
Cleaned out my Fireplace...Winter is coming!


Well-Known Member
Okay, okay, really it doesn't get as cold here as some of ya'lls winters, but it is getting colder!!
I cleaned my fireplace completely out today,and it is all ready for a fire tonight! It is a mundane chore, but one that means tonight I can sit on the couch, kids will stare at the fire and life is good.
Do you have a chore that you do, because something good is gonna come out of it??
Only chore that I like to do because something good comes from it is cleaning out my closet so I can make room for more clothes and shoes!! :becky:
I hate, hate, hate washing dishes. I'm not wild about getting my hands wet and I hate dirty icky food and dried on crap. It's my least favorite chore EVER!!! But I do like having plates to eat on. :-)
Cleaning my bathroom makes me happy when it's done.....it's the one chore that as much as I hate it I won't go without it. I'll do it before anything else!
Only chore that I like to do because something good comes from it is cleaning out my closet so I can make room for more clothes and shoes!! :becky:
shoes! those are my weakness too...and now that I have two teen daughters, I live thru them on the high heels! tee hee

I hate, hate, hate washing dishes. I'm not wild about getting my hands wet and I hate dirty icky food and dried on crap. It's my least favorite chore EVER!!! But I do like having plates to eat on. :-)
I don't do many dishes...lots of kids, lots of chores...but I love when my sink is all clean when I wake up!

Cleaning my bathroom makes me happy when it's done.....it's the one chore that as much as I hate it I won't go without it. I'll do it before anything else!
oh I hear you on this one...5 boys...I tried to hand this out as a chore, but it never seemed clean clean like I want it...so I do it too! ugh...gross one!

and so fireplace is all clean and it is not even cold! dang it!
Decorating the house for Christmas? I don't like the job. Somehow, it never meets the expectation in my mind of great family memories being made. Usually, more like Brian and I fighting over getting the tree set up. (If only he would go along with my goal for a beautiful, easy to set up, artificial tree.:eyebrows:)

But I love when it is done. Which reminds me, I need to look at the calendar and figure out when we are going to schedule the trip to the tree farm and a day for putting up the tree.

Decorating the Christmas tree, especially putting the lights in it! Groaning and moaning when I am busy but so happy if its finished!
I really hate emptying the dishwasher. My oldest and I have a pact now: she empties it and I fill it. I really, really REALLY dislike the vacuum cleaner too - which is why the house is never vacuumed

And I don't like fire places. I'm terrified of fire. It's too bad, really, because we get rather cold in the winter and a fire place would come in handy :) It's getting colder now, the temp was at -1°C (I think 30-32°F) - but the good part is that we get some major northern lights when it's cold and bright like today!
DUSTING. I would rather lick my oven clean than dust, and the only satisfaction I get from having done it, is knowing I won't have to do it again for a couple weeks (a month?)!
I pretty much don't mind doing chores, it's just that I always think I have plenty of time to get to it.... then, boom, it's 6pm and I gotta start getting dinner, etc going so another day goes by and it doesn't ever seem to get done lol

As to the rewarding chore that I dread - it's decorating for holidays too :) Alyx said this year that we had to really go big for Christmas since we slacked on Halloween - sigh ;)