
Any other tea drinkers here?


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I was a big coffee drinker for years and it started bothering my stomach, so I switched to tea. I'm not a huge fan of "regular black tea" but I have found some amazingly good teas that I really enjoy. I'd love to know if you have any special teas that you like. I'm always looking for new "tastes" favorites.

Some of my current favorites are:
Ginger Peach
"Positive Energy Brands":
Sweet Tangerine
Vanilla Spice
Raspberry Passion


Well-Known Member
I am currently thinking of giving up coffee. As much as I love the emotional comfort a cup of coffee brings me, my body seems to resent it... I like tea, always have, and there's always a selection of flavors in my cabinets. My absolute favorite is black tea with sugar and lemon, but since two spoons of sugar per cup seems like a lot of sugar, I try to stick to herbal teas. chamomile, ginger, peppermint, any kind of green tea - are all good. Fruit teas aren't bad, though they wouldn't be my first choice. My current favorite flavor is a blend of chamomile, honey and ginger.

One weird fun fact: I love tea in tea bags, but green tea MUST be loose - no tea bags allowed here. Not sure why, it just doesn't taste the same to me.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I am currently thinking of giving up coffee. As much as I love the emotional comfort a cup of coffee brings me, my body seems to resent it... I like tea, always have, and there's always a selection of flavors in my cabinets. My absolute favorite is black tea with sugar and lemon, but since two spoons of sugar per cup seems like a lot of sugar, I try to stick to herbal teas. chamomile, ginger, peppermint, any kind of green tea - are all good. Fruit teas aren't bad, though they wouldn't be my first choice. My current favorite flavor is a blend of chamomile, honey and ginger.

One weird fun fact: I love tea in tea bags, but green tea MUST be loose - no tea bags allowed here. Not sure why, it just doesn't taste the same to me.
My tummy has felt so much better since I gave up coffee. I still occasionally give in ane get a caramel macchiato at Starbucks but boy do I pay for it. I can only get one on our way home, because it always upsets my system as good as it is - it's like crack.

I love cammomile, ginger and peppermint, as well and have them in my cupboard. Peppermint tea is excellent for soothing upset stomachs. I just read that Stevia was the best choice as a sugar substitute. Have you tried that?

How do you drink loose tea? Just curious? Do you have a diffuser or just let it "float"?


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Having a cup of green tea lemon right now! No other favourites than the standard breakfast tea/black tea.
That's what my DD likes too and I always keep it for her. She doesn't like the flavored teas that I prefer.


Well-Known Member
My tummy has felt so much better since I gave up coffee. I still occasionally give in ane get a caramel macchiato at Starbucks but boy do I pay for it. I can only get one on our way home, because it always upsets my system as good as it is - it's like crack.

I love cammomile, ginger and peppermint, as well and have them in my cupboard. Peppermint tea is excellent for soothing upset stomachs. I just read that Stevia was the best choice as a sugar substitute. Have you tried that?

How do you drink loose tea? Just curious? Do you have a diffuser or just let it "float"?

Believe it or not, I am so particular about my coffee, that I always sweeten it with one of those tiny sugar-substitute pills - not because I'd be counting calories, but to guarantee the taste stays the same - if I use sugar, there's always a bit more or a bit less in the spoon... I have tried Stevia but didn't like it because it actually has a taste...

As for loose tea - yes, I have a diffuser - and cute thingy with a little tea pot sitting on top of an oriental-style cup, and I also buy tea bags separately which I use if I can't be bothered washing the whole contraption...

But when we lived in China, we drank liters of green tea, and we drank it the way the locals did - in a tall glass, pour hot water over the loose tea and let it seep until it settles on the bottom. The more the leaves "stand up" the higher the quality of the tea... somehow, once we left, we stopped doing it because it just doesn't have the same vibe to it...



I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Believe it or not, I am so particular about my coffee, that I always sweeten it with one of those tiny sugar-substitute pills - not because I'd be counting calories, but to guarantee the taste stays the same - if I use sugar, there's always a bit more or a bit less in the spoon... I have tried Stevia but didn't like it because it actually has a taste...

As for loose tea - yes, I have a diffuser - and cute thingy with a little tea pot sitting on top of an oriental-style cup, and I also buy tea bags separately which I use if I can't be bothered washing the whole contraption...

But when we lived in China, we drank liters of green tea, and we drank it the way the locals did - in a tall glass, pour hot water over the loose tea and let it seep until it settles on the bottom. The more the leaves "stand up" the higher the quality of the tea... somehow, once we left, we stopped doing it because it just doesn't have the same vibe to it...

View attachment 418653
This is so interesting, Olga. What a great picture.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
big tea drinker here - each day have at least 2 cups of caffeine free herbal tea

dont drink coffee at all
I love herbal tea, too. I even have loose herbs that I blend and put in individual tea bags. I do like a little caffein in the morning, though.


I love Red Raspberry tea. In the fall, I go for Pumpkin Spice.
I have used Stevia in tea in the past and it was okay. But I really prefer honey if I want a sweetener.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I love Red Raspberry tea. In the fall, I go for Pumpkin Spice.
I have used Stevia in tea in the past and it was okay. But I really prefer honey if I want a sweetener.
I love raspberry tea too, Kay and any kind of spice. I'll have to try pumpkin spice - that sounds good. I had vanilla spice this morning.


Well-Known Member
I have an on-demand tea water spout so I never have to boil water for tea, it comes out at a gentle boil, as soon as I push the button. Sure makes it convenient.

I like green tea with a bit of stevia in it but also chai green tea. For herbal tea, I like ginger, orange and pear tea. I used to buy Trader Joe's ginger tea but we no longer live near one. I like a London Fog tea with a splash of vanilla, earl grey tea and almond milk. I'll drink black tea but it's not my fave.

If my stomach is bugging me, I love a nice cup of ginger tea and a green apple. Works every time.


Well-Known Member
YES. (Hey, Cheryl!) Dan and I drink Luzianne with Chai Spice mixed in- iced!! It really soothes the stomach and tastes so good! Our version of Southern "Sweet Tea". :)


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
YES. (Hey, Cheryl!) Dan and I drink Luzianne with Chai Spice mixed in- iced!! It really soothes the stomach and tastes so good! Our version of Southern "Sweet Tea". :)
Yummmmm. I used to always use Luzianne tea to make my iced tea and I love spiced chai. I actually have some of that in the fridge right now. I might just drink some.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I have an on-demand tea water spout so I never have to boil water for tea, it comes out at a gentle boil, as soon as I push the button. Sure makes it convenient.

I like green tea with a bit of stevia in it but also chai green tea. For herbal tea, I like ginger, orange and pear tea. I used to buy Trader Joe's ginger tea but we no longer live near one. I like a London Fog tea with a splash of vanilla, earl grey tea and almond milk. I'll drink black tea but it's not my fave.

If my stomach is bugging me, I love a nice cup of ginger tea and a green apple. Works every time.
Oh how cool, Rae - I've never heard of one of those tea dispensers. You like all of the same teas that I like, too.