
Are you following us on Instagram?


Well-Known Member
I don't know I'm asking in the right place. I have changed my layout to a larger size and want to replace it in the gallery. Can it be done? How? Must it be replaced in my gallery as well as the ATC gallery? Thank you.


ONA - Administrator
I don't know I'm asking in the right place. I have changed my layout to a larger size and want to replace it in the gallery. Can it be done? How? Must it be replaced in my gallery as well as the ATC gallery? Thank you.

I managed to change the layout in My Gallery. Must it be changed anywhere else?

Hi Belle, anytime you want to ask a question about anything, there are two spots you can use. To get help about doing things in the forum or gallery use Need Help with Our Site? and for questions about scrapping stuff, like how to do something in Photoshop or Elements then you can use the PSE, PS other Software Help section More people are going to see your questions in either of those two places rather than in a thread, like this one, which is about following the O on Instagram. :) By the way, in that Need Help area I mentioned above, there are a few guides to show you how to do different things if you want to take a look sometime. :)

To just answer your question above, once you have changed your layout out (replaced it) there is no need to do anything else as it will be replaced in any other gallery you originally added it to when you first uploaded the layout.

However, if your layout is for a challenge, and you have already added the original layout in a post in a challenge thread, then you will need to go to that post and use Edit to delete the old layout and replace with the new one. If you need more information on doing any of that, then please just go to that Need Help section I linked above and ask your question there and I can give you more details. :)
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