't installed correctly? Wow, what a mess.

Yesterday David and I stopped by a new Cajun/Creole restaurant for lunch. Small place, and we were the first ones there, so quiet. We placed our orders, then I heard a guy from the kitchen, "Oh, I forgot to make the rice!" Since I had ordered something with rice I had to laugh. They offered us free beignets while we waited for the rice to cook (I think they are dessert but whatever) and then a free dessert. I asked for pecan pralines to go (we certainly didn't need another dessert) thinking we'd get a flat, sugary candy. Isn't that what pralines are? But instead we got more beignets, these stuffed with a vanilla cream and with pecans and glaze drizzled over the top. Those were a bit rich, so even though we brought them home, they just went into the trash.

Anyway, this afternoon I'm going out to lunch with some friends, and I think I need to order salad.
B/c I am procrastinating- I can comment on today's posts :p

@BoatLady I roasted the eggplant over sauteeing like the one recipe said to do. I blotted it when it was cooled to absorb some of the moisture. I wasn't sure if the flax egg was going to hold it together as well as a real egg. The other thing I swapped out that I think messed up the flavor was i had to use Panko (vegan) over regular Italian breadcrumbs. I am pretty sure that if I made them according tot he actual recipe they would have been much better.
LMK what you think!

@Terri M Maybe get milk at a 7-11 or deli this time? Just driving past the grocery store or parking in the lot without the pressure of hang to go in will help the very understandable stress.
I have the Sawtooth low and mid boots and Badger winter boots. I can't tell you how much I love them. I have very flat feet and I pronate severely and these are perfect. Trudy recommended a brand of boots when I first started hiking again and they were fantastic for my occasional hikes. But once I started working at Weis, I needed something that would hold up to hiking up and down the trails over and over again while carrying buckets and bags of field trip supplies. And the winter ones are necessary when I am out there in this &^%@#$^$%## cold weather :D
The sun is out. Focus on the fact that the sun is out. Life is Good. The Sun is out.

Whatever you do, Faery, do not look at the temperature.



I looked at the temperature. And the snow. It's only an inch or so but no more, please.

The cold weather is a perfect match for my mood. I am feeling more than a little "off" this morning. I was in the middle of an unsettling dream when I woke up and I feel all discombobulated. Between that and my utter frustration at the weather, I am stick-a-fork-in-me-done.
I didn't get much accomplished yesterday. I did some Weis planning and I scrapped a page. Laundry and some housework. I was sort of disappointed with the eggplant meatballs I cooked for dinner. I guess I was hoping that would taste close to the ones I had at lunch last week. They were "fine" just not knock my sock off.
Not much going on here today, just going to try to stay warm!

Wishing all of you a happy day!
Would you do anything differently with the meatballs?
Sounds to me like you got more done yesterday than you think.
Our sun is out but it isn't going to get very warm today!
Another busy day yesterday. Waited until noon hoping the tax report from CS was there but not yet!!! :angry4: So made the trip to the tax gal... But, as it turns out the short cut I usually take was blocked off so had to go another half mile past it to get to a road that would take me back around to where her office was (a mile longer than usual). Also went to the credit union and paid my bill and a stop at the grocery store. Then back home. I dug out the new checks from the CU only to discover that they had not sent duplicate checks (that I have to have as they don't return cancelled checks)... So will have to make another trip over there to get the correct style ordered!!! Should have looked at them before I made my trip!

Been busy scrapping with some new releases and got the uploaded last evening and this morning. Now I really have to get busy working on the March challenge I am hosting. I will be busy this weekend as my niece and hubby will be here for a visit. They will be staying in an RV park for a couple of days then heading to my sister's early next week before they head back up to South Dakota. Hoping the weather is not bad by the time they head that way. Yes, this is the niece who had their RV overturn on them last year.

Gotta run... DD is calling. BBL
@vickyday Sorry that you are dealing with the snow too. I am LMBO at Ilene and her "Never mind!"
How was your headache the rest of the day? Hope it went away.

they were ok. I made them vegan so I left out the parm cheese and used 2 Tbsp of nutritional yeast instead. If I make them again, I will add more herbs and garlic. I used 3 cloves instead of the 2 in the recipe, but we always like more. Maybe that will jazz 'em up.

@taxed4ever I hope you slept better last night, tossing and turning is not fun. I hope that you can find soem nice pulls this weekend.

Hugs to all of you!!
The headache basically went away yesterday to the tolerable stage!
We like lots of garlic, too! I wouldn't make the meatballs vegan, so the parm cheese would go into ours. Not saying I will ever make them since you weren't thrilled about them, but I'll keep the extra herbs and garlic in mind!
Ilene is a hoot!
@faerywings - sad to year your eggplant meatballs were not good...I bought everything to make them this weekend. Ill report on my version when I make them. I think I will use the recipe that roasts the eggplant first -it will give more flavor.

We had a very successful meeting with the Sheriffs department last night at the club. It was nice find out our neighborhood is relatively crime free and that they are proud of us.

I talked to my DIL last night. They are so upset. I feel so sick for them. The house they are building upstate NY for their retirement had a massive roof leak with the ice storms they had up there... He had a steel roof that is supposed to be state of the art with a special system to be carefree for 50+ years. He thinks the builder did not put ice&water membrane like they were supposed to. It leaked in all three dormers in front and the huge garage dormer in the back of the house. It has ruined the sheet rock that he had put in between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is puddled on the new tile floors in the main house but damaged the wood floors that were put in New Years week. I'm so upset for them. I guess he talked to the builder and he won't take responsibility for it so they may have to use their builders insurance. It is his dream house and has worked so hard for it. I know it will work out but so much stress for now.

Off to go visit my friend who had the brain aneurysm she is in rehab now so baby steps but at least they are forward.
Have a great friday and better weekend.
WOW! How can the builder NOT take responsibility for the damage? I don't get that at all! What has happened to the pride people used to take in a job well-done? My step-daughter had problems with her newly built house, too, that the builders never would fix! That's just wrong!
Good morning,
Not much going on today. Mark is in the woods.....imagine that!
The sun is shining but it isn't going to get very warm today.
We've resorted to firing a paint ball gun at the mockingbird. He doesn't care, LOL!
It is windy out today and I am enjoying listening to the wind chimes!
No plans for me. I just downloaded the template for CarolW's February challenge so I will work on that with my daily ATC. I have a bunch of ATCs to upload to the gallery, too.
Hope everyone has a great Friday!
Good morning ladies. Will be walking Remi soon, after a shower and I get dressed. Then we'll head out to Mexican Train game day, followed by our club's social potluck dinner and dice game night. Then I get to come home (maybe) for an hour before heading over to the local cinema with a friend for a late night showing of Oscar nominated film shorts. Should be back home around 11:30 tonight. It's going to be a long day but fun. I go back to the cinema twice tomorrow for more short films, once with Jen in the afternoon and then back in the evening with another friend. I'll be exhausted by Sunday and will need a day at home to relax.

@faerywings Our temps are finally warming up to mid 40's. I'm with you...I'm done with winter. This is the time of year that drives me crazy here b/c the spring comes about 2-3 wks later than on the coast, it feels like forever.

Remi is staring at me...she wants to get out and I need to shower first. I'd better go. BFN
Morning O friends and Happy :friday: Not that Friday is any different than any other day for me. The weather is rainy and foggy, but it sure beats snow! I do feel badly for all of you who are still dealing with the grips of Winter! Our DD is too and she is done with it all! The boys were finally back to school yesterday, but who knows how long that will last, more snow in the forecast for them this weekend and the winds are blowing pretty good too. YUCK!!! At least the temps are climbing a bit over the next few days for them, so hopefully some of that snow will melt away! I spent the better part of my day touching up my kitchen cupboards and got about half of them done. I had to run to the Hardware Store first to buy some more little rollers, hopefully they will be enough to finish off the rest of the cupboards and the base boards too. The worst part was taking of the hardware first, it is tedious and time consuming, but it will look so good when its all done! I got a phone call from MIL yesterday morning to inform us that SIL Sharon's (DH's youngest sister) boyfriend was now in hospice and was given about 4 days to live. So sad! SIL was going to spend the night with him at hospice, but not sure what she will do after that. So we wait for the dreaded phone call, and now will have more grief to deal with in the family. Today I will finish off the painting of the cupboards and baseboards and try to get a good walk in at some point too. I have been thinking that it might be time for me to get back into swimming laps a couple times a week, I haven't been very active this winter and it is catching up to me.
The cold weather is a perfect match for my mood. I am feeling more than a little "off" this morning. I was in the middle of an unsettling dream when I woke up and I feel all discombobulated. Between that and my utter frustration at the weather, I am stick-a-fork-in-me-done.
I didn't get much accomplished yesterday. I did some Weis planning and I scrapped a page. Laundry and some housework. I was sort of disappointed with the eggplant meatballs I cooked for dinner. I guess I was hoping that would taste close to the ones I had at lunch last week. They were "fine" just not knock my sock off.
Not much going on here today, just going to try to stay warm!
Yup the weather sums up my mood these days too! I have been grumpy and feel discombobulated too! Then there are the times that the tears fall like the rain outside. Life is strange right now and I need to get out of this mindset that I am in! It does sound like you got more accomplished than you think, but I am sorry that your eggplant meatballs were not as good as you had hoped for! A little tweaking of the recipe and they might be better next time.
talked to my DIL last night. They are so upset. I feel so sick for them. The house they are building upstate NY for their retirement had a massive roof leak with the ice storms they had up there... He had a steel roof that is supposed to be state of the art with a special system to be carefree for 50+ years. He thinks the builder did not put ice&water membrane like they were supposed to.
Ohhh how very sad for your Son and DIL!! I can't believe that if the builder did not do things to code, that he would not have to repair his mistakes!! Hopefully they will be compensated in some way!
Oh, I SO hear you Chris and feel the same... I'm just so tired of it and the constant below-freezing temps and snow..
Yes that is exactly what my DD said too, UNCLE! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ALREADY!
I need to go to the grocery store to buy milk and I'm trying to think of a reason I should drive all the way into Charlottesville instead of going to the scene of this week's shooting. But, no, I can't stay away from the grocery store; I will have to face up to it today.
I hope that you can get to the grocery store, perhaps facing your fear will help you get over this terrible tragedy !!
Been busy scrapping with some new releases and got the uploaded last evening and this morning. Now I really have to get busy working on the March challenge I am hosting. I will be busy this weekend as my niece and hubby will be here for a visit.
You are always such a busy scrapper Kay! Sorry that your cheques were not the right ones, hope it won't take long to get them replaced. How nice to have your niece and her hubby visiting with you this weekend, Enjoy!!
The sun is shining but it isn't going to get very warm today.
We've resorted to firing a paint ball gun at the mockingbird. He doesn't care, LOL!
It is windy out today and I am enjoying listening to the wind chimes!
Wish the sun would shine for us, it sure brightens the mood! However it looks like rain, rain and more rain for us for the whole next 10 days Uggh!! Too funny that your mockingbird does not care about being shot at :giggle4: . Not sure what else would work, other than using a real gun, but...:notinfrontofthekids:.

@bcgal00 - My goodness you make me tired just reading about all the things that you are doing today and over the weekend! Yes you will need a day to just re-coup from it all! So happy for you though that you have settled into your new home and have made so many new friends! Hopefully you will have a chinook come through and spring will arrive a bit earlier than anticipated!!

Ok I have been face timing with Heather and now Mason is home with a bad cold, she can't seem to catch a break with the boys this winter. I hope that you all have a lovely weekend, stay warm and healthy!! :waving3:
Not that Friday is any different than any other day for me.
HA! Pretty much the same for me, Trudy!
SIL Sharon's (DH's youngest sister) boyfriend was now in hospice and was given about 4 days to live. So sad! SIL was going to spend the night with him at hospice,
AWW! So sad!
I haven't been very active this winter and it is catching up to me.
I'm there with you! I can't wait until the weather breaks so I can get back to walking at the track!
Too funny that your mockingbird does not care about being shot at :giggle4: . Not sure what else would work, other than using a real gun, but...:notinfrontofthekids:.
I know, right?! :thinking2:
Just stopping in real quick in between naps. Sorry I've been absent the last few days, I've been sick. This turned out to be an ear infection diagnosed yesterday afternoon. As I went to work it turned into a low-grade fever. So here I sit at home drinking liquids and taking Tylenol to control the fever. At least it's the weekend and that will give the antibiotic time to work. I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm. It started at -1 this morning and is now a balmy 28. Happy Friday!
Good Evening Ladies!!! I have a ton of catching up to do and I have 5 days to do it in :giggle4:
Our oldest gifted us a cruise for Christmas. So the 9th we flew to CA and the 10th got on a ship. We cruised over to Catalina Island, down to Ensenada Mexico and back to Los Angels. Then we flew to AZ to take care of some business stuff, empty storage units, and ship stuff home. We just got home tonight. Its been a crazy fast two weeks and now I have to get my mind back to reality and get things finalized (packing wise) too leave again for surgery. I get five glorious nights in my own bed before I have to suffer again :floorlaugh: I have a temurpedic bed and it about kills me now to have to sleep in hotels on beds with springs. They dig into my back and hips so horribly. I always feel a bit like the princess and the pea. Well, I wont be able to get too caught up tonight as I am so mentally exhausted and my body is off by two hour time change. Have a wonderful night and see you all with a big cup of coffee in the morning. :heartpumppink: