
Daily Ooo's: Friday, August 22


The Loopy-O
I want to ask if this year is ever going to get better? Or maybe 2015 will be better? Yeah yeah yeah. "Years" are all really just imaginary constructs and I should not wait around until things get better.

I was in such a *mood* yesterday. I hate the end of the summer. I hate that I have no money. I hate computer issues. I hate the pain I seem to be in constantly and I hate medical issues. My PICC line is getting stuck/sticky/clogged? Not sure how to describe it except that it gets hard to push the meds/saline through it. We did 2 heparin flushes and changed the end cap and hopefully today it will flow easily. I really don't want to end up in the ER again. I was supposed to go for my weekly blood work and I just couldn't deal. And I am worried about my liver enzymes. They have been slowly rising since I went up to the regular dose of Claforan and the amount of Aleve and Motrin I took this week is going to aggravate it all even more. :frusty:

It just makes me so MAD that it feels like my whole life revolves around medical issues and the debt that comes along with it. GAH!!!!!!

/end rant (I hope!!!:lalala:)

Cait and I got through work quickly and then I got a page and half scrapped. They are for Sept Challenges and I am liking what i did so far. I made the grilled cheese and avocado sandwiches for dinner again (had to send scott out to buy more pepper jack b/c I didn't know he finished it the other day, I love that the kid drives!! LOL) and they are so yummy. I am going to be so sad when veggies go out of season soon. I guess I will be stocking up on a lot of the winter squashes.

Our fingers are still crossed for Cait's phone too. She tried it yesterday and said that it was better than the day before but still not right.

So that is it from me, looking kind of yucky weather which might be a good thing. I can catch up on some more housework, and then finish some more scrapping. I think I can deal with that!

Finish It Friday:
My scrap page! That sounds so much nicer then finishing vacuuming which is really what i need to do.


The Loopy-O
Nancy-You are having a great time biking aren't you? You are lucky to have safe places to ride. In my town, we don't even have sidewalks, let along bike lanes. One of the first things I taught Scott when he was learning to drive was to always watch around the curves on the narrow roads, especially on weekends when a lot of cyclists are out. We have beautiful area to bike but they are really hard to see on the winding roads. I get aggravated when there is a whole bunch of them riding *in* the roads though. I know, they have the same rights as a car, but you come around one of the curves on a 50mph road and you can't see them. I worry about that a lot.
Rogue waves was it. I am calling it Demon Wave. hehehe!!! All around us, no water came up as high as where it did by us. Crazy!

Trudy- omg that is too funny about the t-shirts getting washed away!! I guess we should be very happy that her phone didn't get taken out by the wave ;)
Don't you wonder who realized that rice could help fix wet electronics?
Hope that your MIL likes her reader.

Oh Sabine, that sounds so painful. I hope that the osteo helped your neck and jaw. Is the resulting pain after the manipulation due to toxin release? Epsom salt foot baths are supposed to help that. Gentle hugs again!

Sounds like that was the only way to end your day Phyllis.:partywine
Hope you got a great night's sleep and have a relaxing day today.

Hugs and love!!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies. It's been a busy week and I haven't even had time to check in. I'm sneaking in a few minutes while I have some kids doing a test.

Things are going fine. Just busy is all. We have a bday party for my niece tonight. I have a phone call tomorrow morning, we have to help move more stuff at my in-laws tomorrow afternoon, and then an anniversary dinner for them at Romeo's (yummmmmmmy!) tomorrow night. Sunday will have to be the grocery store and cleaning..... Maybe I'll breathe Sunday night. :)

Anyway, got to run again. Kids are done with the test. TTYL & TGIF!


Well-Known Member
good morning - I just can't seem to get going this morning as it is cloudy damp and cool. I slept to 8 am. It rained all night and it sounded so soothing. Started watching the movie Neighbors with Zac Efron and Seth Grogan. I started off funny but then got so raunchy I could not finish it. Even my son thought they went a bit too far. Only got in a walk yesterday. My girlfriend thought it was too hot and muggy LOL. Had a good talk with my sister and she is now the grandmother of 8. Her newest was born this past weekend and beautiful baby girl. So happy for her. Her son is an awesome father. I can't wait to see them when I go visit her in less than two weeks. I will head out for a walk soon. Did get two pages scrapped. So I am making progress!

Chris I am always inspired by your rants because you still always see a light at the end of the tunnel. Your life is not how you thought it would be but yet you still end with you loved your avocado and grilled cheese sandwich. I have a girlfriend who is in the same quagmire and I don't think she ever sees anything positive. Hope today goes well!

Phylis ending with wine seems fitting!

Trudy funny story about the T-shirts. I completely understand too many photo problems. I bet once you start it will just flow. Certain pictures just talk to me and I go from there.

Sara thanks for checking in and glad the week is going well. Enjoy your weekend!

Sabine so sorry about your neck and jaw! Hope the doctor solves the problem.

Have a great Friday!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... It supposed to be hot and sunny again today, so I think I will get off my butt and wash my Van. It was full of Cherrio's and other wonderful little snack foods, hand prints on the windows and sticky little finger prints all over it. :hurt: I want that back again!! Well maybe not right now but in a little while LOL. So I will be busy detailing my poor old Honda Odyssey this afternoon. I am a bit late getting in here this morning as I had a terrible sleep, kept waking up all night long and had a headache finally after tossing and turning for over an hour I got up and took some Ibuprofen and got some rest. :sleep:

Chris - Sending you gentle hugs :hug: it does seem like you have had your fair share of medical issues this year!! Not fair, Not fair !!!! I truly hope that things improve immensely for you very soon! Good luck getting your scrapping done for the Sept. challenges, I am trying to do some too, but my mojo has not come back from vacation yet and I am having a hard time getting anything done.

Sara - TGIF!!! Hope you actually get to relax sometime this weekend!! Enjoy dinner at Romeo's its one of my favourite places to eat! The food is always so good!! Have a great Friday!!

Tonight DH is taking me out for dinner to the Rock Cod Cafe, a fun seafood place in Cowichan Bay and they have the best Fish and Chips in the world!!! I don't usually eat any fish, but the Halibut is to die for!! http://www.rockcodcafe.com that reminds me I better make a reservation, they are alway jammed packed full on Friday night!! Ok off to the shower and then skypeing with Mason and Heather while he has his lunch. Gotta run :bolt: : Have a great Friday everyone!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:wave: Hi Nancy!! We posted together, Wow your sister has 8 grandchildren!!! That's amazing especially now a days! Enjoy your day today!!


Well-Known Member
howdy. finishing up with dinner, having some cheap champagne and trying to get mentally propared for the 8 hours i will spend on the Interstates tomorrow. we're driving to pick up my son's car. i'm tired already. next week, i should be a better O-zie with personals.

see you then. :becky: