
Daily Ooo's FINALLY FRIDAY March 28


Mistress of Mayhem
Where is everyone?

I'm so happy - I just finished the last challenge for March. This means I've made 6 monthly challenges, 8 birthday challenges, 8 Anna ladder challenges, 2 birthday designer challenges and 7 other designer challenges this month. Do I need to say March been a good scrapping month for me? :)

Was struggling hard with the Prompt challenge this month. TOUCH. I probably told you millions of times already, but I tend to associate in songs ... and what started singing in my head was Touch Me with Samantha Fox. LOL Finally today - Sometimes When We Touch started instead, and I could do a layout.

Now I have one more challenge to do ... and get a couple of days rest before the April challenges are up :)

Weekend's here - hoping for a nice and relaxing one. Need to get more knitting done - and are only halfway through the Harry Potter movies. Thinking it might be time for this year's first BBQ tomorrow.

Hope you all have a great Friday!


Well-Known Member
I´m here!

You have done a lot of pages this month and I can so understand you´re happy about it. I have the same feeling when I´m done and just can relax.

It sounds good with that BBQ. In my part of our country it´s +16 C today.

:smile: We found our dreamhouse today. But we can´t go and have a look until thursday next week. Can´t wait to move in (already done it inside my head).


Well-Known Member
good morning - my team lost in a SO but got a point so that is good. Had a fun dinner with my youngest son and Natalie before the game. They are so funny to be around. Today is rain but I managed to get a walk in before the rain got too bad. I really don't like the rain. I will stay in and scrap and watch hockey. Tomorrow 20 NJ Devils fan will be heading to Long Island to tailgate and watch the Devils play the Islanders. Should be fun but it may also be rainy. Luckily there is a hotel nearby where we can get food and stay dry. I being the wimp I am will probably do that.

Eva that is a lot of scrapping I am totally impressed!

Ulla-May congrats on finding your dream house! That must be so exciting. Have fun!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... everyone must be sleeping in today!! :sleep: I tried to sleep in but DH phoned me from his work to wake me up, I had to meet him at the Honda Dealer to have the Van Serviced this morning. Whew good thing he did or I would have slept right through!! It is not a nice day out there this morning its pouring :rain: dark and dreary outside!!

Eva - Wow you are a scrapping maniac!!! That is so cool that you get most of your inspiration for scrapping from songs!! When I try to think of a song, my mind goes blank or I have one that I don't care for that much running through my head all the rest of the day!!

Ulla-May - Nice temps for you today, a perfect time to BBQ!! How nice that you found your dream home! Hope it is a dreamy on the inside for you and that you get to move in!!

Hi Chris, Phylis, Nancy and T!! :wave: hope you are all ok and you are having a great morning!!

Not sure what I am doing today, although I should be doing lots of cleaning
I haven't done much all week and its really time to get the bathrooms sparkly again. Ok off to start the day! Have a great Friday everyone!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Eva - that's a lot of pages....I'm impressed. I will get a few pages done over the wkend but I just had to give up the ladder challenge, I had too much on my plate this week. Instead of feeling bummed that I couldn't get them all done....I'm just going to be happy I got a few done and acquired a whole bunch of new product of Anna's to play with.

Rainy day here and will be like this all wkend. Staying inside and getting some tax stuff in order,scrapping and watching the PVR sounds like a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Good morning - we're up at our place in the Shuswap this week. Its been rainy and cold until today (had a roaring fire going to keep warm) but finally the sun is shining!

I hear you on the Ladder challenge Rae!! I've got five done, might get one more but that's it!

Eva - :jaw: :faint: I'm in awe of your creative scrapping abilities this month!!!

Ula May - Congrats on finding your dream house!! That's so exciting! Be sure to come back and tell us all about it after you get to see it next week!

Nancy - A tailgate hockey party sounds like fun (providing the weather is good). My Canucks look like they might not even make the playoffs this year -they're really hard to cheer for at the moment!!!

Trudy - I always end up sleeping in when its dreary and wet outside! Don't forget to scrap between the cleaning! I tend to clean somewhere then go and scrap for a while, then clean a bit more and scrap again!


Mistress of Mayhem
But Rae - you can still do the challenges. Deadline isn't until March 31st. Skip all plans you have for this weekend and start scrapping :)


Well-Known Member
Rae, for sure drop everything this weekend and scrap away. As Eva said, deadline isn't until the 31st.

I think Heather referred to my scrapping this month as being a scrapping maniac! I may have done just about the same as Eva though I think I missed one or two somewhere. Eva, yours all look so beautiful too.

Gray here today, but all above freezing so it's OK with me!!

Wishing you all a super weekend. :bounce:


lOve the O!
Evening all, I hope to scrap the weekend away- time will tell. Tonight- off to dance my feet away!!


Well-Known Member
Ok. There's a lot to digest from the last two days and add comments to.

But my first thought is - why didn't Chris check in?

My second thought is - Let's get up that mountain.

My third thought is - Where's my husband with the pizza?

More later after I've eaten.