
Daily Ooos: February 22-23: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
I am up, dressed, caffeinated, and almost ready to go! I am working all day today so I have my layers on and my hand warmers charged.
It's sunny again and should be warmer than yesterday. :praying2: It was brutal out there and the winds were whipping. I was happy I didn't have to go outside other than to drag the dogs in.

It was a long day of doing not much of anything. I worked on a pre-release and used some old pictures of Caitlyn on it. She was such a cutie patootie. :lovey3: She still is but she would be *mad* if I called her that now. hehe.
I also ordered the TENS machine and it came already. I charged it up and tried it out last night. The one muscle definitely feels less tight so I hope that means it is working. TY again Debby!

hope that everyone has a wonderful day!!
The house they are building upstate NY for their retirement had a massive roof leak with the ice storms they had up there...
That is absolutely horrible. Even more so that the builder won't take responsibility. Infuriating! I hope that he can get it all fixed but what a mess. I can't imagine seeing your dream home ruined like that. :(
Is your friend able to talk any more than she did on yoru last visit? All good thoughts that the rehab is working for her and that she is healing and improving.

Do either of those work? Doubt it at this point.
Well, the sun is out.... gotta count for something...

This morning, the heat pump is not getting the house above 65° and I don't know why. It has to be something wrong. Usually I dump that kind of thing on David to handle but Friday is his day at Habitat for Humanity so I guess it's up to me to figure out if I should call someone. At least the radiant heat in the bathroom is working so I can get cozy for my shower.
Were you able to figure out what was going on with the heat? When it is as cold as it's been my heat struggles to stay where it is set. It doesn't help that I have drafty windows!

asked for pecan pralines to go (we certainly didn't need another dessert) thinking we'd get a flat, sugary candy. Isn't that what pralines are? But instead we got more beignets, these stuffed with a vanilla cream and with pecans and glaze drizzled over the top. Those were a bit rich, so even though we brought them home, they just went into the trash.
Next time, send them to me! :floorlaugh: They sound so good, even if you only take a few bites at a time. Of course, this time of year all I want is carbs. Hope you had a fun lunch and a yummy salad.

I will be busy this weekend as my niece and hubby will be here for a visit. They will be staying in an RV park for a couple of days then heading to my sister's early next week before they head back up to South Dakota. Hoping the weather is not bad by the time they head that way. Yes, this is the niece who had their RV overturn on them last year.
Enjoy the visit with your niece! I remember that accident last year, sheesh they were so lucky they didn't get hurt. Lots of clear roads and easy traveling thoughts to them.
I hope that your tax and banking issues get figured out soon.

The headache basically went away yesterday to the tolerable stage!
We like lots of garlic, too! I wouldn't make the meatballs vegan, so the parm cheese would go into ours. Not saying I will ever make them since you weren't thrilled about them, but I'll keep the extra herbs and garlic in mind!
I really think that if I made them with the cheese and Italian bread crumbs they would have been really good. I love eggplant, so I think they just needed a little more flavor.
Hope you had a wonderful time scrapping yesterday.

t's going to be a long day but fun. I go back to the cinema twice tomorrow for more short films, once with Jen in the afternoon and then back in the evening with another friend. I'll be exhausted by Sunday and will need a day at home to relax.
How in the world do you stay upright all day?
I would never been able to keep up with half of what you do-- even if I stretched it out over a week . :lol23:

I got a phone call from MIL yesterday morning to inform us that SIL Sharon's (DH's youngest sister) boyfriend was now in hospice and was given about 4 days to live. So sad! SIL was going to spend the night with him at hospice, but not sure what she will do after that. So we wait for the dreaded phone call, and now will have more grief to deal with in the family. T
It has been never-ending, hasn't it? :hug2: I wish I could do that in person but know I am sending lots of hugs your way.
It's understandable that you are feeling grumpy and discombobulated and sad. Hopefully the "New Year New You" crowd will be outta the pool by now so you can do your laps without feeling crowded.
Hope that Mason is feeling better and that Hunter doesn't get the cold next!

Sorry I've been absent the last few days, I've been sick. This turned out to be an ear infection diagnosed yesterday afternoon.
Ugh, your poor thing, you must have been feeling miserable. Hope the abx work quickly and I am giving my friendly reminder to take some acidophilus/probiotic when you do.
28* must feel balmy after the single digits. We are supposed to be near 30 today so I hope it does!

@AK_Tracy Welcome back!!! I can't wait to hear about your trip once you are all caught up on sleep. ♥

Good Morning!
The week seemed to drag on and on for some reason! I guess because of the weather and not getting out very much.
Another sunny day today, but COLD! However it is supposed to be a tad bit warmer today. It will probably feel much warmer than yesterday, however, since the winds have disappeared!
Mark bundled up and headed for the woods. Depending on what he gets into he may end up coming back a few layers lighter, especially if he gets into chopping wood! He is itching to get started on a building project, but the ground is just too hard to drive any poles into.
I'm doing some of my laundry today. I will save Mark's for tomorrow afternoon after church so all of his work clothes are clean for work on Monday. Not that he needs them. He has at least 2 weeks worth of clothes and undies and socks. That is good for the weeks I am busy or not feeling great....or just don't feel like doing the laundry! :giggle4:
My daughter-in-love sent me some pics of my son who just came back from a fishing trip with the guys he goes to FL with every year. I think I will scrap those today. I downloaded the template for CarolW's template challenge. Maybe I will use that. Sounds like a plan!
I got a letter from the last living aunt on my mom's side of the family today, so I want to be sure and answer her letter today, too!
Have a great weekend!

It's sunny again and should be warmer than yesterday. :praying2: It was brutal out there and the winds were whipping.
Same for us! However, I enjoyed listening to my wind chimes all day yesterday! They have such a melodious sound! It's the best gift my youngest ever got me for Mother's Day, especially since he rarely ever gets me anything, LOL!
The one muscle definitely feels less tight so I hope that means it is working.
That's great news! I am thinking about ordering one. I'm wondering if it will help the neck problems I have frequently?
Hope you had a wonderful time scrapping yesterday.
I did! Plan to today, also! ;)
WaveMorning ladies… just popping in to say hello:wavinghello: and then off to Costco to drain the bank account. It is not raining at the moment but it looks like it will be very soon. Going to look for some new pulls today also, so hopefully we can get the vanity finished off and taken off the to-do list. I would like to finish off a card that I started for my SIL Veronica and will be seeing her for the first time since my brother died, tomorrow. Better get going, hope you all have a wonderful Saturday! :waving1
Morning, all. Doing a happy dance . . . . I finished the March challenge yesterday!!:girldance::boydance::girldance: Once I saw Laitha's Inky News Collection, I was off and running. :pleasantry: It just took on a life of its own and flowed together. After I finished it - I just had to play around with another LO - 'A Man In Black' using the same kit. I love the photo I had taken of my hubby dressed in black relaxing on a Christmas morning, Such a wonderful memory.

Busy day today... Hamper is over-flowing so laundry is on my list of "must-do". :laundry: Also want to do some dusting and other small cleaning jobs. Tomorrow I will be busy cooking the enchilada sauce and chopping the onions, tomatoes, and lettuce so I can spend Monday visiting with niece and her hubby rather than cooking. Will freeze most of the sauce to have later on. :claphands: Which reminds me... I need to charge the camera battery. Want to get several photos while they are here. Not sure how long a visit we will have together.

@faerywings - glad the tens unit is helping. DD#1 has one and swears by it.
Good morning Ladies!!!!

I am up, dressed, caffeinated, and almost ready to go! I am working all day today so I have my layers on and my hand warmers charged.
It's sunny again and should be warmer than yesterday. :praying2: It was brutal out there and the winds were whipping. I was happy I didn't have to go outside other than to drag the dogs in.
Glad you can dress in layers and hope the winds stay away. That is the worst. I can handle cold temps and all that comes with them but not the wind. It goes right down to the bone and then its bone chilling cold and miserable. Hope it warms up and you dont get cold.

@AK_Tracy Welcome back!!! I can't wait to hear about your trip once you are all caught up on sleep. ♥
Eleven blissful hours of sleep!!!! After traveling I drank a ton of water. Planes are so dry. So I did get up once to get rid of water but oh it was so nice to sleep in my bed and not hurt.

then off to Costco to drain the bank account
I always laugh when you talk about Costco and draining the account. Its so true!!! It cracks me up. I hope you have a good visit with your SIL. :heartpumppink: Get Kleenex while youre at Costco.

Hamper is over-flowing so laundry is on my list of "must-do". :laundry:
Sounds like you, Vicky @vickyday and I will be at the washing machine today!

Had the best nights sleep in two weeks and my ankles have finally gotten back to more normal. Between the 80*F days in AZ and no recliner to put feet up, then flying all day yesterday I felt like an overstuffed sausage that was about to burst the skin. Between loads of laundry today I will be putting my feet up and maybe ice. For sure the pump suit to get the lymph system moving.

If you didn't see yesterdays post late at night, we were on a four day cruise our son bought us for Christmas. We went to Los Angels and cruised to Catalina Island, then down to Ensenada Mexico and back. While we were already "south" we then flew to AZ for a week to take care of some storage units and check our rental properties. Hubs came home sick. He thought it might be allergies but hearing him today its a head cold for sure. I think all the warm sun and last two days of relaxing allowed his body to not ache but also for the germs to attack. Today the aches and snots and congestion has hit full force. I have to keep away. Cant get sick as I leave for WA for surgery Wednesday.
Well, my coffee has run out and I need more.
Have a wonderful day!
Good morning ladies. I slept in (7:45) b/c I was out all day/night and didn't get home til 12:30 last night. Then I got into bed, fell asleep and then got foot cramps off and on for 30 min or so. I think I'd better start taking magnesium again. But eventually I slept and just need to get thru today, then tomorrow and Monday will be quieter days. I'll get Remi over to the park for awhile, then Jen and I will go to the local theatre to see the Oscar nominated animated short films for 3 hrs, then home for an hour or so, my friend will pick me up and we'll attend the 9 pm showing of the Oscar live action short films. Should be home around 12:30 again so a very late night for me. We saw the documentary shorts last night and they were very impactful. 3 of them were very disturbing to watch but very well done. Attending the film shorts has become one of my fave things to do here. Can't wait for the summer one and now there is another friend who wants to go next time.

I need to make an appie for Tues night dinner with friends. The host is making a pasta dish and another is bringing dessert. I figure something with cheese, chicken, beef, something to complement the pasta dish but not too heavy (or difficult to make). Any ideas?

I need to get moving, the tiredness is seeping in and I will survive the day on multiple cups of coffee :) HAGD everyone. I'll chat more tomorrow after I get some sleep.
I need to make an appie for Tues night dinner with friends. The host is making a pasta dish and another is bringing dessert. I figure something with cheese, chicken, beef, something to complement the pasta dish but not too heavy (or difficult to make). Any ideas?
Bacon wrapped dates! Or stuffed mini peppers.
I'm so glad the TENS is helping. I move mine around to what ever is hurting.
Thanks for asking about my friends- we went there yesterday, she is improving! can lift here right leg and arm. speech very difficult but she did say Lavender when I put the rose /lavender lotion on her hands. she gets frustrated but is not giving up at all.

@BrightEyes Getting challenge pages done is always and great thing and laundry another chore done!! I did some today too.

@taxed4ever -LOL we went to Sam's club to drain our bank account----LOL Sad but true!

@vickyday I get it with the wind chimes...Love them. I have many but my favorite is the one that sounds like the bell bouy at the harbor entrance to Block I. one of our favorite boating destinations up North. TENS units are great for strained sore achy muscles. I use mine allot.

@MariJ I'm glad the sun is out to melt snow and Ice for you. I assume you have some. When speaking to my grandchildren yesterday they said they had lots but should melt off today with warmer temps and sun

@bcgal00 Maybe some sweet and sour meatballs

This morning first thing I did was laundry then went to Sam's club with hubby to purchase what we need to use for the dinner at the club on Monday. They did not have what we needed so we ended up at Winn-Dixie. Now he can smoke the pork shoulder to make pulled pork which will be served over tater tots with melted cheese and sour cream garnished with green onions from my garden. When we got back I put everything away. Tended to my Monarchs feeding then finding more in the garden so there are 15 more in the habitat. I picked more tomatoes it's crazy how many I have gathered from this one plant...I'm going to save seed for next year.making a tomato/ cucumber salad for dinner. I vacuumed the house and cleaned bathrooms. Now I am making sausage onion soup for our lunch, hubby due back from working office at club so after lunch I will go over to club to fertilize the plants we put in 2 months ago. It is sunny out now but only 70...a little below normal temps, it's going to cloud over so this will be the warmest.

Have a great weekend everyone...happy scrapping.
Good morning Ladies!!!!

Glad you can dress in layers and hope the winds stay away. That is the worst. I can handle cold temps and all that comes with them but not the wind. It goes right down to the bone and then its bone chilling cold and miserable. Hope it warms up and you dont get cold.

Eleven blissful hours of sleep!!!! After traveling I drank a ton of water. Planes are so dry. So I did get up once to get rid of water but oh it was so nice to sleep in my bed and not hurt.

I always laugh when you talk about Costco and draining the account. Its so true!!! It cracks me up. I hope you have a good visit with your SIL. :heartpumppink: Get Kleenex while youre at Costco.

Sounds like you, Vicky @vickyday and I will be at the washing machine today!

Had the best nights sleep in two weeks and my ankles have finally gotten back to more normal. Between the 80*F days in AZ and no recliner to put feet up, then flying all day yesterday I felt like an overstuffed sausage that was about to burst the skin. Between loads of laundry today I will be putting my feet up and maybe ice. For sure the pump suit to get the lymph system moving.

If you didn't see yesterdays post late at night, we were on a four day cruise our son bought us for Christmas. We went to Los Angels and cruised to Catalina Island, then down to Ensenada Mexico and back. While we were already "south" we then flew to AZ for a week to take care of some storage units and check our rental properties. Hubs came home sick. He thought it might be allergies but hearing him today its a head cold for sure. I think all the warm sun and last two days of relaxing allowed his body to not ache but also for the germs to attack. Today the aches and snots and congestion has hit full force. I have to keep away. Cant get sick as I leave for WA for surgery Wednesday.
Well, my coffee has run out and I need more.
Have a wonderful day!
HA! Yes, I usually let the laundry go until I have so much to do and then get down in my back! :crazy: I did get my laundry done today. Mark's is tomorrow's job.

It's so good to hear from you! You've been busy! Praying the surgery and healing goes well! :hug2:
HA! Yes, I usually let the laundry go until I have so much to do and then get down in my back! :crazy: I did get my laundry done today. Mark's is tomorrow's job.

It's so good to hear from you! You've been busy! Praying the surgery and healing goes well! :hug2:
I couldn't remember my password and all I had was my phone, which logged me out of O. I had moments of withdrawal for sure! But I re-logged in on my phone so while recovering from surgery I can "drug post" where nothing makes sense :floorlaugh: But I wont feel so disconnected. Two weeks is a long time to not talk to my friends.
I took 11,000 on our first trip out west but that was 4 months using my canon and phone. Chances are you are not going back so you have to do everything and of course take photos of it!!!!
Sounds like you and I take the same thought about photos. Take lots and enjoy the moment. Hubs even got into it and I think he took about 50 of them!! Which is a lot for him. I took some photos with the express purpose of challenge layouts too.
Happy Sunday, my lovely ladies!
I am doing the happiest of all happy dances. We finally got above freezing yesterday!! I guess it happened sometime around noon and what a difference it made between the two programs. Both of them were really fun but the 10.30 Cub Scout one was a little more challenging to get through because of the wind and ice. Normally we walk around the field and point out the different types of maples on the property and the attendees use the ID skills we go over in the intro to search for them. We had to stop 1/4 of the way through and double back in the first program. We made it 3/4 of the way around in the afternoon.
The big disappointment was all of the taps had to be taken down. The trees weren't producing any sap and a few of the buckets and spiles had blown off in the wind. So, no sap tasting and no evaporation station. :(
This week is supposed to hit 40-50* most days, but I'm not sure if they can put the taps back into the holes we drilled earlier.
Tomorrow, Lauren and I have the HS Pod Field Trip coming for maple sugaring and fire-building. I hope that it works out for everyone.

Got home, took a hot shower, and hooked up the TENS machine. I quickly saw the benefits of the wireless units when I had to go to the bathroom. Wires all tangled everywhere :rotfl:

Today is gonna be spent getting ready for my upcoming week, I am at Weis Mon and Tues and cleaning on Wednesday. But if the weather holds, I'll have one less thing to :angry3: about- ha!!

Have a relaxing and happy day!
Ok, my apologies- I have to just do very short personals now.
*grumbles* I hate when that happens

@vickyday I bet you had a great time with Carol's template challenge! I hope the temps are better for you too!

For sure... Better then not! :sunnyeyes:

@taxed4ever I am sending you and Veronica much love today, you are in my heart

@BrightEyes You have me very excited about the March challenge now, laitha's kit is stunning!
Was that AF Base shooting the one that you go to? Scary!

@AK_Tracy What a wonderful gift from your DS! I hope that your DH is better for the next not-as-fun trip. Are you pretty much packed and ready to go? I am excited and nervous for you, but am so happy that once you heal, you will feel so much better :D

@bcgal00 The film festival sounds fascinating although I would never be able to stay up past midnight.
Appy-- maybe taquitos? Rice balls? if I think of anything else I'll pop back in
OHHH the bruschettas I make are always a big hit. No meat on them but I am always asked to bring them for parties.

My tweaks are that I cut the bread thinner (maybe closer to 1/2") and if I have light mayo on hand I use that instead.

@BoatLady That's wonderful that your friend's speech is making improvements. I cannot imagine the frustration but I am sure she appreciates your kindness ♥
There was a boy in the scout group who was deaf yesterday and I wished that I remembered any of the ASL I knew when I was a kid. Sometimes I feel like ASL should be a recommended 2nd language in school. IMHO it could be helpful in these situations.

Now he can smoke the pork shoulder to make pulled pork which will be served over tater tots with melted cheese and sour cream garnished with green onions from my garden.
That sounds soooooooo good! I don't eat much meat but enjoy pulled pork. I made a stator tot casserole before that sounds similar. Now I am drooling.
I am still cheering your caterpillars on! I was so excited when I had *three* of them! I'd be out of my mind if I had 15 at one time. Hehe
Well, I am either a scrapper or crazy. I only took 800 photos while we were gone for two weeks :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Why not both?

Morning, gals. Yesterday was busy all day. Took the whole day to get all the laundry done 8AM till 5PM!!! That's what happens when I let the hampers get over-full! I also managed to clean both bathrooms and dust all the rooms and straighten up and put away things. Must admit that the back wasn't/isn't too happy right now but well worth the effort to get it all done. Will be cooking the enchilada sauce today and chopping the veggies for tomorrow's lunch. Going to be resting in the recliner off and on while the sauce cooks.

@BrightEyes You have me very excited about the March challenge now, laitha's kit is stunning!
Was that AF Base shooting the one that you go to? Scary!

WOW... I had not watched the news yesterday, so did not see the news about the shooting at the base!!! Yes... that is the base I go to - but it was at the Truman gate area - not the main gate entrance I normally use (it is about a mile away). And it was at 2AM so not much traffic in the area. The news is being limited about what happened.

I agree that Laitha's kit is stunning and it lit my mojo fire! And I am excited that the Color Play is the end of this week plus the new month on Saturday. Lots to look forward to.
Happy Sunday, my lovely ladies!
I am doing the happiest of all happy dances. We finally got above freezing yesterday!! I guess it happened sometime around noon and what a difference it made between the two programs. Both of them were really fun but the 10.30 Cub Scout one was a little more challenging to get through because of the wind and ice. Normally we walk around the field and point out the different types of maples on the property and the attendees use the ID skills we go over in the intro to search for them. We had to stop 1/4 of the way through and double back in the first program. We made it 3/4 of the way around in the afternoon.
The big disappointment was all of the taps had to be taken down. The trees weren't producing any sap and a few of the buckets and spiles had blown off in the wind. So, no sap tasting and no evaporation station. :(
This week is supposed to hit 40-50* most days, but I'm not sure if they can put the taps back into the holes we drilled earlier.
Tomorrow, Lauren and I have the HS Pod Field Trip coming for maple sugaring and fire-building. I hope that it works out for everyone.

Got home, took a hot shower, and hooked up the TENS machine. I quickly saw the benefits of the wireless units when I had to go to the bathroom. Wires all tangled everywhere :rotfl:

Today is gonna be spent getting ready for my upcoming week, I am at Weis Mon and Tues and cleaning on Wednesday. But if the weather holds, I'll have one less thing to :angry3: about- ha!!

Have a relaxing and happy day!
Glad you had a warmer day yesterday even if there were a few hiccups along the way.
We might get to 70 temp wise this week! I just have to remember it IS still February and not get my hopes up!
Ok, my apologies- I have to just do very short personals now.
*grumbles* I hate when that happens

@vickyday I bet you had a great time with Carol's template challenge! I hope the temps are better for you too!


@taxed4ever I am sending you and Veronica much love today, you are in my heart

@BrightEyes You have me very excited about the March challenge now, laitha's kit is stunning!
Was that AF Base shooting the one that you go to? Scary!

@AK_Tracy What a wonderful gift from your DS! I hope that your DH is better for the next not-as-fun trip. Are you pretty much packed and ready to go? I am excited and nervous for you, but am so happy that once you heal, you will feel so much better :D

@bcgal00 The film festival sounds fascinating although I would never be able to stay up past midnight.
Appy-- maybe taquitos? Rice balls? if I think of anything else I'll pop back in
OHHH the bruschettas I make are always a big hit. No meat on them but I am always asked to bring them for parties.

My tweaks are that I cut the bread thinner (maybe closer to 1/2") and if I have light mayo on hand I use that instead.

@BoatLady That's wonderful that your friend's speech is making improvements. I cannot imagine the frustration but I am sure she appreciates your kindness ♥
There was a boy in the scout group who was deaf yesterday and I wished that I remembered any of the ASL I knew when I was a kid. Sometimes I feel like ASL should be a recommended 2nd language in school. IMHO it could be helpful in these situations.

That sounds soooooooo good! I don't eat much meat but enjoy pulled pork. I made a stator tot casserole before that sounds similar. Now I am drooling.
I am still cheering your caterpillars on! I was so excited when I had *three* of them! I'd be out of my mind if I had 15 at one time. Hehe

Why not both?

Yup, had a great time playing with Carol's template!
Temperature was in the high 40s yesterday! No wind!
Morning, gals. Yesterday was busy all day. Took the whole day to get all the laundry done 8AM till 5PM!!! That's what happens when I let the hampers get over-full! I also managed to clean both bathrooms and dust all the rooms and straighten up and put away things. Must admit that the back wasn't/isn't too happy right now but well worth the effort to get it all done. Will be cooking the enchilada sauce today and chopping the veggies for tomorrow's lunch. Going to be resting in the recliner off and on while the sauce cooks.

WOW... I had not watched the news yesterday, so did not see the news about the shooting at the base!!! Yes... that is the base I go to - but it was at the Truman gate area - not the main gate entrance I normally use (it is about a mile away). And it was at 2AM so not much traffic in the area. The news is being limited about what happened.

I agree that Laitha's kit is stunning and it lit my mojo fire! And I am excited that the Color Play is the end of this week plus the new month on Saturday. Lots to look forward to.
I saw laitha's kit. I'm probably going to get it today!
Sorry to hear about the shooting!
Quick in and out as we will be leaving for church soon.
Sun is out and the temperature is above freezing already! Will probably be a beautiful day.
I will work on Mark's laundry this afternoon in between scrapping and church work.
Good Morning Ladies!
Its so much fun to start my day here. I have missed this the last two weeks.

The big disappointment was all of the taps had to be taken down. The trees weren't producing any sap and a few of the buckets and spiles had blown off in the wind. So, no sap tasting and no evaporation station. :(
This is sad but I bet everyone still had a wonderful time.
@AK_Tracy What a wonderful gift from your DS! I hope that your DH is better for the next not-as-fun trip. Are you pretty much packed and ready to go? I am excited and nervous for you, but am so happy that once you heal, you will feel so much better :D
It was a wonderful gift. A bucket list item so it was extra special. The next trip is my daughter and I. Since she has the same thing and I was there for all 7 of her surgeries (she was more advanced stage then me) she wants to be there for me. Plus the Doc loves her (non romantically) and how she fought so hard to get insurance to cover her surgeries. She was one of his first private practice patients and it took a year fighting insurance to get covered. So she's excited to be caretaker this time around. Its the strangest thing to get home, unpack 90% and know that in a couple days I gotta pack the rest of the stuff. But it will be just carry ons this time so not too much to pack. Plus amazon in WA is way faster then in AK so if I need something no big deal.

Today is low key. Kids are headed to church soon and hubs and I will be couch church as he's sick, I'm trying not to get it. I can feel my body fighting the germs. I might turn into vitamin c with the amounts I have taken in the last 24 hours :giggle4:

Time for more coffee. Have a wonderful day.
Good morning ladies. I'll be heading out soon to the artisan market with a friend but first I need to get dressed and get out for a walk with Remi. Last night was the third and final installment of the oscar short films. Can't wait to see which ones win. Got home a little earlier (just after 11). Headed to bed and slept fairly well (no wonder, I was exhausted LOL).

We are now past the freezing point, so temps will be in the 40s and 50s most days now. Everyone here says that was the longest cold snap they can ever remember...but...we survived it and now move onto better weather...whew!

@faerywings I saved the recipe and will make that another time. I decided on a crockpot dip that I can make in the morning and keep it on warm for the afternoon as we play euchre at the club, then we'll head over to our friends for more games and then appies/dinner with them.

I made two more bracelets last night. I pulled one of the necklaces apart from the jewelry assortment I got last week from the thrift store. I have enough beads left over from that one piece to make at least 1 necklace and a few more bracelets (with a bit from my stash included). I'll make another bracelet for my friend as a thank you for grabbing that container before it was put out for sale (she works at the store and also got to apply her discount). What a great deal for me.

I've got to dress and get out with Remi. I leave in 40 min to meet a friend and head out to the market. HAGD everyone.