
Adsr #4


Well-Known Member
Blythe - Hang in there. =) It was just one of those that struck me right away. I got lucky that the theme made me think of the lyric and the lyric made me think of the idea. Knowing my luck, I'll probably struggle with the next one.


Well-Known Member
Blythe - Hang in there. =) It was just one of those that struck me right away. I got lucky that the theme made me think of the lyric and the lyric made me think of the idea. Knowing my luck, I'll probably struggle with the next one.

Oh I am.. part of my problem is that this picture I chose just doesn't need much.. it's just one of those shots where there really are no words. I have a quote that is fitting but i dunno if it'll count as journaling. Im waiting for the final verdict lol.


Feeling at hOme!
I am part of the Race too!
I am teaming with Mel and we are the Coffee-tea-ria team, you can follow our steps on our Race Blog.

Here is my layout for the first challenge: Pretty Red dress

And I am thrilled about all the great prizes we will found all over our way...


back hOme and loving it
I didn't join in this year either.
I had such a blast last year though...and I won a big prize...it was a scrapbooking retreat in Utah...but I couldn't make it, so they gave me the 10 Digital Scrapbook Memories CD's that you can get at Michaels...very exciting to say the least...I made a fabulous new friend from "across the pond"...my wonderful partner Dumpty {love ya hun~!} she was awesome~! and so gracious
I just haven't been able to get things back to normal yet though...
So it is sad for me too...

Wishing all of you racers a fabulous race...I know you will have a great time~!
didn't join this year either Shell hun :)
and I loved racing with you last year too

wish you all a lot of fun this year !
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So good to be back!
Man, do I have the pics for this one!! Emma decorated my walls with crayon...as well as the tv, dining room table, etc. This has been one long vacation....


Well-Known Member
I've not read this whole thread yet 'cuz I'm a new sign in...
Anyhow, I'm playing in ADSR4 and I started w/o a clue...buts thats ok.Partner and I are determined to have fun.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Michelle! I noticed your postings at NDISB. I think you will have a blast!

Cyn - Tell me about it! I have actually removed the crayons and hid them.

Tessie and I have decided on a layout of the boys, but we did consider pictures of us (after consuming some adult beverages) playing Wii. We deemed them not fit for public consumption. hee hee!


Well-Known Member
This is a tough one, but Karen came up with a great idea. :) I am missing my Hello software though to swap screenshots though.

Looking forward to seeing everyone's lo's.


So good to be back!
Welcome Michelle! I noticed your postings at NDISB. I think you will have a blast!

Cyn - Tell me about it! I have actually removed the crayons and hid them.

Tessie and I have decided on a layout of the boys, but we did consider pictures of us (after consuming some adult beverages) playing Wii. We deemed them not fit for public consumption. hee hee!

Sara, I tried hiding them but a full blown temper tantrum ensued... We want to get her chalk but of course, we can't find it in the swamp

Oh, and those pics of you and Tessie playing Wii...we need to see them!!!!


...loves her some "O"
Cyn...do you need me to send you some big chalk, hun? we have marker issues here...and stickers...all over the place...*sigh*


Well-Known Member

You already did the # 3 done... I even had time to check this out

form your link it would think that it is at gottapixel lol
I will check your entry when I will be done with mine... lol


Well-Known Member
I am in as well.
I am a bit scarce on the O at the moment because I am beyond busy (and I MISS being here and doing the challenges...)

Have fun everyone!