Hello ladies.............happy to see my O family this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's see....the last few days have been more of the same...BUSY!! Friday night we went to one of the local Christmas parades...that was fun...the kids loved it...Pictures coming later today on FACEBOOK! Ya know....it's not nearly as cold as I remember from years ago taking my kids to the parades....and we STOOD....everyone had chairs. So we just used a towel and sat on the ground. Cameran didn't go with us...I guess he thinks he is too COOL for that..HAHA!!! Actually he just found some ALONE time with his PawPaw!!
We went to visit my MIL (Trudy....that's who I was talking about the other day...I see my Mom nearly every day, and she is not in that kind of shape)...I nearly cried...Mike has been to see her a few times since the last time I went...it's been about 3 or 4 months since I was over there....She is so drawn and restless, can barely get up (she has to be helped). It's so sad to see them wither away....
I went to Mom's yesterday and did a few things....and was getting ready to leave...and the kids got into a spat trying to get out the door FIRST..knocked over my Mom's water cooler...a full jug...and two plants...broke on of the pots, and a big rooster she had on the floor in front of the plants broke too...now a 5 gallon jug of water and lots of potting soil makes a HUGE mess!!!UUUUGGGHHHHH!!! Mom wanted to clean it up....and insisted I leave...but I insisted harder....I made her go sit down....her neck and back were hurting her pretty bad anyway....IT TOOK ME ALMOST AN HOUR TO CLEAN THAT MESS UP AND MOP THE FLOORS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!! :rant:
Then this morning...Jaiden went to fool with my laptop (which she gets a butt busting for almost daily) and she knocked it off...broke my power cord...the tip that goes in the computer just broke right off (more :rant

I had an old one...I am using it right now...but I am afraid if it's not compatible enough it will burn up my computer...so I am just going to buy a new to be sure....(more :rant

I took them to church..and just came back home....Mom said she would drive them back home when church is over.
Bought me a new Christmas tree....YAY!!!!!! I have wanted one of those very slim trees for a while....and since I threw my tree out last year...I decided if I could not find what I wanted this time, I wasn't buying one!!! They had ONE left in Target Friday...so the tree is going up tomorrow! Sort of early for us...but for the kids...I am doing it early. I doubt I put my other stuff out....just don't want chances of the stuff getting broken!! (litte tiny :rant

Okay my dear friends....I am off to take a quick nap!!! thinking I deserve it!! HAHA!! probably won't....but maybe I can scrap a page....that would make two this month if I do :mrgreen: