
Daily Ooos: February 10-11: Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Happppppyyyyyy Weekend!
I just came in from taking J for her morning potty walk. It's been wonderful not freezing my butt off. It's not supposed to last much longer but I will take what I can get.
It was a little too cold for my mom to walk around the shops yesterday, so we spent most of the time brainstorming shower plans at a cute sandwich shop. I think I'm getting on track, although I've learned the hard way that telling yourself you have "plenty of time" will bite you in the end.
After we got back here, she asked me for some help with her new tablet. I could *not* for the life of me figure out how to show all of the open tabs and apps. My tablet has a nice and easy-to-find Home button. I'm swiping this way and that way, up and down. I asked Gary if he could figure it out. He did the same thing as I did. After a bunch of tries, he somehow got it to work but had no idea what exactly he did. He tried a few more times and finally found how and where you need to swipe and stop.

The weather should be wonderful for today's Maple Sugaring Program. It's going to be cloudy but in the 50s. I prepped for it yesterday afternoon- reading over the lesson plan and then looking up photos of the buds and branches for the tree ID. I don't need to know any of that at this point but I don't like not knowing things, at least on a basic level. So if someone shows me a bud, I should have enough info to say that it might or might not be (buds are reddish-brown, smaller than red maple, terminal bud is flanked by two--- crud what's the word, lateral?? buds) Even if I don't need to know this stuff, I *like* to know it just because I like nature. I just never had any reason to teach myself.

That's it from here- wishing everyone a very relaxing and joyful day!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes Kay, you look gorgeous in your new avatar and I loved the LO too. It's nice seeing you coming over to the dark side of AJ/Mixed media a little more :love: The stylist who did your hair is a keeper!
Heh, can't say I blame your DS one bit about waiting to come back to the US- who would want to leave the warm Philippines?
It wasn't me that recommended that book (Likely Event) but I am going to add that to my To-Read shelf.

@vickyday Thank you for validating what I think about the shower gifts/honeymoon money. My mom and I came up with a 1st draft of how to ask-- since they are living in a furnished home they don't need many household items --in lieu of gifts, a donation towards a honeymoon will be appreciated blah blah blah. My BFF has a way with words, I can ask her to help me get it right.
Such good news about your car and even better that you had it so you could visit Ilene. How many games of Quirkle did you play? :D
@taxed4ever What the WHAT????? Bring on all the rolling pins! :rollingpin1::rollingpin1::rollingpin1:
How many months has this been held up? It started around US Thanksgiving, IIRC? The company better make it right- this is ridiculous.
All of that would put me in a bad mood too and unable to scrap. Maybe getting your craft goodies cheered you up, I hope it did.
The aggravating part is that Cait and Tom have a good chunk of money for a downpayment but b/c home prices and interest rates are so high it doesn't even matter. NJ property taxes are also incredibly high so it's all such a mess. I know, I am preaching to the choir. :(

@bcgal00 You are #1 Social Butterfly!! How fun! The town you are in sounds wonderful- Kamloops had all of that but no medical care. Sounds like you have both things where you are now and that is fantastic!
You and the family have been through so incredibly much over the last few years, you deserve all the time in the world to relax and to *play.* ♥

@Cherylndesigns You're kidding, snow? We might be getting some Tues/Wed (blech) but for you to be going from 71* to snow is more than obnoxious. It's extremely obnoxious!!
Hahahah!! Cats = No shame
Did I ever tell you all about the time Ravyn stole a slice of pizza off the table? She was always our best-behaved dog. Laid back, and always listened. When she was getting here in years, she was getting a little - how do I say it? - a little less considerate and not super sharp. *taps forehead* She walked over to the table, snagged the entire slice of pizza, and the 4 of us watched, completely dumbfounded. Where did that come from??? LOL!
Good luck with all of the calls and paperwork. Lean on Roger and give yourself permission to ask for help. (My two cents, I'll shut up now ;) )



Love my O Family!
Happppppyyyyyy Weekend!
I just came in from taking J for her morning potty walk. It's been wonderful not freezing my butt off. It's not supposed to last much longer but I will take what I can get.
It was a little too cold for my mom to walk around the shops yesterday, so we spent most of the time brainstorming shower plans at a cute sandwich shop. I think I'm getting on track, although I've learned the hard way that telling yourself you have "plenty of time" will bite you in the end.
After we got back here, she asked me for some help with her new tablet. I could *not* for the life of me figure out how to show all of the open tabs and apps. My tablet has a nice and easy-to-find Home button. I'm swiping this way and that way, up and down. I asked Gary if he could figure it out. He did the same thing as I did. After a bunch of tries, he somehow got it to work but had no idea what exactly he did. He tried a few more times and finally found how and where you need to swipe and stop.

The weather should be wonderful for today's Maple Sugaring Program. It's going to be cloudy but in the 50s. I prepped for it yesterday afternoon- reading over the lesson plan and then looking up photos of the buds and branches for the tree ID. I don't need to know any of that at this point but I don't like not knowing things, at least on a basic level. So if someone shows me a bud, I should have enough info to say that it might or might not be (buds are reddish-brown, smaller than red maple, terminal bud is flanked by two--- crud what's the word, lateral?? buds) Even if I don't need to know this stuff, I *like* to know it just because I like nature. I just never had any reason to teach myself.

That's it from here- wishing everyone a very relaxing and joyful day!
I wish I could attend your Maple Sugaring today! Can't wait to hear about it! Will you be able to take pictures?


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes Kay, you look gorgeous in your new avatar and I loved the LO too. It's nice seeing you coming over to the dark side of AJ/Mixed media a little more :love: The stylist who did your hair is a keeper!
Heh, can't say I blame your DS one bit about waiting to come back to the US- who would want to leave the warm Philippines?
It wasn't me that recommended that book (Likely Event) but I am going to add that to my To-Read shelf.

@vickyday Thank you for validating what I think about the shower gifts/honeymoon money. My mom and I came up with a 1st draft of how to ask-- since they are living in a furnished home they don't need many household items --in lieu of gifts, a donation towards a honeymoon will be appreciated blah blah blah. My BFF has a way with words, I can ask her to help me get it right.
Such good news about your car and even better that you had it so you could visit Ilene. How many games of Quirkle did you play? :D
@taxed4ever What the WHAT????? Bring on all the rolling pins! :rollingpin1::rollingpin1::rollingpin1:
How many months has this been held up? It started around US Thanksgiving, IIRC? The company better make it right- this is ridiculous.
All of that would put me in a bad mood too and unable to scrap. Maybe getting your craft goodies cheered you up, I hope it did.
The aggravating part is that Cait and Tom have a good chunk of money for a downpayment but b/c home prices and interest rates are so high it doesn't even matter. NJ property taxes are also incredibly high so it's all such a mess. I know, I am preaching to the choir. :(

@bcgal00 You are #1 Social Butterfly!! How fun! The town you are in sounds wonderful- Kamloops had all of that but no medical care. Sounds like you have both things where you are now and that is fantastic!
You and the family have been through so incredibly much over the last few years, you deserve all the time in the world to relax and to *play.* ♥

@Cherylndesigns You're kidding, snow? We might be getting some Tues/Wed (blech) but for you to be going from 71* to snow is more than obnoxious. It's extremely obnoxious!!
Hahahah!! Cats = No shame
Did I ever tell you all about the time Ravyn stole a slice of pizza off the table? She was always our best-behaved dog. Laid back, and always listened. When she was getting here in years, she was getting a little - how do I say it? - a little less considerate and not super sharp. *taps forehead* She walked over to the table, snagged the entire slice of pizza, and the 4 of us watched, completely dumbfounded. Where did that come from??? LOL!
Good luck with all of the calls and paperwork. Lean on Roger and give yourself permission to ask for help. (My two cents, I'll shut up now ;) )

HA! We played 4 games before I told her my back had been sitting straight in her chairs long enough! She would have played all night long if my back could have handled it! We had a wonderful lunch at our usual mom and pops diner before going back to her house to play. I picked her up around 10:30 and I left her house around 4:30. We had a good day!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Quick in and out today.
We are going to pick Ilene up in about an hour to make a COSTCO run. I can no longer make the run without Mark because the dog food bags are 40 lbs. and the doctor has ordered me not to pick up more than 5 lbs. with my severe osteoporosis! Makes me feel like a weeny! But, it is what it is!

I had a good day with Ilene yesterday. We have only been able to be together 3 times this year! Between her being sick and Mark and I being sick or furnace problems or car problems.....life gets in the way of play time sometimes! ;). Hopefully things are beginning to settle down and get back to normal.

Tuesday will be my first trip to take the widows to their monthly meeting since last September. Just praying my back holds out for the hour trip there, the couple hours there and the hour back! I am looking forward to seeing the ladies again. One of the ladies, a real sweet lady, passed away so she will be missed. The newish lady from our church, Ruth, who has gone with us one time only is planning to go, so I am glad for that. Her husband's one year anniversary of passing was the first of this month. She turned 80 the end of January. I'm glad she is going with us.

OK, time for me to get ready to leave.
HAGD and a great weekend!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Happy Saturday ladies! Woke up early this morning, so I have a few minutes to say :wavinghello: before DH gets up and wants his breakfast. It will be a day of grocery shopping and then this afternoon we will go with MIL and FIL to check out the house across the street. I have my doubts that anything will become of this, I am pretty sure MIL will never leave their place at the Lake. She will say “there is no view!!” Oh well, we continue to try to help them out, but this will just be a waste of time. It is very frustrating! I finally managed to get a layout done for February’s week one AJ challenge and I hope to start on week 2 soon. Tomorrow we go to SIL Linda’s for a Super Bowl get together with her and Mark. However this Game will be more about Taylor Swift than about Football :crazy:. I think that there will be more chatting with Mark and Linda than watching the game. I did not get to my fav craft shop yesterday, I called and the items I ordered were not delivered yet. Seems everyone has trouble getting things these days. I got out for a walk in the afternoon, but it was chilly and I had to wear my winter coat and mitts. I have only put on my winter coat a couple of times this year. When we had our cold spell I just stayed in the house :giggle4:. Not much else going on for us today.

@faerywings - You are right, my trouble with the blinds started just before Christmas, it is so disappointing! I have a feeling there will be another screw up this Thursday, they kind of have me between and rock and a hard place I need the blinds to all match right?!! Glad that your Gary got your Mom’s tablet figured out, but sounds like it was a real challenge! What kind of tablet is it?? I hope you have a wonderful time at the Maple Sugaring Program today! I am not surprised that you are going to be well prepared for it, its the teacher in you :lovey3:

@vickyday - How nice that you had such a great day with Ilene yesterday and now more time together at Costco!! Good that your Mark is tagging along, you don’t need to hurt yourself lifting those heavy bags of dog food!

Well DH is up and ready to start the day, I will grab another coffee and then get breakfast started, hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! :cowwaving:


Morning, all. We are under a snow warning this morning. So I plan on staying safe and warm inside the house. The prediction is for only 2"-3" here in town but for lots more than that on all the highways. Some of the mountains will getting FEET of snow!! The snowpack will be good for spring run-off.

Thanks for all the nice comments on the hair cut... and my AJ story about the saga of getting selfies for the avatar. Yes, I am having fun with doing AJ pages. I really need to get some Layouts done for the AJ challenges. Racheal Jefferies Challenge about selfies really stuck a chord with me so had to go with that challenge first.

@faerywings What a challenge your mom's tablet was... I am still struggling with my new phone to find things. Both DD's have tried to help with it but I use it mainly for getting text messages from the kids and as an emergency call backup. I agree about asking for money for the kids at the shower. You might look into having a "Money Tree" for it. I am sure everyone will understand.

@taxed4ever I can't believe all that has gone wrong with that window/blind installation. Don't blame you for getting out the rolling pin over it all.

@Cherylndesigns I saw your AJ page... know those feelings so well. Glad you have Roger there to help you wade through all the paperwork and calls. :hug1:

@vickyday Hope your back holds up to the long day with the widows. Glad to hear you are listening to the docs about not lifting more than 5lbs. Don't feel like a weenie about it... think of it as being pro-active and doing what you need to do to keep from injuring your back more.

Need more coffee and get dressed. HAGD


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning, all.
Quick in for out for me, but hopefully I can catch up with personals later on or tomorrow. Adrienne and Ava are coming over today to help me with some things I want to do. I'm so disorganized - still can't focus and I have several things they want to tackle.

I started "the calls" yesterday and was frazzled by the time I had made a few of them. The problem is, they don't speak English very well (even the insurance companies farm their work out to other countries). I did okay with a couple of them, but the last one about did me in. Roger is going to help me with the big stuff - Social Security is the one I'm dreading and Medicare - we still don't have the death certificates, so we're in a holding pattern until then. I think we're going to go to Muskogee in person to the Social Security office there. There are only so many things I can do w/o them, but I'm whacking away at them. Adrienne was here while I was on the last call and when I walked out, she said "you need a glass of wine, Mom". She already had it poured for me. (It was after 5 o'clock - if that matters.) :lol23:

Kay @BrightEyes I saw that you loved my post. I might add some more to it - it's in Planning - I think it looks pretty well done. I like to sit on them for a few days before the posting date. I'll post it on the 15th.

Chris @faerywings now that you mention it, even though Daisy still looks like a puppy, she's going on 9 years old. She IS starting to do some different things - I need to remember that. She's also been "different" since Chuck passed away. Both the animals have. We're all trying to cope together. I didn't really scold her - well, teasing scolding because I love her "Doodle Side Eye. :giggle4:

I'm going to send hugs and love to everybody and get off here and get ready for the girls. They'll hit the door ready to work. I'm not sure I'm ready for the two hurricanes today, but I have to take help when and where I can get it. :lol23:



Love my O Family!
Happy Saturday ladies! Woke up early this morning, so I have a few minutes to say :wavinghello: before DH gets up and wants his breakfast. It will be a day of grocery shopping and then this afternoon we will go with MIL and FIL to check out the house across the street. I have my doubts that anything will become of this, I am pretty sure MIL will never leave their place at the Lake. She will say “there is no view!!” Oh well, we continue to try to help them out, but this will just be a waste of time. It is very frustrating! I finally managed to get a layout done for February’s week one AJ challenge and I hope to start on week 2 soon. Tomorrow we go to SIL Linda’s for a Super Bowl get together with her and Mark. However this Game will be more about Taylor Swift than about Football :crazy:. I think that there will be more chatting with Mark and Linda than watching the game. I did not get to my fav craft shop yesterday, I called and the items I ordered were not delivered yet. Seems everyone has trouble getting things these days. I got out for a walk in the afternoon, but it was chilly and I had to wear my winter coat and mitts. I have only put on my winter coat a couple of times this year. When we had our cold spell I just stayed in the house :giggle4:. Not much else going on for us today.

@faerywings - You are right, my trouble with the blinds started just before Christmas, it is so disappointing! I have a feeling there will be another screw up this Thursday, they kind of have me between and rock and a hard place I need the blinds to all match right?!! Glad that your Gary got your Mom’s tablet figured out, but sounds like it was a real challenge! What kind of tablet is it?? I hope you have a wonderful time at the Maple Sugaring Program today! I am not surprised that you are going to be well prepared for it, its the teacher in you :lovey3:

@vickyday - How nice that you had such a great day with Ilene yesterday and now more time together at Costco!! Good that your Mark is tagging along, you don’t need to hurt yourself lifting those heavy bags of dog food!

Well DH is up and ready to start the day, I will grab another coffee and then get breakfast started, hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! :cowwaving:
Mark even treated us to lunch at Olive Garden today while we were out! ;)


The Loopy-O
Good morning from the new expert on maple sugaring! :hahano: I must have looked like I knew what I was doing on occasion because I was asked a few questions. Some I could answer, others I said go and ask the other staff :D
The group was smaller than expected. Some people paid and never showed up but that was nice for me because it wasn't chaotic. I have heard some stories of Scout Groups of 20 or so and the Staff gets swarmed at the end. Since I wasn't leading I was able to snap some photos for the Facebook page. This is where the group practiced drilling on a dead maple.
We couldn't have asked for better weather, it was above 50 and the paths/trail was dry. No one complained about frozen and wet toes ;)

Let's see how that goes for Wednesday's Homeschool session. Snow is coming Monday night into Tuesday and I have heard everything from 1-3" to 6-10" depending on how the storm tracks up the coast. If we can't do the Forest Bathing plan, Lauren wants to teach them knots. I brought home a pocket guide to practice and OMG! There is a knot under the heading: How to Handcuff a Burglar.
Hope I never need it but good to know :jail1:

BFF said she would love to have Cait's shower so now I need to find out if everyone will be around on the date we tentatively picked. Gary and Cait worked for hours organizing the attic and Scott's room. She and I worked on her Budget Spreadsheets (See... when I say she loves her spreadsheets, she *really* loves her spreadsheets) to get an idea of what it costs to run this house and what they will need to contribute. I guess things are moving even closer to them moving here. I know I have said it before, but I am so sad for them even though I know it is the smartest financial move. My SIL (their realtor) said the exact same thing to Caitlyn too.

I am still figuring out how to organize my time now that I have more things going on. What was it, just a few weeks ago when I had nothing to do except housework for days in a row and complained non-stop?? Hahah! This morning I am off to another hike Scott is leading. I've done this one a few times already and there are some decent rack scrambles so I'd better stay focused. I am meeting my new hiking friend there too. Should be fun! By the time I get home, I am going to need to start dinner soon after. I began a LO on Thursday and haven't even looked at it since then. Maybe I can squeeze in some time tomorrow to work a little more.

Have a wonderful day!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday The photo I shared is a screenshot from my Google Photos. I know it's very blurry. I sent my boss Anne the full-size files. I am not that bad a photographer *G* I am not sure if I'm allowed to scrap them. :thinking2: If it is a Public program we are allowed to take photos with verbal consent. For any Private programs, they need to sign a waiver. I am not sure if the photos themselves become the property of Weis?
Do any of you know off the top of your heads how that works legally?

What, only 4 games of Quirkle?? You're slipping :p So happy that you and Ilene had a fab day together.
Does your doctor think that with the PT and/or meds, you will be able to rebuild some bone strength? And you are *not* a weenie, you are taking good care of yourself. That's something women tend to not do so well, so be proud of yourself for it.

@taxed4ever Nice to see you waving :wavinghello: and not :rollingpin1: Bwuahaah!!
What did your ILs think of the house? Maybe looking at houses will settle into their minds as a possibility if they keep going to see them? From what you say, that's not going to happen...but I can hope for you.
Have a great time tonight watching the Super Taylor Game. No, wait. It is the Swifty Bowl? LOL!
The part of my brain that is the Teacher Zone is working overtime and it needs to calm down. I was in the shower yesterday and Bam! Had an idea for a game to play with the kids. Nature version of Who is It? That meant I needed to make a mock-up of the game cards and share the doc with Lauren. Right then and there. Couldn't wait until I see her on Wed. Then as I am working on that, I am getting more ideas for different games. Ahhh!
My mom's tablet is a Lenovo, Android-based. Some of it is similar to my Android phone but there was a bunch of stuff I wasn't sure how to do. My mom is terrified to mess around and try stuff out which sometimes is the only way to learn. She'll figure it out or at least just the stuff she needs to.

@BrightEyes Oh my goodness, feet of snow!! As long as it stays in the mountains where it belongs, that's a good thing. We are so far below our snowfall averages again here, three years in a row? Maybe more than that. How much did you get at your house? Stay safe and warm!
I vaguely know about a Money Tree- that's a fantastic idea and will dig the info up on it. Thank you!

@scrap-genie Hi, my friend! We have missed you here so it's a treat to see you pop in! That dragon is amazing!! I love how you combined the collage with digital :D

@Cherylndesigns Oh sweetheart... the calls and explanations over and over must be so difficult. I am super glad that Roger is helping you logistically and Adrienne is helping alcoholically. Both are equally important.
Daisy and Sam must feel that their worlds have been upended as well. Animals do feel grief so that makes sense they are "acting out" the only way they know how.


Love my O Family!
@vickyday The photo I shared is a screenshot from my Google Photos. I know it's very blurry. I sent my boss Anne the full-size files. I am not that bad a photographer *G* I am not sure if I'm allowed to scrap them. :thinking2: If it is a Public program we are allowed to take photos with verbal consent. For any Private programs, they need to sign a waiver. I am not sure if the photos themselves become the property of Weis?
Do any of you know off the top of your heads how that works legally?

What, only 4 games of Quirkle?? You're slipping :p So happy that you and Ilene had a fab day together.
Does your doctor think that with the PT and/or meds, you will be able to rebuild some bone strength? And you are *not* a weenie, you are taking good care of yourself. That's something women tend to not do so well, so be proud of yourself for it.

@taxed4ever Nice to see you waving :wavinghello: and not :rollingpin1: Bwuahaah!!
What did your ILs think of the house? Maybe looking at houses will settle into their minds as a possibility if they keep going to see them? From what you say, that's not going to happen...but I can hope for you.
Have a great time tonight watching the Super Taylor Game. No, wait. It is the Swifty Bowl? LOL!
The part of my brain that is the Teacher Zone is working overtime and it needs to calm down. I was in the shower yesterday and Bam! Had an idea for a game to play with the kids. Nature version of Who is It? That meant I needed to make a mock-up of the game cards and share the doc with Lauren. Right then and there. Couldn't wait until I see her on Wed. Then as I am working on that, I am getting more ideas for different games. Ahhh!
My mom's tablet is a Lenovo, Android-based. Some of it is similar to my Android phone but there was a bunch of stuff I wasn't sure how to do. My mom is terrified to mess around and try stuff out which sometimes is the only way to learn. She'll figure it out or at least just the stuff she needs to.

@BrightEyes Oh my goodness, feet of snow!! As long as it stays in the mountains where it belongs, that's a good thing. We are so far below our snowfall averages again here, three years in a row? Maybe more than that. How much did you get at your house? Stay safe and warm!
I vaguely know about a Money Tree- that's a fantastic idea and will dig the info up on it. Thank you!

@scrap-genie Hi, my friend! We have missed you here so it's a treat to see you pop in! That dragon is amazing!! I love how you combined the collage with digital :D

@Cherylndesigns Oh sweetheart... the calls and explanations over and over must be so difficult. I am super glad that Roger is helping you logistically and Adrienne is helping alcoholically. Both are equally important.
Daisy and Sam must feel that their worlds have been upended as well. Animals do feel grief so that makes sense they are "acting out" the only way they know how.
Yeah, I wasn't thinking of the legal ramifications of taking pictures. But I don't know what those would be either!
Oh, trust me! Ilene would have played until bedtime, especially since the score was 3 to 1 my favor!
Yes, weight-bearing exercises are supposed to help build bone. I have to build myself up again with the PT since I haven't done any for 2 weeks with being sick. I start the osteoporosis PT on Thursday so I'm curious to see what that will entail.


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
Rain and more rain here today...all day and into tomorrow. That's ok. Sunday is our day of rest so I'll probably get some more color play kits and scrap while Mark watches the Super Bowl.

I need to get ready for church so waving to everyone. :cowwaving::waving3::waving1:wavinghello:


Love my O Family!
Good morning from the new expert on maple sugaring! :hahano: I must have looked like I knew what I was doing on occasion because I was asked a few questions. Some I could answer, others I said go and ask the other staff :D
The group was smaller than expected. Some people paid and never showed up but that was nice for me because it wasn't chaotic. I have heard some stories of Scout Groups of 20 or so and the Staff gets swarmed at the end. Since I wasn't leading I was able to snap some photos for the Facebook page. This is where the group practiced drilling on a dead maple.
We couldn't have asked for better weather, it was above 50 and the paths/trail was dry. No one complained about frozen and wet toes ;)
View attachment 412575

Let's see how that goes for Wednesday's Homeschool session. Snow is coming Monday night into Tuesday and I have heard everything from 1-3" to 6-10" depending on how the storm tracks up the coast. If we can't do the Forest Bathing plan, Lauren wants to teach them knots. I brought home a pocket guide to practice and OMG! There is a knot under the heading: How to Handcuff a Burglar.
Hope I never need it but good to know :jail1:

BFF said she would love to have Cait's shower so now I need to find out if everyone will be around on the date we tentatively picked. Gary and Cait worked for hours organizing the attic and Scott's room. She and I worked on her Budget Spreadsheets (See... when I say she loves her spreadsheets, she *really* loves her spreadsheets) to get an idea of what it costs to run this house and what they will need to contribute. I guess things are moving even closer to them moving here. I know I have said it before, but I am so sad for them even though I know it is the smartest financial move. My SIL (their realtor) said the exact same thing to Caitlyn too.

I am still figuring out how to organize my time now that I have more things going on. What was it, just a few weeks ago when I had nothing to do except housework for days in a row and complained non-stop?? Hahah! This morning I am off to another hike Scott is leading. I've done this one a few times already and there are some decent rack scrambles so I'd better stay focused. I am meeting my new hiking friend there too. Should be fun! By the time I get home, I am going to need to start dinner soon after. I began a LO on Thursday and haven't even looked at it since then. Maybe I can squeeze in some time tomorrow to work a little more.

Have a wonderful day!
The way things are in the world knowing how to handcuff a robber just may come in handy for sure. Is that you in the photo?


Can you believe it... I got got about 8" of snow at my house yesterday morning!! WOW!!! I looked out after I posted here and it was coming down like mad. Took a few photos then... and a few more around 1PM when the snow tapered off. So glad that my house faces south as the snow on my side of the street has mostly melted away on the driveway. Still have snow in the yards. Even though the snow has melted on the streets it is icy and slick so not going anywhere until it is clear again. I called my sis in Amarillo and they would be getting the snow last night and today.

@faerywings Sounds like you had lots of fun on the hike. LOL over the knots to hold a burglar!!! You sure are learning a lot of different things since you got the job! I was wondering if that is you in the photo. I was giggling about you dreaming up activities while you were taking a shower... Yes, you are back in "teacher" mode again. You are so creative with games, etc.

@vickyday be glad it isn't snowing there.

@Cherylndesigns I remember all the paperwork, phone calls, etc after DH died. Not a lot you can do until you get the death certificates. Glad Roger and the girls are helping you.

BBL.. need to get some breakfast and another cup of coffee.


Love my O Family!
Can you believe it... I got got about 8" of snow at my house yesterday morning!! WOW!!! I looked out after I posted here and it was coming down like mad. Took a few photos then... and a few more around 1PM when the snow tapered off. So glad that my house faces south as the snow on my side of the street has mostly melted away on the driveway. Still have snow in the yards. Even though the snow has melted on the streets it is icy and slick so not going anywhere until it is clear again. I called my sis in Amarillo and they would be getting the snow last night and today.

@faerywings Sounds like you had lots of fun on the hike. LOL over the knots to hold a burglar!!! You sure are learning a lot of different things since you got the job! I was wondering if that is you in the photo. I was giggling about you dreaming up activities while you were taking a shower... Yes, you are back in "teacher" mode again. You are so creative with games, etc.

@vickyday be glad it isn't snowing there.

@Cherylndesigns I remember all the paperwork, phone calls, etc after DH died. Not a lot you can do until you get the death certificates. Glad Roger and the girls are helping you.

BBL.. need to get some breakfast and another cup of coffee.
If this rain were snow we would be buried for sure!


Well-Known Member
Good afternoon everyone. Yesterday flew by. We went into Calgary and cancelled the order for a credenza we placed 2 months ago. We went furniture shopping and finally picked out a credenza we like and also another chairside table to put in the DR beside the china cabinet. The bonus was that there was a sale so we got both pieces for less than we had paid for the one piece that we cancelled.

Today I'll make teriyaki tofu for my buddah bowl for dinner. I want to organize the pantry a bit later too. This morning I put textured vinyl film over the glass doors of the cabinet in the office (it hides the mess inside the cabinet). I also hung a few more pictures. Slowly everything is getting done.

I want to watch Usher on the super bowl half time show and will watch youtube SB commercials as they come out. That is always fun to see. They do such great commercials for SB.

I might get a challenge page done this afternoon. I have been too busy to scrap much lately but I am not really missing it as I am filling my time with other fun things. I can't believe I am busy every week now with bingo, card night, ladies luncheons, pickleball and birding hikes.

@faerywings Glad the class outing went well. I'm trying to learn more about nature and wildlife too. I laugh when the instructors point out birds in a certain tree and I am looking everywhere b/c I don't know what that tree is LOL. I've got a couple of Alberta bird books to study. With my crappy memory, it'll take many readings for it to sink in.

@taxed4ever It sure would be convenient to have your IL's so close but you are probably right, it might never happen.

I'm going to grab a final cup of coffee for the day and work on some meal planning for the week. HAGD everyone.