
Anna Aspnes has Landed at Oscraps

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Wahoo... in case you haven't noticed, Anna's in the House, and oh my word her products are simply AMAZING. Take a look at this:


Want a closer look at the kits featured in the ad above? Check These Out!


ArtPlay Palette Poppy MiniKit


ArtPlay Palette Autumn Crisp


ArtPlay Palette Genuine


ArtPlay Palette Barren Sunrise

And how about a closer look at a few other choice products?


ArtPlay Palette Fall No. 2


FotoBlendz Layers Template No. 4


Stitched by Anna White No. 1

Want to see more goodies?

Check out her store: http://bit.ly/annaaspnesoscraps
and see her designs in action: http://bit.ly/annaaspnesgallery

So what's your favorite Anna product? Why not post a link to it here.... and if you've created a layout, show it off!

Pst...before you go....Want to welcome her to the O-zone?


lOve the O!
I have always admired Anna from afar once I began digiscrapping as I am a simple scrapper. However I loved creating art with her kits! Here is my first try- not bad for an Anna newbie.


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
I love Anna, that might go without saying! That's why I'm here, and I am thankful to all the members of the O for being so welcoming and kind!

A Favorite Product from Anna? No such thing. ha! Kidding. I love her Strawberry Preserve Artplay (check her blog later today) and I love her templates, the artsy ones, the fotoblendz ones, the multifoto ones...I love the artsy and fotoblendz ones because they make me look like an artist (and I am so not!) and I love the multifoto templates because I tend to be an event scrapper, and I take a LOT of photos, over 400 two weekends ago at the Horse Day Parade! Therefore, Multifoto Templates are my best friends! :D

I created a layout two years ago with the Fotoblendz Layered Template that is featured in the opening post, so I thought I'd share it with you. :)



Well-Known Member
Anna is a wonder. i've been attached at the hip to her stuff since i started digi a few years ago. she makes magic possible. even if you think you're not up to creating magical things, you are. she helps it happen. it's a joy and a privilege to be on her team. twenty smooches to you, Anna, and to Oscraps for giving us a home. :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Anna is a gem... she urges us go outside of the linear scrapbooking box... so fun to give it a try... her products are magical... who knows what might happen!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Welcome Anna and thanks for helping me create some beautiful artwork! I know that I will be doing a lot more of this!!



Well-Known Member
When I was wanting to move into the digi world I just couldn't find the right kits that fit my style and then I met Anna's ArtPlay kits and they spoke to me...........you know they speak to you too!! I've always been an 'artist wannabe' and Anna's kits make me feel and believe I'm an artist. Thrilled to be with Anna and the other wonderful ladies on her Creative Team and so appreciative to all of your warm welcomes. I have loved seeing the gallery fill up with all the amazing pages.


aA Creative Team Member
Love this new home for all Anna's goodies! Sometimes I look at her papers and don't want to add a thing :). Her ArtPlay kits are brilliant! So fun to see all the cool and wonderful pages in the gallery.


Well-Known Member
I love her goodies too, they're so unique and lend themselves to all different styles. Here's my latest...



Wecome, ANNA - your art IS my inspiration - for the first time I followed you advice and gave myself permission to play with your products!

This template is one of my favourites. And did I ever have fun using Helen's photo and your products (even the photo effects are done with your brushes) !!

With this template and a variety of your Artsy Palette Kits I created this:

Thank-you Anna and again WELCOME


Anna and her designs are the inspiration that lured me into the digi-world a few years ago. Her awesome ArtPlay Palettes and amazing array of creative brushes will spark your artistic imagination and have you creating like an artist. I am honored and thrilled to be a member of her creative team and so excited we have found a home here at OScraps.


Well-Known Member
Chris, while that's true, my GP keeps plugging diet and exercise. :pound: I mean, seriously, she wants me to leave my computer and just do boring stuff. I do plan on getting back to the gym again though. At least I haven't gained any weight for about 6+ months. Shouldn't that count????


Well-Known Member
Hip hip hooray!!!! Welcome, Anna -- and all who have joined us with her at the O!!! This is going to be epic!


Lynn G Team
I'm really happy that Anna Aspnes is at the O. I'm very honored to be on her team and more excited that our group will be showing you how her products are easy to use but let you layouts look like you did tons of work.
I love ArtPlay Palettes

Love love foto Glow they give you that magic touch

And Artsy Play palettes

But so much more like tons of amazing brushes.
We are going to have fun ! And welcome Anna !


Well-Known Member
I love all of Anna's products - I'm not sure I can choose just one. Besides the ArtPlay Palettes (they are so much fun!) I love her templates! With so little work I can feel very artsy and talented!! Just a picture and a little recoloring and a favorite embellishment or two and they're done!!


Well-Known Member
Anna's ArtPlay Palettes grabbed me and sucked me in the first time I saw them a couple of years ago. I started playing and haven't stopped!
I'm so thrilled to be a part of her creative team and to be here at Oscraps! Everyone is so nice. And talented!
I'd have to go with any of the ArtPlay Palettes as my faves along with her FotoBlendz Clipping Masks. So versatile and easy to use! :)
Here's one of my family heritage pages using ArtPlay Palette Floralis.


Well-Known Member
I'm loving all the stitches and those brushes but to be honest I'm getting a bit overwhelmed , I wouldn't know which ones to chose ( and how to explain it to my bankmanager if I let myself loose in the shop. oh and then all those art palettes .. where do I start??


Well-Known Member
OMG!!! What an artist! The only downside is that it takes forever to browse through her shop, and the wish list is growing and growing.
Beautiful stuff, and G R E A T that she's on Oscraps now!


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
This is actually not that hard! Choose one Artplay that speaks to you. Many are created according to holidays, seasons etc. So maybe you want to scrap some summer photos, beach photos, or (my favorite) strawberry photos. Choose one of those Artplays.

And this is why it's easy. One Artplay includes a ton of brushes, as WELL as elements, papers, and overlays and transfers. So in one artplay, you already get to try out a brush or four!

As for the stitches - a favorite product of mine...grab Stitched by Anna White No. 01 to get started. I think a white stitch is what most people use the most!

Now you've not spent too much and you have a bunch of stuff to play with. Did that help?! :D

I'm loving all the stitches and those brushes but to be honest I'm getting a bit overwhelmed , I wouldn't know which ones to chose ( and how to explain it to my bankmanager if I let myself loose in the shop. oh and then all those art palettes .. where do I start??