
CrazyI stupid fear....

Andrea C.

Well-Known Member
From the time I was young up until last year I had an insane fear of the dentist. I grew up with a dentist who would literally dig his fingers into your jaw and jerk your head into the place he wanted if you barely moved. I quit going after my last wisdom tooth was removed and I was around eighteen then.

Last year as part of my yearly bucket list I decided I would get back to the dentist since I hadn't been in over twenty years and I knew my teeth were in horrible shape. Luckily it's always been my back teeth that were bad and never showed.

Today I went in for the first cleaning in over twenty years and oh my....my teeth feel so strange now that they are cleaned properly. A good strange but still very strange! I have a long road ahead to get my teeth in "shape" which includes a few root canals (eek) and a few fillings. I'm just crossing my fingers that I survive!

Anyone else have any little fears that as an adult you realize are just crazy?
I so understand the dental issues. I have really bad teeth. I have had so many root canals- I prefer to use an endodontic specialist- dentist that only does root canals- of the many I have had- all but one were pain free!!
Yeah the dentist I've been seeing is referring me out to one of those for two of those. The other one is a two root tooth and he's going to do that himself! I hope they aren't very painful, he claims they aren't as bad as some people make them out to be :p I just want them to gas me and not let me remember them! Hahaha!
I have always had a fear of the Dentist as my whole family has not had good luck with their teeth, I highly recommend you floss everyday and use the rubber pick that most Dentist recommend and I mean every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!, it has really helped me tremendously and my gums and teeth are healthier now then they have ever been!! :brushteeth: You only have one set of teeth and believe me you do not want to have false teeth!!!!!
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Even though I too have teeth/root canal issues, I don't hate going to the dentist as much as going to the doctor for ANYTHING. They don't weigh you at the dentist, and they don't blame every tooth problem on being overweight! By now I know the whole lecture they are going to give me, so I just smile and pay the bill. Now the BILL! That's another subject. Lots of reason to fear THAT since we have no dental insurance!
I had a bad experience in my youth age, when the dentist had to break a wisdom tooth directly in the jaw because it was too big to extract it (it's more the sound than the pain itself since I had a local anaesthesia). But it didn't prevent me to go back to the dentist.

Since a few years, I am suffering from chronical rhinitis, and when I am in the dentist's chair, I can't breath for a long time... and now it has became a real pain to go there, because of the stress. Just tried a new dentist for my last scaling and a decay, and it all happened nicely.

So can understand your fears. But as Trudy said, you have but only one set of teeth, so take care of them ;)
My fear at the dentist.....could be a bit ridiculous. It does get sore and tiring having the open your mouth wide after a while and I'm always scared of moving (or not opening the mouth wide enough) and the dentist would accidentally puncture my tongue or something like that. LOL. Ridiculous huh.
I´m seeing my dentist once a year, but the fear never really went away. I always tell myself that I gave birth to two kids, what´s a while in the dentist´s chair in comparison? Hmmm, no , it still is there, the fear.