
anyone around???


...loves her some "O"
Wanna chat while we are all doing AMANDA LOs???? I'm gonna go sit in the chat room for a while while scrapping my spotlight challenge LOs!!! yay!!! (it's 9:11pm CST right now...see you there...)


Well-Known Member
Poor Sally... Are you alone in the chat room ?
Hope you have a good coffee to drink...
I can't come ..I'm at work


back hOme and loving it
Sally, it was 4 AM out here when you posted this ... sorry I couldn't joint ... I'm sure you found one or two kind souls to keep your company ;)


Well-Known Member
yep...there were several of us! :):) Thanks for the quick little chat Sally! It put a smile on my face before crashing for the night!


...loves her some "O"
Ohhhh we had fun!!!! And I got two of my Spotlight LOs done!!! (after I left the chat!! bwahahahahahahaha!!!)

Thanks for playing with me, girlies!!

and I may just be here tonight, too!!!! You know me!!! Always chattin and scrappin! and i have to tell you if I've sent my christmas cards out!! :)


Well-Known Member
Sally...too funny!

It was a fun (and quick for me) chat.

Im up for it again tonite!!! we'll see!!! ;)


always chatty at the O!!
It was too fun last night when I was showing something to my dh and saw the chatroom had people in it. How fun.


aka Sue Cummings
drats and double drats! I missed this!:(

Got one question for you guys...how do you CHAT and SCRAP too!:rolleyes:
I have a hard enough time keeping up with the chatting! lol

I wish there was a way to chat and to see each others screens at the same
time!!!? Sort of like the old HELLO!


Well-Known Member
Goober can do stuff like Hello did I do believe...I know you can do quick screen shots and such...I'm on it...I'm on there under Quirkyk and I have the nutty bug/car picture as my avatar :) IF you wanna add me..

And they even have free video chat...Pretty cool...AND GROUP CHAT!!! :)