
Anyone else is looking forward to going back to their routines?


Well-Known Member
... because I know I am. I had a long and eventful summer, TEN weeks of family and traveling during which I visited four countries, stayed in six hotels and slept in more beds than I care to count. Our daughter got accepted into the uni she wanted and is now settling into her new life on the other side of the world. Our youngest 16-year-old son is now an only child and is - for the time being - enjoying our undivided attention and unlimited parenting. We'll see how long that will last, lol...

I am now back home and am really looking forward to settling back into my day-to-day. Fruit for breakfast, walking the dog, exercise, housework, teaching (my actual job)... and, of course, scrapbooking. How I missed, thee, my faithful Affinity! So much has happened here at Oscraps during my absence... New kits, new challenges, new designers... I've just spent 35 minutes browsing the store and my head is swimming with ideas of how I could scrap the gazillion photos I took this summer! I'd even say I have too many ideas, each crowding the other out and I seem to be unable to pick one...

So, before I go back to the store... Anyone else is enjoying their back-to-normal?


Well-Known Member
O no, I am so not looking forward. This is my last day of freedom. Tomorrow I have to go to work again. I spent two amazing weeks in France and one week at home. I need more. I don't feel I'm fully rested and at piece yet.
I know it will be a few days before I am used to the routine again. But that also means there will be less time for all the fun stuff there is to do. Ten more years of work before I can retire. No, I'm not looking forward at all :sad1:


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
So, before I go back to the store... Anyone else is enjoying their back-to-normal?
Every day is Saturday for me and most think I'm not normal on a normal day. I hear you on the store over stimulating sometimes, but I'm thinking that's normal. Sounds like a GLORIOUS summer.

The rollercoaster is on its way back up today, 55 this morning and supposed to be in the 80's the next few days.


Well-Known Member
O no, I am so not looking forward. This is my last day of freedom. Tomorrow I have to go to work again. I spent two amazing weeks in France and one week at home. I need more. I don't feel I'm fully rested and at piece yet.
I know it will be a few days before I am used to the routine again. But that also means there will be less time for all the fun stuff there is to do. Ten more years of work before I can retire. No, I'm not looking forward at all :sad1:

Jeannette, two weeks in France must have been magical. Did you enjoy all that wine and cheese? I'm sorry to hear you aren't looking forward to going back to work...


Well-Known Member
@vickyday @Cherylndesigns @joyfulheartdesigns @JeanneMN Ladies, retirement is something I look forward to. For the moment, though, I am so used to the rhythm of workdays and weekends, that even during holidays we tend to do more during 'weekdays'. In our household, Friday nights and Saturdays are sacred, this is when we DON'T work/study while Sundays are for homework, housework and other work...