
Daily Oooo's Thurs Aug 25th


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies!!!

It's started to cool down a touch here in the mornings and it feels so good!! I watched the sun rise this morning out of the window and it was gorgeous!!!

Now we sit and wait to see what this hurricane is going to do....at first it looked like it would be a little further inland...but I don't think it's going to affect us now....we could use some rain though. I hope it's not going to be as bad as they predict!!! I will be praying for the people who are going to be affected for sure!

My day was quiet yesterday...Miss S was having a "bossy" day.....she has those often..HAHA!!! But she is much more affectionate these days....Mike says she has just enough "sweetness" in her to make up for her DRAMATIC AND BOSSY WAYS!!!!! HAHAHA!!! That smile will melt his heart everytime...she is all about her "PAWPAW" and he loves being here with her!!!

Better run...have a great day ladies!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone... I am off to work again today and tomorrow, but so happy to be able to have the weekends off with my hubby. Looks like a nice day is in store for us here again today. Summer sure took its sweet time to come to west coast !! Soon Autumn will be here as some of the leaves are started to change already. Only went swimming in the lake once this year, brrr it was really cold and its usually very warm by this time of year. Oh well there is always next year right??

Linda - Sounds like your little Savannah is a sweetie!! Its so nice that she loves her PawPaw so much!! Hope that hurricane just passes you by! Sending prayers to those who are affected by it and sure hope no other storms come your way!!

Chris - Wakey, Wakey, Eggs and Bakey lol. Get your butt out of bed girl, hope you have a great Thursday!!

Well gotta go get ready for work. :wave:


lOve the O!
Morning all - Trudy I love your call to Chris- I have never heard that before. The sun is shining here and I am getting lots done- yeah me.


The Loopy-O
yeah yeah-- i was wakey wakey- i was at the supermarket at 7.30! I was hoping to get to the lake today before it rained but we had a batch of bad storms come through around 10. i also wanted to miss the "ZOMG A hurricane! I need to have 5 cases of bread and 10 cases of TP!" shoppers. So far, so good.

nana- oh I am hoping that you get some gentle rains and breezes.
Soo soo soooo good to see you here again. makes my heart smile! You tell Bossy Miss S to stop behaving like her nana. :oops: Did I say that? Hahah! JK and you know it!

Laurie- I wish we had sun here. But good for you to getting stuff done!

Trudy- I think I'd cry if summer passed me by. Maybe you'll get an Indian Summer this year?
(Are we allowed to call it that anymore? I get so confused by some of this PC stuff LOL)

Yup, we are getting ready for Irene, *fingers and toes that the tree the town was supposed to cut down and didn't stays where it belongs*
other than that- i hit the library and stocked up on some books to keep me busy if we lose power.



Well-Known Member
"ZOMG A hurricane! I need to have 5 cases of bread and 10 cases of TP!"

I worked at WalMart on NewYears eve right before the Millennium "Computer Meltdown Apocalypse" happened... I don't think there was toilet paper, water or beans left in the entire state the next day!


Cupcake Ninja
"ZOMG A hurricane! I need to have 5 cases of bread and 10 cases of TP!"

I worked at WalMart on NewYears eve right before the Millennium "Computer Meltdown Apocalypse" happened... I don't think there was toilet paper, water or beans left in the entire state the next day!

Beans? Hmm, that wouldn't be one of my "must haves" in case of emergency! I laughed out loud at that one! I better go check our TP supply though!

We are prepping here. Now I'm really starting to get worried...

My kids were invited to 3 pool parties this weekend and NONE of them have been cancelled by the parents - WTH? Hello, doesn't anyone watch the news?