
Daily Ooos: Friday, December 8


The Loopy-O
Happy Friday and Welcome to Day 8! :xmas7:

I hope everyone is having fun at the party. I am disappointed that I have not been able to be here as much as I would like. Time got away from me yesterday and the stress/exhaustion made me bleary. The day started on a rough note. Gary took Jaida's donut off so she could eat and forgot to put it back on when he went upstairs. I noticed it and saw she had been licking her incision (it's gross-- 5" of chunky stitches). It was red and raw so he took a picture of it and sent it to the surgical team. I was on my way to clean so I raced through my friend's house as fast as I could in case the vet wanted to see her. (we so rarely need more than one car but sometimes it would be nice!)

After lunch, I tried to do some PT exercises with her. She kept getting up, turning, and laying back down on the other side so I couldn't get to her leg. I brought her outside a little later and she refused to come back inside. She is only supposed to walk 5-10 minutes at a time but we had to have been out there well over 15 and most of that was trying to encourage her back in the house. I feel awful trying to tug at her and use the sling to guide her but she does not make it easy. She has always been the most stubborn brick of a dog and the sedatives aren't making a dent in that. :rolleyes:

Baked cookies, did laundry, paid bills, and made dinner. *and collapsed*
but I did get good news!! :cheer: My mammo came back clear! woot woot! Good to go until next year yippppeee! As I said, I wasn't worried but it was still hanging over my head a bit and now it is not. Whew.

Today is the first day in I don't know how long that I don't have to be anywhere. I'd love to do nothing, but J is practically a full-time job. I also have to make dog cookies. My girls prefer them over the store ones and I can give out a lot more of them because they are healthy. (Sweet potatoes, oats, coconut oil, that's it). I also make some in a dog bone shape to put on the Christmas cookie plates for people who have dogs. After that, I have to get the kitchen clean and prepped for Baking Day with Caitlyn.

I think I am gonna need some more :coffeedrinker:
Can I get you all a cup?



The Loopy-O
@tanteva That's good news that you are feeling better! I remember when the kids were little debating with myself about *when* to give them fever meds. Sometimes a fever is what is needed to get the immune system in line. Hope that you have a better handle on when to be asleep and awake.

@vickyday Yuck! How are you and Mark feeling today, all better? You guys aren't getting much of a break with your health the last few weeks.

@BrightEyes I am with ya with the crummy sleep/insomnia. I slept better last night, did you? It took me 55 years but I figured out why I am always more stiff when I wake up in the winter than in the summer. Every time I woke up last night, which was often, I was tightly crunched in a ball. I guess when I get chilly that's my instinct at night.
That's so smart of you to wear a mask again. I have been seeing more people around here do that too. I think I am getting cocky and should have worn one the other day shopping but I didn't. I (shhhhhhhhhhh) still never got "it" *knocking on wood* and part of me thinks I won't. Which is *stupid*
I got a scam email the other day that looked so darn authentic that I almost clicked the link and thank goodness, I stopped in time. It's frustrating that there are people that do that stuff :(

@taxed4ever what a fun time you had on the hike and at lunch. I can't imagine hiking with that many people but it must be great!
Really, Heart to Home!? Grr. You'd think that companies would be more careful this time of year. Sorry to hear they messed up the surprise for your ILs but I imagine they are still very excited for the gift. I know I would be ♥

@Cherylndesigns I wish it was mild weather here. The last two days we had snow showers. Nothing stuck but it was cold and damp out. Awww, so Ava's BF is a cutie? I hope to see the pictures soon. Can you them here, I have been semi-MIA from the gallery and I feel like I am missing a lot.



I'm up... YAWN .... but still about half asleep. Going to sleep later did not help - I still woke up at 3 AM! But I did get back to sleep quickly so that was a win. Yesterday was a very busy day. Worked on paperwork for some legal stuff in Jan. Then over to the Public library to get a replacement card... mine was worn out and crinkling around all the edges. Done!! They are having a Winter Fun event. Signed up for it and got a free book and a winter fun pamphlet that has a Winter Bingo card in it. Lots of library or reading books squares on it. LOL... I have 2/3 of them done. Will take it back and get a Christmas coffee mug with candy as a prize. :xmas7: Yes, I got gas... and the price had dropped 10 cents a gallon overnight! Glad I waited to fill up. Then I spent over an hour with my banker doing legal stuff. The end of the year prodded me to get a few things done on that front. In January it will be time to start gathering up Tax papers, etc. UGH!

I finished a new release LO and got it up uploaded this morning. Love the blue, gold and green colors in the Merry Magic Moments by et design. Of course, "Blue Christmas" song was playing in my head as I worked on it. :xmas3::xmas3: I plan on staying home today... it may turn into a PJ day. I see that the Day 8 Game is off to rip-roaring start with lots of players this morning.

@faerywings So sorry that J is giving you a hard time about coming inside! Yes, she is a hard-headed brick at times. Wow, you got a lot done yesterday!!! Enjoy the baking day with Cait. And see if you can find a few minutes to put your feet up and rest.



Love my O Family!
Happy Friday and Welcome to Day 8! :xmas7:

I hope everyone is having fun at the party. I am disappointed that I have not been able to be here as much as I would like. Time got away from me yesterday and the stress/exhaustion made me bleary. The day started on a rough note. Gary took Jaida's donut off so she could eat and forgot to put it back on when he went upstairs. I noticed it and saw she had been licking her incision (it's gross-- 5" of chunky stitches). It was red and raw so he took a picture of it and sent it to the surgical team. I was on my way to clean so I raced through my friend's house as fast as I could in case the vet wanted to see her. (we so rarely need more than one car but sometimes it would be nice!)

After lunch, I tried to do some PT exercises with her. She kept getting up, turning, and laying back down on the other side so I couldn't get to her leg. I brought her outside a little later and she refused to come back inside. She is only supposed to walk 5-10 minutes at a time but we had to have been out there well over 15 and most of that was trying to encourage her back in the house. I feel awful trying to tug at her and use the sling to guide her but she does not make it easy. She has always been the most stubborn brick of a dog and the sedatives aren't making a dent in that. :rolleyes:

Baked cookies, did laundry, paid bills, and made dinner. *and collapsed*
but I did get good news!! :cheer: My mammo came back clear! woot woot! Good to go until next year yippppeee! As I said, I wasn't worried but it was still hanging over my head a bit and now it is not. Whew.

Today is the first day in I don't know how long that I don't have to be anywhere. I'd love to do nothing, but J is practically a full-time job. I also have to make dog cookies. My girls prefer them over the store ones and I can give out a lot more of them because they are healthy. (Sweet potatoes, oats, coconut oil, that's it). I also make some in a dog bone shape to put on the Christmas cookie plates for people who have dogs. After that, I have to get the kitchen clean and prepped for Baking Day with Caitlyn.

I think I am gonna need some more :coffeedrinker:
Can I get you all a cup?

You do have a lot of worrisome things going on all at once! Its no wonder you feel BLECH a lot! Now the mammo can take a back, back seat, too! :hug4:


Love my O Family!
@tanteva That's good news that you are feeling better! I remember when the kids were little debating with myself about *when* to give them fever meds. Sometimes a fever is what is needed to get the immune system in line. Hope that you have a better handle on when to be asleep and awake.

@vickyday Yuck! How are you and Mark feeling today, all better? You guys aren't getting much of a break with your health the last few weeks.

@BrightEyes I am with ya with the crummy sleep/insomnia. I slept better last night, did you? It took me 55 years but I figured out why I am always more stiff when I wake up in the winter than in the summer. Every time I woke up last night, which was often, I was tightly crunched in a ball. I guess when I get chilly that's my instinct at night.
That's so smart of you to wear a mask again. I have been seeing more people around here do that too. I think I am getting cocky and should have worn one the other day shopping but I didn't. I (shhhhhhhhhhh) still never got "it" *knocking on wood* and part of me thinks I won't. Which is *stupid*
I got a scam email the other day that looked so darn authentic that I almost clicked the link and thank goodness, I stopped in time. It's frustrating that there are people that do that stuff :(

@taxed4ever what a fun time you had on the hike and at lunch. I can't imagine hiking with that many people but it must be great!
Really, Heart to Home!? Grr. You'd think that companies would be more careful this time of year. Sorry to hear they messed up the surprise for your ILs but I imagine they are still very excited for the gift. I know I would be ♥

@Cherylndesigns I wish it was mild weather here. The last two days we had snow showers. Nothing stuck but it was cold and damp out. Awww, so Ava's BF is a cutie? I hope to see the pictures soon. Can you them here, I have been semi-MIA from the gallery and I feel like I am missing a lot.

We are both better! Thanks! I still have to take it easy eating, but I was able to eat more yesterday!


Love my O Family!
I'm up... YAWN .... but still about half asleep. Going to sleep later did not help - I still woke up at 3 AM! But I did get back to sleep quickly so that was a win. Yesterday was a very busy day. Worked on paperwork for some legal stuff in Jan. Then over to the Public library to get a replacement card... mine was worn out and crinkling around all the edges. Done!! They are having a Winter Fun event. Signed up for it and got a free book and a winter fun pamphlet that has a Winter Bingo card in it. Lots of library or reading books squares on it. LOL... I have 2/3 of them done. Will take it back and get a Christmas coffee mug with candy as a prize. :xmas7: Yes, I got gas... and the price had dropped 10 cents a gallon overnight! Glad I waited to fill up. Then I spent over an hour with my banker doing legal stuff. The end of the year prodded me to get a few things done on that front. In January it will be time to start gathering up Tax papers, etc. UGH!

I finished a new release LO and got it up uploaded this morning. Love the blue, gold and green colors in the Merry Magic Moments by et design. Of course, "Blue Christmas" song was playing in my head as I worked on it. :xmas3::xmas3: I plan on staying home today... it may turn into a PJ day. I see that the Day 8 Game is off to rip-roaring start with lots of players this morning.

@faerywings So sorry that J is giving you a hard time about coming inside! Yes, she is a hard-headed brick at times. Wow, you got a lot done yesterday!!! Enjoy the baking day with Cait. And see if you can find a few minutes to put your feet up and rest.

You certainly had a busy day yesterday.....and productive, with the promise of a prize! ;). Love surprises like that!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Quick in and out again. Getting ready to leave for Mark's second endoscopy to see if there are cancer cells present. Prayers and thoughts appreciated!
I am behind on the party, except for my challenge comments! I want to try to catch up today, but we shall see.
Mark and I are both feeling better, so that is a plus!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone, it is a chilly and very frosty morning here. The sun is shining on the mountain across the way and the mist is starting to lift off of the lake, it looks very wintery out there! I did manage to get a pre-release layout done yesterday and hope to get that posted in the gallery this morning. I totally agree with @BrightEyes the colours in ET Designs kit are just stunning! Still working on my calendar pages and hope to complete at least one more today. I have some bills to pay and some Christmas Cards to complete, so I should have a full day of puttering around between my computer and my craft room :lovey3:. DH and I will have our usual Saturday morning of running errands and getting groceries tomorrow and then I think we are going to Costco on Sunday to stock up on a few things. Hoping to have the Heart to Home meals delivered to us tomorrow also. Still pissed off at them for spoiling the Christmas surprise but I will get over it :giggle4:. Heather called yesterday and Hunter was home again from school, still has tummy issues poor little man, but he did make it to his Christmas Concert the day before and sang his little heart out! :heartpumpred:.
Hope today Heather has a day to herself, she has lots of things to catch up on that she hasn't been able to do with Hunter at home with her. I got my first Christmas Card yesterday, from our son and family with some lovely photos of all of them. They were taken in the Autumn when the trees in Ottawa were showing off their beautiful colours, they turned out amazing!! One will make the calendar for sure!

@faerywings - Sorry that Jaida is not being a very good patient, sure hope that the stitches are not going to get infected!! You have a lot going on so don't feel bad about not being here much! I haven't been either, but the rest of the CheeryO's have been just awesome! They all rock!! :bowdown3:. Glad to hear that the mammo came back clear!! One less thing to worry about now, what a relief!! Hope you get to enjoy some time here today!

@BrightEyes - I am so happy to hear that you had a much better sleep last night! I stayed up until 10:30 last night watching "The Holiday" movie and had a much better sleep also! Hooray!! Enjoy your pj day today and have fun with the Day 8 game!!

@vickyday - Sending lots of positive vibes to you and your Mark that his procedure goes well and that there is none of that "C" word to be found!!

Ok I am out of coffee and I need to bump the heat up again, its chilly here!! Have a great day everyone! :waving3:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. We have been frantically unpacking and trying to find things. The movers were terrible. They didn't mark boxes properly and combined items i.e. mixed office supplies with kitchen stuff, etc and putting boxes on the wrong floor. We paid extra for room to room packing and drop off service so that we wouldn't have to carry boxes floor to floor. So far we have found damage on Jen's bedroom tv, scratches on her new washer/dryer and they busted the top of two of our cabinets, a piece of trim off a cabinet, broke glass shelves in a cabinet and we can't find my computer and monitors. When we pointed out the damage we spotted before the movers left, we were informed that we had not gotten insurance. I would have thought that $26,000 would have included insurance, I thought that would be part of it. I had no idea. No one mentioned having to pay extra for that. So we are not covered for any of the damages. What a nightmare. I'm terrified to find my computer/monitors and what shape they are in. Today we are going to look in as many boxes as we can, trying to find them.

On a happier note, we love the house, love the view and love our little cul-de-sac, so far 3 neighbors have chatted and are very friendly. We bought a new table/chairs for the nook and we'll head out in the next few days to buy a new loveseat for the LR area. The dogs love the bigger yard and its so much fun to see them racing around. We got snow these last few days, about 6", it's so pretty. It'll taper off by tomorrow and then I will get out for groceries. I am so sick of takeout/delivery food.

I'm sick (again), having been sick for 10 days when we got back from the cruise, then feeling pretty good for another 10 days and now I've got a bad cold (headache, stuffiness, sinus drainage, tiredness, cough and sore throat). Ugh!!! I hope this passes quickly. I will push through today, looking for the computer. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

I hope to get back to scrapping soon but no idea when I'll be settled enough or have a computer. I haven't had a chance to see how the celebration is going. I'm quite sure it's a lot of fun, as other years have been. I will be able to check in a bit more now and see how things are going.

HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone, it is a chilly and very frosty morning here. The sun is shining on the mountain across the way and the mist is starting to lift off of the lake, it looks very wintery out there! I did manage to get a pre-release layout done yesterday and hope to get that posted in the gallery this morning. I totally agree with @BrightEyes the colours in ET Designs kit are just stunning! Still working on my calendar pages and hope to complete at least one more today. I have some bills to pay and some Christmas Cards to complete, so I should have a full day of puttering around between my computer and my craft room :lovey3:. DH and I will have our usual Saturday morning of running errands and getting groceries tomorrow and then I think we are going to Costco on Sunday to stock up on a few things. Hoping to have the Heart to Home meals delivered to us tomorrow also. Still pissed off at them for spoiling the Christmas surprise but I will get over it :giggle4:. Heather called yesterday and Hunter was home again from school, still has tummy issues poor little man, but he did make it to his Christmas Concert the day before and sang his little heart out! :heartpumpred:.
Hope today Heather has a day to herself, she has lots of things to catch up on that she hasn't been able to do with Hunter at home with her. I got my first Christmas Card yesterday, from our son and family with some lovely photos of all of them. They were taken in the Autumn when the trees in Ottawa were showing off their beautiful colours, they turned out amazing!! One will make the calendar for sure!

@faerywings - Sorry that Jaida is not being a very good patient, sure hope that the stitches are not going to get infected!! You have a lot going on so don't feel bad about not being here much! I haven't been either, but the rest of the CheeryO's have been just awesome! They all rock!! :bowdown3:. Glad to hear that the mammo came back clear!! One less thing to worry about now, what a relief!! Hope you get to enjoy some time here today!

@BrightEyes - I am so happy to hear that you had a much better sleep last night! I stayed up until 10:30 last night watching "The Holiday" movie and had a much better sleep also! Hooray!! Enjoy your pj day today and have fun with the Day 8 game!!

@vickyday - Sending lots of positive vibes to you and your Mark that his procedure goes well and that there is none of that "C" word to be found!!

Ok I am out of coffee and I need to bump the heat up again, its chilly here!! Have a great day everyone! :waving3:
Sounds like you have a beautiful view!


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. We have been frantically unpacking and trying to find things. The movers were terrible. They didn't mark boxes properly and combined items i.e. mixed office supplies with kitchen stuff, etc and putting boxes on the wrong floor. We paid extra for room to room packing and drop off service so that we wouldn't have to carry boxes floor to floor. So far we have found damage on Jen's bedroom tv, scratches on her new washer/dryer and they busted the top of two of our cabinets, a piece of trim off a cabinet, broke glass shelves in a cabinet and we can't find my computer and monitors. When we pointed out the damage we spotted before the movers left, we were informed that we had not gotten insurance. I would have thought that $26,000 would have included insurance, I thought that would be part of it. I had no idea. No one mentioned having to pay extra for that. So we are not covered for any of the damages. What a nightmare. I'm terrified to find my computer/monitors and what shape they are in. Today we are going to look in as many boxes as we can, trying to find them.

On a happier note, we love the house, love the view and love our little cul-de-sac, so far 3 neighbors have chatted and are very friendly. We bought a new table/chairs for the nook and we'll head out in the next few days to buy a new loveseat for the LR area. The dogs love the bigger yard and its so much fun to see them racing around. We got snow these last few days, about 6", it's so pretty. It'll taper off by tomorrow and then I will get out for groceries. I am so sick of takeout/delivery food.

I'm sick (again), having been sick for 10 days when we got back from the cruise, then feeling pretty good for another 10 days and now I've got a bad cold (headache, stuffiness, sinus drainage, tiredness, cough and sore throat). Ugh!!! I hope this passes quickly. I will push through today, looking for the computer. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

I hope to get back to scrapping soon but no idea when I'll be settled enough or have a computer. I haven't had a chance to see how the celebration is going. I'm quite sure it's a lot of fun, as other years have been. I will be able to check in a bit more now and see how things are going.

HAGD everyone.
Wow! That really stinks about the movers and the uncaring way they handled your things!
Hope you feel better soon!
So glad you love the new home!


Love my O Family!
Good Afternoon,
Wanted to update you with the good news from Mark's endoscopy. No cancer and the acid reflux meds seem to be doing their job, even though he will have to take it the rest of his life. He goes back in a year for a n office visit and then 2 more years for another endoscopy.
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
Thank You Lord for answered prayer!