
Daily Ooo's: February 27-28: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
hahah! I could have sworn that yesterday was Saturday!
We have actually done quite well being stuck at home the last few days. The kids started to make an igloo in the back yard - snapped some pics from the bathroom window.
But why oh why are all of the gorgeous spring kits coming out, now that I have gobs of "snow day" pics???
I want to scrap spring!!

Anyone have fun plans today?
Good luck on your dance comp. Laurie!

We are going to try to dig our mailbox/car out today and tomorrow. The plow "drifts" are over 4' and practically solid ice!

I also need to catch up on my P365 blog. I have been taking pics- about 5-6 a week, but I haven't blogged them in a while.

Hope you all have a fab-O day!


lOve the O!
Heading out- hope to have photos to share later- after we are going out to dinner and then I think I must attack the dishes- bleck!


Well-Known Member
Laurie, I am envious of all of your dancing. Sounds like so much fun.

Chris, those snow days are totally disorienting!

My plans today...well, the kids went with Brian to Dad's Day at school. They are doing an indoor waterpark today. So I have the morning to myself. I got my 18,000th post done. Now, I think I'm going to head to the book store. Behind in my 24 books in 2010 goal. Didn't read any in February. Also may do a little Costco run. And, if Sydney has any energy left this afternoon (oh right, it's me that runs out of energy:) ), may do open gym this afternoon. Then, youngest niece is coming for a sleepover. Big, big day ahead! LOL


Well-Known Member
ooh ya, I know. I did a spring LO yesterday that said

'spring has sprung'

ROFL... and the pic was a night pic the other night of the pine tree covered in fresh sticky snow lol.

ya, I need to catch up on my blog too, I did a couple of LOs yesterday for my on-call CT :)


lOve the O!
Enjoy your day- dancing is fun and frustrating- when you compete you have to have the proper form, follow well (I am so not wanting to give up control!)

enjoy your day and read a book for me!


Well-Known Member
oh ya. today is laundry day. have all the sheets to do (DH leaves a greasy hair spot on his pillowcase, EWWW lol), poor Kylie peed in her bed (hasn't in a week now great little girlie!) and Myles, well it's just time. Then I have a couple loads of regular laundry & I think I'll do towels too. Man, it's fantastic to be caught up. normally I do it once/month or so and I have like 15 loads to do and nobody has clean undies or socks left lol. and then it takes forever to fold & put away... which I'm totally bad at.


Well-Known Member
rest of my plans are to do a bit of work, send the invoice, then do some scrapping all while I wait to get my next level in FB Zoo World ROFL.


Well-Known Member
ooh, and it seems when I type a long sentence like above it takes almost 30 seconds and I don't have to sit around waiting for what seems like forever to do the post.


Well-Known Member
ya, see that sentence was long enough and I'm typing way slower than usual so it takes long enough to just click 'post' and not get the wait message. yay.


Well-Known Member
here are my stats... although I really only started posting in Dec '09

Join Date: 12-14-2006
Total Posts: 842 (0.72 posts per day)

so it seems like I don't post a lot but really I'm a crazy posting girlie... so it's no fair that my stats don't show it ROFL.


Well-Known Member
can't believe I've been a member for SO long and only just started participating. what was I thinking? why didn't I get started soon? oh ya, I had a new baby and a toddler... AND a home business that was crazy busy. ack.

well yay that I'm here and posting now, I'm having a blast. seriously it's great for me! and you ladies are so fantastic, you make it easy to have fun!


Well-Known Member
look at me being obnoxious posting and posting and posting and posting some more. isn't this great. really I think I'm just thinking things and typing them as I think them... but it's making more posts so I'm getting closer to my goal for this month.


Well-Known Member
Hi ya O fam!!!

We just got back from Walmart!! YAY:rolleyes:

Now that I have drained the bank...guess we are in for the day!!

We have Savannah and Cameran this weekend, because their Mom and Dad went out of town...to TN to a cabin up in the mountains...YAY for them!!!

I did not sleep well AGAIN last night!!! Cameran came in to get in bed with us at 1:30 and I had feet in my ribs, so I carried him back to his bed and then I was having my night sweats and could not go back to sleep....those night sweats are getting bad again. I finally got up at 2:15 and watch a couple of episodes of Criminal Minds....went to sleep on the sofa after I turned the TV off at 4 and then Savannah woke up at 5....I went and put her in the swing...that held her off until 6....so I would imagine I will go to bed at 9 tonight!!!

We are going out to eat with my Mom and Dad tonight and that's it for oiur weekend....

I will be back in a bit for some personals....


Well-Known Member
so the doorbell rings and I'm like "who could be at the door?"... it's my friend Meag here to give me a massage. I totally forgot that I scheduled an appt to get a massage today. Just got done... man was that NICE... painful but NICE! and she's planning on doing house calls on a regular basis so I'm going to get massages on a regular basis!!! YAY... I totally need... especially when I'm exercising again.
Headaches are the worst, I had one earlier this week.

I've been a baking queen today! I've made buns for lunch and pizza for dinner. All from scratch. It was really yummy.

Hoping tomorrow brings some better weather! We've had snow on the ground here since Dec 18th and today when we finally hit a few warmer degrees weather, it rained. Go figure!


Well-Known Member
ohh, I haven't eaten pizza for a loooong time... and I want now ;D but I cannot now, it's too late... 11pm in Poland...
Thanks Andrea, there's some left, you're welcome to come over!

Hey Natesia, I'm in Norway, not that far, I'll save some slices for you ;)


Well-Known Member
lol. I'm in Canada... prolly be all gone by the time I get there :p

So I just did an OKC from DST... that was fun. prolly do another LO. check out my gallery!! it's the December 2007 one.


lOve the O!
Ok, I'll ask- what is OKC?

Just got back from dinner after dancing, I'm getting a sore throat- hope it is just from dry mouth earlier- I have avoided thus far being sick.


The Loopy-O
Hi everyone- it is Sunday- woke up to *more* snow argh!

Just a dusting... but I am in so much pain from all of the shoveling, I can't take much more. I have to get the cars shoveled out today b/c tomorrow is back to school and work. Yuck....

Natesia- hope your head feels better.

Pizza- yum!!!!

Laurie- Garlic pills always do the trick when I start to feel sick (hey- a rhyme!!)