
Daily Ooos: Friday, February 2


The Loopy-O
This is me this morning:

Not that I actually believe in Groundhog Day's predictions but I wasn't frozen solid when I was walking Jaida so that gives me hope that Spring will get here. Eventually yes but it won't matter what Phil says. It's raining yet again but it should be sunny this weekend Please, oh please. I don't even know what the sun looks like anymore. Is it a green hexagon? A red triangle? No idea. :p

Yesterday went easier than I expected. Cleaned for my friend, uploaded a LO, and worked a little more on the one I am doing for Kay's challenge. I also made sure that I did yoga and was pleased with myself that I could check it off on my app. The symptom tracker app I have been using (Bearable) has a feature that you can run an "experiment" and then it analyzes if the activity has an outcome. So me my experiment, I want to see if 14 days of yoga has any effect on my energy levels. I am one of those people who if I set a goal and there is a physical reminder, I'll do it (or will be disappointed in myself if I don't). if I simply think about it, it's much more likely that I'll blow it off so the app will be very helpful. I log in every morning and at bedtime so I am confronted with the challenge twice a day.

Plans for today: Get myself, my house, and my meal ideas ready for the week ahead. I have something going on every day from tomorrow to next Friday so I want to make sure I don't stress myself out. Not that I would *ever* do that. :giggle4:

Hope you have a fantastic day and hopefully you'll see the sun


The Loopy-O
@vickyday All of the snow is gone! Yay! :dance2: I wish I could send some to you when it gets piled up.
That stinks that the PT has to take a back seat, just go nice and gentle when you are ready to restart it. I felt the stretch in my legs yesterday doing a wide-leg forward fold. I used to be able to get my head a few inches away from the floor but not even close to that yesterday. I wanted to push it, but I know better. BTDT and there is no point in hurting ourselves.
Glad that you are turning the corner but darn it, that's crummy that Mark has it too.
BTW- if the Robitussin doesn't work on the cough, my family all swore that Mucinex worked much better for them. Just an FYI :)

@Cherylndesigns Thanks for not thinking I am an awful person. :) sending good thoughts to you and the family as you work on the next stage of paperwork and red tape. xo
I feel so bad for Sam (your current cat, in case you were trying to figure out which one. Sams, Chucks, Garys. How funny is that?). I know that a lot of people think that cats don't have the same emotional connection that dogs do but I disagree. Our cat Merlin was so in tune with my kids, especially Scott. Scott was his Person and got him through some very tough times. I'll forever be grateful for him.
Side note: After the Leah debacle, I took down/threw away most of the things she and her mom had given to us over the years. I kept the Merlin Nutcracker in the same place it's been for years. After Merlin died, Leah wrote Scott a fairy tale about Merlin, and her mom got my family the Nutcracker complete with his black cat. I told Scott that I'd get rid of it if it hurt to see it and he said Not a chance. Merlin - his cat- was more present in it than either of those two B****** :devil2:

@taxed4ever That's fantastic that the weather mostly cooperated on the hike. I am sure that the river was flowing like mad. I hope that your friend can share some pictures with you. between the fresh air, the good food, and the company, I am not surprised that you felt rejuvenated.
Happy belated to your brother, how hard that must be for your family :brokenheart:
And Happy Birthday to your Gary! Tell him to not set the house on fire with all of the candles :jumpingcake:
Enjoy those baby snuggles!

@BrightEyes I can't wait to upload my Fallback LO. That was a good challenge and made me dig through a lot of old photos.
So glad that the memories on FB with Bill brought good thoughts along.
A sparkling clean and organized fridge is one of the most refreshing things. Nowhere near fresh sheets but def. up there ;)
It's funny how things get shoved to the back of the fridge, time passes and then something from 2012 pops up Hahaha!

Uh oh. I was blabbery today. :oops2:



Love my O Family!
This is me this morning:

Not that I actually believe in Groundhog Day's predictions but I wasn't frozen solid when I was walking Jaida so that gives me hope that Spring will get here. Eventually yes but it won't matter what Phil says. It's raining yet again but it should be sunny this weekend Please, oh please. I don't even know what the sun looks like anymore. Is it a green hexagon? A red triangle? No idea. :p

Yesterday went easier than I expected. Cleaned for my friend, uploaded a LO, and worked a little more on the one I am doing for Kay's challenge. I also made sure that I did yoga and was pleased with myself that I could check it off on my app. The symptom tracker app I have been using (Bearable) has a feature that you can run an "experiment" and then it analyzes if the activity has an outcome. So me my experiment, I want to see if 14 days of yoga has any effect on my energy levels. I am one of those people who if I set a goal and there is a physical reminder, I'll do it (or will be disappointed in myself if I don't). if I simply think about it, it's much more likely that I'll blow it off so the app will be very helpful. I log in every morning and at bedtime so I am confronted with the challenge twice a day.

Plans for today: Get myself, my house, and my meal ideas ready for the week ahead. I have something going on every day from tomorrow to next Friday so I want to make sure I don't stress myself out. Not that I would *ever* do that. :giggle4:

Hope you have a fantastic day and hopefully you'll see the sun
I'm with you. Phil is unpredictable! Spring will come when spring will come! And not a day sooner or later than the Lord determines.


Love my O Family!
@vickyday All of the snow is gone! Yay! :dance2: I wish I could send some to you when it gets piled up.
That stinks that the PT has to take a back seat, just go nice and gentle when you are ready to restart it. I felt the stretch in my legs yesterday doing a wide-leg forward fold. I used to be able to get my head a few inches away from the floor but not even close to that yesterday. I wanted to push it, but I know better. BTDT and there is no point in hurting ourselves.
Glad that you are turning the corner but darn it, that's crummy that Mark has it too.
BTW- if the Robitussin doesn't work on the cough, my family all swore that Mucinex worked much better for them. Just an FYI :)

@Cherylndesigns Thanks for not thinking I am an awful person. :) sending good thoughts to you and the family as you work on the next stage of paperwork and red tape. xo
I feel so bad for Sam (your current cat, in case you were trying to figure out which one. Sams, Chucks, Garys. How funny is that?). I know that a lot of people think that cats don't have the same emotional connection that dogs do but I disagree. Our cat Merlin was so in tune with my kids, especially Scott. Scott was his Person and got him through some very tough times. I'll forever be grateful for him.
Side note: After the Leah debacle, I took down/threw away most of the things she and her mom had given to us over the years. I kept the Merlin Nutcracker in the same place it's been for years. After Merlin died, Leah wrote Scott a fairy tale about Merlin, and her mom got my family the Nutcracker complete with his black cat. I told Scott that I'd get rid of it if it hurt to see it and he said Not a chance. Merlin - his cat- was more present in it than either of those two B****** :devil2:

@taxed4ever That's fantastic that the weather mostly cooperated on the hike. I am sure that the river was flowing like mad. I hope that your friend can share some pictures with you. between the fresh air, the good food, and the company, I am not surprised that you felt rejuvenated.
Happy belated to your brother, how hard that must be for your family :brokenheart:
And Happy Birthday to your Gary! Tell him to not set the house on fire with all of the candles :jumpingcake:
Enjoy those baby snuggles!

@BrightEyes I can't wait to upload my Fallback LO. That was a good challenge and made me dig through a lot of old photos.
So glad that the memories on FB with Bill brought good thoughts along.
A sparkling clean and organized fridge is one of the most refreshing things. Nowhere near fresh sheets but def. up there ;)
It's funny how things get shoved to the back of the fridge, time passes and then something from 2012 pops up Hahaha!

Uh oh. I was blabbery today. :oops2:

The Robitussin helps a bit at first. Fortunately I haven't had too much coughing! More at first. Not much at all now. I'm down to just a basic cold now. I think Mark is feeling better today after he is up and moving around a bit. I asked him if he was going to the doctor and he said he didn't think so. His head is more stuffed up than even I was. I think he would feel better quicker if he would go to the doctor, but he is a grown man and I don't beg or plead with him. He's gonna do what he wants anyway! Men! Sometimes I'd like to shake em':shakingsense:


Hi, everyone... woke up to cloudy rainy skies this morning. It is WARM... 41*F ... and forecast is that maybe the high for the day as a cold front is heading our way. Been uploading LOs to the galleries since I got on-line. Glad to get ViVa's Chinese New Year LOs uploaded, And also Karen Schulz's UIA and featured product LOs. Need to check out my Fallback Year challenge in a few minutes. Then will work on another pre-release LO. Yes, the creative juices are in full swing!! :cheer:

@BrightEyes I can't wait to upload my Fallback LO. That was a good challenge and made me dig through a lot of old photos.
So glad that the memories on FB with Bill brought good thoughts along.
A sparkling clean and organized fridge is one of the most refreshing things. Nowhere near fresh sheets but def. up there ;)
It's funny how things get shoved to the back of the fridge, time passes and then something from 2012 pops up Hahaha!
Can't wait to see your Fallback LO. It is always fun to look back at old photos and remember those times. Yes, it was delightful to see the FB Memories of Bill and I. And it was great to open the fridge door and see it looking so clean and organized!! The stuff I don't use very often is on the lowest door bin so I don't look at it very often.

I started reading Keeper of Happy Endings but it was making me sad - so put it aside. I moved on to the "Blind Date Book" about Jane Austin traveling forward in time... what a funny book! I ended up reading until 1AM! Glad I took a chance on picking it up! For a change of pace - each evening I have been watching the Biography DVDs... Really enjoyed the one about Robert Redford. The one about James Dean was sad... he was a very conflicted person and died way too young.

@vickyday Glad the Robitussin helped. I swear by the Mucinex - I used it when I had the flu a few years ago and it helped with the coughing. So sorry about your hubby getting Covid - and hope he recovers quickly.

Off to get another cup of :coffeedrinker:then get a shower. HAGD


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Sun is not quite so bright this morning. Its 51 feel like 50 and supposed to get to 63 by 3 p.m. before going back the other way! Mark is sure hating not feeling like getting out to work in the woods! He has been resting, so I'm glad for that! I am feeling pretty good overall. I'm down to just cold symptoms now. I know one thing.....the prednisone is keeping me feeling hungry all the time! I have noticed again this time that things taste differently, but today's coffee is tasting better than it has the last couple of days! :coffeedrinker:

Been getting some challenges done. I want to work on some more today. And guess what?! I figured out what was causing the "save for web" error! Apparently when I have both EHDs (4 TB total) plugged into the Mac and have PSE2023 running there is not enough memory for it to handle that operation for some reason. So, yesterday after I saved the original copy of my layouts, I would eject the EHDs, go back into PSE and then I could use the "save for web" function. It's a nuisance, but a work around.

Speaking of coffee and prednisone......time to empty some coffee :toilet: and fill up with food! :dinner:

Hope all of you lovelies have a wonderful day! :bye2:


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Snatched this from Facebook:


For me Feb 2 will always be associated with the death of Sid Vicious. Now as an adult, I can see that he might not have been the best of persons, but then it was a disaster. Teen brain, you know, and it's still my first thought when someone mentions Feb 2.

Life here is same, same. I do nothing. TV, scrap, reading & listening to pods & music. Nothing to report. Except - ate pasta without ketchup today!!! Shared the recipe in the vegetarian food thread.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon all.

Sunny, 66 and a high of 68. YAY - Phil Schmil - whether he sees his shadow or not - we have more winter ahead than we want. My sister actually got to go see Phil once and she said the ceremony is quite interesting and fun.

@Cherylndesigns Thanks for not thinking I am an awful person. :) sending good thoughts to you and the family as you work on the next stage of paperwork and red tape. xo
I feel so bad for Sam (your current cat, in case you were trying to figure out which one. Sams, Chucks, Garys. How funny is that?). I know that a lot of people think that cats don't have the same emotional connection that dogs do but I disagree. Our cat Merlin was so in tune with my kids, especially Scott. Scott was his Person and got him through some very tough times. I'll forever be grateful for him.

I would never think that - you and I are too much on the same wave length - a little kooky. That's how we get through life. I say good morning to Chuck and good night again. I have two mopey animals and that cat is definitely looking for his person. Yes, we need some more Sams/Chucks/Garys around here, that's for sure. We've had 3 pets named Sam - our first dog that we got after we were married, the yellow lab we adopted, and the orange tabby we adopted. Plus, my grandfather's name was Sam. One of my great nephew's name is Sam after my grandfather. :spinningchair: I've kind of become his "substitute person" since Chuck's been gone. He never paid much attention to me when Chuck was around, but he's starting to want to sit on my lap when we watch TV.

Kay @BrightEyes try to keep reading Keeper of Happy Endings. It's so worth it. I know the beginning is sad, but I really loved that book.

Vicky @vickyday I'm so glad you figured out the save for web problem. Ugh - that's so frustrating. Hope Mark is feeling better today.

I'm going to run - still haven't finished getting dressed and I don't know if Casey is coming today or not. My house is a wreck. I seem to have hit some kind of a wall. Sat on the sofa with the animals last night and watched drivel on tv - wrapped in a blanket and dozing. Not in a better headspace this morning either, unfortunately. I think all of the stuff we have to do is weighing on my mind. I wish I could just get it over with.



Love my O Family!
Good afternoon all.

Sunny, 66 and a high of 68. YAY - Phil Schmil - whether he sees his shadow or not - we have more winter ahead than we want. My sister actually got to go see Phil once and she said the ceremony is quite interesting and fun.

@Cherylndesigns Thanks for not thinking I am an awful person. :) sending good thoughts to you and the family as you work on the next stage of paperwork and red tape. xo
I feel so bad for Sam (your current cat, in case you were trying to figure out which one. Sams, Chucks, Garys. How funny is that?). I know that a lot of people think that cats don't have the same emotional connection that dogs do but I disagree. Our cat Merlin was so in tune with my kids, especially Scott. Scott was his Person and got him through some very tough times. I'll forever be grateful for him.

I would never think that - you and I are too much on the same wave length - a little kooky. That's how we get through life. I say good morning to Chuck and good night again. I have two mopey animals and that cat is definitely looking for his person. Yes, we need some more Sams/Chucks/Garys around here, that's for sure. We've had 3 pets named Sam - our first dog that we got after we were married, the yellow lab we adopted, and the orange tabby we adopted. Plus, my grandfather's name was Sam. One of my great nephew's name is Sam after my grandfather. :spinningchair: I've kind of become his "substitute person" since Chuck's been gone. He never paid much attention to me when Chuck was around, but he's starting to want to sit on my lap when we watch TV.

Kay @BrightEyes try to keep reading Keeper of Happy Endings. It's so worth it. I know the beginning is sad, but I really loved that book.

Vicky @vickyday I'm so glad you figured out the save for web problem. Ugh - that's so frustrating. Hope Mark is feeling better today.

I'm going to run - still haven't finished getting dressed and I don't know if Casey is coming today or not. My house is a wreck. I seem to have hit some kind of a wall. Sat on the sofa with the animals last night and watched drivel on tv - wrapped in a blanket and dozing. Not in a better headspace this morning either, unfortunately. I think all of the stuff we have to do is weighing on my mind. I wish I could just get it over with.

Mark is in the woods if that tells you anything, LOL!
The "stuff" will get done. Take it slow and easy! Only do what you feel up to doing so you don't overwhelm yourself because the crash hurts! Slow and easy! :hug2:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Mark is in the woods if that tells you anything, LOL!
The "stuff" will get done. Take it slow and easy! Only do what you feel up to doing so you don't overwhelm yourself because the crash hurts! Slow and easy! :hug2:
Thanks for the advice, Vicky. I know you've been there. Yes, Mark being in the woods speaks volumes. LOL


Well-Known Member
Life here is same, same. I do nothing. TV, scrap, reading & listening to pods & music. Nothing to report. Except - ate pasta without ketchup today!!! Shared the recipe in the vegetarian food thread.

Sometimes those same-same normal days are just good. No dramas, no huge upsets, just life.
I'll need to check out that pasta recipe. It's about all kiddo and I live on in summer!


Well-Known Member
Jess started year 8 on Friday! She seems to be happy with her teachers so far. She was so nervous the night before, poor thing. Not that she could tell me why she felt that way... I know she & her friends have been talking about how the workload is much more than previous years, and then there's that thing about I hope my teachers are nice, so I guess it's a little of the unknown as well as a good dose of teenage girl hormones that made her feel out of sorts.

Michael came back from his work trip, with the happy news (NOT!) that he has to fly out again on Tuesday until next Monday. And then possibly another trip before the end of the month. Ugh! We both knew his job would involve travel to head office, but never expected it to be more than once a month.

In good news, I'm going to be an auntie again! My brother's wife is preggo and their little one is due in July.

Tomorrow is meant to be HOT, so we decided chore can wait and we're heading off to the beach in the morning. Hoping to get a swim in and be back home before the worst of the heat strikes.

It's almost midnight here, so I should probably get off the computer. TTYL!