
Daily Ooos: February 3-4: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good morning and happy weekend to you all! Hope everyone sees a bit of blue sky today. Wait a sec... Oops. I peeked out he window and look what happened to me:

It burns!!! :rotfl:
Turns out the sun is some sort of a yellowish blob, is that correct? I haven't seen it in so darn long I am not sure I remember.

How was your Friday? I got a lot of loose ends under control. I've had a lot of stuff piled up and was happy that I had the mental energy to deal with it. The house is (mostly tidy), the calendars are updated, and I'm all caught up on laundry. :woohoo:
I made corn and potato chowder in the IP with cornbread on the side. I have enough leftovers from last night and Wednesday night (roasted broccoli flatbreads mmm!) that I don't have to worry about cooking dinner today. I have a busy schedule and yoga is on the top of my list. Then, I'm off to the FP and maple sugaring training at work. I am thrilled that I am going to get in the woods today *and* tomorrow. I have to find a smaller pack for today, I won't need the big one I usually hike with. Maybe Scott left one in his closet. You'd never know that he moved out months ago by looking into his room. His bed is gone but everything else is still there. Rita the Tarantula doesn't seem to be bothered that she's all alone up there. I check in on her every few days, but not like I do with the rat babies. Can't imagine why. :giggle4:

I checked in with him yesterday afternoon while he was at work. BFF texted me a link about a dead body found in one of the county parks, wondering if it was one that he works at. It was but thankfully he was off that day. Our County is having a rough news week. Last week, the Sheriff died by suicide, and then this. Crazy times. Did I ever tell you gals about the Dueling Ice Cream Trucks this past summer? Fights broke out between two ice cream truck drivers and cops were called repeatedly. That was at this particular park. Scott never liked working there and this just adds to the list.

So that's it from me. Have a fabulous and hopefully sunny day!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday It always makes me laugh how so many towns in the same region have their own Groundhog Day celebrations and they never match up. It's cute and hokey and I definitely only agree with him/her when they say Spring is right around the corner.
That's good to hear, that the coughing isn't all that bad. It amazes me how every person has a different reaction to getting Covid.
Wishing you and Mark lots of healthy thoughts!
ITA with :shakingsense:

Men. Ha-rumph!
Yay for figuring out the Save for Web issue!

@BrightEyes I saw you uploaded several Chinese New Year LOs - you must be so happy to be scrapping full tilt again.
Keeper starts slow but then it becomes enchanting. I was surprised-- I didn't think I was going to like it but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe try a few more chapters.
Did you post the name/author of the Jane Austin time traveler book? I am interested!

@tanteva Love the Groundhog's Ex LOL!!
Did you ever watch Sid and Nancy? Not the best of persons.. understatement. SO many of our teen idols are s***** people. we were talking about it at dinner a few weeks ago and the only ones that consistently come up as decent humans are Jon Bon Jovi and Dave Grohl. There was one other that I can't remember off the top of my head.
(I'd add Taylor Swift but I don't want to become part of that govt PsyOp Bwuahaha!!)
:yourock:-- Congrats on eating pasta without ketchup! I'll check out that recipe thread. I have been doing a lot more vegan cooking recently and I am sure I have a few more to share as well as to try. Thx!

@Cherylndesigns Sunny and 60s. I hope you were able to get outside and walk around in the sunshine.
It's kind of scary that we are on the same wavelength. It's the same with me and Eva. How can so many odd ducks be so similar? ;)
Maybe you and Sam will be bonded at some point. He is a good boy when he is not being an irritating cat. Is that redundant?
It is OK that you hit a wall. It's expected that you hit that wall. I am sure that Kay and Vicky will tell you the same thing, and not push through the grief. There is no rush to *any* of it.

Of course, Mark is in the woods! If he is going to feel sick, might as well feel sick in his favorite place :rotfl:

@melscrap Good luck to Jess on year 8. Is that equivalent to US 8th grade? She's 13 or so? Not an easy age but that she has nice teachers and solid friends is a big plus on her side.
Ugh, I'm sorry that Michael has to travel again. My DH is mostly housebound so I wish for days to have the house to myself but I sure wouldn't like that much traveling. :(
Congrats Auntie Mel!

*mutters to myself* Sure.... brag about the heat. Brag about the beach. Where's my invite???
JK! It's been a long winter here and we still have two months to go.....ughhhhhh :thud:

Love to you all!!!


all i need is Oscraps, cOffee, chOcOlate & tOfu
Did you ever watch Sid and Nancy?
I'm not sure I ever watched the movie, but I've read the book. Terrible story. Yup. I'm one for understatements LOL
I don't follow celebrities & what they are doing in their life. I would have to boycott everything if I did. Having said that, I avoid everything with Tom Cruise - I'm sure it's contagious in some way. LOL


Love my O Family!
Good morning and happy weekend to you all! Hope everyone sees a bit of blue sky today. Wait a sec... Oops. I peeked out he window and look what happened to me:

It burns!!! :rotfl:
Turns out the sun is some sort of a yellowish blob, is that correct? I haven't seen it in so darn long I am not sure I remember.

How was your Friday? I got a lot of loose ends under control. I've had a lot of stuff piled up and was happy that I had the mental energy to deal with it. The house is (mostly tidy), the calendars are updated, and I'm all caught up on laundry. :woohoo:
I made corn and potato chowder in the IP with cornbread on the side. I have enough leftovers from last night and Wednesday night (roasted broccoli flatbreads mmm!) that I don't have to worry about cooking dinner today. I have a busy schedule and yoga is on the top of my list. Then, I'm off to the FP and maple sugaring training at work. I am thrilled that I am going to get in the woods today *and* tomorrow. I have to find a smaller pack for today, I won't need the big one I usually hike with. Maybe Scott left one in his closet. You'd never know that he moved out months ago by looking into his room. His bed is gone but everything else is still there. Rita the Tarantula doesn't seem to be bothered that she's all alone up there. I check in on her every few days, but not like I do with the rat babies. Can't imagine why. :giggle4:

I checked in with him yesterday afternoon while he was at work. BFF texted me a link about a dead body found in one of the county parks, wondering if it was one that he works at. It was but thankfully he was off that day. Our County is having a rough news week. Last week, the Sheriff died by suicide, and then this. Crazy times. Did I ever tell you gals about the Dueling Ice Cream Trucks this past summer? Fights broke out between two ice cream truck drivers and cops were called repeatedly. That was at this particular park. Scott never liked working there and this just adds to the list.

So that's it from me. Have a fabulous and hopefully sunny day!
Its bad when you can't even go to the park without worrying about you or your kids seeing something bad! Have a great training session! It will be great just being outside!


Been up for awhile... uploading Momma O's Challenge LO and the 2 Wendy Page Textured Background paper LOs. Oh, my Gosh... I love those background papers!!! Wonderful for Art Journaling pages or traditional pages.

@BrightEyes I saw you uploaded several Chinese New Year LOs - you must be so happy to be scrapping full tilt again.
Keeper starts slow but then it becomes enchanting. I was surprised-- I didn't think I was going to like it but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe try a few more chapters.
Did you post the name/author of the Jane Austin time traveler book? I am interested!
Thanks, Chris... I really enjoyed playing with the Chinese New Years LOs. Yes, it is wonderful to be able to scrap "full tilt" again.
I will be going back to read more of Keeper. Sorry I forgot to list the book about Jan Austin - "Jane In Love" by Rachel Givney. Yes... it was good. Was up until after 11PM last night to finish reading it!!! LOL

YES!!! That round yellow blob is the SUN!! So glad you got to see it again. That should help boost your spirits. Congrats on getting so many things done yesterday... WOW - you did a lot. Hope you enjoy the sugar maple tapping. Yikes about the dead body in the park. Glad Scott wasn't working there the day it was found.

@melscrap glad to see you popping back in. I forgot that you are "down-under" and in the midst of your summer time heat. Sorry that your DH is having to do so much traveling. Good wishes for your DD as she starts year 8, Yes, early teen years can be challenging but she has you to talk to and encourage her.

I didn't get the bedroom sheets changed as my right shoulder was bothering me most of the last week. Really need to do that today - before I get caught up in the scrapping mood! HAGD


Love my O Family!
@vickyday It always makes me laugh how so many towns in the same region have their own Groundhog Day celebrations and they never match up. It's cute and hokey and I definitely only agree with him/her when they say Spring is right around the corner.
That's good to hear, that the coughing isn't all that bad. It amazes me how every person has a different reaction to getting Covid.
Wishing you and Mark lots of healthy thoughts!
ITA with :shakingsense:

Men. Ha-rumph!
Yay for figuring out the Save for Web issue!

@BrightEyes I saw you uploaded several Chinese New Year LOs - you must be so happy to be scrapping full tilt again.
Keeper starts slow but then it becomes enchanting. I was surprised-- I didn't think I was going to like it but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Maybe try a few more chapters.
Did you post the name/author of the Jane Austin time traveler book? I am interested!

@tanteva Love the Groundhog's Ex LOL!!
Did you ever watch Sid and Nancy? Not the best of persons.. understatement. SO many of our teen idols are s***** people. we were talking about it at dinner a few weeks ago and the only ones that consistently come up as decent humans are Jon Bon Jovi and Dave Grohl. There was one other that I can't remember off the top of my head.
(I'd add Taylor Swift but I don't want to become part of that govt PsyOp Bwuahaha!!)
:yourock:-- Congrats on eating pasta without ketchup! I'll check out that recipe thread. I have been doing a lot more vegan cooking recently and I am sure I have a few more to share as well as to try. Thx!

@Cherylndesigns Sunny and 60s. I hope you were able to get outside and walk around in the sunshine.
It's kind of scary that we are on the same wavelength. It's the same with me and Eva. How can so many odd ducks be so similar? ;)
Maybe you and Sam will be bonded at some point. He is a good boy when he is not being an irritating cat. Is that redundant?
It is OK that you hit a wall. It's expected that you hit that wall. I am sure that Kay and Vicky will tell you the same thing, and not push through the grief. There is no rush to *any* of it.

Of course, Mark is in the woods! If he is going to feel sick, might as well feel sick in his favorite place :rotfl:

@melscrap Good luck to Jess on year 8. Is that equivalent to US 8th grade? She's 13 or so? Not an easy age but that she has nice teachers and solid friends is a big plus on her side.
Ugh, I'm sorry that Michael has to travel again. My DH is mostly housebound so I wish for days to have the house to myself but I sure wouldn't like that much traveling. :(
Congrats Auntie Mel!

*mutters to myself* Sure.... brag about the heat. Brag about the beach. Where's my invite???
JK! It's been a long winter here and we still have two months to go.....ughhhhhh :thud:

Love to you all!!!
YAY for me and technology, LOL!


Love my O Family!
Been up for awhile... uploading Momma O's Challenge LO and the 2 Wendy Page Textured Background paper LOs. Oh, my Gosh... I love those background papers!!! Wonderful for Art Journaling pages or traditional pages.

Thanks, Chris... I really enjoyed playing with the Chinese New Years LOs. Yes, it is wonderful to be able to scrap "full tilt" again.
I will be going back to read more of Keeper. Sorry I forgot to list the book about Jan Austin - "Jane In Love" by Rachel Givney. Yes... it was good. Was up until after 11PM last night to finish reading it!!! LOL

YES!!! That round yellow blob is the SUN!! So glad you got to see it again. That should help boost your spirits. Congrats on getting so many things done yesterday... WOW - you did a lot. Hope you enjoy the sugar maple tapping. Yikes about the dead body in the park. Glad Scott wasn't working there the day it was found.

@melscrap glad to see you popping back in. I forgot that you are "down-under" and in the midst of your summer time heat. Sorry that your DH is having to do so much traveling. Good wishes for your DD as she starts year 8, Yes, early teen years can be challenging but she has you to talk to and encourage her.

I didn't get the bedroom sheets changed as my right shoulder was bothering me most of the last week. Really need to do that today - before I get caught up in the scrapping mood! HAGD
I actually stayed up to finish physically reading the 3rd in a series I was reading. For whatever reason it wasn't available as an audiobook! WHAT???!!! I had to get it to read! That meant doing nothing else while reading. But, that was OK.....for a little bit of a change.


Love my O Family!
Good Saturday Morning!
Mark and I got up quite late today and already he is napping on the couch. But I'm glad! That means the TV isn't on and it is nice and quiet! Asher is snoring on his lap! Love the picture! Don't look at all the meds and PT mat on the coffee table, LOL!
Nothing much going on except recuperation for this weekend. I'm trying to get the challenges done so I don't have to worry about them. I've got a lot of PT and doctor stuff to take care of this month. Did I tell you the DEXA test revealed I have severe osteoporosis? Some of the other testing revealed I have something going on with the thyroid, too. So much for the days of no prescription meds. I've got a feeling I'm going to have them soon!

HAGD and weekend!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Well, I made it in here - by the skin of my teeth. Adrienne picked ,me up about 11:30 and we met Rog at Nancy's (Pie Shop) for lunch. Then she and I took off for Muskogee to go to TJ Maxx. Man, was that place a zoo! I guess between Valentine's Day and Easter - I don't know of any other reason it was so packed. I yi yi those stupid narrow aisles. Our third partner in crime didn't go because she is sick - I hope she's not contagious because she was over here all afternoon yesterday.

I found some scores, though. I had been looking for a boot rack to put behind my front door and found one. I have a coatrack on a wooden piece of wood ordered from Amazon that will go beside it. I measured everything and it will fit perfectly beside the love seat in the entry foyer. I also got a new bigger basket to put all of my afgans and throws in. The one I had has outlived it's usefulness, so it's going to one of the closets. I got some cute metal containers for my laundry room - one for washer pods and one that just says "STUFF" on it. I saw a sign on Amazon that I want it says "Alexa, do the laundry". Ever since Ava put a second lower shelf up for me, I can actually put some cute stuff in there. That woman who brought me all the flowers, brought me a Cala Lily plant that can go outside, so I found a big pot to put that in and it's yellow Cala Lillies, so it looks pretty on my kitchen table.

Guess what? We had a mild earthquake last night! It was about 8 pm and we felt it and Daisy jumped straight up from being asleep, landed on all four legs and ran to the window. Adrienne called me immediately and asked if I felt it. She said their whole sofa moved. She got on the local FB page right away and sure enough - we had an earthquake.

Shortly before that, Aly showed up at my front door with some yummy soup from a Chinese restaurant. She said to watch my cat (Sam) because a mountain lion had been spotted on the property and had attacked one of the dogs that belonged to one of the people who rents full time. Oh yay, then an earthquake and my cat is out??? I was thrilled when he meowed at the door and I let him in for the night.

@Cherylndesigns Sunny and 60s. I hope you were able to get outside and walk around in the sunshine.
It's kind of scary that we are on the same wavelength. It's the same with me and Eva. How can so many odd ducks be so similar? ;)
Maybe you and Sam will be bonded at some point. He is a good boy when he is not being an irritating cat. Is that redundant?

It is OK that you hit a wall. It's expected that you hit that wall. I am sure that Kay and Vicky will tell you the same thing, and not push through the grief. There is no rush to *any* of it.

What can I tell you? We odd ducks just seem to find each other. I consider that a huge compliment because I am totally an odd duck. I LOVE how we all gravitate to each other. Sam is slowly gravitating to me - baby steps - I know he missed Chuck and he's always looking for him. Poor little guy - I feel so sorry for him. He laid on the arm of my chair last night while we watched TV. When Daisy and Sam both go into Chuck's room, it breaks my heart they're definitely looking for him.

Nugs and love to everybody.


The Loopy-O
Two days in a row!!! That yellow blob- called the sun, IIRC-- is up there again! *waves arms at the sky*
The sky was crystal clear when I walked J at 5.30 this morning. The crescent moon and all of the stars were so sparkly. It was kinda peaceful.

I had A Day yesterday. FP was an utter disaster. Caitlyn came with me and I know she wished she could have stayed in bed. We got there a couple of minutes before 10 since I had work at 12.30. The line was already enormous. I'm figuring that if I can be done by 11.30, I can drop Cait off with the bags and head to work. First Staff Training and I didn't want to be late. At 10, the wonderful, hard-working, and amazing volunteers are already doing intake on #21. The line reminded me of DMV. They had to ask anyone who was "extra" to wait outside so Cait had to sit in the car. One of the reasons she comes with me is because we rarely get one-on-one time so that was a bummer. Now it is 11 am they're on #52 and I am nowhere close to the check-in table. I finally got to the table and they ran out of papers so they needed to make more copies. It is 11.30 and I'm #75. I hand them my bags and head outside and they are only processing #55. I asked if they had an ETA for me since I had to be at work at 12.30. He said that they we doing about 20 families an hour so I'd get mine at 12.30- obviously, that wasn't going to work. I handed them my number and told them I had to cancel the order. I thought I was going to cry. Since I didn't go last time, I was really stretched thin so going home with nothing- just ugh.
This FP is supposed to be only for Township residents but they obviously won't turn anyone away. People are coming from all over North Jersey by the carload. I am stressed and disappointed for myself but I am really upset for the staff. The woman who runs it told me that she got there at 8.30 and there were already people waiting. It doesn't feel right :(
I am not sure what I am gonna do. I started my grocery order this morning and am up to $150. My budget- FWIW -is $100/week.

One of the things Cait and I were discussing while we were online, and then took up again at dinner- was the housing market. They are still not finding anything to rent within their budget. We have been discussing a backup plan for them to stay here more seriously. They can redo Scott's BR into a sitting room/office. If they want a mini-fridge, coffee pot, and a tiny table they can have a place to eat. No one else uses the upstairs bathroom beside them as it is.
They are looking at an apt today, I BR/1 Bath apt over a garage.-- $2000 plus utilities which is In-Sane. :/

On the positive side:
Work training was really neat! Everyone else had run the Sap Tapping/Sugaring programs before but they were really helpful since this was all new to me. Yup, I was more than a little intimidated but I'll get it. I'd better cuz I am assisting with a session in 2 weeks :D
A bunch of the staff knew Scott as a coworker or as a camp counselor. That was cute-- a kid- literally a 15 yo- has been coming to summer camp there for years and Soctt was his camp counselor for a few of them, He said - and I quote- "Scott always had something up his sleeve." :lol23:
My reply: Since the day he was born.

I am heading to the Winter Hiking Safety workshop this morning and then off to the hike he is leading right after.
It will be cool to see him in action :)



Love my O Family!
Two days in a row!!! That yellow blob- called the sun, IIRC-- is up there again! *waves arms at the sky*
The sky was crystal clear when I walked J at 5.30 this morning. The crescent moon and all of the stars were so sparkly. It was kinda peaceful.

I had A Day yesterday. FP was an utter disaster. Caitlyn came with me and I know she wished she could have stayed in bed. We got there a couple of minutes before 10 since I had work at 12.30. The line was already enormous. I'm figuring that if I can be done by 11.30, I can drop Cait off with the bags and head to work. First Staff Training and I didn't want to be late. At 10, the wonderful, hard-working, and amazing volunteers are already doing intake on #21. The line reminded me of DMV. They had to ask anyone who was "extra" to wait outside so Cait had to sit in the car. One of the reasons she comes with me is because we rarely get one-on-one time so that was a bummer. Now it is 11 am they're on #52 and I am nowhere close to the check-in table. I finally got to the table and they ran out of papers so they needed to make more copies. It is 11.30 and I'm #75. I hand them my bags and head outside and they are only processing #55. I asked if they had an ETA for me since I had to be at work at 12.30. He said that they we doing about 20 families an hour so I'd get mine at 12.30- obviously, that wasn't going to work. I handed them my number and told them I had to cancel the order. I thought I was going to cry. Since I didn't go last time, I was really stretched thin so going home with nothing- just ugh.
This FP is supposed to be only for Township residents but they obviously won't turn anyone away. People are coming from all over North Jersey by the carload. I am stressed and disappointed for myself but I am really upset for the staff. The woman who runs it told me that she got there at 8.30 and there were already people waiting. It doesn't feel right :(
I am not sure what I am gonna do. I started my grocery order this morning and am up to $150. My budget- FWIW -is $100/week.

One of the things Cait and I were discussing while we were online, and then took up again at dinner- was the housing market. They are still not finding anything to rent within their budget. We have been discussing a backup plan for them to stay here more seriously. They can redo Scott's BR into a sitting room/office. If they want a mini-fridge, coffee pot, and a tiny table they can have a place to eat. No one else uses the upstairs bathroom beside them as it is.
They are looking at an apt today, I BR/1 Bath apt over a garage.-- $2000 plus utilities which is In-Sane. :/

On the positive side:
Work training was really neat! Everyone else had run the Sap Tapping/Sugaring programs before but they were really helpful since this was all new to me. Yup, I was more than a little intimidated but I'll get it. I'd better cuz I am assisting with a session in 2 weeks :D
A bunch of the staff knew Scott as a coworker or as a camp counselor. That was cute-- a kid- literally a 15 yo- has been coming to summer camp there for years and Soctt was his camp counselor for a few of them, He said - and I quote- "Scott always had something up his sleeve." :lol23:
My reply: Since the day he was born.

I am heading to the Winter Hiking Safety workshop this morning and then off to the hike he is leading right after.
It will be cool to see him in action :)

So sorry for your experience at the FP! But glad the training was a good experience! It's a beautiful day for a hike here today, too, but chilly!


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
No church for us today. Mark is still testing positive. He and I are some of the younger ones, so we certainly don't want to purposely or accidentally infect anyone. So we will watch the service online.

I've got my laundry going and that's about all I will do today. I think I will do some knitting.



Whoo-whoo... slept in until 7:30AM.... Wasn't reading until late - the book fell out of my hands around 9PM. Guess my body and mind were tired out and put me to sleep while I was reading. :floorlaugh: I actually did quite a bit yesterday afternoon. I pulled out the laptop and updated the DVD inventory and printed it out for the notebook. Then realized that I had not up-dated it with a green dot next to DVDs I also have on VHS tapes. (Yes, I still have the VHS tapes and 2 VHS players) Then ticked off DVDs I have already watched. Those new-to-me DVDs are sitting on the floor in front of the DVD bookcase until I have time/energy to sort through them and put them in the alphabetical space where they belong. I have 2 stacks of them to put in place - which means sitting on the floor while I work on the 2 lower shelves. Since the back is achy, I won't be doing that anytime soon. I also changed sheets on the bed and did a load of laundry.

Just realized that I don't have any LOs to upload today!! The collections won't be released for a day or so. Will check out some of the other challenges to see what I may want to work on. I am still mulling over Joyful's Music We Love challenge. Have so many songs that mean something to me that it is hard to narrow down which one to scrap about.

@faerywings So sorry that the trip to FP didn't work out... But glad you elected to go to the training session. Learning about maple tree tapping sounds like a wonderful thing to learn about. I hear you about the price of rentals ... the same here! It is very common now for adult children to live with their parents due to that. I did manage to finish "Keeper.." but think my semi-sad mood carried over while I was reading it. So I switched back to re-reading some of the Pern books which I always enjoy. And, yes... I have to read every day.

@vickyday Glad you are feeling so much better. Hope your wrist holds up and you are able to knit. Yes, you are wise to stay home until your DH tests negative again. Good to hear he is improving. BTW... loved the photo of him sleeping on the sofa!!

@Cherylndesigns WOW, gal... that was some shopping trip!!! Kudos on all the great finds. Sorry one of your partners in crime is feeling sick. Yikes... an earthquake!!! That would shake anybody up. We had one here about a month ago. I will be calling DD#2 to find out if they felt it in Branson.

Time to get some breakfast and another cup of coffee. HAGD


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I have been MIA but thought I better pop in quickly to say good morning to you all :wavinghello: It has been a busy weekend, celebrating my Gary's 70th and entertaining family and friends! We had a wonderful time at the Chinese Restaurant and there ended up being 12 of us for the late lunch/early supper. A couple of surprise guests as SIL Linda's oldest son and his girlfriend were vacationing on the island and joined us for the party, it was a such a nice surprise!! We invited SIL and her boyfriend to join us for Cheese Cake at our house afterward ( the rest of the family all had to get home). It was a fun day and DH got some very nice gifts and a special one from DD Heather a blanket with photos on it of Grandpa Gary and his grands! He just loves it and now can wrap himself in love as he sits in his recliner! I will have to make a layout of his special day for sure! Last night we went out for steak dinner, as Gary's Father bought our meal at the restaurant, so DH had some money burning a whole in his wallet LOL. He wanted to celebrate his milestone birthday just the two of us!! It was lovely but now I have to start being a bit more serious about my diet, the scale is climbing higher every day :holysheep:!! We are off to do a hike this afternoon, so really hoping that the weather stays nice and we see the sun come out! :sunout:

@faerywings - Uggh so sorry that the FP was such a fiasco!! I hope you can figure out how to stretch your grocery budget for the week!! Yes so many are going to FP now, its such a shame that outsiders are using yours! I hope that you have a great time on the hike with Scott, it will be so nice for you to see him in action! ENJOY!!

@vickyday - Wise choice to stay home from church today, you certainly don't want to spread your covid germs to the whole congregation! Nice that you can watch the service from home! My MIL does that also, as much as she would love to be at her church, its just getting too difficult for her to get there. I am glad to hear that you are both doing much better and I really liked the photo of your Mark sleeping on the couch with the dog!!

@BrightEyes - I slept in this morning also, isn't it just the best!! Hope you find some challenges to do today, it must be a record that you don't have any layouts to post today :giggle4:. You are always such a busy scrapper!!

@Cherylndesigns - You had a great shopping trip!! Sorry that your partner in crime is feeling under the weather, hope you don't get whatever she has! Those darn earthquakes can be pretty scary!! We have them a lot out here, most we never feel, but some OMG its like a freight train is coming through the house and the whole house is rattling, one day we will have the big one (so they keep telling us).

Ok DH is wanting some brunch, its going to be breakfast sausages and eggs with some berries and yogurt this this morning. I hope you all have a lovely Sunday! :bye2:


Love my O Family!
Whoo-whoo... slept in until 7:30AM.... Wasn't reading until late - the book fell out of my hands around 9PM. Guess my body and mind were tired out and put me to sleep while I was reading. :floorlaugh: I actually did quite a bit yesterday afternoon. I pulled out the laptop and updated the DVD inventory and printed it out for the notebook. Then realized that I had not up-dated it with a green dot next to DVDs I also have on VHS tapes. (Yes, I still have the VHS tapes and 2 VHS players) Then ticked off DVDs I have already watched. Those new-to-me DVDs are sitting on the floor in front of the DVD bookcase until I have time/energy to sort through them and put them in the alphabetical space where they belong. I have 2 stacks of them to put in place - which means sitting on the floor while I work on the 2 lower shelves. Since the back is achy, I won't be doing that anytime soon. I also changed sheets on the bed and did a load of laundry.

Just realized that I don't have any LOs to upload today!! The collections won't be released for a day or so. Will check out some of the other challenges to see what I may want to work on. I am still mulling over Joyful's Music We Love challenge. Have so many songs that mean something to me that it is hard to narrow down which one to scrap about.

@faerywings So sorry that the trip to FP didn't work out... But glad you elected to go to the training session. Learning about maple tree tapping sounds like a wonderful thing to learn about. I hear you about the price of rentals ... the same here! It is very common now for adult children to live with their parents due to that. I did manage to finish "Keeper.." but think my semi-sad mood carried over while I was reading it. So I switched back to re-reading some of the Pern books which I always enjoy. And, yes... I have to read every day.

@vickyday Glad you are feeling so much better. Hope your wrist holds up and you are able to knit. Yes, you are wise to stay home until your DH tests negative again. Good to hear he is improving. BTW... loved the photo of him sleeping on the sofa!!

@Cherylndesigns WOW, gal... that was some shopping trip!!! Kudos on all the great finds. Sorry one of your partners in crime is feeling sick. Yikes... an earthquake!!! That would shake anybody up. We had one here about a month ago. I will be calling DD#2 to find out if they felt it in Branson.

Time to get some breakfast and another cup of coffee. HAGD
We still have a VHS player and tapes, too! But the grands rarely come to visit to watch any more. And we only do streaming. But, it's one of those things that you know as soon as you get rid of it you will need it! So it stays put, collecting dust, LOL!


Love my O Family!
Morning ladies... I have been MIA but thought I better pop in quickly to say good morning to you all :wavinghello: It has been a busy weekend, celebrating my Gary's 70th and entertaining family and friends! We had a wonderful time at the Chinese Restaurant and there ended up being 12 of us for the late lunch/early supper. A couple of surprise guests as SIL Linda's oldest son and his girlfriend were vacationing on the island and joined us for the party, it was a such a nice surprise!! We invited SIL and her boyfriend to join us for Cheese Cake at our house afterward ( the rest of the family all had to get home). It was a fun day and DH got some very nice gifts and a special one from DD Heather a blanket with photos on it of Grandpa Gary and his grands! He just loves it and now can wrap himself in love as he sits in his recliner! I will have to make a layout of his special day for sure! Last night we went out for steak dinner, as Gary's Father bought our meal at the restaurant, so DH had some money burning a whole in his wallet LOL. He wanted to celebrate his milestone birthday just the two of us!! It was lovely but now I have to start being a bit more serious about my diet, the scale is climbing higher every day :holysheep:!! We are off to do a hike this afternoon, so really hoping that the weather stays nice and we see the sun come out! :sunout:

@faerywings - Uggh so sorry that the FP was such a fiasco!! I hope you can figure out how to stretch your grocery budget for the week!! Yes so many are going to FP now, its such a shame that outsiders are using yours! I hope that you have a great time on the hike with Scott, it will be so nice for you to see him in action! ENJOY!!

@vickyday - Wise choice to stay home from church today, you certainly don't want to spread your covid germs to the whole congregation! Nice that you can watch the service from home! My MIL does that also, as much as she would love to be at her church, its just getting too difficult for her to get there. I am glad to hear that you are both doing much better and I really liked the photo of your Mark sleeping on the couch with the dog!!

@BrightEyes - I slept in this morning also, isn't it just the best!! Hope you find some challenges to do today, it must be a record that you don't have any layouts to post today :giggle4:. You are always such a busy scrapper!!

@Cherylndesigns - You had a great shopping trip!! Sorry that your partner in crime is feeling under the weather, hope you don't get whatever she has! Those darn earthquakes can be pretty scary!! We have them a lot out here, most we never feel, but some OMG its like a freight train is coming through the house and the whole house is rattling, one day we will have the big one (so they keep telling us).

Ok DH is wanting some brunch, its going to be breakfast sausages and eggs with some berries and yogurt this this morning. I hope you all have a lovely Sunday! :bye2:
So glad your Gary had a great 70th birthday celebration! I'll hit that milestone in less than 2 years! Seems so unreal to be saying that!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon.

Well, I had a first just now. A mail truck pulled up in front of the house and it was an Amazon delivery. That has NEVER happened since we lived here. They always leave all of our boxes down at one of the rental houses. or if they're small, they put them in the mailbox. Apparently, it was a new driver who didn't know any better. It was this sweet lady (older) and she said she hurt her back, so I went out and helped her get all of the boxes out of the truck. There were several boxes too and a couple of them were heavy. I swear the compound keeps ole' Jeff in business. :lol23:We get so many deliveries between all of us. I got my coatrack already and it isn't the color that I ordered, but I think I can fix it. I ordered brown wood and I got gray. I probably have some stain in my scrap stash.

Chris @faerywings sorry about the mess at FP! That's a sign of the times, isn't it? If people are coming from outside the district, especially. Food prices aren't going down either, even though "they" say the economy is good. I suppose it is if you're in the wealthy bracket and don't have to worry about budgets and so on. Don't get me started on the housing market.

Kay @BrightEyes have you talked to your DD in Branson about whether they felt the earthquake? Trudy @taxed4ever I'm so glad that your Gary had a nice birthday and you have tremors? When my brother lived in San Francisco, they had tremors constantly. They had a seismograph in their office and it moved all the time. Vicky @vickyday sorry that Mark is still testing positive.

Kay @BrightEyes I'm about to upload my last LO to the prerelease - I have nothing either. Guess I'll start on the challenges.

I must get busy now and clean the kitchen. I'm having trouble focusing, so Adrienne reminded me of what I used to tell her. She said to set a timer for 30 minutes and do ONE task. I had to laugh because I did used to tell her that.



Love my O Family!
Good afternoon.

Well, I had a first just now. A mail truck pulled up in front of the house and it was an Amazon delivery. That has NEVER happened since we lived here. They always leave all of our boxes down at one of the rental houses. or if they're small, they put them in the mailbox. Apparently, it was a new driver who didn't know any better. It was this sweet lady (older) and she said she hurt her back, so I went out and helped her get all of the boxes out of the truck. There were several boxes too and a couple of them were heavy. I swear the compound keeps ole' Jeff in business. :lol23:We get so many deliveries between all of us. I got my coatrack already and it isn't the color that I ordered, but I think I can fix it. I ordered brown wood and I got gray. I probably have some stain in my scrap stash.

Chris @faerywings sorry about the mess at FP! That's a sign of the times, isn't it? If people are coming from outside the district, especially. Food prices aren't going down either, even though "they" say the economy is good. I suppose it is if you're in the wealthy bracket and don't have to worry about budgets and so on. Don't get me started on the housing market.

Kay @BrightEyes have you talked to your DD in Branson about whether they felt the earthquake? Trudy @taxed4ever I'm so glad that your Gary had a nice birthday and you have tremors? When my brother lived in San Francisco, they had tremors constantly. They had a seismograph in their office and it moved all the time. Vicky @vickyday sorry that Mark is still testing positive.

Kay @BrightEyes I'm about to upload my last LO to the prerelease - I have nothing either. Guess I'll start on the challenges.

I must get busy now and clean the kitchen. I'm having trouble focusing, so Adrienne reminded me of what I used to tell her. She said to set a timer for 30 minutes and do ONE task. I had to laugh because I did used to tell her that.

Well, at least he doesn't feel bad. He is in the woods to help with some stray German shepherd dogs that are chasing the neighbor's cattle.


Well-Known Member
@melscrap Good luck to Jess on year 8. Is that equivalent to US 8th grade? She's 13 or so? Not an easy age but that she has nice teachers and solid friends is a big plus on her side.
@faerywings Yes, year 8 is equivalent to US 8th grade. Here it's the 2nd year of high school. We don't have middle schools, just primary and high school. Jess is indeed 13, and full-blown teenager, complete with eye rolls and attitude!