
Daily Ooo's: August 24-25, Weekend Edition


The Loopy-O
Good morning/afternoon/evening! Happy weekend!
Who has some good plans as we run down the summer? Not much here. I am hopefully going to walk the track with my friend, but other than that, it is going to be cleaning the mess in here.
It's also looking to be a beautiful day so I might try to do some yard work. Everything is looking kind of scraggly. Maybe soon, I'll get the external messes sorted out and then I can work on the mental messes. I am really feeling the need to scrap again, but the "spark" is just not there.

Phyllis- 14 loaves! Yummy!!!!! I gave up on the zucchini plants this year, I never got anything growing. And we have one eggplant. I have no idea when to grab it, how do you know when an eggplant is done growing? LOL
Our tomatoes have done great, but yours' didn't?
Too funny about the mystery-pumpkins!
Did you make the pot pie? How was it? I make a chicken and leek pot pie that the three of us will eat but would love to try another variety. and Pioneer Woman usually has good recipes.

Eek about the lightning!

Nancy- we had the crazy rain in the morning before I had to go anywhere, glad you made it safe to your son. Sorry about the lunch having to get cancelled, hopefully you can meet again soon. I know you want that purse!!!

Please keep telling me that Senior Year is going to be fun.....:faint2:

Trudy!!!!! I don't know if I would like that reading or not if I were you!!!JK!!!! I know that you would LOVE to have heather back near you, but I know how worried you would be if she had another baby and was not nearby. But yes, you have such an awesome family that it all would be a blessing!

Re: the carrier-- you might have better luck at a specialty baby shop than a Big Box type. The sales people might have more knowledge and if they don't have something in stock there might know where you could get something. My other idea is to look online-- there might be a forum for moms with disabilities, who have ideas and/or suggestions. Some crafty types might even know how to sew a carrier.
Just my 2 cents.... :)

Hi Stephanie-- Happy Birthday to your son!! hope that you got some good pics of his Minion cake. Time really flies, and the kids just get too grown up too fast....

Phyllis- I haven't seen Despicable Me 2, but Minions were the Hot Thing on the Boardwalk this year.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!

good morning - it is a beautiful day Chris here in NJ and I will need to get outside at some point. I still am not ready for these fall like days! We have nothing planned for this weekend which I like. My DH just made French toast for breakfast and it was so good. I have been planning with my son which tickets to purchase for the winter's Stadium Classic game the Devils will play at Yankee Stadium against the NY Rangers. I am so excited to be able to go to an outdoor game. The game starts at 12:30 so hopefully being a day game there will be sun. All season tickets holders get the opportunity to purchase tickets. I know it will be cold!

Chris have fun at the track and hope you had a great day with all those kids. Senior year is fun but there are stressful portions. I know that college applications and SAT tests are never fun but it is part of the year. He will be fine with your help!

Phylis you make me laugh about Minions. Despicable Me is a really cute movie and not just for kids. I am sure you can get it on your iPad. 14 loaves of bread I am totally impressed.

Trudy that was some reading of your tea leaves. I thought that having my son and wife near would mean I would see them often but really not the case. Maybe if they had kids and needed me to help I would see them. I realize they have their life and it is busy. Thank goodness for me that I have hockey soon to see him again.

Stephanie happy birthday to your son. My son is way past that age LOL. It goes fast so enjoy!

Have a great day all!
Chris!! DON'T DOOOOO IT!!! i've been doing edging, on my knees for two hours already this a.m. and i feel like crap! right now i'm sitting under the umbrella on my patio, having some diet A&W Cream Soda, looking at the part that still have to do, and i'm having an argument with myself about whether to finish the job or not!!! :decision: GAAH! i want a lawn service!! at least for the edging. i estimate that i have about 3-400 yards of it, at the very least. after i do the trowel part, then comes the electic edger part. sounds better than it is, that part. i use my weed whacker to do it, and the string breaks about every 10 feet. :hurt:

well. complain much, Phylis??? :becky:

hope you get your walk in, Chris. and weather-wise, this looks to be a great "go to the lake" weekend!

enjoy your Saturday, guys. avoid yard work wherever possible....
Hi Ladies... late getting in here as we just got back from a nice walk with Mason. The stroller that DD got with all the money and a little help from Mom and Dad is awesome!! Wish they had such nice things when our kids were babies!! DD and grandson are both sleeping :sleep: so I have a chance to be here, for a few minutes anyway.

Chris - hope you get to be outside for a bit today in your garden. My garden has been sadly neglected by me for the past few weeks. Watering gets done everyday, but not much else. Good thing MG cuts the grass, because I sure haven't had time to do it!! Oh and BTW... I love your 2 cents worth!!

Nancy - Yummmmm french toast for breakfast and made by your MG that's even better!! Nice to have a weekend with no plans, wish it were that way for me! I am exhausted from all of the company and the running around, but I know that I will want everyone back as soon as I am alone for a few days!!

Phylis - Good God woman, take it easy!! You don't have to tackle the whole yard today do you??? How frustrating is it when the string keeps breaking on your weed whacker!!!!! I would have no patience for that!! It would wind up in the garbage bin!!!! Hope the devil part of you wins the argument and you take it easy for the rest of day!! :becky:

Today is :washing: grocery shopping and more searching for the perfect carrier for my DD. Wish us luck, we need it!! Have a fabulous Saturday my friends!! :wave:
Nancy, me neither. not ready for Fall at ALL!!! and where, please tell me, are husbands who make breakfast for sale??? i want one.

Trudy, did you see the link for the sling i posted yesterday in the OOOOs? dunno whether it wold work for your DD or not.
I did see the link Phylis... :sorry: should have thanked you!! It looks like an awesome wrap, trouble is that DD would have too much trouble trying to tie it herself, she needs another person to help her out. We are still looking for something that she can do herself. Thank you so much for thinking of us Phylis!!! If you see anything else, let us know!! :hug:
Good morning, my O-Fam!

The weather here is just beautiful- even if it is a bit to cold for summer time. I got to walk on the track with my friend then did a bit of house work and then a bit of yard work. While I was doing my filing, I watched this video clip Mary McDonnell Talk On Lyme Disease at Columbia U. www.youtube.com Mary McDonnell is the spokesperson for the Lyme Disease Association (www.lymediseaseassociation.org). Here is her keynote address for the opening of the new ...
Then I had to stop. Collect myself. Try again, only to sit down and cry my way through the rest of it.

I posted his on FB but if there is anyone who is reading this who doesn't know me on Facebook, but wants to know what is it like to have Lyme (CDC and IDSA, this means *you* :mad:) this is a Must-Watch.

Gary saw it a few days go and shared it on my FB page. I wasn't in much of a rush to watch because I figured it was going to be another instance of statistics and lists of symptoms and blah blah blah. When he asked me if I had seen it yesterday I said that I hadn't yet, but he told me that I really should, that it was very powerful. For him to say that made me realize that it would be worth the 10 minutes. He came in to my office towards the end as I was crying. By the time it was done, I was sobbing and just hugging him and holding on to him and apologizing for all of the time I forget how psychologically this has damaged him. (He keeps most of that to himself, like a Man) I saw each of my family member in the speech. The pain, the anxiety, the feeling of being misunderstood, the struggles for health care-- and the guilt. The guilt that Gary feels for infecting me, of me for passing it on to my kids, the guilt he has for not being able to be the provider, the protector of his family. As much as I *hate* prescribed gender roles, I know that culturally, they are instilled in us all to some extent. And he feels deeply how he has failed us.

I was all pissy at him for the many times he was supposed to take Scott our driving and for his Driving test last week. I was angry that everything ends up on my shoulders and that anger blinded me to the knowledge that this hurts him too. More deeply then he ever lets on.
So it was something I could relate too but also a reminder that each of us is dealing with this. I can't get angry (i mean, I can and I am sure I will) but I have to temper it with more understanding, as will Gary and the kids. I don't think my kids have watched it but they should-- to get a better perspective on how this affects Gary and I, as people, as patients, and as parents.

Oh, man. I did it again. I wrote a novel not meaning too.I should really write all of this on my very neglected blog so you don't get stuck reading the same old same old. Or at least I should pay you whatever a therapists fee would be :pound:

:love: to all!
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Nancy-- mmmm, French Toast, I have not had that in so long! What a sweet hubby!
I know I am already stressing over SAT's applications-- it is a HUGE process online and I need to work in it for the Oct testings date. His guidance counselor has been on maternity leave since April and is not coming back until November. Trying to get in touch with anyone from Guidance over the summer has been a month-long nightmare. *eye roll*
I am really really lucky and happy that Scott is taking a class to help him with college apps and all that. Being is has disabilities, he is eligible for a class called Transitions to Post Secondary Ed where they help them do all of that research and get them ready for college/careers etc. He'll know way more than me!

Phyllis- I did work outside for a bit- but my work is not as hard as yours. I cut back all of my dying lilies of the valley and ripped some out as they were taking over the garden. Cut back some other lilies (the tall kind, to be very species specific LOL). I wish I could have done more but I am still very fatigued from my Lyme Flare.
I think I would have bashed that weed-whacker to pieces!!! And I hope you are not in any or too much pain today.

Trudy, I love hearing all about Mason! And even in the last 15 years all of the gadgets and stuff has changed so much. I was so amazed when I would spent time with Christopher.
Have you had any more luck finding a baby carrier? I loved the one that Phyllis linked too, but I can she how it would be difficult for Heather to tie it. But the stretchy fabric seemed like a neat idea.
When I wore Scott, the tip I used was to tie it on myself in the way I was going to wear him. Put it on the bed/sofa and I put him in it. Then I put the sling on and adjusted it for the best fit leaning over the bed. I know lots has changed but i'd love to help in any way.
good morning and yes it is a great morning! You all know me and my love of hockey. Well this year the Devils are part of the Stadium series of outdoor hockey games. I have always wanted to go to an outdoor game. Well one of the perks as a season ticket holder is that we have first dubs on getting tickets. Well I just put my order in and I got my tickets. My son and I are so excited. My youngest son has snowboarding jackets and snow pants and I plan on wearing those for sure. It is going to be at Yankee Stadium so that should be so cool. It is a day game so I am hoping for sun but the snow would be okay too LOL. Now I just have to find the warmest gloves and boots and I should be ready to go. Also we were allowed to get 2 extra tickets so two of the kids I have gone to the game with are going with us. Now it is wait until Jan 25. As far a getting a husband who cooks - it comes to survival. His mom was a lousy cook so he had no choice but to learn some basics. On Sundays when the boys were young he would cook them big breakfasts. So now my oldest is a great cook but the youngest just wants to be served LOL. Yesterday got in a good walk. It was a gorgeous day. And today should be the same.

Chris that class for Scott sounds great! This year will go so fast so enjoy!

Phylis your yard work sounds too much like real work. Glad you knew to take a break. My husband has been going to take the lawn trimmings to the recycle center for 3 weeks now. I too need a lawn care service.

Trudy I am sure it is going to be tricky to find the right carrier but it must be out there. Good luck!

Have a great day!
Nancy, you're the only person i know who would look forward to sitting outside in NYC in the middle of January!! what a FAAAAAAN!!!!

Chris, i saw your link on your FB page, i thought about watching it, but i don't think i can watch it. i aready know that your Lyme is bloody hell, and i think the video would make me totally depressed. ((( hugs))) to you, sweet person. and make sure that EVERYONE is taking care of everyone, not just YOU doing the caring and working. you deserve care.

i've been taking the wallpaper down in one of my bathrooms this morning. fun. not. :mmph: well, at least i know that i won't be putting any more wallpaper UP, so that has cheered me up considerably. man. do i HATE wallpapering. especially in a tiny bathroom whose corners are not "square." no idea what i'm doing for the rest of the day, if i have any day left after the wallpaper caper. i think i'm going to throw a pot roast in the oven so that dinner will magically appear all by itself later today. :becky:

have a beautiful Sunday. with some SUN!
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We did have a great time. Here is the Minion Cake. I was happy with how it turned out:

shouting a quick HI to everyone on this awesome weekend!!! Love you all!!! *waving wildly*

...just so you remember me! LOL!!!
See you back here tomorrow!!!